Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 'Remake' [FE6 in FE8] [COMPLETE]

I am a huge fan of save states

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There is a patch in FEBuilderGBA called: AnimNumbers Damage pop-up in battle anime 20220205(Installer) and you can uninstall it yourself so it can remove the damage numbers during combat.

It’s essentially the same as how it is FE6 for the most part. I can see if I can make one soon and post it in the thread.

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Ok that makes sense. I saw that there were extra characters added and how the routes were changed up so i was wondering if that was still a valid guide lol

Idk if this has been asked/explained before, but were new supports included for the new characters?
Is there, like, a chart or something that has all the FE6 Remake support conversations available somewhere?

At first there were some, but they were removed as they caused glitches.

Aw that kinda stinks, but fair I suppose

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Yeah I was sad I was super looking forever to seeing Guinerve supports but soon as I saw none…sadly benched her.

I could totally add some supports for the new playable characters, the reason why it was never put in is because i couldn’t think of a script to write for the supports to seem natural and good for the characters, but I’ve been working with a script writer to hopefully get some supports in for the new characters. After all, it wouldn’t really be the “FE6 Remake” if I left out supports. So stay tuned for an update soon. :slight_smile:


And all I can say is that the next massive update is going to be amazing. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


The dialogue makes it seem like Debias is recruitable but i didnt get the option with Bors (or Roy just to check). Am i missing something or is he just an enemy in this one.

He used to be recruitable, but due to being too similar to Project Ember, this was removed.

Oh! That makes a lot of sense

ahhhhhhhh omg internal screaming can’t wait. I mean I can but I’m excited :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Will you also consider adding the B route? Or is it a bit time consuming for you?

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Possibly. I’m not opposed to the idea as it gives some replayability. I’d have to figure out a way to implement the B Route while still having it so Route A units are still recruitable in the B route.


I played fe6 ages ago but recall little, so some feedback may be for vanilla fe6 without realizing. Normal mode, no save states, tower or arena. Didn’t check recruit/class info so wasn’t a factor in choices. Waited until 20 to promote units and being in a saveable place to compare options.

