Hi All
Its been a long while since I’ve made a spriting gallery thread. While I plan to continue posting my F2E sprites to the submission thread, I also will post them here alongside some non F2E stuff. I have drawn a lot of sprites over the last decade and a half and probably won’t post them all here, maybe mainly the more recent ones and ones of significance to me.
I’ll also post a little commentary and backstory to each of the sprites uploaded here as well. I won’t post commentary or the like on the submission thread.
I don’t usually accept requests (never accepted commissions because I see this as a hobby not a paying gig), mainly because my spare time isn’t entirely filled with spriting (I do other things outside of this) and that doesn’t usually line up with people’s deadlines etc.
In light of recent discussion around using my F2E work I have added a disclaimer below.
Updated Disclaimer in regards to F2E marked work
I’m personally not fussed with people using my art marked as F2E for their projects or to be spliced from. I don’t draw to earn money, but more for fun and if people can use the art I draw to improve themselves or produce their desired hack, etc that is fine.
However for the sake of transparency I would still like for credit to be given if the sprite is used so people are aware that whatever you are producing has used assests from somewhere else so people are aware of what they are receiving.
You cannot sell commissions or products using my F2E artwork without significant enough alterations or deviations unless otherwise discussed with me beforehand. The artwork I’ve marked as F2E is meant to be F2E, if you are just re selling it as your own artwork then that is very disingenuous as that product wouldn’t cost that person something if they just took it from the F2E section.
I’ll divide my sprites into two major categories;
F2E and Observation Only (3rd Post)
(P.S my understanding is F2E is more encompassing than F2U, so obviously things inside the F2E section are also F2U)
F2E Fire Emblem
FE Archanea Saga - FE1, 3, 11, 12
FE 12 Marisha
This was a mugshot made for a CCC contest with this one, I wanted to try and make a balance between her grey/silver hair colour in her old art vs the blue from her in game art. Her hair ended up especially shiny.
FE 11/12 Athena
Another mugshot made for a CCC contest. I see most people try to replicate her base pose where she looks rather front on (actually is very front on in most of her official arts (including heroes). I have come to notice when looking at her other arts for reference, none of the artists really agree on how the back of her hair works with the ponytail/s.
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon - Camus
So I decided to try my hand at Camus/Zeke. While I like Daisuke’s art in general I really liked Hidari’s take on Camus, so I went with that design for the hair and face. Although I went with the Heroes rendition of Camus’ outfit. I really like how his hair turned out so that really egged me on to try and nail his clothing. I came to realise that there isnt a good perspective of Heroes Camus’ outfit for his shoulders and epaulets with thin strands like Zeke’s are still a pain to sprite. Still overall happy with how they turned out. Now I’ve done 3 of Fire Emblem’s Black Knights
FE Valentia Saga - FE 2, Echoes
Fire Emblem Gaiden - Zeke
So I decided to try my hand at Camus/Zeke. While I like Daisuke’s art in general I really liked Hidari’s take on Camus, so I went with that design for the hair and face. Although I went with the Heroes rendition of Camus’ outfit. I really like how his hair turned out so that really egged me on to try and nail his clothing. I came to realise that there isnt a good perspective of Heroes Camus’ outfit for his shoulders and epaulets with thin strands like Zeke’s are still a pain to sprite. Still overall happy with how they turned out. Now I’ve done 3 of Fire Emblem’s Black Knights
FE Echoes Gaiden - Echoes Saint
So this was created towards the butt end of my Awakening project as a break from Awakening portraits. Some of the generics in the series have such great designs, but you don’t really get to see them often. The Echoes saint is such one. I did toss up on doing the 2nd strap with the headdress or removing it entirely as it blended into her hair shine a bit too much, however I think the headdress does complete the look regardless of the amount of straps across the top she has. Either way a nice side thing to do and am otherwise pretty happy with it. If I were to touch something up, maybe her shirt thing around the chest area.
FE Jugdral Saga - FE 4, FE 5
FE4 Lachesis
A Lachesis I did quickly in an evening for the a CCC submission, I looked at a few references for her and saw her and Eldigian are usually depicted with Gold or Red eyes, so I decided to try gold. If I would revist this, I’d probably re do her shoulders. On that note, her non TCG art armour doesnt make sense to me (wierd collar guard that rests on top of a shirt rather than a plate).
