“I’m not an “it”, human! I have a name. A better name than yours, no doubt. Call me Kaden. I’m the chief of this village.”
FE 14 Fates - Kaden
+Tail less alt
“I’m not an “it”, human! I have a name. A better name than yours, no doubt. Call me Kaden. I’m the chief of this village.”
FE 14 Fates - Kaden
I edited the sword weapon art icons from mokha’s c-skill system to make these dagger icons
“As Lady Sakura’s lead retainer, it will be my pleasure to take your orders.”
FE 14 Fates - Hana
a bit ago, i made this thread.
here’s some of the sprites that came out of it.
pretty sure most are f2e, but i’d get in contact with their creators to double check.
In order, from left to right…
Dead Archer, by SigmaRaven/BigMood
Dead F!Swordmaster, by Hatsuru
Dead Yowyin (lord), by WiiSportsremote
Dead Asaph (thief), by Cygnus
Dead Elphin (bard), by ToGY
Dead Eirika, by WiiSportsRemote
Dead Rhea, by Augenis
Dead F!Peer, by GreatDoot
Dead F!Peer alt, by GreatDoot
Dead Mamkute, by Polinym
Dead Mamkute alt, by Polinym and BandanaSplitzzz
Dead Swordmaster, by MegaCowSamMan
Dead Swordmaster 2.0, by MegaCowSamMan
Dead Soldier (Grounded), by TheGreatNothing
Dead Soldier (Lying on wall), by TheGreatNothing
Dead Soldier (With Lance) (Grounded), by TheGreatNothing
Dead Soldier (With Lance) (Lying on wall), by TheGreatNothing
Dead Gargoyle, by DATonDemand
Dead Gargoyle (Grey Colors), by DATonDemand
One week ago I recolored HyperGammaSpace’s Villlager Map Sprite’s hair, but since then I’ve decided that my hack’s MC is no longer blonde, so y’all can use it if ya’ want.
I formatted the tiles of these to work in GBA a while back.
They’re made to work with the fields tileset and the FE6 snow tileset respectively.
Sheets of all the tiles:
The layouts: