Garytop's Display Cabinet

Hi All

Its been a long while since I’ve made a spriting gallery thread. While I plan to continue posting my F2E sprites to the submission thread, I also will post them here alongside some non F2E stuff. I have drawn a lot of sprites over the last decade and a half and probably won’t post them all here, maybe mainly the more recent ones and ones of significance to me.

I’ll also post a little commentary and backstory to each of the sprites uploaded here as well. I won’t post commentary or the like on the submission thread.

I don’t usually accept requests (never accepted commissions because I see this as a hobby not a paying gig), mainly because my spare time isn’t entirely filled with spriting (I do other things outside of this) and that doesn’t usually line up with people’s deadlines etc.

In light of recent discussion around using my F2E work I have added a disclaimer below.

Updated Disclaimer in regards to F2E marked work

I’m personally not fussed with people using my art marked as F2E for their projects or to be spliced from. I don’t draw to earn money, but more for fun and if people can use the art I draw to improve themselves or produce their desired hack, etc that is fine.

However for the sake of transparency I would still like for credit to be given if the sprite is used so people are aware that whatever you are producing has used assests from somewhere else so people are aware of what they are receiving.

You cannot sell commissions or products using my F2E artwork without significant enough alterations or deviations unless otherwise discussed with me beforehand. The artwork I’ve marked as F2E is meant to be F2E, if you are just re selling it as your own artwork then that is very disingenuous as that product wouldn’t cost that person something if they just took it from the F2E section.

I’ll divide my sprites into two major categories;
F2E and Observation Only (3rd Post)

(P.S my understanding is F2E is more encompassing than F2U, so obviously things inside the F2E section are also F2U)

F2E Fire Emblem
FE Archanea Saga - FE1, 3, 11, 12

FE MarishaFE Marisha d

FE 12 Marisha

This was a mugshot made for a CCC contest with this one, I wanted to try and make a balance between her grey/silver hair colour in her old art vs the blue from her in game art. Her hair ended up especially shiny.

FE Athena

FE 11/12 Athena

Another mugshot made for a CCC contest. I see most people try to replicate her base pose where she looks rather front on (actually is very front on in most of her official arts (including heroes). I have come to notice when looking at her other arts for reference, none of the artists really agree on how the back of her hair works with the ponytail/s.

FE Camus

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon - Camus

So I decided to try my hand at Camus/Zeke. While I like Daisuke’s art in general I really liked Hidari’s take on Camus, so I went with that design for the hair and face. Although I went with the Heroes rendition of Camus’ outfit. I really like how his hair turned out so that really egged me on to try and nail his clothing. I came to realise that there isnt a good perspective of Heroes Camus’ outfit for his shoulders and epaulets with thin strands like Zeke’s are still a pain to sprite. Still overall happy with how they turned out. Now I’ve done 3 of Fire Emblem’s Black Knights :stuck_out_tongue:

FE Valentia Saga - FE 2, Echoes

FE Zeke

Fire Emblem Gaiden - Zeke

So I decided to try my hand at Camus/Zeke. While I like Daisuke’s art in general I really liked Hidari’s take on Camus, so I went with that design for the hair and face. Although I went with the Heroes rendition of Camus’ outfit. I really like how his hair turned out so that really egged me on to try and nail his clothing. I came to realise that there isnt a good perspective of Heroes Camus’ outfit for his shoulders and epaulets with thin strands like Zeke’s are still a pain to sprite. Still overall happy with how they turned out. Now I’ve done 3 of Fire Emblem’s Black Knights :stuck_out_tongue:

FE Echoes Saint

FE Echoes Gaiden - Echoes Saint

So this was created towards the butt end of my Awakening project as a break from Awakening portraits. Some of the generics in the series have such great designs, but you don’t really get to see them often. The Echoes saint is such one. I did toss up on doing the 2nd strap with the headdress or removing it entirely as it blended into her hair shine a bit too much, however I think the headdress does complete the look regardless of the amount of straps across the top she has. Either way a nice side thing to do and am otherwise pretty happy with it. If I were to touch something up, maybe her shirt thing around the chest area.

FE Jugdral Saga - FE 4, FE 5

FE Lachesis

FE4 Lachesis

A Lachesis I did quickly in an evening for the a CCC submission, I looked at a few references for her and saw her and Eldigian are usually depicted with Gold or Red eyes, so I decided to try gold. If I would revist this, I’d probably re do her shoulders. On that note, her non TCG art armour doesnt make sense to me (wierd collar guard that rests on top of a shirt rather than a plate).

FE Seliph

FE 4 Seliph

Similar to Ike above, he is also based on some art from Kozaki, however not quite as faithful to the pose. I also wanted to make this one more similiar to the Wada Sachiko styles of FE6, 7 and 8. Another part of Sprite-tober

FE Lester

FE4 Lester

A ways back (I was going by Kai Shiden as a username at the time) Arch made a call out for assistance for his ambitous FE4 Advance hack. It looked really impressive and he had this massive character sheet that basically was a hit list for spriters to trying and submit mugshots for. I submitted for Leptor, Byron, Lex and Lester. Ultimately I think only my Lex and Lester got accepted, and of those Lex was rightly so re done by The Blind Archer since that Lex was not that great. Lester however I was really proud of and it was probably for the longest time one of my better done custom mugshots. I decided to revist it recently and clean it up and put it out there for everyone because FE4 Advance obiviously isnt going to use it and I only ever made the mugshot for someone else’ use so why not put it out there.
In the past I have contributed to many projects, but I think to be honest only TLP was the only one to my knowledge that ever got completed, but who know? maybe I should search up what happened to those old hacks like Decay of the Fang.

FE Olwen

FE5 Olwen

Trying to balance Olwen’s colours was a struggle, I’m impressed sometimes with how much colour some characters get and utilise, but I find using whites/light colours in clothing and in hair usually take up the most colour slots in a mug, so you always need to get creative with the rest of the colours.
I do like Friege siblings with Reinhardt being the Camus of Thracia. Also helps I like both of their designs from FEH, although cuboon does sometimes go a bit overboard with the curves, but I like the way they do their colours and shading.

FE Zane

FE 4 Zane

This was a CCC submission. Ah generic Geneology Brock of Agustria, I made his design based on some ideas from his generic portrait and his manga appearance. The scarf, head and collar are based on his generic appearance and his front button up, cloak and the idea for epaulets came from the manga. The manga had tassles off the epaulets but I find tassles either hit or miss and the metallic shading they ended up with I think looks good without tassels.

FE Quan

FE 4 - Quan

This one was tough, it took me several iterations before I settled on these eyes and then I was looking at different inspirations for his clothing, deciding on a mix combination between his default Heroes attire and his cipher art by Wada Sachiko. I always kind of like his design on paper, but when it came to spriting it was rough. If I was to revisit this one, I’d probably re size him a little bit, its wierd, but I feel his head is slightly too big, but when I measure it, its not bigger than average mugs and is actually smaller than the one I used as a base for the initial face posing (Beran).

FE Elibe Saga - FE 6, 7

FE Erik

FE 7 Erik

This mugshot was made for a CCC contest, I had an idea to repose Erik (his head is angled more akin to Valter and Linus, rather than his base and older look. His look shifted from being sneaky/conceited to a more braver look. His armour is a cross between his father’s armour and his FE6 one. Was actually how suprised with how into making this mugshot I got.

FE Brave Klein

FE 6 "Brave" Klein

This was a CCC submission. I wanted to try a more dynamic pose for this mug and decided to try Klein out in his Father’s clothing. Using a heavy use of the border colour for the black of his clothes was more to stay in line with how both of them use the border colour for the blacks in their clothing in their original games. That and also I hit the color limit quickly with using blonde and white (usually these use 4 shades). While showing a friend this mug in progress they mentioned he looks a lot like Link and now that they said that I can’t unsee it.

FE Smash Roy

FE6 - Roy (Smash Bros For WiiU and 3DS

So I did this version of Roy when he was announced as DLC for Smash 4, the original version can be seen in the observation only section of this thread. I did say I would like to eventually go back and redo his shoulders and lo and behold I went back and re did his clothing and made frames for him. I can thank Roy and Marth’s inclusion into Smash Melee for partly introducing me and getting me hooked on Fire Emblem as I thought they were related to Hector and Eliwood when I saw Blazing Sword in stores. It also helped I also was playing Advance Wars by that time too being a fan of strategy genre games for the longest time. I actually like how this Roy turned out because he sort of looks older and more mature like an endgame or postgame Roy.

FE Brave UhaiFE Brave Uhai Bandanna Alt

FE7 - "Brave" Uhai

So pondering what to draw that wasn’t Awakening but still Fire Emblem, I decided on Uhai who I felt was often overlooked. He is a notable Black Fang member and lacks artwork. I think he used to be a pretty high up member of his Sacaen clan from memory but decided he believed in Brendan Reed’s ideals and threw his lot in with the Black Fang. So I like to imagine this is what he would dress up like if he was going for war and never left Sacae. The clothing/armour is based on Mongolian style dress, which is what I think inspired most of the Sacae designs (don’t quote me on that, citation needed). I don’t know why I punish myself with furs and feathers which I dislike drawing, but hey seems to be a common design factor in Sacaean/Mongolian clothing.

FE Magvel Saga - FE 8

FE A Ephraim

FE Awakening Ephraim

Awakening had some DLC back in the day when it was thought to be the last Fire Emblem and basically the DLC was a culmination and celebration of Fire Emblem. Einherjar concept in Awakening was that you could summon select heroes/villains from all the past franchise titles to be your allies in Awakening which was cool. They later added special DLC Einherjar heroes who came with extra bonuses with special art (different artists) for Awakeing (Ike, Michiah, Roy, Celica, Alm, Eirika, Ephraim, Marth, Leif, Seliph, Elincia, Lyn, Katarina, Palla, Catria, Est) where they were wearing their awakening class outfits. I did do a Roy as well, but it didn’t turn out that great whereas I was really satisfied with this Ephraim.

FE Tellius Saga - FE 9, 10


FE PoR Ike

For Fire Emblem’s 25th Anniversary Yusuke Kozaki, the main artist for Awakening, Fates and the main FEH OCs did some really cool artwork of most o the main lords of the Fire Emblem series in general (in that one he did Radiant Dawn Ike). Later on he also did a PoR Ike who actually looked like Roy a bit, but I really liked the angle and design so I wanted to sprite that one rather than his pose used in FE9 which everyone else seems to sprite. Side note personally I don’t like tracing original art (eg tracing Ike from FE9 or FE10) to make my sprites, mainly because I try to keep proportions and style smilar to the GBA games which is I suppose my developed spriting style.
Its a little hard to tell from the insertion image but his hair severely limited his pose options and how wide or tall he could be in the hackbox.

Fe Black Knight MkIV

FE PoR Black Knight

Not too much to say about this one, he is my favourite FE Villain. Basically giving you Darth Vader vibes the whole time with his own theme and slow unstoppable march to you. This is actually the 4th version of him I have sprited over the years. The main goal was to maintain his proportions and fit him into the hack box while also making sure his helmet looked physically correct sizing for a GBA character’s head.

FE Altina

FE PoR/FEH Altina

When Altina was introduced into FEH I was estatic, because this was probably the first proper time to my knowledge we got a close up depiction of this badass of a swordswoman who wields both Ragnell and Alondite, both noted to require great strength and skill to wield (Ike’s description in Smash is noted that Ragnell is a two handed sword, which makes him wielding it one handed all the more impressive).
I like her design in FEH which is done by the Tellius main artist Kita Senri. Kita Senri (FE9&10), Wada Sachiko (FE6, 7 & 8) and Daisuke Izuka (FE11&12) are probably my favourite Fire Emblem artists, followed by Hidari(Gaiden Echoes) and Yusuke Kozaki (Awakening/Fates) and Soeda Ippei (FEH; Dorcas, Garon, Walhart, Arden, etc).
Shading dark shiny hair, is interesting and is quite different from standard Fire Emblem GBA hair colours, yet here we are. They always pose an interesting question on approach to me.
This was originally a Sprite-tober sprite, however the original results were vastly different to this that I spent much more time than the other ones cleaning it up.

FE PetrineFE Petrine

FE PoR Petrine

One of my favourite designed villains from FE. Her shoulder pad caused me grief because I had to angle it down a bit, but it looks odd angled down. If I revist her, I may re do her clothing entirely again based on her FEH clothing instead.

UPDATE: So I decided to go back and recolour and re shade her clothing, now that I’ve had some more experience working with black shades. That and the flat trimming always bothered me, but after working with limited colours on my Cima Grahu sprite I worked out what colours to use for Petrine. (To be honest I think Petrine’s design is probably based on Cima’s OG design). I’ve kept the old colouring up for comparison and in case anyone for some reason prefers it.


FE RD - Ike Vanguard

So I was looking through some pictures I saved to my computer and found cool artwork of Ike and a selection of the Greil Mercenaries done by Novice back in 2018 (reference to La Liberte guidant le peuple) and liked that pose for Ike in that picture. So I decided to sprite Ike in a similar pose since everyone else just usually copies his Radiant Dawn artwork. Funnily enough it ends up being similar to his Ranger pose from Path of Radiance instead. The advantage of this pose is his shoulder pad doesnt take up nearly as much as insertion real estate. I went with the FEH styled collar where the lining is more silver/grey than green, which helps with the colour limits. Overall happy with how this turned out, the only gripe I have is how his closer collar is overlapping his face which gives it a slightly funny shape, so for reference here is topless Ike to see his face better;

FE Lord Ike

FE PoR - Lord Ike

So now I’ve done Ike in 3 of his stages. I liked his Lord/Commander Ike look from PoR when I was younger, it was the first time you see a class change affect a character sprite (portrait wise) and that was probably what helped cement it. Although on closer inspection he feels a little dull colour scheme wise compared to his Vanguard, Ranger and Hero outfits. This pose and look was based on artwork posted by @kyel_hyde_ on twitter. I thought that pose was really badass looking and wanted to draw that, however I found with the hackbox his Tellius style signature long shoulder pads made things difficult. I did like how it did turn out in the end though. His look kind of looks like a natural age up evolution between his ranger and his hero look.

FE Ike Heroimage

FE RD - Hero Ike

So now I’ve done Ike in all 4 of his stages. Out of the 4 classes I like this design probably the least (still cool) because it looks the most simple to me, but I do like kind of the colour theme-ing sort of wrapping back round to Ranger Ike again (Blue, Yellow, Red, kind of like a Gundam). However due to possibly the largest colour palette portrait Ike, I did struggle a bit more with balancing the colours. If I had 3 more colours I would also recolour the cape clasp into a silver one and the lining on his collar into a dark grey rather than blue. I also changed the tone of his hair to be in between my Lord Ike and Vanguard Ike colours. Its subtle, but kind of noticeable when you put them next to each other. The pose and look rather than going with his RD portrait was based on Kozaki’s take on him in Fates. I feel like the pose better suits the hackbox and makes him look taller. I liked how his body turned out, so I also decided to post his shirtless version here (I do make shirtless versions of most of my sprites so I can put their clothes on top of them so I can make sure their anatomy looks/makes sense) If I were to revisit this one, I’d probably re do his hair, its the thing I’m least happy with in this sprite.

FE Black Knight MkVFE Black Knight MkV vZelgius
FE Black Knight MkV ExceedFE Black Knight MkV vZelgius Exceed

FE PoR/RD - Black Knight MkV

So this is my 5th attempt at the Black Knight, this time it was made with being able to have Zelgius’ head on top in mind so I had to limit my colour palette options greatly (having 5 tone skin, 3 tone hair leaves only 6 tones for armour, cape and trimming). This time I based the proportions of his collar guard more so on his Daisuke Inazuke art from FEH and Cipher so it doesn’t quite go up as high. I decided to also do variants that are compatible with the mug exceed patch as well to make his shoulder plate look a little nicer proportion wise and his helmet regain a bit of its shaping by extending the points a little bit. Overall I’m happy with how his armour turned out, its mainly the helmet that is bugging me. I may do an Muspell variant as well (look at his FEH Resplendent alt). One thing I noticed while looking at reference pictures is that you never see the bottom of his helmet in his art, its generally covered by his chest piece or when held, his gauntlets.

EDIT: For the exceed patch here are the coordinates for the extra pieces;

FE Ylisse Saga - FE 13
-Has moved due to its own post due to containing too many sprites-

FE Fates Saga - FE 14

FE Xander
FE Xander

FE Fates Xander

Xander is interesting, I personally prefer him over Ryoma, but I preferred playing Revalations (mainly because I liked different builds and parent combos with everyone, but RIP Scarlet) so take from that what you will. Looking at his design its not as loud and busy as Ryoma’s on initial look, however he had a lot of complexity himself. I had to get creative with the colours and his hair wasn’t easy to get down pat either. If you see the 2nd image I uploaded you will see how I utilised his colour pallette.

FE Arete

FE14 (Fates) Arete

This was a CCC submission. One of my favourite designed characters to come out of Fates. She had this air of superiority and refinement in that game with the way she carried herself in her artwork. Then FEH gave her a wierd face and demeanor. I had to get creative with the colour pallette for this one but overall was quite pleased with how this came out.

FE Ryoma
+Ryoma Nohrian Alt
FE Ryoma Nohr
+Ryoma (SSJ), Ryoma Nohr (SSJ)
FE Ryoma SSJFE Ryoma Nohr SSJ

FE 14 Fates - Ryoma

A CCC submission. I think one of the coolest characters designed by Kozaki, that lion’s mane of hair is crazy. I decided if I wanted to try and fit it into the hackbox I had to make his pose face towards the screen more so you could shift the volume of the hair to more behind him. Still was a fun challenge to sprite.
I also did in addition to his Crown Hoshidan Prince garb I did a alt in the Crown Nohrian Prince clothing (Xander’s) and just for fun because of his hair, I also did an SSJ (Super Saiyan) colouring of his hair (it wasnt quite a 1 to 1 recolour because some of the colours didnt quite fit).

FE Ryoma v2

FE 14 Fates - Ryoma v2

So the last time I did Ryoma it was under a time constraint in a contest condition, to be honest wasn’t my best work as I was also working on 2 other characters, their alts and Ryoma’s fullbody at the same time, so everything sorta suffered. After working on Galanoth and looking at that pose, I thought to myself I could do a better Ryoma with a similar pose and give more justice to his hair and height. After looking at some more reference art, I also decided to angle his arms based off a Fire Emblem Warriors render where he isn’t in his Fates pose so it better fits his shoulder plates. Overall I am pretty happy with how this one turned out, it matches better opposing the Xander I made since they’re now similar heights rather than short Ryoma. I did play with the idea of shrinking Ryoma 3 pixels to exaggerate the hair more, but I think this design is more reasonable and a nice balance between his height and his hair volume.

FE Hinoka
+Hinoka Nohrian Alt
FE Hinoka Nohr

FE 14 Fates - Hinoka

Also another CCC submission. I actually prefer Hinoka over Camilla of the sisters, although to be honest both of their intro cutscenes are ridiculous for different reasons (Camilla fanservice overload and Hinoka spear-copter). She has quite the volume in her head of hair. I think its interesting that her design wasnt originally meant be for the princess and that Kagero’s was going to be the elder princess. I suppose then we would of had a big buxomed sister regardless of the path so I suppose its helps contrasts the families a bit, even though the rest of the siblings kinda reflect eachother’s opposite well.

I also did an alt of Hinoka in Camilla’s outfit, which turned out to be much easier to sprite due to it just being a shawl/cape thing at shoulder height.

FE CamillaFE Camilla No HeaddressFE Camilla Emblem Alt

FE 14 Fates - Camilla

This one was done as mini break from Awakening portraits. I figured I had done Hinoka, Ryoma and Xander, so I should also probably do Hinoka’s opposite in Camilla. Man I forgot how much hair she had. Actually was kinda fun to do this one, with it being somewhat simple (especially since I decided to forego doing her hand). I also decided to do an alt based on her colours as an Emblem from Engage as well, since after doing Spirit Naga it was kind of refreshingly fun to do as well. I also really liked how her hair turned out and did an alt without her headdress too. I may do a queen or Hoshidan alt someday down the line as well to match Hinoka in her outfit.

FE Fates Heroimage

FE 14 Fates - Hero

So this is one of the generic designs I wanted to sprite, I’m a sucker for cool winged helmets (thinking back to Warcraft 3’s Captain and Blood Elf footmen) That and I think there are some really cool looking generic designs. Although the colour palette looks simple, I actually ran out of colours and needed to use the red for their hair (I could of used the trimming to make him blonde like the actual generics, however I felt it would blend to much with his helmet) The red tones and armour grey could be recoloured easily, however the trimming and skin tones would probably need to be treated with some more care if you want to recolour this. If I were to revist this one, I would probably re look at his headgear. I also decided to draw his shield as well, although there is no way to fit that into the hackbox nicely even with a hackbox extension patch.