Ch 1-5
  1. Knight without provoke is oof but understandable. 5 mov is nice! Wait command with >> next to it is new. 200 capacity supply is nice qol.
  2. Vendor with only vulneraries is weird. Ch1 lacked guide in menu but ch2 has. An enemy fighter has displayed move but won’t move.
    In between: Odd I saved after ch2 and start of 3. Thought it funny how map shops vary so much from battle. Realized Dieck can use axes. Yay for custom world maps! Interesting Lugh’s sprite is pupil.
  3. no battle prep is oof but makes sense. Fast supports is nice! Relived thief has innate steal as lack of skill worried me.
  4. No battle prep is oof. Lost first attempt from unexpected reinforcments; Roy had to dodge a 77% or I needed to sacrifice Clarine. Was confident she recruited Rutger so chanced the dodge over losing 2 useful units. Attempt 2 lost Pegasus. Reset for being good unit and current only flyer. Thought it interesting pirates had capture. Killing Machine is a fun skill on player units :slight_smile:
    In between: Again map and battle shops different, glad I bought my javelin/hand axe when able!
  5. Still no prep. Brigands also have capture! Boss has armsthrift with 0 luk. Another case of different shops, although pleasantly surprised to see hatchet for sale on map!
Ch 6-9
  1. Map prep! Reset first attempt after losing Shanna on enemy phase 2 from units hiding under roof. Worried Cath would attack and then thought maybe she’d join due to talk display.
    Attempt 2 lost Rutger, reset. Attempt 3 lost Shanna again, pincered between reinforcements and same “door trap.” Attempt 4 lost Lugh, but checked rest of hidden rooms before reset. Boss has listed move but stays still.
    In between: Getting annoying how spread out shops are. Why not fewer, bigger ones on map?
  2. Typo; “Lilina is somewhere insidethat (missing space) castle.” Second-to-top eastern house in a pair mentions “gold bullion” but gives gem. I tried to rush villages before brigands would show up but got units caught in enemy lines due to this. The enemy is ntocibly stronger than previous map.
    Alen died to enemy phase 2. Dorthy 3, Lot 4. Interesting to see Fury as +3, used to +2. 25 use lockpick is nice as is another prepromote, with luna and rightful heir!
  3. Low on chest-opening at this point despite using door keys last map to save. Between 2 chest keys bought, 5 lockpick use, 1 key to loot and 1 to steal I’ll just barely have enough. Wish theey could be bought on map shops… Realized there’s a new thief and lockpick. Cool Gwendolyn animation! Decided on Trec as new main cavalier due to personal and bases, Astolfo as my new thief due to being tanky. Thought it funny Cath comes with lockpick (stole them) despite having locktouch.
    8x. Ellen into Bishop for Imbue. Bors into General for great shield and weapon variety. Also 6 move hype! display bug on Shanna promotion: image
    Made into Seraph for staff utility and better promotion gains anyway. Only now realized vulneraries and concations are different things. Reset from Shanna death on enemy phase 2
  4. Guessing Sue is needed for Sin for Fir. Only was informed after starting and didn’t care enough to reset. Stole Sin’s Orion bolt. Lost Wolt on enemy Phase 12. Tried to keep both recrutiables alive until chapter end but they killed themselves on my units. SW house mentions torch but don’t recall seeing item form, only staff. Noticed Berserker also had capture. On the off chance it wasn’t from “promoting” brigand I wanted to field Fighter next map to get it. Lost both east villages.
    In between: As I’ve naturally lost units not feeling a need to send any home.
Ch 10-11
  1. Wolt shows up to talk, don’t recall if he died or retread though from his quote on defeat. Green pirate with capture on turn 4 hype! Realized Quick Bow is 2-3 range. Gonzalez appeared, killed Lilian though due to miscounting range.
    Attempt 2 recruited both. Settled on the latter for main capture due to extra con despite worse everything else. Ballista wasn’t given upon capture :frowning: At least capture’s fixed xp could come in handy for promoted units when using take/give. Surprised to see boss was capturable but not without chancing unit death or at least promotion. Captured 2 silver bows, a silver axe and Nosferatu overall. Started giving Gonzalez stat boosters.
  2. Dancer! With weapon rank, 6 mov, Inspiring Tune and nice prf. Worried this may be a repeat chapter 7. Figured killing brigands would be easier than rushing villages. Even willing to give up on “ideal” xp distribution for units and captures. Sent detachment to nothern crack in direction of cave (gate) opening. Sue died on enemy phase 5. Despite plan, 2 brigands spawned very close to villagers and only managed to save them since AI prioritized attacking units in range. Larum died on turn 9, reset.
    Attempt 2 Dieck died on enemy phase 4. Green Barte killed Thea after talking once. Menu implied talking again would recruit. Crit Roberts before I could attempt capture. Enemy phase 15 Larum died reset.
    Attempt 3 realized I could ferry units over wall with Shanna although Bors was too heavy. Barte spawned on my unit! Couldn’t select to move. image I beilive reset was due to nosferatu/guiding ring capture target being killed by green units.
    Attempt 4 lost dancer to enemy phase 11, getting the hang of it though!
    Attempt 5 sent entire team to crack instead of detachment. Figured I’d clear Valni floor 1 if failing again for slight boost. Shamans near boss don’t seem to move despite listed move. Green units again killed capture target but past caring. They also killed Thea after I talked to her and a turn passed, at which point talk hint in menu went away. She wasn’t attacking but I was skeptical. Echidna died enemy phase 13. Klien and group don’t seem to move despite listed move unless I broke some trigger? Captured a silver axe.