FE 4 Seliph
Similar to Ike above, he is also based on some art from Kozaki, however not quite as faithful to the pose. I also wanted to make this one more similiar to the Wada Sachiko styles of FE6, 7 and 8. Another part of Sprite-tober
FE4 Lester
A ways back (I was going by Kai Shiden as a username at the time) Arch made a call out for assistance for his ambitous FE4 Advance hack. It looked really impressive and he had this massive character sheet that basically was a hit list for spriters to trying and submit mugshots for. I submitted for Leptor, Byron, Lex and Lester. Ultimately I think only my Lex and Lester got accepted, and of those Lex was rightly so re done by The Blind Archer since that Lex was not that great. Lester however I was really proud of and it was probably for the longest time one of my better done custom mugshots. I decided to revist it recently and clean it up and put it out there for everyone because FE4 Advance obiviously isnt going to use it and I only ever made the mugshot for someone else’ use so why not put it out there.
In the past I have contributed to many projects, but I think to be honest only TLP was the only one to my knowledge that ever got completed, but who know? maybe I should search up what happened to those old hacks like Decay of the Fang.
FE5 Olwen
Trying to balance Olwen’s colours was a struggle, I’m impressed sometimes with how much colour some characters get and utilise, but I find using whites/light colours in clothing and in hair usually take up the most colour slots in a mug, so you always need to get creative with the rest of the colours.
I do like Friege siblings with Reinhardt being the Camus of Thracia. Also helps I like both of their designs from FEH, although cuboon does sometimes go a bit overboard with the curves, but I like the way they do their colours and shading.
FE 4 Zane
This was a CCC submission. Ah generic Geneology Brock of Agustria, I made his design based on some ideas from his generic portrait and his manga appearance. The scarf, head and collar are based on his generic appearance and his front button up, cloak and the idea for epaulets came from the manga. The manga had tassles off the epaulets but I find tassles either hit or miss and the metallic shading they ended up with I think looks good without tassels.
FE 4 - Quan
This one was tough, it took me several iterations before I settled on these eyes and then I was looking at different inspirations for his clothing, deciding on a mix combination between his default Heroes attire and his cipher art by Wada Sachiko. I always kind of like his design on paper, but when it came to spriting it was rough. If I was to revisit this one, I’d probably re size him a little bit, its wierd, but I feel his head is slightly too big, but when I measure it, its not bigger than average mugs and is actually smaller than the one I used as a base for the initial face posing (Beran).
FE Elibe Saga - FE 6, 7
FE 7 Erik
This mugshot was made for a CCC contest, I had an idea to repose Erik (his head is angled more akin to Valter and Linus, rather than his base and older look. His look shifted from being sneaky/conceited to a more braver look. His armour is a cross between his father’s armour and his FE6 one. Was actually how suprised with how into making this mugshot I got.
FE 6 "Brave" Klein
This was a CCC submission. I wanted to try a more dynamic pose for this mug and decided to try Klein out in his Father’s clothing. Using a heavy use of the border colour for the black of his clothes was more to stay in line with how both of them use the border colour for the blacks in their clothing in their original games. That and also I hit the color limit quickly with using blonde and white (usually these use 4 shades). While showing a friend this mug in progress they mentioned he looks a lot like Link and now that they said that I can’t unsee it.
FE6 - Roy (Smash Bros For WiiU and 3DS
So I did this version of Roy when he was announced as DLC for Smash 4, the original version can be seen in the observation only section of this thread. I did say I would like to eventually go back and redo his shoulders and lo and behold I went back and re did his clothing and made frames for him. I can thank Roy and Marth’s inclusion into Smash Melee for partly introducing me and getting me hooked on Fire Emblem as I thought they were related to Hector and Eliwood when I saw Blazing Sword in stores. It also helped I also was playing Advance Wars by that time too being a fan of strategy genre games for the longest time. I actually like how this Roy turned out because he sort of looks older and more mature like an endgame or postgame Roy.
FE7 - "Brave" Uhai
So pondering what to draw that wasn’t Awakening but still Fire Emblem, I decided on Uhai who I felt was often overlooked. He is a notable Black Fang member and lacks artwork. I think he used to be a pretty high up member of his Sacaen clan from memory but decided he believed in Brendan Reed’s ideals and threw his lot in with the Black Fang. So I like to imagine this is what he would dress up like if he was going for war and never left Sacae. The clothing/armour is based on Mongolian style dress, which is what I think inspired most of the Sacae designs (don’t quote me on that, citation needed). I don’t know why I punish myself with furs and feathers which I dislike drawing, but hey seems to be a common design factor in Sacaean/Mongolian clothing.