FE Fates Priestess

FE 14 Fates - Priestess

So this one started because it was a neat but simple design, however on closer inspection this one uses way more colours (hair, gold headpiece, red shoulder pad, white top, etc. So balancing the colours for this one became real hard. You can recolour the red and the hair if you want, however if you want to recolour anything else, then you’d have to be creative. The other thing that was odd about this one was trying to match the pose, which ended up a bit awkward when working on it. I did also consider doing one where they haven’t got the shadow over the top of their head.

FE RallymanFE Rallyman No Hand

FE 14 Fates - Master of Arms/Rallyman

Its everyone’s favourite Fates NPC, the Rallyman! But seriously, when doing generics this guy sorta sat on the must do list. Although when actually working on him, the part of him that is visible is kinda plain and simple (minus the hand). I tried fitting his hand up to eye level, but then it just covered his face so I had to lower it a bit. Aside from that I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. I still think the arm looks a little odd so I have done an alt without his arm there.

FE Takumi

FE 14 Fates - Takumi

Here is the next Fates Royal, the Sniper Takumi. After looking at reference pieces for his design, I decided on a cross between his portrait in Fates (body pose) and a cool Fates anniversary art done by Kozaki (head and hair pose) for this design. I liked how it turned out although his clothes did end up covering the details I had put into his ponytail. The trickiest part of this portrait was actually working out how to fit all of his colours into the colour palette, which despite kind of having a dull colour scheme, uses a lot of colours compared to his siblings (grey brown hair, White Collar and shirt, a dark blue scarf thing, lighter blue coat and sleeves and lastly a red ribbon in his hair and chest tassle things). Overall happy with how it turned out though. I’m not sure if I’d do a fallen alt because it was already pretty hard getting his colours to fit in.

FE Leo

FE 14 Fates - Leo

Another Fates Royal, the 2nd Male of Nohr Leo. Unlike the others, his pose and look are mainly based on his Fates portrait. His colour selection was partly based on my Xander done previously to try and keep a sort of family resemblance between the two. It may not be obvious in his in game Fates portraits and cutscenes, but his outfit has actually a lot of colours, so balancing his colour palette was a bit tricky. I also noticed when drawing up the line art, his hair design reminds me a lot of Marth, except with a headband rather than a tiara. If I was to revisit Leo, I’d probably re do his hair.

FE Elise

FE 14 Fates - Elise

The last of the playable Nohrian Royals, Elise. This one required a bit of theory crafting on how to colour her and utilise the limit of 15 colours (16 including the background). Even though her outfit is predominantly black with pink highlights, you need to remember she has a white shirt under her cloak, a white pinkish flower on her chest and she also chose to have purple highlights in her hair to take after her older sister Camilla. So for Elise I used only 2 unique colours for her blonde (plus 2 skin tones), 2 unique colours for her black clothing (plus the border colour), 2 unique colours for her purple highlights and for the white flower and ribbons I used 3 unique colours (plus 1 skin tone). Overall I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out, however I do find her two ponytails a bit more blandly coloured, but when I tried to add some texture like I did Mariabelle’s I think the limit to my colour palette made it difficult to look any good.

FE Sakura

FE 14 Fates - Sakura

The last of the playable Hoshido Royals, Sakura. This one was much easier compared to her Nohrian counterpart, far less colours to try and balance. Looking at references for her design was enlightening. For example I didn’t really notice she had a like a hairbow behind her hair. I did originally try colouring her with the same skin tones I gave her siblings, but that turned out a bit too yellow or dark for her look (more like the FE8 standard tones for males), so I gave her a more fair skin tone. Overall I’m pretty satisfied with how this one turned out. If I were to revisit this one, I might add her staff.

FE Fodlan Saga - FE 15

FE Bernadetta

FE 3 Houses School Phase Bernadetta

Back in 2020 I did a Sprite-tober (basically an Inktober) where I did a sprite a day. She was one of those (yes this was done in one evening after work). Most of those ended up okay but she ended up being one of the better ones. If I went back, I would probably revisit her eyes mainly.

FE Marianne
FE Marianne

FE 3 Houses School Phase Marianne

I really like Marianne’s school phase hair design, I much prefer it over her war phase one. However the reason I did this was because I actually saw someone do a long hair edit of her Three Houses portrait and did that one first. Then doing her OG cut was just the next logical step. If I were to revisit this one, I’d probably re do her shoulders.

FE Catherine

FE 3 Houses Catherine

One of my favourite looking characters out of 3 Houses and to be honest I do like a lot of the faculty pf the church of Seiros. I like the interesting colouring of her hair, it was a dirty blonde unlike any other I had seen really depicted in Fire Emblem. Working out the colours for her sprite were fun and I think suited her really well. I am pretty proud of this one, definitely one of my cleaner sprites, probably being one of the more recent ones at the time of this update.


FE3 Houses Catherine GBA Swordmaster Battle sprite

A simple Catherine alt of the existing female swordmaster I made to go with the Catherine Portrait. I may do some edits and make an more complex alt animation for using Thunderbrand.

FE ManuelaFE Manuela No Hands AltFE Manuela Winking Alt

FE 3 Houses - Manuela

Manuela from Three Houses, a fun character who interestingly is classed as an assasin if fought against post timeskip. I thought it would of been cool if you could of made her a dancer in the game although I suppose double dancer/singer could be broken. Although to be honest Three Houses was already pretty broken with the reclass system. Again like I mentioned in the Catherine commentary, I am a fan of most of the Seiros Faculty Manuela included. Can be sultry, cheeky and still a loser in love, demonstrating why in the game quite well.

FE Hilda Academy

FE 3 Houses - Hilda Academy Design

Here is another Golden Deer girl, this one was done at a request, however it is a good warm up sprite to get back into things after being away on holiday not drawing for about a month. Her pose was based on a 2017 anniversary artwork drawn by Kusakihara Toshiyuki for Fire Emblem Heroes, because I wanted to do something slightly different from her regular pose from Three Houses and Heroes. I find Pink is always a hard colour to balance (depending on the pink you are after), its very easy to go too dark or too pale, or the transition shades don’t blend well or have to sharp of a contrast. So working with Pink feels like a good “level up” exercise when you get it right. I considered adding the gold trimming to her uniform on her chest, but when I attempted it, it didnt look quite right, so I decided to leave it out in this one.

FE 3 Houses Bishop F

FE 3 Houses/Hopes - Female Bishop

So I was looking through some generic designs and thought about, what are some cool ones from the Fodlan era. I didnt realise so many are bland looking, but I think its because you dont really notice them as much next to the main cast. Interestingly the Valkyrie class design hasn’t actually changed between Awakening through to 3 Houses. Another thing that was interesting was most of the male variants were much more bland than the female variants of the generic classes in the Fodlan era too. Which is why I decided to do the female bishop, she is a lot more dripped out than the male variants. While working on this one I decided to also choose a brighter palette than what Three Houses/Hopes uses because I think that kind of adds to the blandness of their looks. The colours I chose ended up reminding me of Lumera from Engage a little bit too. I think the only thing I’m not really happy with in this are the chains on her hat/veil, chains that small are always a kind of difficult to get to look right.

FE CorneliaFE Cornelia AltFE Cornelia No Feather Alt
FE Cornelia Angry AltFE Cornelia Alt Angry AltFE Cornelia No Feather Alt Angry Alt

FE 3 Houses - Cornelia

I was thinking coming back I wanted to do a villain. I also found that I hadn’t done many female villains, so Cornelia sort of ticked both boxes. She was a challenge because she has a lot of colours even if they’re varying shades of red/purple/pink. I could double up some colours in her hair with her skin tone to give me more jewelry or clothing tones, but I think this set was nice and it meant if I wanted to do a TWISTD alt (even though I don’t think an official one exists) I could recolour things easily. The hardest was trying to get her eyes kind of right, and this is what I came up with. Otherwise I was pretty happy with everything else (although I wish I considered making her a little taller to draw more of her dress to imply more coverage). If I were to revisit, I’d defintely go back to the feathers and maybe the eyes, which is why I’ve done 2 alts (one without the purple feathers and one without Gremory feathers at all)

EDIT: Added Angry/Snapped Variants

FE Elyos Saga - FE 16

FE Saphir

Fire Emblem Engage - Saphir

So I suppose here is my first sprite of the new game. My S rank girl Saphir. Using white for hair is interesting, it forces a 4 tone hair like pale blondes so you need to get creative or hope your character doesn’t need that many clothing colours. I do like how her hair turned out, but if I were to revist this one, I’d spend the most time on her eyes, I wasn’t quite satisfied with how they turned out but I was eager to move onto other parts of her. I am also happy with how most of her armour turned out, except I think her far shoulder pads need to be a little bigger.

FE Mitan

Fire Emblem Engage - Mitan

Fire Emblem’s first female Barbarian/Brigand. Decided to do this one because I wanted to do something a bit more colourful compared to my recent public sprites. One thing you can say Engage’s designs have is that they are definitely colourful. I didnt realise how busty a lot of Engage’s cast is as well. Another reason to do this one was because aside from Magvel (FE8), I think it’s the cast I have drawn the least for. That said Valentia (FE2/Echoes) and Zenith (FEH) are not that far ahead either. I just tend not to do the GBA era characters as much because well, they originated this style already.

FE Aytolis Saga - FEW

FE Aytolis Guardian KnightFE Aytolis Guardian Knight RedFE Aytolis Guardian Knight Green

Fire Emblem Warriors - Aytolis Guardian Knight

So back when I was looking for generics to draw, I was wondering about the trying something from not a mainline series (was considering Heroes, but most of the generics are really plain, especially compared to the OCs from there) and settled one something I haven’t drawn anything for. I actually played the first Fire Emblem warriors more than Three Hopes. I liked it because it does what Koei does coolest in it’s crossover titles, actually crossover (Dynasty Warriors Gundam, OG Hyrule Warriors, Warriors Orochi, All Stars, etc) and you get to see cute and cool interactions between beloved characters. Now its hilarious, saying that the Heroes generics are plain versus the FE:Warriors ones considering there is nothing that sort of changes the looks of soldiers between factions besides colours. That and their armoured knights are blocky as hell. Such as the Guardian Knight (a Tier 3 Great Knight essentially). If I thought some of the other characters were hard to colour, this one was surprisingly hard to keep within the limits despite not having hair. As for recolouring the darker blues are easy to recolour but the rest are not. I’ll consider recolouring these into the Red and Green variants as it would probably take a bit more effort than simple actions but we’ll see how I feel. Also yes it is completely contained to the hackbox, no expansion patch required, despite how blocky this guy’s armour is.

EDIT: Added Red and Green versions

FE Zenith Saga - FEH

FE Anna AskrFE Anna Askr Hand
+Anna (Shadow Dragon Jake Alt)
FE Anna Jake Alt

Fire Emblem Heroes - Anna (Askr)

Another CCC Submission. Kozaki’s third take on Anna. Something I’ve noticed with Kozaki’s hair styles is that they often do a lot of layering on the the character’s fringes, you can see it in the Kjelle and Hinoka I’ve done as well. You know besides the wierd Askran Shoulder guards, Anna is dressed rather reasonably for a Kozaki character. After this CCC contest I think I’ll focus on using some other colours besides red. Part of the reason for doing the alts of all these submissions is because of the abundance of Red in their base designs. I’ll probably slow down a bit in October on sprites, because I have some personal spriting art projects lined up for October that probably won’t be posted on here.

FE Laegjarn

Fire Emblem Heroes - Laegjarn

Honestly I think the Muspell and Nifl OCs from Fire Emblem Heroes are probably amongst my favourite Fire Emblem Heroes OCs. Only problem with the Muspell and Nifl ones are their crazy hair gradients which severely impact the amount of colours you get to work with on the rest of the portrait. Still Laegjarn is amongst my favourite designed characters from FEH. I got design inspirations for her hair shading and styling from Meziosaur’s artwork of her (P.S Meziosaur has done amazing artwork of Fire Emblem characters, I suggest checking them out). It was a fun challenge working out how to distribute her colours, I considered sacking a skin tone to get an extra colour, but managed to rework the trimming colours to get a output I liked. The only thing I would add if I had more colours is change the black of her non cloak clothing to a more blue black. Its a shame her Emblem is so big, I’m quite proud of her cloak shading (interesting reverse colour shading similar to the colouring style of Ruby Rose’s hair from RWBY. In fact here is a screencap of the cloak with out the emblem on it.

FE TCGs - FE TCG, FE 0 (Cipher)

FE Yuzu

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) - Yuzu

So Fire Emblem has had a few official card games I believe. There was the original one that was released that covered I think Shadow Dragon, Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy and Thracia. That one was eventually discontinued and never made it to the GBA era. This was succeeded by Fire Emblem 0 or Cipher, which was discontinued at the end of 2020 (so it includes all Fire Emblem games up to Three Houses (not including Three Hopes)) . The Cipher series also has its own cast of OCs similar to FEH except these heroes’ home verses are from already existing Fire Emblem sagas rather than new ones. A handful of Cipher characters were made playable as DLC characters for Echoes. Yuzu’s home is Hoshido and therefore her home verse comes from Fates. However the design I decided to draw was her Echoes design, which is why her outfit and class is not that of a myrmidon/samurai and is instead a Valentian Priestess. Overall happy with how it turned out, although I wish I had maybe one more tone to play with for her hair to smooth out some of the transition shading in the layers of her hair (the colours I used where Vigarde’s hair tones).


FE Athena Half Body

FE11/12 Athena Half Body

P.S Also decided to do a Athena half/third body as well. Even though half bodies etc already breach the hackbox limits etc. I still like to restrict myself to the 15 colour limit (not including background) as practice for portrait insertion and creativity. Otherwise I would of coloured her arm fabrics a lighter blue rather than re using her hair colour.

FE Erik Half Body

FE 7 "Brave" Erik Half Body

I got so into making Erik I made a half/third body of him as well. I do have old fullbodies of the Reptor I posted and Black Knight, but the proportions on those werent great. The Black Knight was fun though for detail, I’ve placed that in the observation only.

FE Brave Klein Full Body

FE 6 "Brave" Klein Full Body

Hands… you either get them right or they always look off. In addition to this because Pent’s clothing is majority black I had to get a little creative with the shading in some spaces to outline his arms etc. I think if I could go back I would scale his body upsize just a little bit to better match the size of his head.

FE Zane Full Body

FE4 Zane Full Body

A bit more stiff in pose compared to Klein, but I think his height has better proportions. I didnt take all aspects of his clothing from the Manga because I felt the double unbuckled belt thing was wierd and his clothing at base was very plain (nothing wrong with that, I think over design or over decoration is a problem many characters have sometimes). I had a lot of trouble with his boots design and went over a few iterations before settling on this one (I found a limiting factor were the colours I was limiting myself to).

FE Arete Fullbody

FE13 Arete Full Body

A lot more fancy pose wise compared to the other two and I think body proportion wise is the best of the three here. Her hands I think are one of the better ones I’ve done. Her pose was mainly based on her Fates artwork, however her cloak gripping hand was based on her FEH artwork. The leg pose I decided on for fun and I felt add to the refined elegant look. From here, probably slow down on complete full bodies because they chew up so much effort and time if you are not tracing it/colouring over existing artwork. Fun fact, some of my sprites such as the fullbodies are usually layered and have bits underneath that are also sprited. This is done to help me understand how I should shade things as well as get a look at things without layers on top, its a fair bit extra effort but it goes a ways to improving and practicing your skills.

FE Manuela Fullbody

FE 3 Houses Manuela Full Body

This full body was fun to do. I actually had another idea for her pose originally, but then realised it would be similar to the last 3 female fullbody/half body poses I have done and decided to go with what you see here. Was fun to do, however I still need to get shoes down pat (boots and flat foot shoes are easy, heels and fancy shoes on the other hand…) Also her coat, cloak thing isn’t quite well explained in her concept art and it doesnt really match her in game model, which doesnt really match her appearances in the FMVs either.

FE Ryoma Fullbody
FE Fates Ryoma Fullbody (Raijinto is sheathed)

–More to Come–

FURTHER UPDATE: Due to the sheer amount of Ylisse Saga sprites I have done, they have been moved into their own post. Other F2E Fire Emblem titles will remain in the main post for now, and the Non Fire Emblem properties, OCs, Observation Only and Sillies will remain in their current post.


This post contains the Ylisse Saga/Awakening Sprites done (All are F2E)

FE Ylisse Saga - FE 13

FE PriamFE Priam v2

FE Awakening Priam

If I’m a fan of Ike and Tellius, then most likely I am going to be a fan of his descendant Priam. This one was interesting to take on because his hair is kinda nuts and Awakening armour designs in general were even more crazy (toilet bowl cavaliers?) The gear collar guard thing was the most annoying thing about this sprite and is depicted smaller here than in Awakening. That and the colour limit.

EDIT: I’ve gone back and redone Priam, mainly his clothing although his body and hair have been slightly altered to give me two more pixels of space in regards to the hackbox. His clothing was completely redone, (the whites was re coloured and I sacrificed one of the red tones after adding his his other shoulder pad) mainly adding his shoulder pad and resizing his collar guard so it looks better. Both versions will remain available.

FE KjelleFE Kjelle Less Armour

FE Awakening - Kjelle

I’ve done it, I worked out how to beat Kozaki’s Awakening Knight Armour into a hackbox. Kozaki has nice character designs, but some of his armour designs are pretty on the extreme side. This was fun to tackle and I had to do it in layers. First doing her under armour then doing her shoulderplate collar guard thing. Honestly however I don’t think you could fit Kellam as easily in a traditional box since Kjelle is shorter than he is. In fantasy settings in general I am a sucker for cool and intricate shoulder pad designs ala Warhammer and Warcraft, in fact I do have a history in tackling another extreme shoulder pad set (Varian Wrynn).

FE FlaviaFE Flavia No CollarFE Flavia No Shoulders

FE Awakening - Flavia

You know after working on Flavia, Catherine and Saphir, I feel like someone at IS since FE6 really likes the dark skin pale blond/silver hair aesthetic (Igrene, Hawkeye, Cormag/Glen, Naliah, Flavia, Rinka, Catherine, Saphir). This was another challenging sprite, but I feel like I managed to fit the armour into the hackbox better this time compared to Priam. Still dislike Awakening’s hero outfits and Kozaki’s obsession with strange collar guards. Had to do a lot of work to fit everything into the colour pallette this round. For hair colour and ponytail style I went with a blonde based on her Heroes designs. Because her hair gets covered by her collar a bit, I decided to do some alts without the collar guard. Then while I was at it, I decided to also remove the shoulders armour for another alt as well

FE MirielFE Miriel Alt

FE Awakening - Miriel

Ah hackbox my old friend, the gymnastics you make me do… I decided while working on a few tight portraits, that I may as well try Miriel with her hat as well. I decided when producing portraits to always restrict myself to the hackbox requirements and colours because in a way I find restrictions more freeing and creative than freedom (paralysis by free choice). Overall I’m happy with how this turned out. The hair I’m still iffy on, so if I ever revisit this, its the hair that is going to get the looking at. I also did an alt without her glasses because it was an easy alt to make (just remove the glasses layer) for usage too.

FE Sully

FE Awakening - Sully

Another Shepard, the red christmas cav of Awakening Sully. To my knowledge the only female christmas cavalier too. I preferred her over Stahl when playing through Awakening, but I liked both of them because when they promoted to either Paladin or Great Knight they had their colour versions of those classes rather than the generic blue that others got (Except for Fredrick). That was something I liked in Fates and Awakening that some characters had unique looks in certain classes (and in Fates some had extra ones in other classes (eg Takumi Swordmaster is Sumeragi’s outfit)). I spent a while on Sully’s eyes but still not 100 percent with it. I wanted her to look downwards a little bit, but every variation I tried looked a bit off, so I settled for this one. Ah well now I’ve done a Mother and Daughter combo.

FE ChromFE Chrom Right Facing

FE Awakening - Chrom

So besides Ike, Roy and a few old Marths that probably won’t be posted here anytime soon, I don’t think I’ve actually sprited many main lords. Just like what was done for Awakening, because Chrom’s design is very asymmetrical I have done a left and right facing version, with his default being the left facing (GBA standard) (Shoulder plate facing us). So up until October last year I was using only one monitor, then I got a 2nd one and sprite colours actually look different on both, I couldn’t quite get their colours to appear the same for me and Chrom’s hair on one looks really muted and hard to see the shades, but looks completely fine on the other. I was tossing up between making his hair brighter as it appears in his modern appearances or making it darker and muted like it appears in Awakening, so its kind of in between and the colour looks closer to his Brave alt art from FEH. I based his pose off a render from Fire Emblem Warriors rather than his Awakening pose.

