Fire Emblem: The dark hour. Hard Mode available. Complete

What does the Sacred Item do? It’s clearly a special promotion item, but it doesn’t work on any of my units.

I just finished the game! The dialogue could use some polishing, but for the most part it was good. Gameplay-wise the game was great! I had a fun time playing each level, and the blend of various soundtracks, stylish custom animations, and retro maps was really cool. I’m looking forward to the release of the New Game +!

Hey man, I’m currently playing hard mode and, so far, I’m really enjoying the hack so thanks for the game. I also want to ask if you have list or guide regarding skills since I’m a fan of early promoting but I’m curious on what skill a class gets once they hit 20.

Sir the support of Each Unit is Fixed or Not ???

Sorry for the silence on this hack, I have been dealing with other things at the time.
(Still am.) I’ll get back to this page on thursday.

Do you have any tips the chapter 14? I’m struggling to keep everyone alive. Secondly, how many total chapters are there?

Edit: thankfully I was able to prevail. Putting Aneela in the trees with a spear cleared enough shaman/mages that all I needed to to worry about was the eclipses. Soloing Freija to the right to deal with the cavs was helpful as well. I’m quite enjoying the hack.

Hello everybody! I have an announcement!

I wanting to do go for one last project before going on a break from the hacking scene for a little while.
But I want you guys to tell me what I should do since some of you guys are waiting for other things regarding the hack on this page.

So I will make a poll to decide this.

  • Focus on this project as of the page.
  • Focus on the new project then come back to this one.
  • Mainly focus on the new project but use spare time for the posted projects. (I have A LOT of spare time.)

0 voters

The poll will close in 3 days.

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I will note this poll since it is the same poll bing held on another hack. (Sacred stones master quest)

I will combine the two polls votes to decide the outcome.

The polls close in 2 days.
Remember, I will be combining the two polls at the end for the final results.

The other poll is held on the sacred stones master quest hack.

The polls will close at Noon tomorrow.

Be sure you vote before time runs out…

The polls have come to an end.
Thank you for making the votes and tomorrow a new topic from me will be posted.
This topic will involve a new project.

The other projects will still be worked on as the votes have stated.
See you all tomorrow!
I’m so excited.!

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A new topic has been posted. Be sure to visit and read what it is.

Are there going to be more updates for this hack?

In due time. for now, I have other things to focus on as of now. But I will come to this and work on it little by little from my spare time.

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will it be compatible with saves from the current patch, because i might want to wait for the next update if not?

It should yes, but I would advise starting a new save since this update will have major changes and new functions added.

Completed the gameplay, quite nice, sincerely looking forward to new challenges. Also, I’ve seen a manaket, haven’t I? How I can recruit her?

How many chapters does this hack have?

22 chapters.

The game looks impressive I love the aesthetics of the maps, was this your first LordHelix project? Maybe I will play it when the update comes out, believe what I will have to wait since you are busy with the new project