FE Magvel Saga - FE 8
FE Awakening Ephraim
Awakening had some DLC back in the day when it was thought to be the last Fire Emblem and basically the DLC was a culmination and celebration of Fire Emblem. Einherjar concept in Awakening was that you could summon select heroes/villains from all the past franchise titles to be your allies in Awakening which was cool. They later added special DLC Einherjar heroes who came with extra bonuses with special art (different artists) for Awakeing (Ike, Michiah, Roy, Celica, Alm, Eirika, Ephraim, Marth, Leif, Seliph, Elincia, Lyn, Katarina, Palla, Catria, Est) where they were wearing their awakening class outfits. I did do a Roy as well, but it didn’t turn out that great whereas I was really satisfied with this Ephraim.
FE Tellius Saga - FE 9, 10
FE PoR Ike
For Fire Emblem’s 25th Anniversary Yusuke Kozaki, the main artist for Awakening, Fates and the main FEH OCs did some really cool artwork of most o the main lords of the Fire Emblem series in general (in that one he did Radiant Dawn Ike). Later on he also did a PoR Ike who actually looked like Roy a bit, but I really liked the angle and design so I wanted to sprite that one rather than his pose used in FE9 which everyone else seems to sprite. Side note personally I don’t like tracing original art (eg tracing Ike from FE9 or FE10) to make my sprites, mainly because I try to keep proportions and style smilar to the GBA games which is I suppose my developed spriting style.
Its a little hard to tell from the insertion image but his hair severely limited his pose options and how wide or tall he could be in the hackbox.
FE PoR Black Knight
Not too much to say about this one, he is my favourite FE Villain. Basically giving you Darth Vader vibes the whole time with his own theme and slow unstoppable march to you. This is actually the 4th version of him I have sprited over the years. The main goal was to maintain his proportions and fit him into the hack box while also making sure his helmet looked physically correct sizing for a GBA character’s head.
FE PoR/FEH Altina
When Altina was introduced into FEH I was estatic, because this was probably the first proper time to my knowledge we got a close up depiction of this badass of a swordswoman who wields both Ragnell and Alondite, both noted to require great strength and skill to wield (Ike’s description in Smash is noted that Ragnell is a two handed sword, which makes him wielding it one handed all the more impressive).
I like her design in FEH which is done by the Tellius main artist Kita Senri. Kita Senri (FE9&10), Wada Sachiko (FE6, 7 & 8) and Daisuke Izuka (FE11&12) are probably my favourite Fire Emblem artists, followed by Hidari(Gaiden Echoes) and Yusuke Kozaki (Awakening/Fates) and Soeda Ippei (FEH; Dorcas, Garon, Walhart, Arden, etc).
Shading dark shiny hair, is interesting and is quite different from standard Fire Emblem GBA hair colours, yet here we are. They always pose an interesting question on approach to me.
This was originally a Sprite-tober sprite, however the original results were vastly different to this that I spent much more time than the other ones cleaning it up.
FE PoR Petrine
One of my favourite designed villains from FE. Her shoulder pad caused me grief because I had to angle it down a bit, but it looks odd angled down. If I revist her, I may re do her clothing entirely again based on her FEH clothing instead.
UPDATE: So I decided to go back and recolour and re shade her clothing, now that I’ve had some more experience working with black shades. That and the flat trimming always bothered me, but after working with limited colours on my Cima Grahu sprite I worked out what colours to use for Petrine. (To be honest I think Petrine’s design is probably based on Cima’s OG design). I’ve kept the old colouring up for comparison and in case anyone for some reason prefers it.
FE RD - Ike Vanguard
So I was looking through some pictures I saved to my computer and found cool artwork of Ike and a selection of the Greil Mercenaries done by Novice back in 2018 (reference to La Liberte guidant le peuple) and liked that pose for Ike in that picture. So I decided to sprite Ike in a similar pose since everyone else just usually copies his Radiant Dawn artwork. Funnily enough it ends up being similar to his Ranger pose from Path of Radiance instead. The advantage of this pose is his shoulder pad doesnt take up nearly as much as insertion real estate. I went with the FEH styled collar where the lining is more silver/grey than green, which helps with the colour limits. Overall happy with how this turned out, the only gripe I have is how his closer collar is overlapping his face which gives it a slightly funny shape, so for reference here is topless Ike to see his face better;
FE PoR - Lord Ike
So now I’ve done Ike in 3 of his stages. I liked his Lord/Commander Ike look from PoR when I was younger, it was the first time you see a class change affect a character sprite (portrait wise) and that was probably what helped cement it. Although on closer inspection he feels a little dull colour scheme wise compared to his Vanguard, Ranger and Hero outfits. This pose and look was based on artwork posted by @kyel_hyde_ on twitter. I thought that pose was really badass looking and wanted to draw that, however I found with the hackbox his Tellius style signature long shoulder pads made things difficult. I did like how it did turn out in the end though. His look kind of looks like a natural age up evolution between his ranger and his hero look.