FE Lissa

FE Awakening - Lissa

So Lissa’s design is interesting to me in that Kozaki has used it and several variations of it in Fire Emblem for several characters, similar to how he has re used Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius. Lissa with her hair down is Ophelia from Fates (which I guess makes sense being her descendant) and her hair style is also re used and re coloured for Peri, but I think it makes sense from a production point of view that if you need to pump out 50 - 60 character designs per game, that you can play smart and re purpose or re use aspects of older designs. In a sense its like he is splicing his own work, which is something I do sometimes if I need a basis for a new sprite and something I’ve already done gives me a good base (eg my Ryoma v2 used a modified Galanoth as a base for his pose). Her hair was fun to do, her headpiece, buttons and frills… not so much, I feel like I ran 1 colour slot too short to be satisfied with them, but the only spot I think I can gain a colour is if I use the lightest skin tone in the hair instead of the lightest hair tone.

FE Frederick

FE Awakening - Frederick

So I think Frederick started the butler/maid aesthetic/attitude for retainers in modern Fire Emblem, later seen in Felicia, Flora, Jakob, Dedue, Hubert and Vander. I think his looks is actually pretty cool, although it ended up being difficult to draw. His design is complex and yet simple uses simple colouring at the same time so I found it hard to sort of convey how prestigious his look is. I decided to go with a darker tone for his hair sort of cross between his FEH and Awakening pallette, except without the hair shine they get in those arts. The other reason being was I needed an extra colour slot for his clothing and had to sacrifice a hair colour slot, so his hair is actually using his darkest skin tone as well. However minus Robin we now have the immediate starting Shepards.

FE Stahl

FE Awakening - Stahl

After looking back at a lot of art of Stahl, I noticed his hair is actually a tint of green, however it’s a lot less noticeable in Awakening. Very happy with how his shoulder plates turned out, but still find these weird collar guards annoying to draw. With every one of these portraits I’ve been tossing up with what sort of pose to go with for each character, however after looking through a few, a number of characters sort of share poses so I’ve been making some of these characters have different ones to their Awakening arts, so you will see that in future portraits as well. That and some poses are not feasible in the hackbox without huge compromises.

FE Cherche

FE Awakening - Cherche

So I’ve been working on these portraits independent of the CCC results, so Cherche popping up their and here just happens to be a coincidence I guess. Maybe I’ll submit something different for the CCC, we’ll see if I have a spot open up in the list of things I want to draw. For Cherche, I decided to do a different pose from her back shot pose, mainly because I was getting tired of doing the more side on face pose for characters (there are a lot of those for Awakening). So if you’re not doing a side on pose, the over shoulder back shot isn’t really feasible. I spent most time working on the colour choices for this one going with a rose/brown colour choice for her hair. I think If I were to revisit this, I would go touch up her eyes and hand, since I’m not 100% on those.

FE Sumia

FE Awakening - Sumia

You know Sumia if you re colour her hair green and hide her ears, you could probably make a pretty good Flayn cosplay. This pose was based on her art pose rather than her awakening sprite, which is why she has the little lick of hair sticking out and why she isn’t looking more side on. The more Awakening sprites I do, the more I realise their pose is just look side on. I like how this one turned out, and surprisingly ended up with two colours left over (mainly because I didn’t need to sprite any under clothing for her. Overall I think if I were to re visit this one, I’d go back to her eyes again.

FE MaribelleFE Maribelle No hand Alt

FE Awakening - Maribelle

Ojou ringlet hairstyles/hair drills, I do have a soft spot for that design in characters (usually haughty princess/noble types). However they are kind of tough to sprite and take a while to get to look nice. Still this sprite was fun to do. I tossed around whether or not to do her parasol in her sprite, but decided to do her hand touching towards her mouth pose from her S support picture instead of her parasol. Hands are still the bane of many spriters myself included. I sometimes make them too big, or too small. Rarely does it look quite right. If I were to revisit this sprite, definitely the hand is getting a looking at and maybe her mouth and the shade of pink purple I have going. This is why I did do an alt without her hand for usage.

FE Virion

FE Awakening - Virion

I always get a James from Pokemon vibe from Virion even though his haircut is similar to Sephiroth (FFVII) and Alex (Golden Sun). Another connoisseur of the cravat in Fire Emblem (I am starting to get Cravat fatigue, I think I need to do a non cravat character next… Anyway, overall I am happy with how he turned out. I had a bit of trouble with the colour balancing of his hair, but I settled on something I am happy with. The archer shoulder guards in Awakening are kinda cool in my opinion. His face however ended up just hitting the limit of the mouth frames, so that was interesting to play with.

FE Olivia

FE Awakening - Olivia

Now I’ve nearly completed the Chrom marriage partners (missing Robin and Generic Village girl). On one hand I’m thankful for not having to sprite another cravat, on the other hand drawing pink hair has always been a bit difficult. Also her Awakening pose is kind of awkward to draw and convey on GBA in my opinion. Her shoulder actually sits even higher and closer to her face in her Awakening sprite than what I’ve drawn here. I think if I was to revisit this one, I’d look at her hair again and her head shape, maybe make it slightly slimmer.

FE Nowi

FE Awakening - Nowi

Despite being short, Nowi’s hair makes a hell of an experience spriting her. You know I’ve noticed a few of Kozaki’s character designs have pretty nuts hair or hair with thick volume (Sumia, Nowi, Lissa, Nowi, Anna, Camilla, Ryoma, etc) and so her hair is also where I have the most criticism for my own sprite. The blonde green colour is kinda hard to shade with my preferred style of hair shading. Otherwise I am also glad I didn’t have to sprite her bowtie or her bikini top thing, because I would of definitely ran out of colours then.

FE Kellam

FE Awakening - Kellam

I didn’t hear no bell… thats how it feels trying to shove Kozaki’s General’s and Knight armour into the hackbox. I thought after doing Kjelle’s doing Kellam’s would be hard. Definitely thought of several angles, but decided the side on pose was best, to fit him. After working on Kellam, I think the hardest armour knights to fit into the hackboxes are probably gonna be Cervantes or the Feroxian NPC boss when you first go there. I have also made a joke alt of this placed in the Sillies section with most of the colour removed for the transparent colour.

FE Anna AwakeningFE Anna Awakening No Hand
FE Anna Awakening Merchant

FE Awakening - Anna

So this is the 2nd Kozaki Anna I’ve drawn (the first being Heroes) and I think this one is definitely an improvement over the other, mainly due to the colour economy used. Still wish I had one extra colour to use on a gray for her buttons for her cloak/cape thing. I recall this Anna being a big deal being the first playable version of her (to my knowledge).

UPDATE: I have now done an Merchant Alt for the other Anna that appears in Awakening.

FE Panne

FE Awakening - Panne

After looking at the concept arts for Panne, etc I didn’t realise how naked she is all the time. Besides that, the hard part for this was shading her hair/fur. She has so much and they are the same colour so it was hard to kind of define them separately but I think I sorted it out by making hair flow and strand shade, while fur just has light shading. If I were to revisit, her I would probably look at her hair colours again.

FE Vaike

FE Awakening - Vaike

Here is Teach to teach you a lesson. This one was surprisingly interesting to do, I originally tried to add some element of his original pose where he had his arm up, but I couldn’t feasibly fit in the hackbox so I decided to just leave his arm down. Despite that, his hair actually made it kinda hard to fit into the hackbox surprisingly. With all these Awakening sprites, even though there aren’t to my knowledge official heights of characters I am trying to vary their heights based on their sprites and how I imagine they are next to each other (Frederick and Kellam I think are the tallest characters I’ve done so far with Nowi being the shortest). I am proud of how the chains turned out on his metal collar, but other than that wish I had a 4th shade for his blonde hair to work with.

FE Donnel

FE Awakening - Donnel

Aye the pot head. Donnel’s pot was actually fun to draw, however I think I should of made it slightly bigger width wise. The weakness I think for this portrait is the colour economy of his shirt. I think I could of probably distributed the colours better, but overall I think I am happy with what I made with the colours I had at the time. I also think if I revisited this, I would make the pot wider a bit.

FE Ricken

FE Awakening - Ricken

With Ricken’s completion I have now sprited all of the original Shepards pre Robin. fitting in his hat into the hackbox was fun and simple. However I’m probably going to have to change Laurent’s pose when I get to him, since his main Awakening one would be impossible to fit the hat into the hackbox. The hat makes him look taller, but hes actually just slightly taller than the Nowi I did.

FE Henry

FE Awakening - Henry

For someone who doesn’t look like they wear a lot of colours, trying to work out his colour pallette was pretty tough. In the end I was happy with it though, making his hair white purple gave me just enough colours to sort out everything else. Back when I first played Awakening, Henry being Plegian didn’t make sense to me, his clothes look to heavy and him and Tharja look too pale to be people living in a desert nation (compared to Gangrel, Mustafa, Aversa, Validar). Although in hindsight it does look like at least white hair seems to be a thing in Plegia (Aversa, Henry and Robin).

FE Cordelia

FE Awakening - Cordelia

I do wish that Cordelia had some supports with Chrom, even if she couldn’t S support. I would of loved to see the interactions of a perfectionist who can’t handle the presence of her crush. That and if there was an S support, you could get a Lucina Severa sibling match up which I feel could also be a fun dynamic even though most sibling and parent dialogue supports were generic in Fates. As for the sprite her hair is what I’m most divided on. Her hair is long but its not as filled out volume wise this high up, but it looks kind of odd if I thicken it out this high up, but it feels bare with the shoulder plate covering it up.

FE LibraFE Libra Beach Alt

FE Awakening - Libra

So here is Libra, your pretty boy often mistaken for a girl character. I decided to make his pose based more on his art rather than his portrait sprite from Awakening because I liked the slightly more dynamic look of it. While doing it I like how his body turned out and decided to make a Summer alt as an excuse to show how he looks under his priestly clothes. I did think about giving him a cross necklace, but I thought that was a bit tacky for a priest going to the beach.

FE Lon'Qu

FE Awakening - Lon'qu

The stoic, female-shy swordsman Lon’qu. I was considering doing a pose based on his Heroes art by AKIRA, because I don’t like side on portraits (proportioning them is always tough) but decided on his Awakening portrait anyway. I used Seth as a basis for pose reference, and his head is actually smaller than Seth’s, but still manages to look big anyway. Overall I do like how he turned out, I would consider maybe changing his undershirt blue colours to be slightly brighter, but otherwise I’m pretty happy with how this turned out, except for maybe the Mitsudomoe symbol on his collar. Mitsudomoes are hard to sprite, I’ve attempted a few of them in the past with varying degrees of success, and ultimately the larger you can draw them the easier it is, but thats the rule in general with detail.

FE Say'ri

FE Awakening - Say'ri

The last of the resistance in Valm, Say’ri the heir of Chon’sin (well in the main timeline anyway). Now we’re 2 out of 3 playable Chon’sin characters with Say’ri. This pose is based on her artwork again rather than her awakening sprite, although to be honest there isn’t a huge difference between the two. Fur/feather coats and collars are always a bane of mine when it comes to spriting, so I’m also so I’m wary of when I end up doing Aversa and Basilio. Otherwise I do like the general design of the Kozaki era Swordmasters.

FE GaiusFE Gaius Alt
FE Gaius Alt 2

FE Awakening - Gaius

The thief with a sweet tooth. I like his design, its simple and gets the thief message across. When working on this one I did draw his clothing completely one way and then didn’t like and re did it entirely. It wasn’t until I added colour variation by adding the sack that things started to come together. Hands are still a difficult thing to sprite, to get the right proportions. I think Gaius’ here is slightly too small to me, but I found if I increased each finger by a pixel it looked to big. I have done 3 variants for insertion, I actually recommend the last one dubbed Alt 2, because it keeps his lollipop stick in his portrait, but when he is talking in conversations he doesn’t have it. The other two are just he has the lollipop stick in the whole time or he doesn’t the whole time.

FE Adult Tiki

FE Awakening - Tiki

I liked Adult Tiki’s glow up and it was amusing seeing her all mature and willing to step into the Divine Dragon role proper after seeing how she was in FE 11 and FE 12 (Shadow Dragon and Mystery). I think her outfit change is a nice blend of more mature (especially compared to Nowi) and having remanent themes of her original outfit. I wish I had maybe one more colour to add another hair tone. If I do revisit this one, I may change her red down to 2 tones instead of 3 and use one for another hair tone to add a bit more detail.

FE Gregor

FE Awakening - Gregor

The haha speaks with a funny accent character of Awakening, that and I suppose he also plays the older wizened character too. Well in this case at least more lived. There were a couple of times when working on this portrait at least on his face structure, I think I conjured up Arnold Schwarzenegger a couple of times, I wonder if he was used as a basis or an influence in Gregor’s design. I ended up struggling with his face, because I think its supposed to be really tall, but If I made it any taller it would really look out of place next to the other characters. This also has an effect on how you can work on his eyes too, which was another source of struggle on this portrait. In then end I aimed to capture as much of his essence as I could in this while remaining in GBA style.

FE Basilio

FE Awakening - Basilio

Playing Possum Champion since 2012/2013. Probably taught Chrom a thing or two as well. Coincidentally I think this is the first bald character I’ve sprited from memory. I considered doing a mirrored version, but I drew his eyepatch on the same layer as his skin colouring and hair, so I felt a bit lazy there. Although IS were pretty lazy themselves and didnt mirror him either. To be honest, they probably goofed a bit with having so many asymmetric designs in Awakening, although I don’t think people really notice or offend too much because of it and mainly recognise when they aren’t lazy (Chrom). Still dislike fur and feathers, a bane of mine when it comes to spriting.

FE TharjaFE Tharja No Book

FE Awakening - Tharja

Your pale goth dark mage girl, that lives in a desert nation with skimpy clothes. Yeah I don’t understand how she is pale as a Plegian while wearing what is essentially a bikini, but you know… Goth Yandere… Anyway, I took a while contemplating the pose I would have her in. Her portrait highlights her actual personality of someone who is hunched over their books and avoids eye contact, but I honestly wasn’t keen on recreating that pose. Her artwork is more seductive looking and to me doesn’t suit her personality as much. I also considered Rhajat’s pose as well, but felt that suits Rhajat better and I didn’t want to highlight the hunch that much. So I actually looked at references of Mai from Avatar TLAA and found a pose from some artwork of her that I liked for Tharja. From here I aimed to capture her portrait spirit, while in the new pose. If I were to revisit this sprite I would maybe re shade her hair, I went over it several times but settled on this one, that and also maybe her book as well. I actually added the book and hands last so I have also provided a no book alt as well.

FE LucinaFE Lucina Eye Alt
FE Lucina Marth AltFE Lucina Short Hair AltFE Lucina Short Hair Eye Alt

FE Awakening - Lucina

So Lucina. The first time travelling protagonist in Fire Emblem. I really liked that she took on the moniker of Marth as a symbol of hope and familiarity for Awakening. Everything she stood for started off pretty serious in Awakening, but then once the initial severity of situations were sort of calmed down or crises averted, it also showed how stunted her maturity growth was and how much of a dorky person she was. As for the sprite, I re used Chrom’s hair tones to show the relation and I think I ended up shading her hair better with those colours than I did Chrom’s. I originally wanted to use the lightest blue tone I had in this sprite for her armour shine, but it didn’t look right so I instead re appropriated for some slight details to her eye and then for alts with a brighter eye for her mark of the Exalt. I didn’t decide to flip the shield pin on her cloak so no extra mirrors there (otherwise that is an absurd number of alts for one sprite). The pose she has here is based somewhat off her Smash Ultimate render rather than her Awakening Sprites or artwork because I like the more dynamic angling of it. I did consider doing another pose as another option, but got a bit and decided to settle for just this singular pose.
There are 5 variations of Lucina here;
Regular, Eye Alt, Short Alt, Short Hair + Eye Alt, Marth? alt

FE Mustafa

FE Awakening - Mustafa

An interesting character as a one chapter boss, he certainly left an impression amongst most players. The honorable general and is probably considered Awakening’s Camus archtype despite being not a refined traditionally good looking knight. Unfortunately without either a extreme perspective or pose shift, we cannot fit the main bone spikes on his pauldrons in. Also, what animal are they supposed to be? They don’t look like Wyverns to me, more like mini Grima’s. The beard shading is influenced by his FEH art as his original portrait by Kozaki is more flat in shading, which I don’t think lends itself as well to GBA sprites.

FE Raimi

FE Awakening - Raimi

The border guard for Feroxi boss. I don’t recall why they just picked a fight with the Shepards rather than hear them out. Seems kinda bad to kill any envoy on sight, let alone royalty. Again Kozaki’s wacky armour knights… Surprisingly not as bad this time to draw, although thats probably because this is the 3rd time. That and I’ve varied the pose each time, so it has stayed interesting to do. I do think Raimi and Phila were kinda of cool. I do like simple designs and it was a shame both weren’t used more in Awakening.

FE Phila

FE Awakening - Phila

The head guard of Emmeryn’s escort and the leader of the Ylisse’s Pegasus Knights. Also the Leroy Jenkins reason why there is no Triangle attack in Awakening (not true, but in the first gen there are only 2 Pegasus knights, so you can’t do a Triangle attack with just Cordelia and Sumia). You know after drawing her, she contrasts actually really nicely with Cordelia. They have opposing hair colours, and armour colours (Red vs Blue, Silver vs Pale Gold). I actually accounted for the darker teal colours that are part of her clothing underneath the armour, but it all ended up being covered up with armour. Which is why the “white” in her hair is actually her lightest skin tone. I wish Phila was used more or was playable in Awakening and she kinda does look like she should, but I guess the playable cast was getting pretty big. If I knew I didn’t have to invest 3 colours into the darker teal for her clothing patterns, I could use more red and blues for her hair and eyes.

FE Cervantes

FE Awakening - Cervantes

The first Spritetober sprite of 2023, so this was done in almost a day. Was always an odd character but endearing. Simple in philosophy, the Soldier’s soldier. I like his design and conviction and that he stuck to his philosophy. He didn’t come off as a sore loser when losing either and seemed quite honorable. Probably could of been a runner up for the Camus of Awakening if Mustafa wasn’t more friendly and fit the bill better. I considered moving his entire moustache for talking frames, but his moustache is bigger than 32x16 so I couldn’t. Thus he only has blinking frames. I also tried the detailing on his armour, but it wasn’t visible on enough of his sprite to warrant it and just looked odd, so he just has red armour.

FE NagaFE Naga Spirit

FE Awakening - Naga

So I actually forgot what impact Naga had in Awakening, the last thing I recall is that she died and that Tiki takes her place as the actual divine dragon in the Future Past DLC. Still I think Awakening was the first time you see Naga depicted in humanoid form if you don’t count Nagi (to be honest I’m not sure who Nagi is supposed to be either). At first glance her design seems pretty innocuous but on further inspection she is clothed quite scantily. I’ve done an alt with spirit glow and colours, which weird to me not having the outline colour being the outermost colour.

FE Awakening Maiden

FE Awakening - Village Maiden

So Chrom’s last non Robin wife and coincidentally the wife that will pass down to Lucina the highest def growth stat (although thats the only thing shes got going for her, she doesn’t pass classes or really any other positives). It always seemed weird to me that even after marrying Chrom she dresses rather plainly. Considering Emmeryn and Lissa wear more elaborate clothes. In fact maybe one day down the line I’ll give her a more elaborate outfit. However, even if you don’t use her in the capacity of being either Chrom’s wife or the wet nurse, she is still generic enough to use as generic villager NPC.

FE Validar

FE Awakening - Validar

The High priest of the Grimleal whose design is supposed to invoke snake imagery (thin and long in the face with makeup that gives him snake style eyes.) Honestly look at his facial structure in his 3D renditions either in warriors or the Awakening CG cutscenes and this guy’s head is tall as and thin as. It doesn’t even make sense to me his ears could be hidden. I had to make his head gear wider than it usually is depicted to hide his ears in the same style they are in his actual sprite and artwork. This pose is based off his artwork rather than his portrait, because I thought it would look more intimidating than his side profile.

FE PherosFE Pheros Alt

FE Awakening - Pheros

The unique looking strategist from Valm (she’s actually Ylissian) who is devoted to Walhart and honorable ideals. There were a few characters similar to this in the Valm arc, really I have no idea why Walhart recruited Excellus, their ideals and methods stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of Walhart’s generals. Pheros used to follow the Ylissian faith where Emmeryn I think was the head of the faith. Then she felt her beliefs were shook and decided to devote her purpose to Walhart and despised the underhanded blackmail tactics of Excellus. I did her headdress last and liked her look without it so I made an alt without the headdress. I did get a bit lazy with the right shoulder plate, so if I ever get back to this one, its definitely getting a re do to be more in line with the left.

FE Excellus

FE Awakening - Excellus

The Grimleal’s snake and spy within Walhart’s court. Apparently 2nd in command of the Valmese empire, but to be honest I am surprised Excellus even survived in Valm considering their might and honorable fighting modus operandi. I actually got semi stuck on this sprite for a while, trying to balance colour limits and look. I used Gheb as a reference for how to draw Excellus because they have some similarities in face shape (Excellus is skinnier though) and was surprised by how big Gheb’s sprite is. I also contemplated showing teeth in the default look, however I ran out of colours to make it discernable from the skin tone, so Excellus’ teeth are only visible during speaking frames.
P.S Fire Emblem GBA teeth can be cursed.

FE Victor AwakeningFE Vincent Awakening

FE Awakening - Victor and Vincent

Awakening’s Bandit twins (see Paul, Jasmine, Agony, Pain, Maggie, Rose, Llewelyn and Lloyd etc.). These two were fun to do and due to their similarities, were easy to produce. I took some liberties with the armour to make them slightly more symmetrical in design and was actually happy to fit some of the spikes on the shoulder plates this time. You know what would be fun is if someone sprited all of the Bandit twins and made a hack around just having the entire playable cast be the twins. Maybe I’ll do that sometime down the line.

FE Vasto

FE Awakening - Vasto

Another Awakening boss. I originally thought for some reason he was Valmese, but he is a Plegian. He is the one that maneuvers Emmeryn into being captured by the Plegians ultimately. He has a unique design and is not repeated which is partly why I am spriting this guy. He also has an interesting pose which was part of the fun. I’m actually quite happy with how this one turned out. I had to do some finessing with the colours to have enough but it worked out in the end.

FE Farber

FE Awakening - Farber

Another Valm boss, Farber is another unique boss sprite. I think his design looks pretty cool, even though its just a un-helmeted Dark Knight. His pose I think is similar or the same as Walhart’s. I like how this one turned out overall, however I wish I had one more tone colour for the red to add some more detail to his armour and cloak more. I did try substituting the brown in his hair with the 4th skin tone colour (2nd darkest brown), but it didnt look quite right.

FE Ignatius Awakening

FE Awakening - Ignatius

Its Ignatius… From Awakening, I forgot there was someone else named this before Fates. Funny occurrences that happen with different localization plans of names, I do encourage looking them up sometime, there are a lot. Anyhow about this sprite… I thought I was done with Armour Knights and Generals in Awakening, turns out I wasn’t. Another Valmese boss, thankfully his hair colour allowed me the opportunity to re use Cervantes’ armour colours (the number of colours used on the armour means I have to cut one tone shorter for the usual 3 dedicated for hair). Unfortunately I don’t think I have enough colours to make his face scar any darker than it is now.

FE Old Hubba

FE Awakening - Old Hubba

The matchmaker and Awakening’s version of the bald old man NPC whose eyes you can’t see. For some reason I thought he was in Fates as well, but then remembered he was replaced by the Rainbow Sage in that one. One thing about shut eyed characters are they feel easier to do, because eyes are difficult to get right most of the time and you don’t have to do blinking frames for them either :p. If I were to revisit this one, I’d probably re do the trimming on his cloak/coat thing.

FE Awakening Hierarch

FE Awakening - Hierarch

Emmeryn’s traitor, I did consider doing the recolour for this one where they are a generic risen enemy bishop I think as well. However I decided not to in the end as I can see the end goal of the unique NPC/Boss finish line. I wish I had more colours available to use, but felt I did pretty good with the limitations i had. Maybe if I made him yellow in skin tone, I could of used more greens, but I felt like I made the shading harsh enough to differentiate his cloak from his shirt. I actually used Old Hubba as the base for his pose because they share their poses.

FE Holland

FE Awakening - Holland

The Enemy/NPC villager way over his head that gets bailed out by Severa in Awakening. With his completion he marks the end of the unique NPC/Bosses that I set out to do. He was kind of fun to do, I managed to fit his arms on head pose into the hackbox which was fun and I had better colours to work with for him than I did with Donnel’s so I feel like his clothing turned out better. I did have to change his hair colour from red brown to his darkest skin tones because I did run out of colours again. However I think the cost of his hair colour (which to be honest gets mostly covered by the pot) to gain colours everywhere else is a plus.

FE Emmeryn

FE Awakening - Emmeryn

Finishing off the Ylisse Sibling trio and starting my second Spotpass character is Emmeryn. I just noticed now after doing her, that she and Old Hubba both wear the same kind of cloak (not the way I drew them, but in their portraits from Awakening). I wonder if the Roman Numeral laden cloak has something to do with the Exalts or something to do with just the religion (cue your crack pot Old Hubba theories). I tossed up on whether to draw her hair like it is in the sprites or how it is in the cutscenes (it honestly looks nicer there) and then noticed when looking at reference pictures, her clothing is also inconsistent between all depictions (CG Cutscene, Portrait and Cutscene stills) most notably with the collar of her cloak (sometimes its not even her cloak that has a collar). Still she was fun to do, I liked drawing the exalt mark on her and Chrom.

FE Gangrel

FE Awakening - Gangrel

The main villain of Act 1, Gangrel the Trickster King of Plegia. This one was interesting to do. His outfit and pose are pretty big in his Awakening portrait and after closer inspection uses a lot of colours. Actually learning of Validar and Hilda, I was able to manipulate the colours in ways to get all I needed out of it. Was a fun challenge to do nonetheless. Fitting I guess to complete Gangrel after Emmeryn.

FE Yen'fayFE Yen'fay No Headgear

FE Awakening - Yen'fay

The last prince of Chon’sin and their strongest warrior. His design is actually inconsistent between all depictions if you look closely (battle sprite, portrait, FEH, Fullbody artwork). So this design is based on his Awakening portrait (most notable difference is the horns are softer and the jacket/vest thing is less pronounced). I really liked how his hair cut turned out (besides the front lock thing) and decided to also frame an alt without his headgear. I think if I were to revisit this, I would resize a few things so I could redo the trimming on his collar and shoulder pads.

FE AversaFE Aversa No Hand

FE Awakening - Aversa

The 2nd last Spotpass character (recruitable order too) Aversa. It took me a while to settle on a pose for this one because her default pose wouldn’t fit her feather collar well, so I went to look at different arts. I also realised during my research that she has actually quite a lot of colours in her design (skin tone, body markings, black feather collar and head cap thing, red eyes, gold armlets). I eventually settled on a pose based on some artwork by Koyorin (@koyoriin on X and koyorin on deviantart). The way the pose they drew Aversa in, while more happy looking than her regular Awakening pose angled the feather collar in a way that it fits nicely in the hackbox. I drew her originally without the hand because I wasn’t sure if I could fit the amount of colours required. I managed to get far enough with 2 colours to spare (using the darkest purple hair shade for the body markings and different skin tones for her eyes) so I could do the gold armlet on her wrist. I did an alt without the hand anyway because I feel like sometimes hands add a bit of clutter to the portraits.

FE WalhartFE Walhart Exceed

FE Awakening - Walhart

The last Spotpass character is done. Walhart was hard, even though his colour scheme is simple, being black, white and red I still ran short on the amount of colours I would of liked to have. I would of preferred to have a 4th red tone to shade the armour a bit better. I also decided to base his pose on his injured Heroes pose because it looked intimidating and cool. That and I could add the horns in a capacity to his portrait (even if they are tiny). If the hackboxes and portraits were maybe a pixel or two wider his left shoulder pad could look a little neater, but this was the best looking I could work it in. IS actually also doesn’t fit some sprites into their own hackboxes (noticeable with Hawkeye if you look at his left arm it is missing border colour on it). Otherwise I’m pretty happy with what I was able to pull off, he even looks pretty cool without his armour and headgear (maybe I should do a Summer Walhart :p)

EDIT: Added a alt of Walhart with extended horns using the exceed portrait patch
below are the coordinates for the pieces

FE Cynthia Awakening

FE Awakening - Cynthia

Alright starting the 2nd gen characters, this is the 3rd child I’ve done since I’ve already done the other 2 Ylissian warrior girls (Lucina and Kjelle) might as well finish the trio of Ylissian warrior children with Cynthia. I used the hair and skin tones from my Sumia for her. I considered making all the children use 3 tone hair, but Sumia’s hair looks a bit flat with just 3 tone. That and some of the parents have 4 tone hairs as well, so I think for the 2nd gen at least I’ll go with their FEH hair colours (most of the time its their guaranteed parent’s hair except for Inigo and Kjelle) to avoid canonicity issues. One thing I’ve noticed doing young looking characters, is due to the increased size of their eyes (this is also prevalent in IS’s sprites too) that their head and face overall look bigger usually than other characters.

FE Nah

FE Awakening - Nah

Your 2nd gen Manakate, Nah. Unfortunate naming aside, she is characterised by trying to be more grown up, which when she ironically makes her come off as young and immature in a way. Another character whose FEH hair colour is not either of her parents (Nowi being blonde) and is instead Divine Dragon Green. Which interestingly enough if I recall correctly she takes over as the Divine Dragon Oracle in the bad future once Tiki ascends to become the new divine dragon god after Naga dies in Future Past. Overall pretty happy with this one, I think if I were to revisit, I would go over her hair and maybe add some more detail. It is kinda bland, but her haircut was also amongst the most flat in Awakening as well.

FE Brady

FE Awakening - Brady

Your gen 2 healer, the foul mouthed thug faced cleric. Who is actually a physical wimp. He has an interesting pose which caused for a challenge when trying to recreate it. It wasn’t until I finished that I remembered Astolfo has a similar head position for reference. His eyes and head shape were probably the hardest parts, once that was done the rest was pretty straight forward. I’ve used Mariabelle’s hair tones for his hair. Overall pretty happy with it.

EDIT: fixed Stats Screen frames

FE GeromeFE Gerome Alt

FE Awakening - Gerome

Heres your cool 2nd gen wyvern rider. I find it interesting that everyone else in his gen thinks he is perfect and the best at everything. However he has a pretty nihilistic view, and didn’t believe the kids could change fate despite being the most capable according to the others. I wish I had more colours to work with so I can differentiate the tones of black for his cloth and armour, but the colour limitation is pretty strict with him. I have done an alt without his mask as well, as seen in some of his supports.

FE Severa

FE Awakening - Severa

Here is first of the Awakening trio I’ve done Severa. Your classic tsundere character looks and all with the twin tails. I actually think I used her hair colours much better on her than I did on her mother Cordelia. I’m really happy with this one, when I was starting the colouring I wasn’t sure but I worked out. I did have an alt take on her eyes, but they ended up looking too happy for her. I am kind of sad that her shoulder plate covers up most of her left hair tail, because I think that turned out pretty well as well. Maybe I’ll do an alt of her in another outfit down the line.

FE NoireFE Noire Alt

FE Awakening - Noire

Your 2nd gen archer, Noire. She surprisingly has a lot of colours you need to take in to consideration, which is why her shoulder guard is a darker grey than Virion’s. I wish I could utilize one more tone so I could make a nicer transition, but its what I had to work with. Otherwise She turned out really well. If I had to re do something else of hers besides using an extra colour tone, it would be to re do her circlet because it just never sat quite right to me. Her alternative persona was also fun to draw.

FE Inigo

FE Awakening - Inigo

The next of the Awakening trio Inigo. After finding out I could, I always married off Olivia to Chrom, because I liked the idea of Inigo being his son and in that blood line. It kind of felt fitting for him and made some of his other supports kind of funny, like the one with Noire where it comes off as asking his son to be baby sat to keep him out of trouble. Still his “canon” Inigo/Laslow hair colour is decent too. Apparently if Inigo is also Chrom’s son he also has the mark of the exalt in the opposing eye to Lucina. Overall I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out. Again wish I could use some more colours, but I managed to get a lot of mileage of just 3 tones of blue.

FE Laurent

FE Awakening - Laurent

The oldest Gen 2 character (due to time warp shenanigans. Technically Lucina is older but Laurent warped back in time 2 years before the rest of the team and thus aged 2 years before reuniting with the others). He was probably going to be the hardest to sprite next to Kjelle. Due to his height and face angle his hat is squashed a fair bit more by the hack box than Ricken and Miriel. However I think I got the essence of Laurent down pat in this sprite anyway. I wish I had maybe one more colour tone to make the rings and the yellow trimming on his shirt, more yellow and less skin colour esque, but due to requiring the white grey tone for his hat and shirt it limited the colour variation I could use.

FE Morgan FFE Morgan M

FE Awakening - Morgan(s)

So here we are. The Morgans, their character trait is that they inherited their amnesia from Robin. To be honest as far as characters go, the Morgans are not high on my favored Awakening characters, but they’re serviceable as Robin’s kid I guess. I suppose in hindsight they’re kind of tragic in that they probably know what they’re doing is bad, but all they know is that they love Robin and would do anything to stay close to them even post Grima-fication, you know kinda like any child that is clingy to their parents. Interesting that their most common depiction has them have inherit black hair, so I guess it implies that the preferrable parents art wise must be of Say’ri or Tharja for Male Robin and Lon’qu or Basilio for Female Robin (interesting combos). Overall I find their design pretty straight forward, but they tend to have drooped shoulders which exaggerate the length of their necks, so that part felt a little weird drawing their proportions. Another thing I ran into was there was no easy way to fit all of F Morgan’s eyes into their frame box, so I had to get creative with the frames.

FE Yarne

FE Awakening - Yarne

The last Taguel. I thought the taguel’s were kinda cool being kind of like the Laguz but they seemed to have more animal features than the Laguz did, being covered in fur and having their ears. still makes for some challenge in drawing though. The colour toning worked really well with Panne, however her colours were a bit harder to shade Yarne’s especially with his random patch of white hair, although I had already coincidentally had white in Panne’s colour palette. If were to re visit this one I would probably change his eyes, I couldn’t quite settle on them but this was the one I was satisfied with the most.

FE OwainFE Owain Alt
FE Owain More RedFE Owain Alt More Red

FE Awakening - Owain

Down sword hand! Owain the second gen myrmidon, the wielder of Missiletainn, the not quite legendary sword. I liked Owain, he was a fun character and I enjoyed his antics and the deeper meaning behind them as his means to cope with everything. He acts the fool to keep everyone else up and himself a bit. I shaded him a bit different to the usual because his pose is quite different to standard portraits where they face towards their right. Which meant the light source shading is sort of the opposite of standard portraits. I liked how the pose ended up overall and despite struggling with colour limitations I am overall happy with this product. I do wish I had 2 more spare tones for more red and black tones to give a bit more depth to the collar and shoulder pads. I also did the arm last, so making an armless alt was easy enough to produce.

EDIT: I decided to try a version where I sacrificed his darkest hair tone and gain another red tone, both versions will remain uploaded for availability.

FE Risen Chief

FE Awakening - Risen Chief

Arise my masters! cue Pillar Men music I decided to do the “generic” chapter bosses for Awakening (not skirmish ones (those are actually generic classes portraits)) so to start with I have the Risen Chief. After being out of it for a bit, I don’t really need to do frames for them so I decided they would be a good start. I did contemplate doing a glowing effect for blink frames, but I couldn’t get it to look right with the colours I had. Either way we’ll see how we go.

FE Dalton-Dalen

FE Awakening - Dalton/Dalen

Your enemy Paladin boss (Dalton the Valmese general and Dalen the leader of the Riders of Dawn). I still dislike the Cavalier and Paladin armours in this game, they just feel wierd. Overall I was happy with how he turned out, however I was torn with how to colour his armour. If I were to revisit this one, definitely the armour would be getting re done. I also decided to keep his hair down to 3 tone so if someone wanted to re colour the hair to make an alt (ala the old Fire Emblem double ups) they could. Its interesting that Awakening didn’t do that with their double up portraits.

FE Campari-Gyral

FE Awakening - Campari/Gyral

Your enemy General/Knight Boss. I thought I was done with Kozaki armours for now… guess I was wrong. This one I’m more happy with in terms of how their armour turned out in comparison to how Dalen/Dalton’s did. What was also something I found pretty neat was that all the armour knights from different factions all have different styles (notice that Ylissian’s Kellam and Kjelle share a style, Ignatius and Cervantes have Valmese style armour, Raimi hase Feroxinian style armour and Campari/Gyral have Plegian/Generic style I guess). Which I find in Fire Emblem games that do differentiate factions with styles helps alot of with passive world building.

FE Morristan-Algol

FE Awakening - Morristan/Algol

Your enemy Plegian/Grimleal Berserker. A nice change of pace from doing armour twice in a row, however his pose is very much a non standard FE GBA pose. Still fitting the pose into the hack box was fun to do. His hair’s darkest colour is used in his shoulder pad, but there is one spare colour slot so if you wanted to recolour his hair and his shoulder pad you can. I did consider doing his other hand that holds the axe but decided that I didnt have enough colours available to make a nice axe (that and it wouldn’t fit into an extended or normal hackbox if made to scale). I also considered doing just the hand by itself, but felt it didnt serve a purpose. The horns had to be shortened to fit into the hackbox, but I think they’re reasonably proportioned. Still wonder what animals these Plegian/Grimleal are wearing because those skulls look too small to be Wyvern ones and the horn formations are also strange for regular mammals.

FE Garrick-Roddick-Nombry-Zanth

FE Awakening - Garrick/Roddick/Nombry/Zanth

Besides the Risen this is like the most re used boss portrait in Awakening I think, so does this count as doing 4 characters in one go? Overall, turned out better than expected. Limiting hair colour and fur colour to 3 tones each still left me with spare tones for the white in his eyes and his war paint. (Keeping in line with trying to make these duplicate use boss portraits easily recolourable). Took me a while to settle on his eyes, but I ended up getting an effect I was satisfied with. If I were to revisit this one, his chin scruff could do some work.

FE Gecko-Jamil-Ruger-EzraFE Gecko-Jamil-Ruger-Ezra Alt

FE Awakening - Gecko/Jamil/Ruger/Ezra

Well I found another boss used 4 times, although none of these bosses are mandatory (they’re all paralogues), so I guess you’re less likely to run into them unless your a collect em all player like I am with recruitable characters (it did go against my nature to do the Gaiden chapter runs in FE11 even though I liked Athena, Norne and Horace). I did an alt of this guy without facial hair because when I was drawing him, I figured he looked actually more heroic without it (and more playable looking). He also reminded me of the Joker a little bit too, when I was doing the base colours and lineart. If you are curious about the size of his head, it is actually smaller than the character I used as a base to work out the angle (Pablo), but I think its the angle of his shoulders that make it look bigger. Like with the other reused bosses his hair and clothing are all free 3 tones so they can be recoloured more easily.

FE Cassius-Nelson

FE Awakening - Cassius/Nelson

Another reused boss exclusive to Paralogues. Interestingly, his cloak doesn’t share the same patterns as the other sages or Excellus (although maybe that would make Excellus’ link to the Grimleal to obvious). You know looks wise, the original Awakening portrait reminds me of Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings, but the sprite sorta turned out closer looking to Snape from Harry Potter. I did consider doing the staff in the portrait, but I won’t lie got a bit lazy in regards to it and wanted to work on my next portrait as soon as possible. Like the other re used bosses, the hair tone is actually a different black to the clothing and thus everything can be recoloured comfortably. If I do revisit this one I would probably make the staff.

FE Orton-XalbadorFE Orton-Xalbador Alt

FE Awakening - Orton/Xalbador

Like Gecko/Jamil/Ruger/Ezra I decided to do a alt of this guy without his facial hair as well. This guy was a bit harder to colour and draw. His pose is a bit tough to fit his shoulder pads into the hackbox so this was as good as I got. Due to also having a metallic piece of armour and not using white anywhere else in his sprite, his armour also took up 4 tones rather than 3. His hair remains 3 tone and his clothing under the armour is 2 tone and using his darkest skin tone as a 3rd tone. So still recolourable overall. I think if I was to go back to this sprite, I would maybe redo his shoulder pads.

FE Chalard-Ardri

FE Awakening - Chalard/Ardri

The last set in the duplicate bosses set. I thought this one would take a while be cause the pose is quite awkward. Turned out that was not true and their design is really simple. His red cloak is only 2 tone so keep that in mind if you are going to recolour it. His cap’s darkest tone is also used in the emblem on the front of the cap too, so keep that in mind as well for recolouring as well. Otherwise yeah I was dreading trying to fit the frames in for this one, but it turned out I drew them 1 pixel short for optimal frame fitting, so I just increased their height by one.