Ch 12-14
  1. Is enemy priest supposed to have a brave sword in inventory? Worried I missed Shaman recruit from lost villages. Didn’t want to tryhard turn 20, and in the end took too long. Bard without refresh is unusual but makes sense since player has Larum. Shaman was pleasant surprise! Proomted Lugh (checked pre-battle) to Sage as staff + Glacies seemed better than +1 mov (maybe if +2…), swords and Canto. Curious if Raighs’s prf works with Roy’s personal. Knight on west side and brave bow sniper have listed move but don’t seem to move. Realized Ninian’s grace can help survive failed captures. Cath showing up was a surprise and had to scramble for recruit. Very nice personal! Risked a 7% crit to capture foe and failed, losing Gonzalez and resetting.
    Attempt 2 captured brave axe, silver sword, silver axe, stole an elixir. Wished southern part of map could be crossed by flying for ferrying. Regretting not saving guiding ring for Raigh in hopes of Summoner but thought chest may have. Landed a 6% crit with “chip” attack to kill boss so couldn’t capture. Reinforcements in the hack feel very numerous. Mixed feelings.
    In between: Remembered Master Seal, no Summoner though :frowning:
  2. Recruit warning to field Elfin was nice. Saw Larum also can talk but wasn’t sure if that was in addition to instead of either or. Longbows to capture and buy! Figured Zephiel stay with those stats, Narcian would either stay a short time for chance at shield or just leave asap, so “Flaer” would be boss. Guessed Cecilia would be defeated but not “die” given her inventory and skills. Worried about reaching Percival in time as text implied timer. More allies is nice! Is Guinevere meant to come with Fortify she’s a weapon rank off of use? Promoted Gonzalez to Warrior for the extra skl/def/res promotion gain, more reliable class skill and bow utility. Missed Percival by 1 turn, but seems l get another try later. Thought map was little too-empty so reinforcements weren’t a surprise. Trec into Paladin for extra move. Captured several staves for easy xp on heals, crit boss before I could capture.
  3. Wished Igrene and Sophie were force deploy instead of joining turn 1 for inventory management. Different gender Shaman meant another chance a Summoner! Gave Body Ring to Gonzalez. Saw a Manakete to capture but guessed one joins soon. Why is Wind sword so expensive? Didn’t plan on rushing timer as with ch12. Nihil personal is great! Pleasantly surprised Igrene has prf killer longbow, Point Blank and Acrobat. Didn’t notice Cecilia initally but +3 units explains deploying just 10. Saw a captureable Recover. 25 Turns was looking easy at this point so was going to try for it but that also something would change to make it harder. Lilina and Guinevre have extra move cost despite being “mages”. Intended? Spied sleep/silence to capture and Manakete wasn’t seeming practicable so sent Gonzalez in other direction. Found Swiftsole! Gave it to dancer. Found Silence. Captured recover but the other staves ran out of uses before I could close in. Found silver blade. House hinted looked near bones but wasn’t going to risk it in fog of war + timer. Thought map would change to “kill all bosses” So was surprised at victory on kill. Boss has overlapping Patience for personal and class skill.
    14x. Figured like other gaiden boss would be replaced by stronger on death. Guessed floor colors had to do with sinking. Lost Roy to 7% crit on enemy phase 2, reset.
    by turn 6 was realized entire map would sink and so only Shanna would be able to move. Was glad to see floor coming back and then locking into place by 20. Larum’s sword animation is awesome. Captured 2 (partially used) siege tomes and physic, brave axe helps. Cecilia’s sprite having an outline is neat. Countermagic and range 1-3 on new boss is nasty, Watchful expected. Luna and Purge from chests! Accidentally put Lilina within 3 tiles, died, reset.
    Attempt 3 finished baiting boss’s Bolting just as turn 20 rolled around. Sohpia + Rally spectrum (to get rid of 1% crit) tanked. Downside of bulky capture unit is can’t ferry with Shanna. Larum reached level 20and was surprised to see could keep going. Figured cap 25 or 30. Only captured a physic this attempt. Post-chapter Athos mentions needing all weapons but already missing one, whoops! Expecting Fae to join next map
Ch 15-16
  1. Checked in prep and disappointed Sohpie can’t become summoner. Percival returns! Larum again claims to be able to talk but wasn’t going to risk her being enough alone so deployed Elffin too. Sure enough, she can’t talk at all despite claim in menu. Surprised Cavaliers turn green. Was curious if Priest SW village mentions will show up. Lost eastern village to Garret as unlike ch12 he brigands didn’t prioritize combat (had unit in range) over pillaging. Promoted Liliana. Larum passes 25 so figured cap was 30. Astolofo reached 20.
    In between: Assassin promotion text says silencer, but skill is called lethality now. Promoted him to a Rouge anyway for extra move, not iginvg up stela (presumably) and better promo gains. Knives + lethality could have been fun though. Wasn’t sure if Fae could use stolen dragonstone but since only 50 durability wished I had gotten one.