FE RD - Hero Ike
So now I’ve done Ike in all 4 of his stages. Out of the 4 classes I like this design probably the least (still cool) because it looks the most simple to me, but I do like kind of the colour theme-ing sort of wrapping back round to Ranger Ike again (Blue, Yellow, Red, kind of like a Gundam). However due to possibly the largest colour palette portrait Ike, I did struggle a bit more with balancing the colours. If I had 3 more colours I would also recolour the cape clasp into a silver one and the lining on his collar into a dark grey rather than blue. I also changed the tone of his hair to be in between my Lord Ike and Vanguard Ike colours. Its subtle, but kind of noticeable when you put them next to each other. The pose and look rather than going with his RD portrait was based on Kozaki’s take on him in Fates. I feel like the pose better suits the hackbox and makes him look taller. I liked how his body turned out, so I also decided to post his shirtless version here (I do make shirtless versions of most of my sprites so I can put their clothes on top of them so I can make sure their anatomy looks/makes sense) If I were to revisit this one, I’d probably re do his hair, its the thing I’m least happy with in this sprite.
FE PoR/RD - Black Knight MkV
So this is my 5th attempt at the Black Knight, this time it was made with being able to have Zelgius’ head on top in mind so I had to limit my colour palette options greatly (having 5 tone skin, 3 tone hair leaves only 6 tones for armour, cape and trimming). This time I based the proportions of his collar guard more so on his Daisuke Inazuke art from FEH and Cipher so it doesn’t quite go up as high. I decided to also do variants that are compatible with the mug exceed patch as well to make his shoulder plate look a little nicer proportion wise and his helmet regain a bit of its shaping by extending the points a little bit. Overall I’m happy with how his armour turned out, its mainly the helmet that is bugging me. I may do an Muspell variant as well (look at his FEH Resplendent alt). One thing I noticed while looking at reference pictures is that you never see the bottom of his helmet in his art, its generally covered by his chest piece or when held, his gauntlets.
EDIT: For the exceed patch here are the coordinates for the extra pieces;
FE Ylisse Saga - FE 13
-Has moved due to its own post due to containing too many sprites-
FE Fates Saga - FE 14
FE Fates Xander
Xander is interesting, I personally prefer him over Ryoma, but I preferred playing Revalations (mainly because I liked different builds and parent combos with everyone, but RIP Scarlet) so take from that what you will. Looking at his design its not as loud and busy as Ryoma’s on initial look, however he had a lot of complexity himself. I had to get creative with the colours and his hair wasn’t easy to get down pat either. If you see the 2nd image I uploaded you will see how I utilised his colour pallette.
FE14 (Fates) Arete
This was a CCC submission. One of my favourite designed characters to come out of Fates. She had this air of superiority and refinement in that game with the way she carried herself in her artwork. Then FEH gave her a wierd face and demeanor. I had to get creative with the colour pallette for this one but overall was quite pleased with how this came out.
+Ryoma Nohrian Alt
+Ryoma (SSJ), Ryoma Nohr (SSJ)
FE 14 Fates - Ryoma
A CCC submission. I think one of the coolest characters designed by Kozaki, that lion’s mane of hair is crazy. I decided if I wanted to try and fit it into the hackbox I had to make his pose face towards the screen more so you could shift the volume of the hair to more behind him. Still was a fun challenge to sprite.
I also did in addition to his Crown Hoshidan Prince garb I did a alt in the Crown Nohrian Prince clothing (Xander’s) and just for fun because of his hair, I also did an SSJ (Super Saiyan) colouring of his hair (it wasnt quite a 1 to 1 recolour because some of the colours didnt quite fit).
FE 14 Fates - Ryoma v2
So the last time I did Ryoma it was under a time constraint in a contest condition, to be honest wasn’t my best work as I was also working on 2 other characters, their alts and Ryoma’s fullbody at the same time, so everything sorta suffered. After working on Galanoth and looking at that pose, I thought to myself I could do a better Ryoma with a similar pose and give more justice to his hair and height. After looking at some more reference art, I also decided to angle his arms based off a Fire Emblem Warriors render where he isn’t in his Fates pose so it better fits his shoulder plates. Overall I am pretty happy with how this one turned out, it matches better opposing the Xander I made since they’re now similar heights rather than short Ryoma. I did play with the idea of shrinking Ryoma 3 pixels to exaggerate the hair more, but I think this design is more reasonable and a nice balance between his height and his hair volume.