FE Donnel's Mum

FE Awakening - Donnel's Mum

Because Chalard/Ardri was so easy to do and quick, I decided to also do one more NPC which is Donnel’s mum, not much really to say about her besides that she has a lot of spare colour slots so she could easily be recoloured or even spliced or redressed.

FE Robin M1FE Robin M1 G
FE Robin M1 HoodedFE Robin M1 Hooded G

FE Awakening - Robin (M1 Variants -More inside-)

FE Robin M1aFE Robin M1a G
FE Robin M1bFE Robin M1b G
FE Robin M1cFE Robin M1c G
FE Robin M1dFE Robin M1d G
So this is the default Male Robin body and his haircut variants, Grima colouring and hooded version. This was quite a task. I usually like to do 4 tone white hair colours, however in name of customisation and the fact that with Project Robin I wanted to make variants so people can make their own Robin’s I kept the hair colour to 3 tones for easy recolouring. This also meant I could not use their skin tone in his hair or use his hair colour in any other parts of their outfit. So this was a real challenge colour palette wise however I am really happy with the final results. The grima possesion colouring also only changes the colour palettes of his skin tone, so the customisation for hair remains. Next I intend to do Female Robin’s default variants as well, using the same colour palette.

FE Robin F1FE Robin F1 G
FE Robin F1 HoodedFE Robin F1 Hooded G

FE Awakening - Robin (F1 Variants -More inside-)

FE Robin F1 aFE Robin F1 a G
FE Robin F1 bFE Robin F1 b G
FE Robin F1 cFE Robin F1 c G
FE Robin F1 dFE Robin F1 d G
So this is the default Female Robin body and her haircut variants, Grima colouring and hooded version. This one is easier than male Robin because after working on the male version I guess Kozaki decided these two versions would be the most similar to each other (the other variants older and younger looking are a lot more different to each other). Like the other variants, her hair is still 3 tone for ease of recolouring and I decided her neutral expression isn’t neutral enough for her Grima personification so I decided for the Grima alts to change the eyebrow expression a little as well. Because her proportions are slightly different from default male Robin and her face structure is also different, she also has a hooded version as well. To be honest I should of noticed when playing Awakening that the hooded tactician didn’t look proportionately correct to the non default male Robins.

FE Robin M2FE Robin M2 G
FE Robin M2 HoodedFE Robin M2 Hooded G

FE Awakening - Robin (M2 Variants -More inside-)

FE Robin M2 aFE Robin M2 a G
FE Robin M2 bFE Robin M2 b G
FE Robin M2 cFE Robin M2 c G
FE Robin M2 dFE Robin M2 d G
So this is the older Male Robin option. I actually used this Robin more in my playthroughs of Awakening than the default one, mainly because at the time I had haircuts closer resembling the short spiky one in here. This one is a bit different from the M1 and F1 variants as they are bigger and broader, their pose is still similar however. You know the first haircut reminds me of Gadolt from Xenoblade a little bit. Even if you don’t use these Robin variants for Robin, I think they could make good splice fodder.

FE Robin F2FE Robin F2 G
FE Robin F2 HoodedFE Robin F2 Hooded G

FE Awakening - Robin (F2 Variants -More inside-)

FE Robin F2 aFE Robin F2 a G
FE Robin F2 bFE Robin F2 b G
FE Robin F2 cFE Robin F2 c G
FE Robin F2 dFE Robin F2 d G
So this is the older Female Robin option. Her pose is the most deviating one from the standard Robins. She also wears her cloak different compared to the others, with having her cloak opened up to exaggerate her bust. I liked how most of her haircuts turned out, (actually dislike the default one I’ve selected here and prefer the other long haired options and the “Reina Mishima” cut). With this complete, this concludes Project Robin and my 1 year Awakening project (I started it after Easter around June I think from memory.)

FE Awakening Soldier

FE Awakening - Soldier

Still warming up after a break. Without a self assigned project to work on it is harder again to come up with things to sprite without being told what to draw (which is usually a big turn off for me, I prefer organically being inspired or incensed to draw something). Once I started working on the line art for this soldier, I realised it was going to be like 70% head cloth. I like the pose and look of the Awakening soldiers, but prefer the clothing of the Fates ones (very similar) for Kozaki’s soldiers. I still think the Tellius soldiers probably look the best (although the Fodlan ones are probably the ones dressed closest to European knights). The cloth is made up of 3 colours separate from the skin so it can be recoloured to the blue version of the soldier or whatever preference you have. Now that I think about it you don’t really see non blue or red coloured generics post Tellius.


This post contains the following sections;

Also another reminder that things under Observation Only are NOT F2E or F2U. Please do not use them.

F2E - Non Fire Emblem Properties (Other Games, Non Games, OCs)
Other Game Franchises

FE Jaina

World of Warcraft - Jaina Proudmoore

I grew up playing Warcraft 2 & 3, never really got into WoW (thank you parents for saving me from that rabbit hole with our poor internet). I really enjoyed Arthas’ story and a lot of the characters and their art. I actually didnt like her younger originaly design because it seemed too skimpy for me, but I decided to try and sprite her newer design for Sprite-tober back in 2020. I would probably revisit her eyebrows and eyes if I were to go back to that.

FE Yukimura

Samurai Warriors Spirt of Sanada - Yukimura Sanada

I’m a pretty big Musuo fan (long before FE Warriors, which I actually dont rate that high amongst the Musuo games) and really liked his design in this game and the more closer in story telling approach. Koei did some good story telling around this gen at the time (my recommendation to people for Dynasty Warriors (DW7 for Storytelling, DW8 for Gameplay in that gen. Then play the franchise ones if you’re fans of those franchises (Gundam, Fist of the Northen Star, One Piece, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Berserk)) I’d say I really like complex and fancy armour, really dislike drawing/spriting them.

FE Aerith

FF7 - Aerith

I can’t say much about Aerith, another sprite done for Sprite-tober, I personally haven’t played FF7 or FF7R so I don’t have as much attachment but I enjoy her design and FF7R was the fresh hot thing that year so I figured I’d sprite her. I think if I was to revist her, I would adjust the neck.

FE Zack

FF7 Crisis Core - Zack Fair

On the other hand I have played Crisis Core and watched Last Order. I really liked Zack’s character and the tragedy of it all. He is probably my favourite FF7 character because he reminds me of one of my good friends. He was the last sprite I did for Sprite-tober of 2020 and I was pretty faitgued from spriting at that point. Still I am happy with what I pulled off. FF protagonist hair gets pretty hard to fit into a hack box for most.

FE Tidus v2

FFX - Tidus

They say your first FF will be your favourite. For me this is true, FFX is my favourite and Tidus is my favourite protagonist (him and Zidane stand out to me compared to the others). This was my 2nd attempt at him and I am happy with how he turned out. If I were to revist, I probably would just do a new one entirely, just because besides the eyes (and they don’t bug me that much) I’m not sure what I would change. I recommend watching/listening to Resonant Arc’s FFX review podcast if you want some interesting takes on that game, or just play it yourself.

FE Graves

League of Legends - Graves

Not much to say about Graves, except I ain’t spriting in his cigar to keep with that joke. Another entrant of Sprite-tober. Also I don’t condone smoking kids.

FE WK Nidalee
FE Nidalee

League of Legends - Warring Kingdoms Nidalee

Another Sprite-tober piece, except this one was more interesting. I don’t like Nidalee’s base design and really liked this one as it reminded of Lian Shi’s (DW8 onwards) design which I also liked. It was a good practice for shading dark black hair and fun doing her hairpieces. I originally did the version too big for the hack box because thats how her hair is actually depicted and then did a shrunken version for the hackbox. I almost always now try to design from the base all my portraits to fit the hack box and colour limit. I find limitations promote creativity.

FE Cao Cao

Dynasty Warriors(8's) - Cao Cao

I personally never perceived this character as a villain and like his character a lot for his pragmatism and value of merit. This is actually the 2nd time I’ve sprited him and I feel like I captured his face well in this attempt. Dynasty Warriors aesthetics have generally also been appealing to me and are fun to draw.

FE Leoric

Diablo 3 - Human King Leoric

I think he is a tragic character which is not explored well in the games too much. I liked his human depiction and the armour design and decided to sprite him. This is actually a older shot but I was happy with it and it seems quite generic enough to go for anything really.

FE Chandragupta

Civilization 6 - Chandragupta

I have spent an absurd amount of time on Civ 6 since COVID started. Clocking in 3.5k hours approx over 2.5 years. I figured I’d sprite this badass Indian as he had a cool design. Another Sprite-tober portrait

FE Captain Falcon

Super Smash Ultimate - Captain Falcon

Although his origin game is F-Zero, to be honest his modern character is more or less a Smash character first and foremost. That said loved the anime and F-Zero on the N64. This is my 2nd attempt at Falcon and another sprite-tober portrait.

FE Master Chief

Halo 3 - Master Chief

Another sprite-tober entry, and a game I grew up with. I don’t like his Halo 4 and 5 designs, Infinite is alright. This is actually also my 2nd attempt at Chief. I did him and Falcon ages ago when I first started horribly doing full custom portraits.

FE Isaac

Golden Sun - Isaac

They say your first RPG will be your favourite RPG. Golden Sun probably wasnt my first. But it was one that left me with the strongest impression when playing it when it came out. It was probably the first one I was dedicated to playing and owning first (GS and FFX have fond places in my memories). Its sad that Isaac seems to be shafted by the smash brothers series, but I suppose understandable. It is criminal that this series is still sitting on a cliffhanger after a banger of the first 2 games. I specifically made the OG GS cast as close as I could to FE GBA styled this time round.

FE Garet

Golden Sun - Garet

Garet was intersting to sprite and figure out a pose that will fit his hair into a hack box and still look like him. So he ende up with a young adult Gohan haircut. If you check his actual art, Garet’s hair would never fit his head plus a hack box. Maybe if you turned him 90 degrees and layed him flat and even then unlikely.

FE Ivan

Golden Sun - Ivan

I wasn’t sure how Ivan’s haircut worked when I did this originally and out of the 4 would probably the one I would redo the most. I would probably turn down the sharp contrast of his colours a bit as well when compared to the other 3 party members.

Golden Sun - Mia (Garytop)

Golden Sun - Mia

My favourite female adept from Golden Sun, your dedicated healer in the OG party with a lot of sass and guts for a healer and the smurfette of the OG party. I like how her hair turned out here, and would probably re do her eyes and shoulders if I were to revist it.

FE Guan Yu1FE Guan Yu2

League of Legends - Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere (Guan Yu)

2 Variants of beard hair, this mugshot is actually quite old however I revisited it to fix up his beard hair since the old one was really out of shape shading wise. This design is based off the Warring Kingdoms design for Tryndamere from League of Legends, however his far shoulder pad was made as a concession since his actual one was a bit too complex for me to work out at the time. I think if I reattempted it now, it wouldn’t fit the hackbox either.

Symphony of War - Diana (Garytop)

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga - Diana

That title is a mouthful to say and write so I’ll refer to it as just Symphony of War. Its a SRPG but is more akin to Ogre Battle than Fire Emblem. Still its been a fun game to play (its on the short end and unless you play perma death its pretty straight forward and easy regardless of difficulty chosen). Diana is huge and was fun to sprite and is one of my favourite units in that game. I’m suprised how much mileage I got out of 15 colours. Still its hard to draw big muscular women sometimes without making them to masculine looking. Something to keep refining.

FE Juri Han

Street Fighter 6 - Juri Han

I like Juri’s new design in Street Fighter 6 and that updated haircut compelled me to make this sprite :stuck_out_tongue: This was also an experiment in trying a different body pose to the standard ones you see in Fire Emblem (although actually you do see it in basically any Tharja merchandise the lean over). I do plan on expanding this portrait into either a full body or half body so look forward to that.

Samurai Warriors - Nobunaga Oda (Old) (Garytop)

Samurai Warriors 5 - Oda Nobunaga (Mature/Old)

Nobunaga has always had cool designs in the Tecmo Koei franchise, however they revamped the story and design completely in 5 so he looks less like Japanese Cao Cao and more brash and hot headed. However his aged design does sorta harken back to his classic Koei design. His shoulder plate feather things were really hard to sprite at this size. If I did this in a non GBA standard mug size I could probably do it more justice, but I always aim to make sprites in Fire Emblem GBA standards rather than something larger.

FE Sierra

Pokemon Go - Sierra

Another Kozaki designed character and rival to the Instinct Team Leader Spark (basically Owain in Pokemon). Honestly the most interesting looking of the pokemon go design characters I feel. Well at least out of the Rocket bosses. Although I still dislike those random strands of hair that run inbetween eyes, like Iago’s from Fates. Also if you think she looks wierd holding the poke ball that way, thats how she holds it in Kozaki’s art, wierd yeah?
Ran out of colours for red for the ball so had to cheat and angle the ball to mostly show entirely the white side :stuck_out_tongue:

FE GromFE Grom Alt

Warcraft - Grom Hellscream

I grew up with Warcraft 3 and read Lord of the Clans and found Grom’s character cool but sad. Hes interesting in being one of the stronger Orc Warlords in spite of being one of the smallest (physically). His story is interesting in being the one to redeem the Orcs against Mannaroth, while also being one of the first to indulge in the fel blood and a considerably hot headed blood thirsty fighter. His story is always about whether or not his heroic actions outweigh his past actions. This glorification of his actions by Thrall would also screw them over later down the line in several WoW expansion storylines.
He was interesting to sprite being a non standard human character especially the mouth. If I were to revist, I would maybe re do his tusks and attempt his tattoo work maybe. When I tried in this attempt the tattoo work didnt look good and meshed too much with is existing skin and muscle tones. If I had more colours I’d atttempt his piercings too.

FE Varian
FE Varian

World of Warcraft - Varian Wrynn

I am a sucker for cool and intricate shoulder pads like Varian’s here. I made this ages ago, but thought it was appropriate to post at the same time as the Kjelle I have just done. There was some extreme dodging here to fit them into the hackbox. I’m not 100% happy with how they turned out, but it was a fun excercis none the less. Varian himself I thought was a cool character and was one of the few characters I cared about post Warcraft 3. I do plan on doing some more Warcraft themed mugshots further down the line so I guess expect some more shoulder pads galore later.
EDIT: I found an old formatted version I made ages ago, so here you go. Although I do intend on making a new one eventually down the line

FE BrockFE Brock Eyes Shut Alt

Pokemon - Brock

This is an old mug I did years ago, but in the spirit of shut eyes Zane I decided to format and release him. This was based on a scene where Brock does a “sexy open” eyes thing in the anime (I can’t recall when, but he was probably trying to seduce someone). So in actuality I did the open eyes one first, however here is a classic eye shut version as well. I recall when I first showed this one off, someone suggested I should use the hair for Spike Spiegal from Cowboy Bebop. Maybe I should attempt him down the line eventually.

FE Garen Rugged

League of Legends - Garen (Rugged Skin)

Garen is one of my favourite champions from League of Legends (one of my first mains when I used to play ages back). This skin was one of the first ones I had for that game because me and a friend of mine thought it gave off a strong Fire Emblem vibe. It helps that hes voiced by Jamieson Price (ENG Lu Bu DW 5 - 8, FEH - Hawkeye, Virion and Zephiel) one of my favourite VAs (basically because of Dynasty Warriors (a lot of my favourite VAs are from that series)) that added to his appeal to me (that and the fantasy armour and shoulderpads). So I figured I may as well Fire Emblem him. I think if I revistsed this I would redo his undershirts, but the rest I’m pretty ok with.

FE Sejuani HelmetlessFE Sejuani Helmetless Snow
FE SejuaniFE Sejuani Snow

League of Legends - Sejuani

So for those of you who don’t follow League of Legends, the Worlds Championship finished just last week and the team narratives for the finals was amazing. Probably the best Worlds I’ve followed since I started following. This year the reward for finishing a high enough rank (not me) is a Victorious themed skin of Sejuani, this champ. She was also heavily featured in the season start video for 2022 which is what I based the design of this sprite on. Even if you don’t play League or really like it, you can’t fault Riot’s cinematic teams. I made 4 variants of this portrait, Helmet or Helmetless and a version with her covered in snow specks (clean minds people…)

FE Cloud

FF7 - Cloud Strife (Modern Design)

So I’ve pondered for a while on how to fit Cloud into the hackbox and this is my answer. I decided to go with his modern design (Advent Children/Crisis Core/Remake) which has less exaggerated spikes. Then I decided to go with a back shot to even angle his head and hair further away from the viewer. It also kinda doubles a slight homage to that cover art with the shot of him looking at Shinra from behind him. I did get a bit lazy and not put the screws into his shoulder pad (I wonder how they got there in the first place to be honest, because the Soldier armour in CC doesnt have the screws). However this was also a sprite to warm up a bit since I decided to take a break over the 2022 Christmas holidays to catch up on some video game backlogs, that and I had a artist block on what to draw.

FE Lion El Jonson

Warhammer 40K - Lion El Jonson

I’ve wanted to do a Warhammer 40K sprite for a while (again sucker for stupid shoulder pads) and with this character returning to the time period (this is a major lore thing) I thought it would be cool to sprite him (especially his Lion Shoulder). So I’ve been on a bit of hiatus in terms of spriting, I ran into a pretty busy period IRL and then was working on a few personal art projects. So this is my first public one back in a while. Honestly I did get lazy with his chest piece and far shoulder, and was mainly focusing on his Lion Shoulder pad which I am happy with how it turned out. I’m not too keen on the colour of his armour, but I was torn between going Dark Angel Green or Lore Black for his armour, so a bit of both? Still the hackbox gymnastics required for Grim Dark shoulder pads is always kind of fun. We’ll see how my pacing goes for releasing more sprites.

FE Ganondorf TotK

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Ganondorf

The story trailers for both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are what got me on board to buy into Zelda. Previously I only ever owned Phantom Hourglass. I did play Four Swords with friends back in the day and Oracle of Time, but never finished them. This Ganondorf reminds me of the Wind Waker with his clothing style a little bit. He has that cool Half Kimono/Gi thing going on. I did do a version where I attempted his shoulder/neck jewlery but wasn’t happy with it, so I decided on posting this one instead where those were removed.

FE Leon Hero

Resident Evil 4 Remake - Leon Kennedy (Hero Outfit)

I’ll say, the RE4 Remake has to be one of my most favourite games I’ve played in recent years. I loved playing the original one on the wii which was my first RE game. Leon is by far my favourite RE protagonist. This outfit and design is based on his “Hero” outfit with the eyepatch extra added, which was my favourite get up aside from his default look in Remake. It also looks like it could suit the medieval setting too. To be honest I’ve been sitting on this one for a bit, but decided to finish it off so I can move onto another sprite. I think I should of maybe made his clothes a bit bigger, so it avoids a bit of the long neck syndrome.

FE PurahFE Purah No Glasses

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Purah

So I finished Tears of the Kingdom and I enjoyed it, I would say if you enjoyed BotW then TotK is definitely a sequel and has plenty of content and does not feel like DLC. I decided to do do Purah, and quickly realised how many colours she has on her. I had to get real creative with her colour pallette with her skin tones being used in pretty much every other aspect of her (hair, goggles, shirt/jacket). I really like her new design, I like it more than her AoC design, she seems more mature. I was going to do a hand pose or something along with this portrait, but couldn’t settle on a pose I liked, so decided to not do one in the end.

FE Jack of BladesFE Jack of Blades alt

Fable - The Jack of Blades

If I had a nickel for every time I became a fan of an RPG series that seems to have been dropped by their devs, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. In actuality Fable II is my favourite in the series and the only one I can’t really replay that much unless I dig out my Xbox 360 again (1, Lost Chapters, Anniversary are currently available on PC and I bought 3 on steam before it got delisted so I have that available as well). I’ve wanted to do some Fable portraits for a while, but haven’t gotten around to it. The Jack of Blades has pretty cool villain design. Which in hindsight doesn’t suit itself to the Fire Emblem format as much since he has a pretty big shoulder cloak hood thing going on, but the mask is cool. I actually struggled a bit with the mask since its hard to get the fine details on it, on a standard size GBA portrait. I also found I ended up using a lot of colours for his pallette despite you know his design being majority red cloak. I think if I was going to do another Fable portrait, I’m leaning towards Walter from 3, or possibly Briar Rose or the young protagonist from 1.
I also did an alt with less damage on his mask as well;

FE Manon
+Fantasy Alt
FE Manon Fantasy Alt

Street Fighter 6 - Manon

I don’t play Fighter games often, but when I do… I generally have a good time despite being pretty basic with them. Street Fighter 6 to me feels like a good fighting game, it has decent non arcade Singleplayer mode in the World Tour story mode which is basically a Street Fighter version of Yakuza, except you can dragon punch almost any random bystander to start a street fight. Manon is one of the new characters and the French rep in this game. I am a sucker for that fringe/bang haircut (notably a fan of Haman Karn from Gundam, who coincidentally also pink haired and sports a similar bang/fringe). I’m surprised how many colours I had to use for this portrait. When you look at her character design she has only 3 major colours kind of going for her (Pink hair, blue under clothing and white/teal Judo Gi), yet after expending 4 colours for her hair, that left using 2 colours for the blue, 2 colours for the Judo Gi White and 1 colour for her Gold Olympic Medal, so it forced me to be really creative with shading and colour distribution. I had a lot of fun with this one and also decided to a fantasy alt in shining armour (she strikes me as the type to be knightly rather than a soft squishy magic user).
There is also a halfbody (more like three quarters) in the Fullbodies/Halfbodies section too)

FE Chun LiFE Chun Li Alt

Street Fighter - Chun Li

So this design is based on some concept art for Street Fighter 6 (this is no where near the design they ended up with in the final product), but I thought it looked really cool. Then I tried doing the gold clothing detailing and struggled so I decided to do the clothing detailing more closer to her classic SF2 design. I didn’t do a fantasy alt, because I feel like this design is already fantasy-esque enough, just more Asian than European. If I were to revisit this, I’d probably re touch her hair and her neck fur collar. I have also done an alt where there is less decal on her shoulders.

