Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 'Remake' [FE6 in FE8] [COMPLETE]

Ok, i don’t wanna sound mean, since this hack does have some very cool things and details to it…but:

  • Having Sophia not have a sprite change on promo is a crime. It was one of the major things that turned people off from Roy, among the other issues with his vanilla promo. It would be a upgrade if her unpromoted sprite was that of the vanilla Female Shaman and then she upgraded to her unique sprite.

  • Speaking of sprite work…Roy’s promo sprite is a downright downgrade from his unpromoted one. I get not wanting to pull the “put Roy in a mount and watch him murder everything” card, but there’s gotta be someother type of promo that works.

  • You need to do some major overhauling on the Wyvern skill spread. On Peg Knights it makes sense to have Darting and Warding Blow, since their niches are high speed and anti-magic defense, with Rally Speed being a nice supportive active. Wyvern Riders though? They are the polar opposite; they specialize on raw power and physical durability at the risk of falling to magic damage and being doubled.

  • Speaking of weird choices for Wyvern Riders, Zeiss…sheesh. You slap him with Ember base stats, increased growths from vanilla and then throw in BLOSSOM as his personal skill? We’re talking multiple over 100% growths in HP, STR and SKL, with growths between 50-80% in SPD, LCK and DEF…which would be fine is his bases weren’t so damn high. He joins with capped STR…Wyvern promo adds +2 STR…if you insta-promote Zeiss, he’ll cap STR and maybe SKL by level 6-7 and HP/DEF/SPD by 9-10 and that’s kinda lowballing it…and then the rest is either LCK and occasional RES or straight up blanks. The Wyvern Lord stat caps are too damn low to justify this level of growths with an already 20 capped stat on unpromoted unit (60 HP, 27 on STR, 25 on SKL, 23 on SPD, 28 DEF and 23 RES), not to mention the hassle of farming EXP at 50% rate and then having a dud of a personal skill once you cap out early. Zeiss is just a mess…i get you wanted to place him as a proper Est, but neither the math, nor the skill set adds up.

  • Raigh is fine, but he’s dissapointing in having a custom sprite but no modified skill-set or stat caps.

  • The generals are fine, there’s a nice sense of thematic cohesion with them having Galeforce as a personal skill, but again repeating skills on both personal and class sets, devalues them immensely.

  • Fae has some issues where she gets her skill set turned on way too early and comes with too many skills straight out the box. A thing about manaketes is that they are an investment-type unit, so spreading the skill over proper level breaks is a major necessity.

  • Also Rally skills. If you want to create proper difficulty don’t add skills that the A.I. cannot use aswell…keep them as skills for unique classes if you want, but not for classes that are shared between ally and enemy units.

  • Lastly since you decided to introduce split promotions, then bring in assassins…having Rogues combine the utility of enhanced stealing and lockpicking with the damage of both Savage Blow and Lethality is overkill, especially taking into account things like Paragon Chad getting accelerated level ups


Wanted to give a positive feedback since most people on the thread are very critical (not that I think thats a bad thing, critics are always really positive for the projects)

Just wanted to say I can see you really like Wolt , and I enjoy the way he appears more on the story (His personal weapon is also super strong) . I can say that after this hack I actually enjoy Wolt more as a character.

Because of that I enjoyed that the first chapter was really focused on Roy and Wolt, it fit really well into the narrative. Maybe we only needed Bors/Marcus for the tank part, plus Roy and Wolt.

I´ve played project ember and I am also enjoying this hack quite a lot, even if sometimes the skills are kinda too strong I really enjoy seeing skills work on a FE6 game.

Anyways congrats! I saw you had a complicaded launch for the hack, but I can really feel your passion towards FE6 in this project

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That is correct, in order to prevent problems occuring in the ROM, make sure you send home at least 5 units every time the “Send Home” chapter occurs. This chapter only occurs twice in between Ch. 18 and Ch. 19. So in reality, you are sending home only 10 units to abide by the unit limit the ROM has.

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Really enjoying this so far, just starting out. Midway through chapter 3 right now.

I’m very glad that you kept Zephiel’s theme the same, it just wouldn’t feel right not hearing “the Kingdom of Bern” playing whenever he’s on screen.

I am curious if Soldiers are still the same enemy only class, and if not, would you make Wendy a soldier?

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You know what, that’s actually not a bad idea. I can add it in and have it as her own unique class, skills, animation, and all. Is that something you’d like to see? Soldier Gwendolyn promote to Halberdier Gwendolyn?

EDIT: Okay, I just added it in. Look for it in the latest patch for 1.20.2023


that would be hype honestly

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Was thinking more of like the more uniform type, not based on Amelia, but hey, I’ll take what I can get, lol

I think it’s preference based. I like how this version of Wendy looks. Thanks for the update!

I like how the small the first topic was compare to it now. but when i first saw and read it was like 4paragraph but now its a FE novel

Also, one more thing, just to let you know, Re-move on Cath when she’s enemy is… Not really fair, per say. If you’re really unlucky, she’ll steal all your good stuff and kill off one of your healers. Maybe give Re-move skill to Cath after the ostia siege or something? Or perhaps have it be an ultimate skill for Rogues? I don’t really know.

Edit: Will you plan on giving Trek the ability to promote into a great knight or nah? And will heroes gets a skin upgrade in a sense? Anyways, the idea for the halberdier is a unit that’s barely faster than a general and has slightly less defense than General, but has good skill, good res, good defense, and has a slight crit boost, like Berserkers and Swordmasters. However, any units with an axe can and will butcher them, especially those Berserkers, who should be able to double them… Wendy herself is an exception, but considering she has decent speed and res growth to begin with, she’s an exception, not the… You know what I mean.

Have you considered turning Wendy into a Trainee? With Paragon as a class skill for the first class to speed run the first 10 levels and some decent growths, she’d make for a nice growth unit… Maybe branch her promo between Armor Knight/Soldier and then into either General or Halberdier? Also as a way to fit her theme of a speed General, give her a powerful personal skill like Double Lion.

Also given the ease with which even capped speed generals get doubled, a better class skill for them would be Wary Fighter and leave Great Shield as a ultimate skill. That way you refocus the class into their damage sponge role, rather then just being another burst class due to Ignis

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Hey Zen, listen to this guy, they’re onto something!

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Give the guy some chill people he cant just poof and done it need time and some effort i know he did something no one else did and ur all excited but he needs rest too. AND GOD u give him patch ideas every 1 chapter i complete

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Is there a way to get rid of the numbers that pop up when damage is done during combat with animations on? Not a big fan of that QOL. But overall hoo boy this is a treat! Thank you so much for the hours you spent on this. Definitely my go-to version for anytime I wanna play FE6.

Have you though about expanding the shops? The ones present are pretty vanilla and not really prepared for a challenge since part of that consist of giving enemies better equipment, it makes sense to allow the player to also have the best equipment available.

Ehh, not a big fan of wary fighter. Barricade or just Pavaise work better overall.

Great shield is just an annoyance being a Def% change to ignore damage.

It’s not elegant per se, but it helps with actually tanking, as due to being doubled by anything, Generals are surprisingly frail even against physical damage once the game gets to later stages and higher grade weapons come into play (Silver Weapons say hi), so Wary Fighter is a boon in that regard.

Yeah i do think this hack has to split Pavise from Aegis and keep Great Shield as a more rare option for unique classes.

Maybe Zephiel alone should have Great Shield or something?

I’m not really a game designer, I’m just a nerd with too many ideas.


I thought the same. That man deserves it.