+Hinoka Nohrian Alt
FE 14 Fates - Hinoka
Also another CCC submission. I actually prefer Hinoka over Camilla of the sisters, although to be honest both of their intro cutscenes are ridiculous for different reasons (Camilla fanservice overload and Hinoka spear-copter). She has quite the volume in her head of hair. I think its interesting that her design wasnt originally meant be for the princess and that Kagero’s was going to be the elder princess. I suppose then we would of had a big buxomed sister regardless of the path so I suppose its helps contrasts the families a bit, even though the rest of the siblings kinda reflect eachother’s opposite well.
I also did an alt of Hinoka in Camilla’s outfit, which turned out to be much easier to sprite due to it just being a shawl/cape thing at shoulder height.
FE 14 Fates - Camilla
This one was done as mini break from Awakening portraits. I figured I had done Hinoka, Ryoma and Xander, so I should also probably do Hinoka’s opposite in Camilla. Man I forgot how much hair she had. Actually was kinda fun to do this one, with it being somewhat simple (especially since I decided to forego doing her hand). I also decided to do an alt based on her colours as an Emblem from Engage as well, since after doing Spirit Naga it was kind of refreshingly fun to do as well. I also really liked how her hair turned out and did an alt without her headdress too. I may do a queen or Hoshidan alt someday down the line as well to match Hinoka in her outfit.
FE 14 Fates - Hero
So this is one of the generic designs I wanted to sprite, I’m a sucker for cool winged helmets (thinking back to Warcraft 3’s Captain and Blood Elf footmen) That and I think there are some really cool looking generic designs. Although the colour palette looks simple, I actually ran out of colours and needed to use the red for their hair (I could of used the trimming to make him blonde like the actual generics, however I felt it would blend to much with his helmet) The red tones and armour grey could be recoloured easily, however the trimming and skin tones would probably need to be treated with some more care if you want to recolour this. If I were to revist this one, I would probably re look at his headgear. I also decided to draw his shield as well, although there is no way to fit that into the hackbox nicely even with a hackbox extension patch.
FE 14 Fates - Priestess
So this one started because it was a neat but simple design, however on closer inspection this one uses way more colours (hair, gold headpiece, red shoulder pad, white top, etc. So balancing the colours for this one became real hard. You can recolour the red and the hair if you want, however if you want to recolour anything else, then you’d have to be creative. The other thing that was odd about this one was trying to match the pose, which ended up a bit awkward when working on it. I did also consider doing one where they haven’t got the shadow over the top of their head.
FE 14 Fates - Master of Arms/Rallyman
Its everyone’s favourite Fates NPC, the Rallyman! But seriously, when doing generics this guy sorta sat on the must do list. Although when actually working on him, the part of him that is visible is kinda plain and simple (minus the hand). I tried fitting his hand up to eye level, but then it just covered his face so I had to lower it a bit. Aside from that I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. I still think the arm looks a little odd so I have done an alt without his arm there.
FE 14 Fates - Takumi
Here is the next Fates Royal, the Sniper Takumi. After looking at reference pieces for his design, I decided on a cross between his portrait in Fates (body pose) and a cool Fates anniversary art done by Kozaki (head and hair pose) for this design. I liked how it turned out although his clothes did end up covering the details I had put into his ponytail. The trickiest part of this portrait was actually working out how to fit all of his colours into the colour palette, which despite kind of having a dull colour scheme, uses a lot of colours compared to his siblings (grey brown hair, White Collar and shirt, a dark blue scarf thing, lighter blue coat and sleeves and lastly a red ribbon in his hair and chest tassle things). Overall happy with how it turned out though. I’m not sure if I’d do a fallen alt because it was already pretty hard getting his colours to fit in.
FE 14 Fates - Leo
Another Fates Royal, the 2nd Male of Nohr Leo. Unlike the others, his pose and look are mainly based on his Fates portrait. His colour selection was partly based on my Xander done previously to try and keep a sort of family resemblance between the two. It may not be obvious in his in game Fates portraits and cutscenes, but his outfit has actually a lot of colours, so balancing his colour palette was a bit tricky. I also noticed when drawing up the line art, his hair design reminds me a lot of Marth, except with a headband rather than a tiara. If I was to revisit Leo, I’d probably re do his hair.