FE Xin Zhao

League of Legends - Xin Zhao

So this is just a small face update and frame creation for an old portrait I made back in 2015, back when I was more into playing League of Legends. Now days I rarely play unless friends ask for a game and it usually heightens around the Worlds period which most of my friend group still watch. This design was based on one of the older Chinese Splash arts he had before he had his rework and visual update. It was an interesting body pose used to fit his hair style. The original version of this had his head too big, which I have shrunk a bit in the touch up as well as change a few colours. I’ve just been going through some old mugs and decided some aren’t bad for usage and cleaned them up and gave them frames. I’ll post some of the old versions to the observation only section.

FE Leona

League of Legends - Leona

Another small update and frame creation for an old portrait I made back in 2015. This design was based on one some key art for the 5th season of League of Legends (2015). I liked the colouring on the armour and headpieces on this one. I think the mileage I got out of the colours for this one was also something I was really proud of with this one. I think if I ever went back to re do this one in particular rather than make a new Leona, I would probably touch up her hair, maybe even re shade it.

FE Siegfried Schtauffen SC3 Fade FlairFE Siegfried Schtauffen SC3 Root Flair
FE Siegfried Schtauffen SC3 Fade RoundFE Siegfried Schtauffen SC3 Root Round

Soul Calibur 3 - Siegfried Schtauffen

So I don’t know why I did this to myself, Siegfried Schtauffen is probably one of my favourite fighting game characters and his Soul Calibur 3 design is probably my favourite one of his. It however has these crazy feathered shoulder plates. I spent most of time working on these feathers and made 4 variants of the feathers because. Maybe I’ll revisit those sometime down the line when I have a better idea on how to approach them. I will say his hair and the Flavia I recently did, probably have the most tones I’ve used in a hair (5 tones), so you get a really detailed shine look to it, however depending on the hair colour you have this does severely limit your clothing colour options.

FE Arthas MenethilFE Arthas Menethil Corrupt Alt

Warcraft - Arthas Menethil

Hackbox… meet fantasy shoulderplates… fantasy shoulderplates, meet Fire Emblem hackboxes. So another western blonde chosen hero, corrupted by power and the desire to do good. If I do Anakin Skywalker too, I’ll hit the trifecta. This design was based on some artwork as there are many interpretations of his armour, but this one I could see transitioning into the pauldrons he wears as the Lich King. I spent a lot of my younger teenage years playing Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne, those were some good days and I was sad that Reforged broke a lot of custom games and discouraged people from making new ones. If we didnt have Warcraft 3, games like DotA, League of Legends, Legion TD wouldn’t exist. If I were to revist this one, I would probably go back to his face the most, I’m not sure why, maybe its the haircut but it looks smaller comparatively to other portraits, but his part way corrupted alt I did looks more in line (probably because I subtly exaggerated some features of that one).

FE GalanothFE Galanoth No Blink

Adventure Quest - Galanoth/Dragonslayer

So back in the early days of the internet, I used to frequent a lot of old flash websites, to play flash games etc such as Flashring, Newgrounds, Neopets, the original Runescape and Adventure Quest. I always liked some of the overexaggerated fantasy designs of Adventure Quest and the Dragonslayer classes have always been a favourite. From my memory, they are led by Galanoth and although their designs have changed a bit between each game in the AQ universe (AQ, Dragonfable, AQW, AQW3D) I took some design elements from multiple iterations. Overall I’m happy with it, however I would reconsider the shoulder plates. The helmet was the fun part, but also the hard part. I made a variation on the frames where the eyes in the helmet do not blink, because from memory the eyes do not, but I thought some people would prefer blinking frames so I did both. To be honest most designs in AQ are probably too over exaggerated to fit into a hackbox, but maybe I’ll do another one someday.

FE Lu BuFE Lu Bu No Headress

Dynasty Warriors - Lu Bu

So this is my 100th unique character portrait submission to the Repository thread. The warrior worth 1000 (or the 100th portrait :p, although this is counting Zeke and Camus separately). I actually made an attempt at his Dynasty Warriors 9 outfit back in 2020 during COVID lockdowns, but wasn’t really happy with how it turned out, mainly because I couldn’t proportionately fit him in well. After honing my hackbox gymnastics, this is my second attempt at him. I decided to do a headdress less alt as well since its less busy design wise. This design is based on someone’s amalgamation of his DW 6, 7,8 and 9 designs (although I added the red eye shadow from 6). I’m happy with how his face look turned out, it does remind me a lot of him, where I think if I were to revisit this iteration, it would be his hair and his headdress. I also considered dressing him up in different costumes from the various games, but decided to move on and look towards the next sprite.

FE Sima Yi v2

Dynasty Warriors - Sima Yi

So Sima Yi is an interesting character in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is usually depicted as being very cunning, ambitious and a mastermind schemer and backstabber. However the way I view him usually is that he is really talented and one of the few people of his time able to deal with the opposing geniuses and talents in Wu and Shu. He then is shown to be loyal to those he deems deserving of his talents (Cao Cao, Cao Pi) and it wasn’t until incompetence and petty corruption filled the court of Wei that he turned on the Cao family (long after Cao Cao and Cao Pi both passed away).
This is why I decided to pose him facing away from the left, but still looking that way to give that deceitful look. I’m actually really happy with how everything turned out, the only thing I would immediately touch up if I revisited this, would be to adjust his hat to be a little bit wider.

Fe DW8 Lian Shi

Dynasty Warriors - Lian Shi

So this is actually an old sprite I did, that I noticed I had made insertable when going through my old folders so I cleaned it up a little bit and decided to upload it. Lian Shi was a new character added in Dynasty Warriors 7 to fill out Wu’s roster since the series since 7 decided to actually finish telling the story of the Three Kingdoms by extending the endgame scenarios to the rise of the Jin Kingdom (the final uniting one) Also to add another female rep (to the Kingdom at the time that I think had the most female reps already…) In her original debut, her specialist weapon was the crossbow which if built correctly was pretty beastly, but personally I always found that moveset to immobile to my liking. This design is based on her Dynasty Warriors 8 appearance.

FE Shadowheart

Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowheart

So I’ve spent a lot of time playing Baldurs Gate 3 and it has made headlines as a good standard of video game quality in the current modern gaming age. If you love table top RPGs I have spent almost 150 hours playing it since it came out, I have enjoyed it that much. To be honest I am a sucker for that fringe and framing bang hair cut that she has going on and I enjoy her character a lot in Baldur’s Gate, a strange amnesiac who has a lot of bark for being a cleric. I do wish I had more colours to play with, but I had to make do with what I could get my hands on. I have considered changing her skin colour a bit to be more peachy/pinkish, but for now I think I’ll settle with this.

FE Roboute Guilliman

Warhammer 40K - Roboute Guilliman

So I mentioned previously that I wanted to do another WH40K sprite and here is the Primarch of the Ultramarines (actually my favourite Primarch) the Avenging Son, Master of the Excel Spreadsheet, Roboute Guilliman (don’t ask me how to pronounce that). I actually like the Ultramarine colour schemes, always been a fan of yellow/gold trimming and blue main colours. If I had more colours I would also do the wax seals on his armour as well. I also attempted his nameplate on his shoulder, but decided against it in the end, due to flipping text never ends well. If you remove the laurel and armour the head is kind of generic enough that he could also pass for a Soldier 76 as well, so I may release a armourless version for splicing purposes for people to use later. I have considered releasing some of my sprites in “pieces” so people could use them for splicing easier if they wanted to, or if they wanted to play dress up.

FE Tifa

Final Fantasy 7 - Tifa

After doing Aerith, Zack and Cloud and watching some of the trailers for Rebirth, I decided to do Tifa. I do like that her modern redesign in the remakes is still reminiscent of her classic look but is suitably updated and practical-ish. I think if I were to revisit this one I would probably spend more time on the eyes. I did a couple of variations but settled on this one, I didn’t want to go too big as it is more associated with younger characters, and I still wanted her eyes to have a shine to them as well.

FE Akali

League of Legends - Akali

So I like to vary up my sprites from just doing purely a singular IP and at the time of spriting and writing this it is currently the League of Legends World’s Tournament, so doing a League sprite felt fitting. Getting her hair to fit into the hackbox was a challenge as well as utilising colours to the best of my abilities. I wish I had a few more colours so I could add the cloud tattoos to her shoulders, but this what I got to work with. If I were to revisit this, I would maybe touch up the mask, I’m not 100% happy with it and maybe do an alt without the mask. I did sprite a face underneath it, but it didnt turn out quite well enough that I was happy to post it.

FE Jarvan IV Worlds

League of Legends - Jarvan IV (Worlds Alt)

So once upon a time I did a base Jarvan IV a long time ago, which is visible in the Observation Only section. When Worlds 2021 came around and his Worlds Skin came out with a chroma that gave it his base colours scheme similar again. I felt like it was better representation of Jarvan IV more in line with how the current look of League is (his original model I don’t think has been really updated that much so it still feels like something from over a decade ago). He is supposed to be Dragon themed considering his backstory is that he did help slay a dragon and is in a will they/won’t they relationship with a Dragon as well and thus I felt this design better encapsulates him than his OG design. This is probably one of my more ambitious shoulder pads that I’ve done, drawing dragons have never been easy let alone dragon decals. Despite its look, this sprite pushes my palette restrictions to their limits. If I had more colours to use or used the Hackbox expansion patch I would probably expand on the shoulder pads more, but overall I’m quite happy with how this one turned out.

FE Auron v5FE Auron No Glasses v5
FE Auron Combat Sleeve v5FE Auron Combat Sleeve No Glasses v5

Final Fantasy X - Auron

So this is my 5th attempt at Auron from FFX. This guy is probably my 2nd favourite character from FFX and probably 3rd from Final Fantasy overall. The badass Samurai mentor who when you get him in your party pretty much one shots most smaller encounters and can pierce armoured encounters off the bat. When I was younger his serious, cool, wise and experienced vibes made him my favourite, but as I got older my viewpoint changed and Tidus’ idealism and character development overtook Auron in my favoured list. Each character in FFX has a challenge when drawing them, usually to do with colour palette because I feel they’re amongst the most colourful (literally) cast amongst the 3D era Final Fantasy parties. So yes Auron’s colours were probably the hardest to balance out, but I think this my favourite attempt. You can see all my previous version in the Observation Only section.

FE Leda
FE Leda Helmet Alt

Elden Ring - Needle Knight Leda

So I’ve finished the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC twice now and this probably the poster NPC for that DLC. To be honest, a lot of the NPCs look really nice or cool except they’re usually wearing helmets or headgear so you can’t see their face all too well. However Leda had key art for the DLC (although you couldn’t see her eyes in it) with her helmet off (felt really Berserk like). If you do hack the game to see her face, she has silver eyes which were kind of hard to do here without making her eyes huge (which makes characters look younger). As for the trimming, its not to the same level of detail as the source material, but thats more so because the size of the trimming and decals are too small if to scale. Overall I’m pretty happy with this, I also did her helmet as that is what you will most likely see for the majority. I was aiming to maker her hair a more faint glowing type of blonde as per her art which I think I conveyed reasonably well. Overall happy with how it turned out.

FE HeihachiFE Heihachi Alt
FE Heihachi HandsFE Heihachi Alt Hands

Tekken - Heihachi Mishima

So one of the most iconic fighting game characters was announced for the DLC for Tekken 8 last month during EVO, the feeling was pretty hype so I felt compelled to draw him but couldnt at the time due to other commitments. You know at first I wasn’t sure I could fit in his hair, but it ended up surprisingly easy. I decided not to shade match his eyebrows because I couldn’t get the silver grey eyebrows to work quite right. In the DLC trailer the lighting makes him look like he has black hair, which I decided to make an alt of. His design and outfit is based on a mix of shots from the DLC trailer (Volcano scene and the monk garb). Overall pretty happy with how he turned out.

EDIT: Forgot to save with his hands, so I’ve kept his handless ones here as well if you prefer that.

FE Jecht MkIIFE Jecht MkII Alt

Final Fantasy X - Jecht

This is my 2nd attempt at Jecht much like Tidus. I did attempt both of them once when Dissidia first came out (Auron on the other hand as seen before has been attempted many times (even pre Dissidia)) I like Jecht’s character and kind of isn’t really a villain in the traditional sense either. Just more like the game’s antagonist. This time his design was done with a mix of elements from both Nomura’s Dissidia design and his original artwork. When I was working on him and didn’t have his facial hair done yet, I could kind of see the familial resemblance to Tidus, however I still wonder how he and his wife (Black and brunette hair respectively), had Tidus (blonde). Jecht is a more darker tan skin colour than Tidus, which I can accept since his wife is more fairer skinned. Overall pretty happy with how this turned out. If I were to revisit this one, probably look at his hair again, I used to use dark blacks like this on sprites a lot more in the past, however I moved away from it because I felt like it clashed often with the border colour which is supposed to be the darkest colour. I also did an alt of his without the shoulder pad and strap, because it covered up the Zanarkand Abe’s tattoo.

FE Astarion

Baldurs Gate 3 - Astarion

Its the party vampire from Baldurs Gate. Neil Newbon honestly did a fantastic job portraying Astarion in Baldurs Gate and even though he wasnt usually one of my party members (I usually made a rogue character), he was always fun to have around for dialogue. He was a challenge because his hair is kinda hard to convey, but after looking at a few references this is what I settled on and I think it turned out pretty well. I do wish I had a few more colours to work with. It took me a while to also get his eyes, but I think I got something I liked in the end. Because he has a pale peach skin tone, I couldnt use his skin tone for the trimming and embroidery on his clothing, which meant I was down two colours. His outfit colour varies depending on what you’re referencing. His cover art’s main colour is red, however in game and other artworks make his clothing more purple than red, so this is sorta the colour I settled on. I think if I were to revisit this one, his clothing would probably get re coloured again and maybe I would experiment again with the colours and see if I could squeeze out another tone or two somewhere.

FE Sephiroth v3FE Sephiroth v3 Alt
FE Sephiroth v3 Alt HairFE Sephiroth v3 Alt Hair Alt

Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth v3

So this is my third attempt at Sephiroth, something to go matching with the Cloud I did. I wanted to do him in a different pose to his Dissidia and Smash poses as those are the ones I see him the most in usually (sort of his refined and calm look). So I was aiming for his more head tilted, hair strands over his face, slightly deranged Nibelheim incident look. Overall, I am pretty happy with how his hair shading actually turned out. I think if I were to re do this one, I may re do his face size because I used Glen as a basis for my proportions, it turned out on the bigger side (Glen’s hair style sort of masks how big his head is (same with Caellach and Linus)). I may consider doing another pose of Sephiroth down the line, but that will be a while away. I also have a shirtless alt up as well, because well I am pretty proud with how his hair turned out (although because you need some outlining, it does make the strands behind his face a bit thicker).

EDIT: I slept on it and decided to do an alt without the hair strands in his face.


Fe Juri Han Full Body

Street Fighter 6 - Juri Han Full body

Only after starting this full body did I realise her pants are wierd as. This is probably the first suggestive fullbody pose I’ve done and hopefully it doesnt breach any conducts or anything like that. She is fully clothed. Fun fact, I try not to do the boobs and butts pose because I find that anatomically impossible or it seems to be to me anyway, so when I try to do poses and such I always try them out myself. This is a possible pose, just not that comfortable but at least its not spine breaking.

Samurai Warriors - Nobunaga Oda (Old) Halfbody (Garytop)

Samurai Warriors 5 - Oda Nobunaga Half body

Actually pivoted on what his arms were doing in this halfbody to what I originally envisioned, but it turned out nicely. If I were to revist this, I would revist his Katana, because adding props/items to bodied mugs usually makes for difficult angling.

FE Manon Halfbody

Street Fighter 6 - Manon Halfbody

I actually also did a bit without her Judo Gi, but thats probably a bit too lewd (it was mainly done so I could work out the shading for the Judo Gi over her clothing). I always say I need to remember that fullbodies/halfbodies are not colour restricted, but its a habit I like to keep when spriting. This was my first public halfbody/fullbody done this year and think its turned out better proportion wise than many of my ones from last year.

Non Game Franchises

FE Sun Shirt
FE Sun Shirtless

RWBY - Sun Wukong

I was a fan of RWBY and Rooster Teeth, but havent really kept up with either for a while though. Another sprite-tober attempt. It was a practice of trying interesting body poses this time around and different skin tones. Also another realisation that trying to shade and colour modern clothing is a chore. Also some insight to how I sprite; I actually almost always now sprite my portraits topless to try and get poses right so charcters don’t look physically mishapen and their clothes hopefully follow physical logic as well (yes this means I do have topless variants of most of these, and no nothing below the shoulder line(I’m not confident/interested in doing nudes or lewds))

FE Ruby

RWBY - Ruby Rose (Season 1 design)

Another sprite-tober sprite. Theres not too much to say except that her colour scheme in the series sorta goes in the reverse of shading rules in Fire Emblem. Its how you get that funky hair and top colouring. Was interesting to colour and not the only sprite I’ve done something similar with (you can see it in Xander’s armour colouring). If I were to revist, I would probably do her later season costume upgrade.

Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu (Garytop)

Gundam 0083 Stardus Memories - Cima Garahu

One of my favourite Gundam series is probably Stardust Memories, it has a heavy 80s Top Gun style influence in design. I actually reckon that Petrine may have had some inspiration drawn from Cima Garahu. At face value shes a pretty one shot villain but her actions have a Qui Gon Jinn roll on effect on the rest of the UC series (her actions indirectly cause the rise of one of the more unambigiously evil factions in the series) and her backstory expansion adds some nice extra characterisation for her.

FE KaibaFE Kaiba Alt
FE Kaiba

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Seto Kaiba

Just a mugshot for fun. Again limitations on colour pallette means getting creative with his eyes and undershirt colouring. Tried balancing the iconic Yu-Gi-Oh style artwork with the less sharp and tamer Fire Emblem styling while still maintaining the air and recognisability of the character. Maybe one day I’d attempt Yugi, but his hair would be really tough to fit in the hackbox. But hey maybe you could combine this mug with the blue eyes ripped from Jump Stars in the repository for something.

I did do an edit with the Kaiba Corp logo on his collar, but chose not to format it because if you flip it, then obviously KC is reflected and facing the wrong way.
I also did an alt with dull eyes for evil Kaiba as well.

FE Emerald

RWBY - Emerald Sustrai (Volume 8 Design)

Honestly didnt like her original design from the earlier volumes but really like this one. She actually has a similar haircut to Athena with two random long tail like hair strands that arent really visible front on. Probably my favourite of the human villains so far although I did also like Arthur Watts.
Her fairytale character basis is supposedly Aladdin.

FE Ichigo v2

Bleach - Ichigo Kurosaki

Honestly was always a fan of Bleach and I am glad they are finishing the Thousand Year War arc in the anime and hyped they changed his theme song with a much cooler remix. Ichigo is interesting in that he is kinda generic but still somehow distinguished and stands out. Maybe because Tite Kubo started to suffer from same face syndrome pretty badly towards the end of Bleach’s run. Still Bleach was my favourite of the big three during the peak of its manga run. I may do some more Bleach mugs down the line.

FE James Ironwood

RWBY - James Ironwood (Volume 7&8 Design)

James is one of my favourite characters and he got a banging re design and theme song in volume 7 & 8. Having been in a somewhat similar situation of being under pressures from all sides in a working environment (not nearly the same extreme as he underwent) I had some sympathies for him during those volumes. Honestly got a lot mileage out of the colour limit in this one. I should look to do some more characters with less or no blacks in their pallette because I’ve done a lot of those recently and it gets a little tiring. However really did want to do Ironwood.


