lilina missed a 96% and she got doubled and was killed lmao. overall tho i can safely say this hack is fairly fun. tho i tried hard at first. and i cant say i was a fan of chapter one dealing with a 50% win/lose condition due to the steel axe having increased accuracy. and ya i rolled bad and died so. i said nope to that. i couldnt find mention of it, but i assume this hack is 2rn? correct me if im wrong plz. (will potentially add more but im only in chapter 9 so not much to comment on as of yet)
I did notice that Ranger is kind of bugged when u are selecting promotions. Not a big deal just noticed it…however… just wanted to see the in game palette but couldnt sadly.
not a fan of dieck losing axes for bows on ranger promotion. spent majority of my time leveling axes for him and barely using sword. so it was still only around d rank. not a deal breaker of course. it does not say he can use axes but i find it weird he starts with axes and then just can lose access to it despite u could have favored him using it. i wanted ranger due to movement but didnt choose it because of the lose of axes. it is what it is but still. kind of a bummer
besides i know Diecks promotional path is changing apawn version 2.0. curious as to what we will get. Seems i am just honestly restating the thoughts already present but. so far this was the biggest thing of a… aww moment for me lol
there seems to also be a few other visual bugs. both promotions for shanna seemed to have visual bugs on text sadly
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Took me awhile to understand you meant upon when you said apawn lol. Never seen that before.
I was hoping to play just as Roy and Wolt as you said. What happ n? Still it’s fun either way. 
Awesome. Thank you for creating this!
how do i use this remake? i already have a clean version of the game emulated from online but unsure what to do to apply the remake onto the game itself
You can use a tool lime UniPatcher on your phone to patch your clean rom into a new rom (where you rename it of course), and it’ll work 
If you don’t mind, I’ve got a couple of ideas for paired endings such as
Raigh x Sophia (Platonic)
Sophia went back to Nabata and was never seen again, while Raigh traveled the world by himself, but when Raigh went to Nabata Sophia was really happy to see him and Raigh wanted Sophia to travel with him and Sophia said yes with all of her heart and never felt isolated inside of Nabata again.
Raigh x Sophia (Romantic)
When Raigh and Sophia cut ties after the war, Sophia went back to her old life being isolated and not heard again, until 5 years later when Raigh came to Nabata to see the surprised Sophia if she wants to go with him. After the journey between the two Raigh and Sophia confessed their feelings for each other and were eventually wed with the blessing of Humans and Dragons can live happily in peace and harmony once again.
Klein x Thea
After the War Klein went back to Etruria, while Thea went back to Ilia, then Thea couldn’t stop thinking about being on Klein’s side and went to Etruria to see Klein again and Thea confessed her love for Klein wanting to marry him and Klein eventually asked Thea to marry him and Thea was in very happy tears knowing that she was going to marry him and the two were wed with happiness.
I vote for the romantic one. Raigh needs some love in his life.
Me too, Raigh x Sophia is two of my favourite pairings in fire emblem, the other being Rolf x Mist, also what’s your favorite fire emblem pairing?
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Seth x Eirika, since Sacred Stones was my first experience with the series. Eliwood x Ninian come close second.
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Can I use FE8 cheat codes?
Yes, been using it in all the romhacks i played FE8 based
What cheatcode do you use for this rom? Code breaker or gameshark?
I’m using FE8 cheatcode for this rom but it’s not working!
I don’t know! I used codebreaker but only money code works!
Not gonna critique how you play the hack your way, but this is made in FE8 so FE8 codebreakers, etc are what you want to use
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Once you get to mid/lategame your units should be so busted you won’t need cheatcodes to win.
Like the other user said, not gonna critique how you play, but this is definitely one FE rom hack that cheat codes aren’t needed for.
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Ok, no problem! Because I am a working person, I just want to play and experience.
I just need the full items and weapons code. Does anyone here have that code for this rom?
This project is very good, really, but there is something I don’t understand
What’s the point of using a custom Sprite on a base unit only to have it lost upon class change?
For example, Gwendolyn’s base Sprite is beautiful and Raigh’s is also great but when promoting they become generic units, I don’t understand the whole of this decision but good job anyway.