FE 14 Fates - Elise
The last of the playable Nohrian Royals, Elise. This one required a bit of theory crafting on how to colour her and utilise the limit of 15 colours (16 including the background). Even though her outfit is predominantly black with pink highlights, you need to remember she has a white shirt under her cloak, a white pinkish flower on her chest and she also chose to have purple highlights in her hair to take after her older sister Camilla. So for Elise I used only 2 unique colours for her blonde (plus 2 skin tones), 2 unique colours for her black clothing (plus the border colour), 2 unique colours for her purple highlights and for the white flower and ribbons I used 3 unique colours (plus 1 skin tone). Overall I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out, however I do find her two ponytails a bit more blandly coloured, but when I tried to add some texture like I did Mariabelle’s I think the limit to my colour palette made it difficult to look any good.
FE 14 Fates - Sakura
The last of the playable Hoshido Royals, Sakura. This one was much easier compared to her Nohrian counterpart, far less colours to try and balance. Looking at references for her design was enlightening. For example I didn’t really notice she had a like a hairbow behind her hair. I did originally try colouring her with the same skin tones I gave her siblings, but that turned out a bit too yellow or dark for her look (more like the FE8 standard tones for males), so I gave her a more fair skin tone. Overall I’m pretty satisfied with how this one turned out. If I were to revisit this one, I might add her staff.
FE Fodlan Saga - FE 15
FE 3 Houses School Phase Bernadetta
Back in 2020 I did a Sprite-tober (basically an Inktober) where I did a sprite a day. She was one of those (yes this was done in one evening after work). Most of those ended up okay but she ended up being one of the better ones. If I went back, I would probably revisit her eyes mainly.
FE 3 Houses School Phase Marianne
I really like Marianne’s school phase hair design, I much prefer it over her war phase one. However the reason I did this was because I actually saw someone do a long hair edit of her Three Houses portrait and did that one first. Then doing her OG cut was just the next logical step. If I were to revisit this one, I’d probably re do her shoulders.
FE 3 Houses Catherine
One of my favourite looking characters out of 3 Houses and to be honest I do like a lot of the faculty pf the church of Seiros. I like the interesting colouring of her hair, it was a dirty blonde unlike any other I had seen really depicted in Fire Emblem. Working out the colours for her sprite were fun and I think suited her really well. I am pretty proud of this one, definitely one of my cleaner sprites, probably being one of the more recent ones at the time of this update.
FE3 Houses Catherine GBA Swordmaster Battle sprite
A simple Catherine alt of the existing female swordmaster I made to go with the Catherine Portrait. I may do some edits and make an more complex alt animation for using Thunderbrand.
FE 3 Houses - Manuela
Manuela from Three Houses, a fun character who interestingly is classed as an assasin if fought against post timeskip. I thought it would of been cool if you could of made her a dancer in the game although I suppose double dancer/singer could be broken. Although to be honest Three Houses was already pretty broken with the reclass system. Again like I mentioned in the Catherine commentary, I am a fan of most of the Seiros Faculty Manuela included. Can be sultry, cheeky and still a loser in love, demonstrating why in the game quite well.
FE 3 Houses - Hilda Academy Design
Here is another Golden Deer girl, this one was done at a request, however it is a good warm up sprite to get back into things after being away on holiday not drawing for about a month. Her pose was based on a 2017 anniversary artwork drawn by Kusakihara Toshiyuki for Fire Emblem Heroes, because I wanted to do something slightly different from her regular pose from Three Houses and Heroes. I find Pink is always a hard colour to balance (depending on the pink you are after), its very easy to go too dark or too pale, or the transition shades don’t blend well or have to sharp of a contrast. So working with Pink feels like a good “level up” exercise when you get it right. I considered adding the gold trimming to her uniform on her chest, but when I attempted it, it didnt look quite right, so I decided to leave it out in this one.
FE 3 Houses/Hopes - Female Bishop
So I was looking through some generic designs and thought about, what are some cool ones from the Fodlan era. I didnt realise so many are bland looking, but I think its because you dont really notice them as much next to the main cast. Interestingly the Valkyrie class design hasn’t actually changed between Awakening through to 3 Houses. Another thing that was interesting was most of the male variants were much more bland than the female variants of the generic classes in the Fodlan era too. Which is why I decided to do the female bishop, she is a lot more dripped out than the male variants. While working on this one I decided to also choose a brighter palette than what Three Houses/Hopes uses because I think that kind of adds to the blandness of their looks. The colours I chose ended up reminding me of Lumera from Engage a little bit too. I think the only thing I’m not really happy with in this are the chains on her hat/veil, chains that small are always a kind of difficult to get to look right.