  2. Delphi shield! Noticed a lot of units can talk to Douglas who looks great, fielded all but Klein. Flamestone to capture! By this point only Roy and Sohpia weren’t promoted. The former at 20 and should at chapter end and the latter 18 and will mid-battle soon enough. Turn 1 text implies Douglas will turn green so rushing to save seemed ideal. Zeiss looks weak. Hugh decent and implies secret shop. Noticed Fae has 1 con. Throughout the chapter let all able to talk to Douglas do so but no avail for recruitment. Upon promotion Sohpie had 18 as her lowest stat. Fantastic even without Nihil. Surprised by turn 12 siege reinforcement. Was suspicious no thief had shown up for chests. Sent Bors unarmed to tank Douglas. Recruited Hugh although guessing someone other than Roy could have done it for cheaper or free. Western Manakete doesn’t move despite listed move. Risked a 1% crit on failed capture but worked out. Fae can use it! Larum reached 30. Brave Lance soldier near Zeiss also doesn’t move despite listed move. Fae has no battle animation for Flamestone. Guessed secret shop location correctly and bought Guiding Ring and Lockpick. Forgot about warned trap and had to use Rescue staff to avoid losing unit upon entering throne room. Bolting from chest! :slight_smile: Stole shield and gem instead of capturing boss as couldn’t do so without chance of death. Fae’s on-map-hp-display wasn’t working.
    Ended up capturing with various durability: bolting, silence, 2 brave lances, brave sword, brave axe, lightbrand, physic, recover, spear, and thanks to body ring also general with rune sword/silver axe.
    16x. Doulas joins! Looks like Tower 8 and boss mention heavenly arrow. 2 mercs north of spawn claim to move but don’t. Same with 2 bolting mages by boss. Fae hit 20. Percival seems to have canto+ for movement alone despite skill saying canto. Bolting Sage in the inaccessible box has a useless aircaliabur. Guinevere hit lvl 5 and got +1 range! :slight_smile: Enemy snipers having point blank is scary. Captured boss, replacement wouldn’t spawn until dropped. Captured varying durability 2 bolting, longbow, 2 physic, 2 purge. Was sad boss didn’t give satff too. Unbreakable 1-2 weapon for lord is awesome though!
Ch 17-22
  1. I’m sure Murdock will be fought at some point. Terrain change sounds fun and presumably leads to ballistas too. Wo dao and swordreaver (helps with sword captures) for sale are nice. E-rank physic from village is nice. Is Fae meant to not have flying movement? Realized Roy lacks anima rank despite prf being that type. Suprised sandbar never sunk. Captured various items but crit boss before I was able to get him too.
  2. Figured blizzard would happen soon and reaches all villages will be painful. Lack of crit-blocking item is getting annoying too, wondered if missed from failed side objective. Shanna died to enemy phase 1, reset. Moving through forest spam isn’t fun. by turn 8 figured Niime will join team at map end. NE village was a close call but managed to save all. Waited until reinforcements stopped to win. Boss death force-ends map a turn later though so rip supports.
    18x. Pleasantly surprised! Lynn spawning among foes worried me for a moment. Lost Rebbeca to enemy phase 6.
  3. I don’t like fog of war, thankfully have torch staves and can buy more. Niime’s restore staff was useful despite more in supply as Roy was too far away. Lost her to enemy phase 5 ballista. By chapter end all units were level 5+
    19x: More unexpected! Wondering if I should’ve reset for Rebbeca. Gates can heal :slight_smile: Lynn learned Rally Spectrum after drinking a concoction at level 10. Not from the level up. Went for Eclipse boss, closest, SW, closest, guessed all needed to die at this point. Final nomad next and didn’t realize like other gaiden’s boss would be replaced on death! Wondering if this group joins main cast.
    In between: Nosfertau for sale, yay!
  4. Late recruit is surprising. Suspect keeping all green alive gives special reward. Deployed Zelot for talking despite being weak. Killing Edge merc to west has listed move but doesn’t move. Immobile and unreachable archer is odd. Maybe a secret shop? No warp though. Can’t reach killer ballista with stealable elysin whip either. Guessing 3x pegasus would’ve allowed for triangle attacks. Took too long to realize the “pillars” are wall. Scare with enemy berserk staff but survived.
    20x nosferatu druid has Rapier in inventory? Warriors with Counter is scary. Beserk staff also scary. Said staff user and longbow sniper don’t move despite listed move. Lost Juno to 8% crit, forcing restart. After capturing boss I used savestate to check and yes, “phase 2” boss can be skipped by an early seize.
    In between: Rescue for sale!
  5. Minor visual display bug
    image Special staff arrives with new unit! Fortify for sale. Murdock looks tough. Lacks watchful but too much con to capture. 30 turns looks very doable. Reset to deploy mentioned pair in turn 1 message just in case. Worried Eliwood might leave after this map given text on talk with Roy. Bolting mage near boss doesn’t move despite listed move. Sadly couldn’t recruit Galle but at least received goodies from talking. Left alive for chapter end. Chapter ended on boss kill, so no support chance.
    21x. Traps sounds bad. SW knight doesn’t move despite listed move. Same with SW nosferatu shaman ,NE general. bolting user near boss and druid with silence. S-rank from chest was pleasant surprise, dragon trap less-so. Disappointing Fire Emblem doesn’t deal effective damage. Expected more S ranks and dragons from chests near boss .
    In between: Up to 48 units but have a minor display error. Still works fine though. Rip unbreakable prf, although replacement is insanely good. Checked ruins (and then relaoded to before), can’t retreat. Intended? Guessing hack is nearly over
  6. Surprised by Guinevere force deployment. Beserk staff is scary, so used Purge tome to stop it. Final boss was strong, Sohpie with Luna tome and various Rally skills won though. Since I missed 1 legendary weapon the story ends here. Final team
    Finished with 45 units, 1427 turns.
    My best units were:
Post game