FE James Ironwood Alt
Also did a minor alt of him where he had snapped and his eyes are more unhinged. Ironically even though the unhinged anime look is usually the tiny pupils thing, its kind of hard to sprite. Liquid in TLP actually is a good sprite example of doing the unhinged look, however he did have the advantage of having a larger than average FE mug face. A general rule of thumb with spriting is the larger a sprite is in scale, the easier it is to add detail or improve the clarity of it. However this does mean it may no longer conform to the average set by Intelligent Systems in the GBA games (this is always a difficult balancing act for custom non splice works).

FE Pyrrha

RWBY - Pyrrha Nikos

I did a Pyrrha for a couple years ago, but didnt like how it turned out, so I did this one which looks a lot more like the character. I decided to revist her after doing the other RWBY mugs recently and you can compare the old version to this one under the Observation Only section. I think one of the trickier things to get right in these portraits or in pixel art in general is eyebrows/eyelines underneath fringes and bangs. Its a common design seen in Anime and Anime-esque characters, but I find personally its hard to translate to pixel art and that depending on the character design its better off hiding the lines underneath what ever is covering them.
On a side note, Pyrrha is one of my favourite characters of earlier season cast and her representation in the Chibi series was always enjoyable to see.

FE Van v2

GunXSword - Van

Ah “Van the Unemployed”, “Van the Freeloader”, “Hangover Van”, “Steel Van”, “Invincible Van”, “Pretty Boy Van from the Garbage Dump”, “Van the Unsung Hero who Gives It All He’s Got”, “Van of the Dawn”, “Daybreak Van”, “Nice Guy Van”, “Van that Weird Guy who Helped Out”, “Van of a Thousand Conquests”, “Van of a Thousand Naps”, “Van, The Devil in The Poisoned Tuxedo”, and “Van the Devil’s Swallowtail Suit”.

One of my favourite Anime characters and favourite animes, a short robot series with a nice succinct story. I had also done a version of him a long time ago, before the Brock mugshot I posted earlier, another character revist to see progress which you can see the comparison in the observation only section. In fact this time round I’ve added a few old portraits so you can see skill development and change. One bit of advice to any artist I can add is that you should revist/redo something you’ve done before after some time, it helps to see what changes you have undergone and will also let you see where you had problems in the past and help you focus on improving them. Staring at the same piece of art or non stop working on new things may sometimes hide flaws or problems to you.

FE Wendy v2

GunXSword - Wendy Garret

To go with the Van mugshot, here is Wendy Garret. Unlike my old version of Van I was not happy with the old version of Wendy I had so I defintely had to re do her. To be honest I’m still not 100% on board with this version either. Mainly the fringe and the face shape still bug me a bit, but I think its a bit of the anime style not translating well to the FE GBA style. Sometimes I guess you gotta compromise on that fact.

FE Suletta
+Fantasy Alt
FE Suletta (Armoured)

Gundam The Witch From Mercury - Suletta Mercury

So I haven’t watched an anime series in a while (I didn’t watch any during the lockdown years) so WFM was the first series I’ve watched in a while. I didn’t go in with much expectations, but I do like this series. It starts off with a kind of Mecha school setting with an awkward protagonist (RWBY, Harry Potter, Three Houses) but this ain’t my first Gundam and looking at the context of things you could see the serious undertones and understanding the severity of the choices made definitely make this a Gundam series. Not quite 100% on board with how her clothes turned out, nor her hair shading, but I think it turned out well overall. Also for some modern clothed characters (for a lot of OCs I’ve done in the past (not posted)) I have also done fantasy alts of, which is why I did a fantasy armoured alt of Suletta, which was Wyvern Rider/Gundam Aerial armour inspired, with a colour scheme also inspired by the Aerial 2.0 Gundam (probably one of my favourite modern Gundam designs, reminds me of the GP01 fb, which is one of my favourites).

FE Monkey D Luffy TSFE Monkey D Luffy TS Shirtless
FE Monkey D Luffy PS

One Piece - Monkey D Luffy

So after doing Quan I decided to do a portrait with less intricacy, and also noticed I hadn’t done a non Fire Emblem or Video Game portrait in a while. So I settled on Monkey D Luffy, partly inspired by a meme about expectations of his post time skip design (where he resembles Ace a bit). However after working on it for a bit, I decided it didnt look like Luffy and decided to go for something closer to his actual design. For some reason I thought he had a sleeveless shirt top for his post timeskip design so I wanted to show off his arms and chest scar. Turns out I was wrong, so I did a few alts (Shirtless and pre timeskip clothing). To be honest One Piece, has impressed me with remaining engaging for this long considering its the last of the Big 3 (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece) that is still going (to be honest I feel like Bleach finished off earliest, but at least before it kind of dragged on too long, Naruto was in a similar boat).

FE Velvet

RWBY - Velvet Scarlatina

He was so preoccupied with whether he could sprite a bunny eared girl and didnt stop to think if he should. Velvet was an interesting character in RWBY in that she was originally created as a one off character to display racism in RWBY against Faunus (essentially RWBY Laguz (although they can’t transform, they can use aspects of the animals they are based off)). However her popularity made her into a more developed character that was brought back. Her abilities are cool in that she copies the weapons/fighting style of people she captures on camera and she can use them for a short period of time, an interesting twist on the copy fighter. On that note I wonder if anyone has successfully implemented a mimic character (eg Shadow Dragon and Mystery Emblem Xane) into a GBA hack. I did this portrait for two reasons, first was because I had drawn a few male characters recently and wanted to pivot for the next one. Second to keep going with challenging hack box limitations, I also wanted to do some bunny ears to see if I could get some decent looking ones in. Was actually quite happy with how this one turned out.

FE Kihel HeimFE Kihel Heim No hat

Turn A Gundam - Kihel Heim

Ever since doing Mariabelle, I kind of wanted to do another character with ojou ringlet hair styles. Then remember Kihel Heim (also I guess Diana Soriel). Turn A Gundam is one of my favourite Gundam series and honestly has some pretty cool designs. The Earth characters are wearing Victorian era styled clothing and the mechs were designed by Syd Mead, who I think still remains to be the only Western artist to design main series mecha for Gundam. As for the sprite, well blonde hair and white clothing, quickly meant I ran out of colours, but I did see an artist draw her in some darker coloured clothing so I may do an alt down the line as well as Diana Soriel alts.

FE Frieren

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - Frieren

So I was sitting with a bit of a spriters block towards the end of October and a friend was telling me about this anime/manga series she was watching at a party. The premise sounded kinda fun, sort of a logical/emotional human deconstruction of the usual adventurer’s/hero’s fantasy journey (whereas One Punch is a comical deconstruction of a Shonen/Super Hero series). I’ve added it to my to watch through list now and decided to sprite the main character to break up the bunch of old guys I just sprited for Awakening. I tried a different style for shading her hair to give it a more silver sheen look. I wish I had more colours available to make her red jewelery bits stand out a bit better, but otherwise I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

FE GokuFE Goku Happy Alt

Dragon Ball - Goku

So I drew this in tribute to the legendary Akira Toriyama, may he rest in peace. He leaves behind an amazing legacy and I think his impact in spreading culture through his stories and art is no small feat. Not only did he do Dragon Ball, he did several other series such as Dr Slump, Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon and Chrono Trigger off the top of my head. As for the sprite itself, well much like the Cloud I was dreading fitting his hair into the hackbox. Turned out that wasn’t too bad to keep in proportion (maybe the furthermost left (our left) spike could of gone further out, but it still looks alright here). Turns out the eyes were the hardest thing to do and I still couldn’t get a 100 percent satisfied with both variants of his eyes. I was most happy with his more serious eyes so thats why that is the main portrait and the alt are his more happy ones.

FE Wendy UKFE Wendy UK No Shine
FE Wendy UK White DressFE Wendy UK Striped Dress

Wendy's - Emo Wendy

Yes its Wendy’s as in the food chain. So apparently the UK have tried doing alternative logos for Wendy’s (to be honest I don’t really know Wendy’s since its not a major food chain in Australia as far as I know) and Butter_Sugoi on Instagram made a cool looking anime fan version of the emo logo (its not on their instagram, but its that artist). I thought the redraw was really cool and decided to do a portrait of her. I did do versions with the white dress design, but I felt it would be more cool to do some armour so the armour design is inspired by one Syrene’s Cipher arts. There are some variants available such as no hair shine (makes for recolouring the red easier if you want to), and her in a white dress or the striped one. I will say doing black lipstick did make for making mouth frames harder.

FE Laios

Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon - Laios

So this was delayed a bit but in a mini celebration for season 2 being announced I decided to draw Laios from Dungeon Meshi. I like his design because its quite simple for a fantasy anime where usually they seem over the top and non sensical a lot, whereas his design seems a lot more grounded. That said simple designs still offer their own challenges in that you still need to make the sprite appealing or stand out in a way despite the simplicity (I would argue the Elibian Cavaliers do this well even though if you take a step back they’re designs are simple compared to some of the later cavaliers) Overall happy with how he turned out, altough if I was going to revisit this one, probably touch up his face and/or hair a bit.


Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu Halfbody (Garytop)

Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu Halfbody

You know what even doing halfbodies is kinda draining, probably cool off on those too. Tried another dynamic pose with this one. Also gave her a slightly less standard skin colour scheme (not quite morph, not quite female pale). As always limitation in colours means getting creative with shading.

FE James Ironwood Fullbody

RWBY - James Ironwood (Season 7&8 Design) Fullbody

I think this fullbody is the best one I’ve done so far especially in the body proportion department. The more you practice these things the better eye you get for them. Even those these wouldnt be that useful for insertion into current platforms I still restrict myself to the GBA 15 colour limit because it makes the challenge fun.

FE Luffy Half Body

One Piece - Monkey D Luffy Post Timeskip Half body

I decided to also do a half body for Monkey D Luffy, mainly because I wanted to the chest scar. However I was torn a bit between keeping his lankiness vs how I normally shade bodies with their muscles etc. For this half body I did end up going over color limit, mainly because his sash and shorts are definitely different colours to anything else he wears.


MuseElvis Muse

Muse Battle Sprite

An silly idea I had on a drive home and decided I really needed to get it down. Obviously Elvis inspired, but I think there may have been a silly hack that had something similar before years back. This is intended to be a bard or dancer replacement, but he can cast magic if needed (it won’t freeze like the vanilla dancers).

FE Keith


An old OC I had for a storyline that I don’t feel like building upon anymore. I really liked how his hair had turned out, but his head was far larger and mishapen than the sort of ‘standard’ for GBA mugshots, so I revisited this and fixed his face a bit. He is designated Keith because his inspiration at the time was of Chuck Keith from Gundam 0083 (mainly seen in his hair design, who I may actually sprite some time down the line eventually).

I originally envisioned his design to be one of the following class types
Archer/Wyvern Rider/Mounted Knight/Solider

FE Chris OC


So for Spritetober 2022 I did a large personal project of spriting a friend a day. I won’t post those here because it was a personal project however I did like some of the fantasy designs I did for their clothing/armour and so for a select few I’ll OC-ify them and rename them to remove any resemblence to real people so they are free to edit or use. This character was made to be a Wyvern Rider.

I originally envisioned his design to be one of the following class types
Wyvern Rider/Soldier/Mounted Knight

FE Terrance OC


Another OC-ified Spriteober 2022 sprite. I like this one for the interesting shoulderplate design I settled on. To be hones the coat of arms plate on the left shoulder was put there because I forgot about how I was going to layer the shoulders after doing the right shoulder and chest and decided it was easier to put a Grey Knight (WH40K) inspired coat of arms plate over the top. The hair is also inspired by Dunban from Xenoblade Chronicles as well. This character was designed as a Paladin or mounted knight in mind.

I originally envisioned his design to be one of the following class types
Mounted Knight(Paladin, Cavalier, Great Knight)

FE BlazeFE Blaze Fist Alt


So for those who lurk around the internet, this character design is directly inspired around a Human styled Blaziken from ages back. Because the majority of my Spritetober projects revolved around darker realistic hair colours I decided to do another OC inspired by some fan art I found many years ago (the original fan art is a male blaziken, and is pretty sick. It was found on a tumblr page called the Gijin-ka dex, but I’m not sure if thats the original artist since there aren’t credits over there). So the change to use some more brighter colours was a nice change of pace.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types

FE Kagei Saya

Kagei Saya

So I forgot what I was going to sprite next and thought I haven’t done an OC since last October. So I decided to do one with a hairstyle and eye look based on a music video I saw a few years ago. I couldnt quite capture the eyes the way I wanted to, but I also wanted to move on for the moment and maybe re attempt such eyes again. However I also wanted to make her dressed more posh and well presented as well, but with a hint of melancholy.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Swordswoman, Mage, Troubadour, Mounted Knight (Cavalier, Paladin, Great Knight), Soldier.

FE Sumer


So this guy is inspired by art of a younger version of Gilgamesh from Civ 6. Which is why he is nicknamed Sumer (short for Sumerian). I really liked how his haircut turned out and his crown/circlet thing did. One thing I dislike about colouring darker skinned characters is that you run out of colours to use quick if you want to include gilding or trimming (unless the character is blonde), as those are usually done with skin tones or blonde hair tones (see Guilliman or Arthas for example). I wish I had more colours to make more elaborate clothes, but alas have to settle for the shoulder robe.

I originally envisioned his design to be one of the following class types
Mage/Sage, Fighter/Warrior, Brigand/Berserker.

FE RoseanneFE Roseanne No Hand Alt


So this pirate inspired lady was made because I wanted to try out spriting a face at a slightly different angle from what is usually seen in Fire Emblem, which is why the chin and nose are shaded differently from usual portraits. This also gave me an easy excuse to fit a pirate style hat in without having to do too much hackbox shennanigans because of the angle of her head. Thinking back off the top of my head the only character in Fire Emblem that has a remotely similar head angle would be Ashera in Radiant Dawn. Overall I’m okay with how it turned out, but I think I’ll brush up on some general art skills before trying to draw that angle again. When I looked for some references, I could mainly only find real life references (maybe there is a reason its not drawn often) at short hand.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Pirate, Thief/Rogue, Myrmidon/Swordmaster, Nomad/Nomad Trooper.

FE Beryl


So I was looking over the sprites I’ve drawn recently and there is a lot of reds, whites, blacks, a few blues used for colours here and there and felt like I wanted to draw something with green being a dominant colour. So I decided to make another OC and named her Beryl (a type of Green Gem). She actually had a lot of colours available for her since her hair only uses one tone and the skin tones (so keep that in mind if you want to recolour her hair), an advantage of drawing someone this kind of blonde. Her hair actually turned out really well, but its unfortunately covered up by her armour a bit so I might do another outfit for her as an alt to show off her hair more. Her fringe was kind of inspired by the Mario Princesses (Peach, Rosalina and Daisy) however in execution it kinda looks like female Corrin’s.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Cavalier/Paladin, Soldier/Halberdier, Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Knight/Wyvern Lord.

FE Saphyre


So I wanted to try making a character with a darker skin tone and something with a bit of blue, since I haven’t done a portrait with some in a while. So that is where Saphyre came from (that and I didn’t want to name her just Sapphire since its very similar to Saphir). I got stuck coming with her hairstyle for a while. I knew I wanted a shorter haircut after doing some more complex haircuts recently and then was looking at different references and found it hard to convert them to the more side on face pose like Selena, Ismaire and Elphin. I wanted to portray this character is a more serious and refined look, so I went through several iterations on her clothing, but sorta had to settle on this design due to my limited colour pallette (can’t use her hair or her skin tone to make trimming so, had to double down on the white to make silver/white trimming). I like the idea of epaulets and cravats as noble clothing, but lacked the colours to make external epaulets for Saphyre, so I kinda cheated and shaped her cloak as if they’re over epaulets.

I originally envisioned her design to be one of the following class types
Mage/Sage/Mage Knight, Noble/Lord.

–More to Come–

Observation Only

FE Kou Gpo 1 Groundtype

Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories - Kou Uraki and the GP01 Gundam

0083 Stardust Memories is probably my favourite Gundam, its so 80s Top Gun style wise. Plus the suits are all cool and I like the concept of Kou being an rookie underdog who has to work hard and get creative to compete with the other Aces. The GP01 Fb is probably one of my favourite Gundams.

GPO1 Sword Sample1
GPO1 Sword Crit

Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories - GP01 fb basic attack animation and crit animation

I also dabble in battle sprites from time to time as well, I do actually have FE styled Gundam sprite sheets, as I once considered doing a Gundam themed FE. I probably would revist his crit because I got lazy part way making it and its not really conveying correctly what I want it to say. That and also make some ranged attacks before I would make this F2E.

FE Ben and Emma

Fire Emblem the Last Promise - BenV2 and Emma

So if you like using Ben and Emma in TLP, you can thank me for their wacky stats, they were my submissions. The original Ben was a crappy Raven recolour on Byron’s(FE4) shoulders that I had submitted for FE4A backin the day. Then when I was helping Blazer at the time fix up a few mugs, map sprites and enemies (I also created Eligor, and did the map sprites for Galagar, Anakin and a few others) I also submitted this version of Ben, but at that point I think it was The Blind Archer/Dei who had created a better replacement for his mugshot already. Emma was updated to this version at the same time.

FE Quattro 2eg

Gundam Zeta - Quattro Bajeena, Char Aznable

I’m proud of how well I captured his likeness in this, not so much his clothing. This is actually a pretty old mug, and maybe one day I’ll revist it and make a proper line up of Gundam FE style portraits.

FE Kenobi


This actually isnt Kenobi, but was an OC I made for a SRPG project ages ago, I’ll probably redesign the OC at some point later, but I recoloured it into Kenobi for giggles. I though it felt appropriate to post this considering Kenobi is currently streaming.

FE Roy

Super Smash Brothers 4 - Roy

This is Roy based on his Smash 4 render. I was really hyped for his announcement and made this when it was revealed. Was really proud of his hair and face, then his shoulders were a disappointment. I’ll probably redo them at some point.

UPDATE: There is an updated version of this Roy in F2E Fire Emblem section, I will leave this version here in the observation only however.


DND Characters

So pre covid I was playing a DND campaign with some friends and I had drawn art for all of their characters and then sprited them and some important NPCS. The characters are full custom and the NPCs are mainly splices with some custom work. The main party is in the top row going left to right, a Half-Elf Barbarian, a Elf Warlock, Human Rogue, Human Cleric. 2nd row are the NPCs, 3rd row are guest characters of friends that joined for a short bit, A Elf Druid and a Human Paladin and a super mode version of him. The last row was the Elf Druid actually being a undead banshee villain. It was a lot of fun to play and I enjoyed it so much I decided to sprite them to remember the campaign.

fe Master chiefFE Master Chief
Fe cap Falcon oldFE Captain Falcon

Master Chief then and now + Captain Falcon Then and Now

The first Chief was made in 2007
and the first Captain Falcon back in 2009
I think its a demonstration of where I came from and where I am now. Its always intersting to reattempt characters you have already done in the past and reflect on your progress. I have several characters done who have multiple iterations and versions and I think is a good practice personally.
(FYI the Newer Chief and Falcon are F2E, however the old ones are not (I mean do you seriously want to use those old things?))


ODST design from Halo ODST

I actually like the ODST over the Spartans from Halo, the concept of people who below the best who got there through hardwork rather than augmentations and super tech. I did this years before the latest Master Chief, and actually made sure that the shoulders can fit a proper sprite head.

Fe dotf Elton

3 Mug submissions for DotF (Now Black Fang) (I have them listed as Elton, Albrecht and Vic, I'm not sure thats their final names)

Here are three mugs I submitted to help a hack called Decay of the Fangs back in the day. (I don’t remember which forum I was on at the time, but was probably going by Kai Shiden). I remember making Elton and making the aim to make a badass out of sad Eliwood’s base. His hair was based on Harken’s and his shoulders I think were Karel’s with the sleeves ripped off.
Vic was made with the idea if Erk was older and made to be the mage general, He was made with a formal Hector base. His hair actually is custom and not a splice of Erk’s because Erk’s haircut isnt made for that face angle.
Albrecht I was told to make an intimidating dark knight, and so I thought I wanted to show as little skin as possible and decided to go with a partly Batman inspired undersuit and a visored helmet, then over design scope creep sorta crept in.

FE Black Knight Mk III fb

FE9 Black Knight Full Body

As you can kind of see from my GP01 sprite, and more recent at the time of this update (Erik Half/Third body) I have dabbled in larger than mugshot size sprites. I did attempt a Black Knight at one point, but wasnt happy with the proportions in the end. (he is kinda short in here rather than the menacing hulk he usually is). Still the detailing was really fun to sprite and I think the cape is amongst my best cloth I did back in those days. Honestly I think its the legs that need lengthing here mainly.