FE 3 Houses - Cornelia
I was thinking coming back I wanted to do a villain. I also found that I hadn’t done many female villains, so Cornelia sort of ticked both boxes. She was a challenge because she has a lot of colours even if they’re varying shades of red/purple/pink. I could double up some colours in her hair with her skin tone to give me more jewelry or clothing tones, but I think this set was nice and it meant if I wanted to do a TWISTD alt (even though I don’t think an official one exists) I could recolour things easily. The hardest was trying to get her eyes kind of right, and this is what I came up with. Otherwise I was pretty happy with everything else (although I wish I considered making her a little taller to draw more of her dress to imply more coverage). If I were to revisit, I’d defintely go back to the feathers and maybe the eyes, which is why I’ve done 2 alts (one without the purple feathers and one without Gremory feathers at all)
EDIT: Added Angry/Snapped Variants
FE Elyos Saga - FE 16
Fire Emblem Engage - Saphir
So I suppose here is my first sprite of the new game. My S rank girl Saphir. Using white for hair is interesting, it forces a 4 tone hair like pale blondes so you need to get creative or hope your character doesn’t need that many clothing colours. I do like how her hair turned out, but if I were to revist this one, I’d spend the most time on her eyes, I wasn’t quite satisfied with how they turned out but I was eager to move onto other parts of her. I am also happy with how most of her armour turned out, except I think her far shoulder pads need to be a little bigger.
Fire Emblem Engage - Mitan
Fire Emblem’s first female Barbarian/Brigand. Decided to do this one because I wanted to do something a bit more colourful compared to my recent public sprites. One thing you can say Engage’s designs have is that they are definitely colourful. I didnt realise how busty a lot of Engage’s cast is as well. Another reason to do this one was because aside from Magvel (FE8), I think it’s the cast I have drawn the least for. That said Valentia (FE2/Echoes) and Zenith (FEH) are not that far ahead either. I just tend not to do the GBA era characters as much because well, they originated this style already.
FE Aytolis Saga - FEW
Fire Emblem Warriors - Aytolis Guardian Knight
So back when I was looking for generics to draw, I was wondering about the trying something from not a mainline series (was considering Heroes, but most of the generics are really plain, especially compared to the OCs from there) and settled one something I haven’t drawn anything for. I actually played the first Fire Emblem warriors more than Three Hopes. I liked it because it does what Koei does coolest in it’s crossover titles, actually crossover (Dynasty Warriors Gundam, OG Hyrule Warriors, Warriors Orochi, All Stars, etc) and you get to see cute and cool interactions between beloved characters. Now its hilarious, saying that the Heroes generics are plain versus the FE:Warriors ones considering there is nothing that sort of changes the looks of soldiers between factions besides colours. That and their armoured knights are blocky as hell. Such as the Guardian Knight (a Tier 3 Great Knight essentially). If I thought some of the other characters were hard to colour, this one was surprisingly hard to keep within the limits despite not having hair. As for recolouring the darker blues are easy to recolour but the rest are not. I’ll consider recolouring these into the Red and Green variants as it would probably take a bit more effort than simple actions but we’ll see how I feel. Also yes it is completely contained to the hackbox, no expansion patch required, despite how blocky this guy’s armour is.
EDIT: Added Red and Green versions
FE Zenith Saga - FEH
+Anna (Shadow Dragon Jake Alt)
Fire Emblem Heroes - Anna (Askr)
Another CCC Submission. Kozaki’s third take on Anna. Something I’ve noticed with Kozaki’s hair styles is that they often do a lot of layering on the the character’s fringes, you can see it in the Kjelle and Hinoka I’ve done as well. You know besides the wierd Askran Shoulder guards, Anna is dressed rather reasonably for a Kozaki character. After this CCC contest I think I’ll focus on using some other colours besides red. Part of the reason for doing the alts of all these submissions is because of the abundance of Red in their base designs. I’ll probably slow down a bit in October on sprites, because I have some personal spriting art projects lined up for October that probably won’t be posted on here.
