Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 'Remake' [FE6 in FE8] [COMPLETE]

When is the tower unlock?
I once played this hack, but that is the first version of this hack. I am recently RE-playing this hack, after Chapter 8x, the tower doesn’t appear.

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The tower appears after Chapter 9.

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Oh, i find it after Ch.9, thanks.

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Can I translate your project into my language? I already translated 7 and 8, but the original FE6 is hard as hell, and I still feel bad for being unable to solve the tech problem.

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Of course, I’d be very grateful if you are able to translate this ROM into another language. :+1:


Second Hack in FEU, I‘ve played to the end. Even did it in Normal Mode at the first time, tho!
Wasn’t a hard time, the way the Hack is made, is mostly best possible way!!!
I was hardly focused in playing, even my boss at work admitted me rather playing this game than doing my working stuff xD
I most highly appreciate this Hack and the work on it. Rutger with the Skill „Killing Machine“ is a killing machine, BUT…! Lyndis did even better work. She „Astra“led the Bosses in the final chapter, she tread with her feet on the head of Biran‘s Hero, his dying ghostly embodiment lying on the ground(I don‘t remember his name ;() and shot the eight and last arrow right through skull and brain into the stone. Same with Idunn, Roy only had to finish the last 15 HP.
From now on, Lyn with Mulagir, 4 range and Astra is an overglorying heroine for me XD

I really had enormous fun, nonetheless in my opinion, FE Sacred Echoes has the better, more colorful and all in all more astounding maps.
If I could criticize something, then the MAPS and the work in it. It’s FE6-Style maps, but the Hack was made on FE8 base, so go all out with map-building and make the Hack much more better, PLEEEAAASE!!! :))))))


This is probably my favorite ROM hack I’ve played, and so far, my favorite experience with the series as a whole. I really enjoyed the story tweaks and the cute little cutscenes between Roy, Wolt, and Lilina, and limiting Merlinus’s dialogue is always a win. The handling of the Ilia and Secae route split was also quite creative. My favorite new addition is definitely the skill system from Genealogy, and the new classes. One of the funniest aspects of this hack is that Axefaith works on Armads (Please do not patch that out.) so Saul was murdering everything once he promoted.

I only have two complaints with this hack, and one of which is a minor nitpick, that being why did you use the New Mystery battle prep theme instead of FE8’s, which is the best in the series, or at least the already pretty good FE6 theme? And, the biggest issue: Why does the Sword of Seals only get 40 uses? You only get it for like three chapters at most, and in the following chapter, you get Echusachs, which doesn’t have durability and is one of the legendary weapons, when the SoS is said to be in a league of it’s own in terms of power, but has the same amount of uses as the rest of them.

Anyway, fantastic ROM hack. Thank you.


it gets stuck in chapter 3, I only implanted animations, could that be the error?

You could always try playing the chapter without the implanted animations. But it looks like that same error you got from the screenshot is the same error I got whenever a unit would step out of bounds and the game doesn’t know what to do so it causes that error.

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Thanks bro, I’ll try to fix it

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I was reviewing and the error appears in turn 4 and 5 (capt 3) of the enemy, I’m curious because if they were the animations that I inserted, the previous chapters would have hung the same, in any case there is also the option that it crashed with errors animations that still do not appear in the first chapters I’m still thinking about how to solve it, if you want I’ll send you the rom so you can review it if you like it

is that the Narcian leaving event? if so it might be something to do with one of those particular map sprites.

cause I can certainly say importing animations shouldn’t be causing that considering I insert a bunch of them when I played an older version. usually that happens when the map sprites get screwed with.

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It’s exactly in that part, but I didn’t know what exactly had happened, but thanks for that information, I’ll start to find out about the sprites

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It’s actually possible something jumbled up the event. other possibilities involve portraits being wrong, Something being changed in the eventing since I played, or something misaligned in the map itself.

Only other recomendation I have would be to make a second rom without the changed animations, rename the save after the second rom and see if the event works there.

If it does, something got messed up with the animations. If it doesn’t then at least you know what wasn’t a cause.

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Thanks, turns out I found the bug, but I had to start all over again, even though I’m better, it took me 2 days haha, all because of inserting the dark druid animation that ruined my rom.

that would do it. though how I’m not certain.

if I remember correctly that event moves a bunch of knights and wyverns, how could those DDruid anims screwed with it. I will say I have seen this particular bug only in Sacred Stones hacks specifcally during that one scene with the messenger on the Eirika route.

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the FE6 hackrom is based on the sacred stone, it turns out that when you implement bad animations, you get a fixx error and if you click “accept” the rom is ruined, that happened to me, but I didn’t notice it at first, because the first two chapters worked well for me and it went unnoticed until chapter 3 when the error happened, many doubts came to my mind but I did not have enough knowledge to know where to find the root of the problem, with your help I was able to orient myself more or less to an idea

Well, glad my (more or less) random spitballing could help.

I will say, those particular animations are the only real exception to anything I’ve messed with. Biggest thing I usually do nowerdays is using Sphelnuke’s Juggernaut Berserker since I like it more then Vanilla Berserker and way more then the hawkeye berserker (i just really don’t like how they look).

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I created this account just to say that i love your remake and seeing the characters from 7 being relevant again in the history makes me really happy, i found the early game really hard but maybe thats just me being bad at adapting to the changes


Just started playing this game. I’ve read the description and the major changes in regards to the remake of this game and I can literally hear the voice of the developer of this game and how much he/she is passionate and had put in a lot of effort for this remake. Really love it!!!