FE Van comparison

GunXSword - Van (v1)

Here you can see my first attempt at Van (three on the left, new one on the right) and see the change in shading style, shaping, etc. I actually think the old Van was one of my better mugs from back then, however I was always bugged with his jacket shading and the fact I couldnt fit his hat in the hack box nicely.

FE Cao Cao comparison

Dynasty Warriors - Cao Cao (DW6 Design)

Ages ago back when Dynasty Warriors 6 was released I did a version of Cao Cao and Cao Pi from that game, in more recent years I have done a version of him based on his Dynasty Warriors 8 incarnation, however his facial design in those games has remained largely the same, so I still consider this a good comparison to review drawing style development. I wasnt very happy with his old mugshot and felt he was very bulky even though hes never depicted as such, which is partly why I revisited. That and his eyes and facial hair were not done justice either.

FE Tidus comparison

Final Fantasy X - Tidus

Back when Dissidia first came out, I also did a few FF characters based on their Dissidia art, all of which I deem currently quite poor, but its fun to look back on those. Here you can see the colours I chose for Tidus were more saturated and his body proportions and posing were really awkward. Since those days I take body posing and proportions into more consideration when drawing and sometimes I try doing those poses in real life to see if they seem feasible.
Other characters I did back then were Cloud, Sephiroth and Jecht, I may re vist Jecht again sometime, but I probably wont revist the other two for a while (I mean theres plenty versions of them out there, and I havent honestly thought of a way yet to get Cloud’s hair to fit the hackbox while maintaining the iconic look of his sillhouette).

FE Pyrrha Comparison

RWBY - Pyrrha

The first Pyrrha I did, I was experimenting with body poses and angles. It also allowed me to kinda cheat and hide her head piece a bit, but I wasnt happy with her face and her shoulders in the end. Also that pose meant that I couldnt really sprite her clothing much, since its not visible at that angle giving her a more nude look. was glad ot revist and make her look more like her character as depicted in the show.

FE Wendy Comparison

GunXSword - Wendy Garret

Alongside the first Van, I had also done a Wendy. The old one on the left’s eyes were really off and the shading was really harsh, a common thing amongst my older works. It didnt fit well with her clothing shading either and I think her eyes may have been a little too close. I did stick to her fringe style closer than I did with the recent remade mugshot though.


League of Legends - Xin Zhao

So these were my original versions of Xin Zhao (v1 on the left, then v2), his face size was a few pixels bigger than the submission version and I didnt like his colour choices which is why I touched it up a little bit before making an insertable version for F2E usage. I do have a few other League of Legends characters below, who may one day end up in the touch queue and be made insertable, or I’d make new versions entirely, maybe depends on whether or not I feel the urge to do some League of Legends characters again…


League of Legends - Lux Crownguard

So I went through a big League of Legends phase and to be honest I was a big Demacian fan, the aesthetics of Garen and Jarvan IV appealed to what makes me like Warhammer and Warcraft designs, over the top shoulder pads, blue, white colour schemes with gold or yellow trimming and highlights… One of my friend’s favourite champs back then was Lux Crownguard which was partly the reason I did this one back then, but also noticed I had done a lot of male sprites around the time (these days I like to balance things out). Although I think some problems with this is the face, and the colour choices, so if I went back to this one I would have quite a few things required to touch up or re do entirely.


League of Legends - Garen Crownguard

So Garen, Graves and Jarvan IV were my first champs I mained back in season 2 of League of Legends, and this sprite was based on a cross between some concept art for his upcoming visual update and his classic look. I didn’t like his visual update originally, but it grew on me over time. Also yes, freaking huge shoulder pads. Definitely shoulder pads amongst the Warcraft and Warhammer designs.


League of Legends - Jarvan IV

So Jarvan IV based on his original splash art. I thought he looked cool, but when trying to sprite him back then, I realised how plain his armour design was. If I were to re do him, I would probably do one based on his worlds 2021 championship skin with the gold/yellow scheme instead of white, since its a bit more elaborate.

Final Fantasy X - Auron Spriting Legacy

So Auron has been a favourite character of mine for a long time and as such I have done many attempts of Auron over the years and I think its nice to show progress over my time of spriting.
The first version a heavily modified Dieck was done in 2007
Auron 2, done back in my early ventures into full custom work was 2008
Auron 3, done based on the his KH artwork was done in 2010
Auron 4, done in 2020 during Lockdown more based on his FFX look again
Auron 5, done in 2024, sort of takes a mixed features approach (F2E)
There are several characters I’ve done multiple versions of over the years, some which should be located in this Observation Only section. As such please only use the ones available in the F2E sections please and not the old outdated ones located in here. I did consider posting a Black Knight Spriting Legacy as well, which I may do down the line some time.


Final Fantasy X - Jecht (Old Version)

So when I first did Jecht (left side), it was after Dissidia first released. The first attempt was mainly based on that one, however I wasn’t quite happy with how his proportions turned out back then. His hair was also quite more blockier done back then too. Later on I came to realise it was probably due to how I was trying to reinterpret Nomura’s colouring and shading style too much into the portrait. Which you know if every portrait is sharing that style its not bad (I think consistency in style can go a long way for looks and cohesion of a rom hack or art piece). Still its always nice to see what I’ve done compared to my abilities now and the choices I made.

–More to Come–


Half/Fullbody Silly Collage
Was rearranging one of my spriting files and wanted to measure Ironwood next to some of the others and decided to do something goofy, could make a funny meme template with this. Come up with a clever caption?

Tall, Dark, Cravat… An Observation
IS knows how to make Black Knights look cool… Amusingly their actual Black Knight does not wear a cravat.

Fancy Hat Club
“Is this the fancy hat club? Seems a bit of a boys club at the moment…” I should sprite more hats… TF2 Intensifies

Forum Meta
Screenshot 2023-07-18 012656
18/07/2023 - Nice…

See my Cravat, Seem my Cravat
So many cravats have been drawn…
(as of this posting 29/07), there are 3 sprites in here that are observation only that haven’t been posted proper into Observation Only (Red Head OC on the left, Eligor from TLP (yes I did draw him for Blazer) and Black haired OC girl on the right (in the middle of the picture))

Kellam who?
FE Kellam Joke
Who is this Kellam you speak of? I’ve never seen them.

FE Ylisse Saga Set

So this was made as a throwback to sprite rips you from back in the day, this is just a neat display of most of the Awakening portraits I did.
Here is a Dropbox link of all the portraits as well;
Awakening Set

FE Robin Set

So this was made just because. This is a neat display of most of the all the Robin variants I did, there are 48 in total, thats more than half the amount of Awakening portraits I did.
Here is a Dropbox link of all the portraits as well;
Robin Set


The Ike-olution

Here are all my takes on the various mainline game Ike classes, I decided to sprite different variations rather than base them on his PoR and RD portraits on purpose to make them stand out from the tons of other ones people have already done, that and I like some of the other artist’s takes on Ike as well (although Kita Senri is still the OG)

FE Black Knight MkV SummerFE Black Knight MkV Summer Exceed

Summer Black Knight

Just because IS are cowards and won’t make one. But otherwise I thought would be hilarious after mixing and matching my layers of my sprite. There is a hackbox extended one as well for his helmet (you must be using the exceed The Portrait Hackbox patch)
Coordinates as below

–Maybe More to Come–


finally, another spriter that’s into Mechs. good stuff dude, nice gallery :+1:


Skynet has planted its silicone into FEU

Is that a Poland Ball avatar?

Also I’ve updated the OP post with the latest Repository submissions and some more Observation portraits for more story time. (There is a TLP mug in there).

1 Like

i love all of them :3 you are amazing :3


I agree with the above poster, you really have a very distinctive style in a very good way! Super excited to see more stuff from you :slight_smile:


I’ve updated the main post with Altina, Catherine GBA Swordmaster reskin and Lachesis. Enjoy the commentary alongside them.


i noticed in your lester commentary that you were wondering what happened to Decay of the Fangs

it’s completed now, under the name Black Fang here on FEU

1 Like

You made a Byron and Reptor? How did they look?

Ahhh thats cool to see another one completed, I helped clean up some of the mugs early on and provided these 2; There was a third but I’d have to play the hack to see if it got in;
Fe dotf Elton
FE dotf vic sample

They weren’t very good by today’s standards and I’m pretty sure Reptor as is breaches the colour limit. They were made very early on into my custom spriting days; I think either bwd yeti, Asvel or TBA ended up doing the Byron used for FE4 Advanced and I think Nayr did Reptor.
Fe Leptor
FE4 Bryon
Maybe I’ll revist them


That Byron looks pretty good! His hair is faithful to FE4, I’d love to see it remade

It’s been a while since I’ve posted some sprites, between working on some personal sprites and submitting for this latest CCC I haven’t really made a lot to put up on here. I’ve updated the main post with Marisha, Athena (FE), Erik, Guan Yu and Keith (OC) as well as updated the Xander as well.

EDIT: Updated the main post with “Brave” Erik Half/Third body and an old FE9 Black Knight full body


I’ve updated the main post with the up to date versions of Aeirth and Altina, added Athena’s half/third body and added Diana from Symphony of War

I realise trying to quote that main post if you want to commentate on any of the artwork there is getting harder with the larger it gets so I’ll also post the latest updates in these update posts as well.

FE PoR/FEH Altina
FE Altina

FF7 Aerith
FE Aerith

FE Athena Half Body
P.S Also decided to do a Athena half/third body as well. Even though half bodies etc already breach the hackbox limits etc. I still like to restrict myself to the 15 colour limit (not including background) as practice for portrait insertion and creativity. Otherwise I would of coloured her arm fabrics a lighter blue rather than re using her hair colour.

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Diana
Symphony of War - Diana (Garytop)
That title is a mouthful to say and write so I’ll refer to it as just Symphony of War. Its a SRPG but is more akin to Ogre Battle than Fire Emblem. Still its been a fun game to play (its on the short end and unless you play perma death its pretty straight forward and easy regardless of difficulty chosen). Diana is huge and was fun to sprite and is one of my favourite units in that game. I’m suprised how much mileage I got out of 15 colours. Still its hard to draw big muscular women sometimes without making them to masculine looking. Something to keep refining.


They look great, ve love Athena.

1 Like

I’ve updated the main post of this page with the below latest entries under F2E (SF6 Juri Han, FE6 Brave Klein, FE4 Zane, FE14 Arete)

Street Fighter 6: Juri Han
FE Juri Han
I like Juri’s new design in Street Fighter 6 and that updated haircut compelled me to make this sprite :stuck_out_tongue: This was also an experiment in trying a different body pose to the standard ones you see in Fire Emblem (although actually you do see it in basically any Tharja merchandise the lean over). I do plan on expanding this portrait into either a full body or half body so look forward to that.

Full body
Fe Juri Han Full Body
Only after starting this full body did I realise her pants are wierd as. This is probably the first suggestive fullbody pose I’ve done and hopefully it doesnt breach any conducts or anything like that. She is fully clothed. Fun fact, I try not to do the boobs and butts pose because I find that anatomically impossible or it seems to be to me anyway, so when I try to do poses and such I always try them out myself. This is a possible pose, just not that comfortable but at least its not spine breaking.

FE 6 “Brave” Klein
FE Brave Klein
This was a CCC submission. I wanted to try a more dynamic pose for this mug and decided to try Klein out in his Father’s clothing. Using a heavy use of the border colour for the black of his clothes was more to stay in line with how both of them use the border colour for the blacks in their clothing in their original games. That and also I hit the color limit quickly with using blonde and white (usually these use 4 shades). While showing a friend this mug in progress they mentioned he looks a lot like Link and now that they said that I can’t unsee it.

Full body
FE Brave Klein Full Body
Hands… you either get them right or they always look off. In addition to this because Pent’s clothing is majority black I had to get a little creative with the shading in some spaces to outline his arms etc. I think if I could go back I would scale his body upsize just a little bit to better match the size of his head.

FE 4 Zane
FE Zane
This was a CCC submission. Ah generic Geneology Brock of Agustria, I made his design based on some ideas from his generic portrait and his manga appearance. The scarf, head and collar are based on his generic appearance and his front button up, cloak and the idea for epaulets came from the manga. The manga had tassles off the epaulets but I find tassles either hit or miss and the metallic shading they ended up with I think looks good without tassels.

Full body
FE Zane Full Body
A bit more stiff in pose compared to Klein, but I think his height has better proportions. I didnt take all aspects of his clothing from the Manga because I felt the double unbuckled belt thing was wierd and his clothing at base was very plain (nothing wrong with that, I think over design or over decoration is a problem many characters have sometimes). I had a lot of trouble with his boots design and went over a few iterations before settling on this one (I found a limiting factor were the colours I was limiting myself to).

FE14 (Fates) Arete
FE Arete
This was a CCC submission. One of my favourite designed characters to come out of Fates. She had this air of superiority and refinement in that game with the way she carried herself in her artwork. Then FEH gave her a wierd face and demeanor. I had to get creative with the colour pallette for this one but overall was quite pleased with how this came out.

Full body
FE Arete Fullbody
A lot more fancy pose wise compared to the other two and I think body proportion wise is the best of the three here. Her hands I think are one of the better ones I’ve done. Her pose was mainly based on her Fates artwork, however her cloak gripping hand was based on her FEH artwork. The leg pose I decided on for fun and I felt add to the refined elegant look. From here, probably slow down on complete full bodies because they chew up so much effort and time if you are not tracing it/colouring over existing artwork. Fun fact, some of my sprites such as the fullbodies are usually layered and have bits underneath that are also sprited. This is done to help me understand how I should shade things as well as get a look at things without layers on top, its a fair bit extra effort but it goes a ways to improving and practicing your skills.


I’ve updated the main post of this page with the below latest entries under F2E and updated Golden Sun Mia with frames (Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu and Samurai Warriors 5 - Oda Nobunaga)

Gundam 0083 Stardus Memories - Cima Garahu
Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu (Garytop)
One of my favourite Gundam series is probably Stardust Memories, it has a heavy 80s Top Gun style influence in design. I actually reckon that Petrine may have had some inspiration drawn from Cima Garahu. At face value shes a pretty one shot villain but her actions have a Qui Gon Jinn roll on effect on the rest of the UC series (her actions indirectly cause the rise of one of the more unambigiously evil factions in the series) and her backstory expansion adds some nice extra characterisation for her.
Gundam 0083 - Cima Garahu Halfbody (Garytop)
You know what even doing halfbodies is kinda draining, probably cool off on those too. Tried another dynamic pose with this one. Also gave her a slightly less standard skin colour scheme (not quite morph, not quite female pale). As always limitation in colours means getting creative with shading.

Samurai Warriors 5 - Oda Nobunaga (Mature/Old)
Samurai Warriors - Nobunaga Oda (Old) (Garytop)
Nobunaga has always had cool designs in the Tecmo Koei franchise, however they revamped the story and design completely in 5 so he looks less like Japanese Cao Cao and more brash and hot headed. However his aged design does sorta harken back to his classic Koei design. His shoulder plate feather things were really hard to sprite at this size. If I did this in a non GBA standard mug size I could probably do it more justice, but I always aim to make sprites in Fire Emblem GBA standards rather than something larger.
Samurai Warriors - Nobunaga Oda (Old) Halfbody (Garytop)
Actually pivoted on what his arms were doing in this halfbody to what I originally envisioned, but it turned out nicely. If I were to revist this, I would revist his Katana, because adding props/items to bodied mugs usually makes for difficult angling.


Updated the main post with the below latest entries under the F2E section (Yu-Gi-Oh! Seto Kaiba, Pokemon Go Sierra, RWBY Emerald Sustrai, Bleach Ichigo Kurosaki)

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Seto Kaiba
FE Kaiba
Just a mugshot for fun. Again limitations on colour pallette means getting creative with his eyes and undershirt colouring. Tried balancing the iconic Yu-Gi-Oh style artwork with the less sharp and tamer Fire Emblem styling while still maintaining the air and recognisability of the character. Maybe one day I’d attempt Yugi, but his hair would be really tough to fit in the hackbox. But hey maybe you could combine this mug with the blue eyes ripped from Jump Stars in the repository for something.

I did do an edit with the Kaiba Corp logo on his collar, but chose not to format it because if you flip it, then obviously KC is reflected and facing the wrong way.
FE Kaiba

Pokemon Go - Sierra
FE Sierra
Another Kozaki designed character and rival to the Instinct Team Leader Spark (basically Owain in Pokemon). Honestly the most interesting looking of the pokemon go design characters I feel. Well at least out of the Rocket bosses. Although I still dislike those random strands of hair that run inbetween eyes, like Iago’s from Fates. Also if you think she looks wierd holding the poke ball that way, thats how she holds it in Kozaki’s art, wierd yeah?
Ran out of colours for red for the ball so had to cheat and angle the ball to mostly show entirely the white side :stuck_out_tongue:

RWBY - Emerald Sustrai (Volume 8 Design)
FE Emerald
Honestly didnt like her original design from the earlier volumes but really like this one. She actually has a similar haircut to Athena with two random long tail like hair strands that arent really visible front on. Probably my favourite of the human villains so far although I did also like Arthur Watts.
Her fairytale character basis is supposedly Aladdin.

Bleach - Ichigo Kurosaki
FE Ichigo v2
Honestly was always a fan of Bleach and I am glad they are finishing the Thousand Year War arc in the anime and hyped they changed his theme song with a much cooler remix. Ichigo is interesting in that he is kinda generic but still somehow distinguished and stands out. Maybe because Tite Kubo started to suffer from same face syndrome pretty badly towards the end of Bleach’s run. Still after a while Bleach was my favourite of the big three during the peak of its manga run. I may do some more Bleach mugs down the line.


Updated the main post with the below latest entries under the F2E section (FE 13 (Awakening) Kjelle, Yu-Gi-Oh! Seto Kaiba Dull/Possesed Alt, RWBY James Ironwood)

FE 13 (Awakening) Kjelle
FE Kjelle
FE Kjelle Less Armour
I’ve done it, I worked out how to beat Kozaki’s Awakening Knight Armour into a hackbox. Kozaki has nice character designs, but some of his armour designs are pretty on the extreme side. This was fun to tackle and I had to do it in layers. First doing her under armour then doing her shoulderplate collar guard thing. Honestly however I don’t think you could fit Kellam as easily in a traditional box since Kjelle is shorter than he is. In fantasy settings in general I am a sucker for cool and intricate shoulder pad designs ala Warhammer and Warcraft, in fact I do have a history in tackling another extreme shoulder pad set (Varian Wrynn under the Observation Only Entry).

Here is another alt with a dull eyes evil alt Kaiba
FE Kaiba Alt

RWBY - James Ironwood (Volume 7&8 Design)
FE James Ironwood
James is one of my favourite characters and he got a banging re design and theme song in volume 7 & 8. Having been in a somewhat similar situation of being under pressures from all sides in a working environment (not nearly the same extreme as he underwent) I had some sympathies for him during those volumes. Honestly got a lot mileage out of the colour limit in this one. I should look to do some more characters with less or no blacks in their pallette because I’ve done a lot of those recently and it gets a little tiring. However really did want to do Ironwood.


FE James Ironwood Alt
Also did a minor alt of him where he had snapped and his eyes are more unhinged. Ironically even though the unhinged anime look is usually the tiny pupils thing, its kind of hard to sprite. Liquid in TLP actually is a good sprite example of doing the unhinged look, however he did have the advantage of having a larger than average FE mug face. A general rule of thumb with spriting is the larger a sprite is in scale, the easier it is to add detail or improve the clarity of it. However this does mean it may no longer conform to the average set by Intelligent Systems in the GBA games (this is always a difficult balancing act for custom non splice works).

FE James Ironwood Fullbody
I think this fullbody is the best one I’ve done so far especially in the body proportion department. The more you practice these things the better eye you get for them. Even those these wouldnt be that useful for insertion into current platforms I still restrict myself to the GBA 15 colour limit because it makes the challenge fun.

Also the below entry under Obersvation Only (World of Warcraft Varian Wrynn)

World of Warcraft Varian Wrynn
FE Varian
I am a sucker for cool and intricate shoulder pads like Varian’s here. I made this ages ago, but thought it was appropriate to post at the same time as the Kjelle I have just done. There was some extreme dodging here to fit them into the hackbox. I’m not 100% happy with how they turned out, but it was a fun excercis none the less. Varian himself I thought was a cool character and was one of the few characters I cared about post Warcraft 3. I do plan on doing some more Warcraft themed mugshots further down the line so I guess expect some more shoulder pads galore later.