Surprised I missed 2 secret shops, guessed it’d be 1. disappointed only 3/7 (or 8 with con) stat boosters can be bought.
Roy + Eckesachs go brr.

  1. Captured talon to check and yes Fae can use it.
  2. (2 had nothing of note) Looks to be same as vanilla other than Black Magic skill, no saving, no retreating and forced Roy deployment.
  3. Narcian joins, another Delphi shield but also HOPLON GAURD!
  4. Wondered if I missed silver card in desert. Turned off animation and gave Roy Angelic robe so he’d cap hp. Luna from chest! don’t recall them ever being sold.
  5. (nothing of note on 6) New unit with great bases other than luk and def. More S-rank weapons and a range 1-3 prf!
  6. Still looks vanilla. Zephiel joined and not keen on his luk (hoplon can help) or wary fighter. Even with life or death he’s slow. 1-3 range brave helps. And an unbrekable tome too! Deployed Gonzalez to see if I could capture Stone to teach someone dark rank. Gorgon doesn’t move despite listed move. Cleared, noticed there’s no send-unit-home anymore. Worried I may have to send units to die to stay under limit although not even sure what happens past 50. Wasn’t clear if I needed to run tower x3. Save-screen display turned blank. (Actual playtime was far less hours since I have the emulator run at higher base speed plus idle time)
    Roy reached 20, all but def (16) capped.
    Tower round 2: Sent some units to die just in case. tested stone and Roy can use it! 5 durability wasn’t enough for a rank though. Left tower to save and came back again. Back at floor 8 I again sent Gonzalez after the Gorgon but got a black screen after clearing and had to reload.

Ruins: Roy solo again. 25% Aether helps a lot. 72 avoid doesn’t hurt either.

  1. Wight with longbow near boss doesn’t move despite listed move.
  2. (nothing of note 2-4) Cyclops by NW chest doesn’t move but claims to.
  3. Hector unlocked!
  4. (nothing on 7) Murdok. Surprisingly had a few cases of dropping to about 60% hp.
  5. At one point was 30 hp and on a flat for -10. Still won.
  6. New icon (to me) for Wretched Air. Dragons actually look scary but can outrange them. Dropped to 9 hp at one point but won
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Hello there a just start playing and Discover that a lot prf skill is just a theory(3 screen is on enemy phase)

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Hi, I found a few errors:




(Randy has the Patience skill twice.)

Typo (prevent).

Typo (its).

Typo (wield).

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No Luce?

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