Fire Emblem Heroes - Laegjarn
Honestly I think the Muspell and Nifl OCs from Fire Emblem Heroes are probably amongst my favourite Fire Emblem Heroes OCs. Only problem with the Muspell and Nifl ones are their crazy hair gradients which severely impact the amount of colours you get to work with on the rest of the portrait. Still Laegjarn is amongst my favourite designed characters from FEH. I got design inspirations for her hair shading and styling from Meziosaur’s artwork of her (P.S Meziosaur has done amazing artwork of Fire Emblem characters, I suggest checking them out). It was a fun challenge working out how to distribute her colours, I considered sacking a skin tone to get an extra colour, but managed to rework the trimming colours to get a output I liked. The only thing I would add if I had more colours is change the black of her non cloak clothing to a more blue black. Its a shame her Emblem is so big, I’m quite proud of her cloak shading (interesting reverse colour shading similar to the colouring style of Ruby Rose’s hair from RWBY. In fact here is a screencap of the cloak with out the emblem on it.
FE TCGs - FE TCG, FE 0 (Cipher)
Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) - Yuzu
So Fire Emblem has had a few official card games I believe. There was the original one that was released that covered I think Shadow Dragon, Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy and Thracia. That one was eventually discontinued and never made it to the GBA era. This was succeeded by Fire Emblem 0 or Cipher, which was discontinued at the end of 2020 (so it includes all Fire Emblem games up to Three Houses (not including Three Hopes)) . The Cipher series also has its own cast of OCs similar to FEH except these heroes’ home verses are from already existing Fire Emblem sagas rather than new ones. A handful of Cipher characters were made playable as DLC characters for Echoes. Yuzu’s home is Hoshido and therefore her home verse comes from Fates. However the design I decided to draw was her Echoes design, which is why her outfit and class is not that of a myrmidon/samurai and is instead a Valentian Priestess. Overall happy with how it turned out, although I wish I had maybe one more tone to play with for her hair to smooth out some of the transition shading in the layers of her hair (the colours I used where Vigarde’s hair tones).
FE11/12 Athena Half Body
P.S Also decided to do a Athena half/third body as well. Even though half bodies etc already breach the hackbox limits etc. I still like to restrict myself to the 15 colour limit (not including background) as practice for portrait insertion and creativity. Otherwise I would of coloured her arm fabrics a lighter blue rather than re using her hair colour.
FE 7 "Brave" Erik Half Body
I got so into making Erik I made a half/third body of him as well. I do have old fullbodies of the Reptor I posted and Black Knight, but the proportions on those werent great. The Black Knight was fun though for detail, I’ve placed that in the observation only.
FE 6 "Brave" Klein Full Body
Hands… you either get them right or they always look off. In addition to this because Pent’s clothing is majority black I had to get a little creative with the shading in some spaces to outline his arms etc. I think if I could go back I would scale his body upsize just a little bit to better match the size of his head.
FE4 Zane Full Body
A bit more stiff in pose compared to Klein, but I think his height has better proportions. I didnt take all aspects of his clothing from the Manga because I felt the double unbuckled belt thing was wierd and his clothing at base was very plain (nothing wrong with that, I think over design or over decoration is a problem many characters have sometimes). I had a lot of trouble with his boots design and went over a few iterations before settling on this one (I found a limiting factor were the colours I was limiting myself to).
FE13 Arete Full Body
A lot more fancy pose wise compared to the other two and I think body proportion wise is the best of the three here. Her hands I think are one of the better ones I’ve done. Her pose was mainly based on her Fates artwork, however her cloak gripping hand was based on her FEH artwork. The leg pose I decided on for fun and I felt add to the refined elegant look. From here, probably slow down on complete full bodies because they chew up so much effort and time if you are not tracing it/colouring over existing artwork. Fun fact, some of my sprites such as the fullbodies are usually layered and have bits underneath that are also sprited. This is done to help me understand how I should shade things as well as get a look at things without layers on top, its a fair bit extra effort but it goes a ways to improving and practicing your skills.
FE 3 Houses Manuela Full Body
This full body was fun to do. I actually had another idea for her pose originally, but then realised it would be similar to the last 3 female fullbody/half body poses I have done and decided to go with what you see here. Was fun to do, however I still need to get shoes down pat (boots and flat foot shoes are easy, heels and fancy shoes on the other hand…) Also her coat, cloak thing isn’t quite well explained in her concept art and it doesnt really match her in game model, which doesnt really match her appearances in the FMVs either.
FE Fates Ryoma Fullbody (Raijinto is sheathed)
–More to Come–
FURTHER UPDATE: Due to the sheer amount of Ylisse Saga sprites I have done, they have been moved into their own post. Other F2E Fire Emblem titles will remain in the main post for now, and the Non Fire Emblem properties, OCs, Observation Only and Sillies will remain in their current post.