FireScape - an Old School RuneScape-themed FE8 hack [WIP]

Screenshot 2024-09-30 111719

Two of the most iconic RPGs of all time collide in an epic campaign across Gielinor…

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Varrock Stone Circle
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Varrock West Bank
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Varrock Sewers


Port Sarim

South Falador Farm

Draynor Village

Gielinor - Year 169 of the Fifth Age

30 years have passed since the destruction of Crandor. Elvarg, the mighty dragon responsible, lies dormant as mankind endures a fragile time of peace.

In the kingdom of Misthalin, a pivotal moment approaches as King Roald III and Queen Ellamaria prepare to unveil the Grand Exchange, a groundbreaking trading hub that promises to revolutionize commerce across the realm.

Elsewhere, in the quiet town of Lumbridge, a sinister force begins to emerge, intent on ushering in an age of darkness…

Fight with sibling lords, Gemma and Damian, and a colorful cast of adventurers in an epic quest throughout the world of RuneScape.


Hey, everyone. I’m Totodile (or Brendan), and I’m proud to officially reveal FireScape, a dream project which began in 2023. Like many of you, my first introduction to Fire Emblem was through FE7, FE8, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. In fact, I can vividly remember a friend taking out his GBA at lunch to show us, “the game with Roy’s dad in it, or something”. At the same time, the popular, java-based MMO RuneScape had absolutely captivated a younger me; its sense of adventure and timeless music still unmatched to this day, in my eyes.

A few years ago I discovered the world of emulation, and undertook an incredible trip down memory lane. Once I had replayed and completed my childhood FE GBA games with an efficiency that would’ve made my younger self’s head spin, I began to crave more, and naturally found myself here!

My mind was blown as I played through numerous incredible works put out by the community, inspiring me to start a project of my very own. A year-and-a-half-ago, I knew nothing. It’s only through the people here, the helpful guides and tutorials created, the outstanding repository and tools made accessible to us, and the people who ask the same questions I’ve had, that I’ve even been able to get this far! Once I’ve got this thing cooked to perfection and ready for release, a lengthy list of credits is lovingly forthcoming!

  • a faithful recreation of Gielinor and the world of RuneScape
  • a massive selection of equipment, spells, and consumables
  • a vast collection of iconic OSRS music tracks converted to the GBA sound font
  • dedicated enemy minimug, class card, and battle animation palettes

Stay tuned for more!


I would suggest the use of spoiler tags.


This looks absolutely amazing!! I was also a kid captivated by old RuneScape and played for many years. Very excited for the finished product and put me down to play for a day 1 release!

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buying gf


I shall watch your career with great intrest.


I feel like I have flashed back 20 years…

Out of curiosity, what tileset did you use for the Varrock Sewers map? I really love that palette…


@LordGlenn Glad you like it! It was this cave tileset from @ZoramineFae Updated Cave Tileset (From FE7)

It was my first time messing with the map palette, and I’ve gotta say I was super stoked with the results.

Varrock Sewers palette

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so that’s how you do it :rofl:

much appreciated!


We can finally lure Gharnef into the woods and pk him for his Rune Scimitar.


Will Tz kal zuk be the final boss

also as someone with over 4k hours in Osrs and a 2k total account I haven’t played on in a hot minute i am very interested in this project

can’t wait to farm for a tbow a 2nd time lol

also for accuracy magic and res should be one stat like how in osrs most of your magic defense roll comes from your actual magic stat (hence why karil has a terrible magic defense role despite having good magic defense equipment bonus)


I’ve barely dipped my toes into OSRS, but I did watch a few Mote Plox videos :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, I’ll be keeping my eyes and ears peeled for this one. Looks pretty promising!

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You’ll see! Now, about that tbow…

Item Spoilers

sadly, my greens are already tied up for an “addy” and “poison” hue. It just looks plain wrong without that “barf green” color so it’s still something I’m figuring out :sob:
My yellow didn’t look right either. This is it in poison hue:
New Piskel-2.png (3)


It looks fine to me tbh

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YESSSSS, It looks amazing @Totodile! Let me know if you have anything you would want help on with your project. I’m just dipping my toes into making my own sprites for my project and level design. Been working on Lumbridge NPC and God Wars bosses. Will probably test the waters with some commissions soon for my OSRS project that would be F2U/F2E. This is awesome, definitely lighting a fire under me to work on my stuff as well!

Great job!!! I love the overall style and especially the custom items.

Share I tbed :laughing:

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Thanks @LegateBlake!! A collab is definitely in our future. Feel free to message me any and all questions you have along the way, anytime.

I’ve got to thank you for lighting a fire under me, as well! :fire: (now I’m imagining two dudes at the GE literally standing in each other’s Fire Making tile). Really excited to see what you’ve been cooking, and looking forward to keeping a dialogue ongoing!



cyan:wave2: Big shoutout to @Vesly for helping me figure this out!! It just wouldn’t hit the same without that garish font color :joy:


Do you get to afk grind for hours to get 99 woodcutting for extra axe rank in this hack?


Started cooking up the goat, Vannaka. Already liking how he’s looking! :raised_hands:


Looking forward to this! I used to play Runescape A LOT when I was a kid, I slowly lost interest in it over the years, but seeing someone reimagine the land of it through the GBAFE engine was something I kind of wanted to do but never really got the idea for it.

Good luck, I look forward to playing this once it’s ready (or just ask to playtest it which I am very happy to do!)

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