Crazy stuff you can do without asm editing in builder

So i recently figured out how to us the special events per unit patch by 7743 which allows you to create events that trigger when you use a unit specific command. And since I’m a vanilla basic builder worker I thought it’s be cool if I could share the crazy “spaghetti mancing” as a fellow hacker would put it that I did to make “custom” skills that aren’t actually “customing” or ASM ing.

So basically every reply would be something I made in my current hack and how I made it, via patches or some other kind of finangeling. I’m also hoping to get some ideas from yall that I can put in the hack lol.


Entry 1: Fixed damage weapons

Patches needed:
Fixed damage weapons by sme

This is pretty explanatory The fixed weapon patch ignores your Str and Mag in calculating damage. This paired with checking the negate defenses bit allows you to create a weapon that will always do weapon power amount of damage.


Entry 2: Making twin units that can “swap places” on map

Now this is the finanggeling I meant when I thought of making this thread. It’s a bit complicated so I will probably make include steps here.

What you need:
Special event for each unit patch by 7743
Set unit status patch, get unit status etc by 7743
2 unit slots with copy classes that have 0 move.

Step 1)
set up 2 slots for each of the twin units you want to switch on the special event per unit patch.

Now for a brief explanation of what each part of the patch does.
-Unit is obvious which unit will get this special command
-Class, flag, has items are conditions on when this command appears, in this case the units switching needs to have item in slot CD to be able to switch.
-Menu item is what command pops up when you want to do the switch basically when the conditions are fulfilled the menu “transport” would appear similar to movement skills like reposition or swap.
-Event pointer is what event will get triggered when you select “transport”

Step 2: Making the event
Now the event itself, first get somebody who can do the thing lmao, jk but for real I legit just copied Shusuuke the fool’s instructions for this part. I’ll change the twin’s portrait to make it easier to distinguish them. Note: both unit’s Id in the character editor is 1B=Lune and 18=Sole
Here’s a look at Sole’s event:

Here’s the breakdown and logic:

Red rectangles: This sets the active unit, aka the unit you have your cursor on to another character, now I believe you can set it to any other character but the twins because the cursor will be returned to the “switched” twin at the end, as you can see at the very bottom.
Movement events do not effect your active unit, this means that a unit you’re controlling will not move to another tile with another event.

Copy the rest of the event in between, it’s a bit complicated but from what I can gather it’s basically saving the x and y coordinates for each twin which allows the switch.

Orange Rectangle, This is the actual command that switches the two’s position on the map.

Pink Rectangle, this is the command that ends sole’s turn, so in a similar way that reposition and other movement base events end a unit’s turn this command will end the “switchers’s” turn.

Blue Rectangle, these are commands that reclass lune and sole into identical classes with 0 move. I put this in so that the switched twin can still attack and do actions but cannot continue to move. You can skip this part if you want them to be able to move after switching, though this does allow them to combine their 5 moves to move a total of 10 spaces before performing another action.

The last red rectangle is just a way to put the cursor to the “switched” twin.

Outcome: The outcome of this fenanggeling is a movement skill similar to Swarp which allows a twin to burn their turn to switch with another twin. Allowing the twins to use their different stat spreads to tackle the “right” enemies.

Step 3: Returning the movement
This step is necessary to return both units to 5 move every turn. If you didn’t change their classes to an identical class with 0 move then you can skip this step.

The key is in making a turn event that starts every player phase to switch both their classes back.

Now if you want this to be a hack long mechanic then it’s necessary to make a copy of this event on every map after they’ve appeared.

Part 4: Caveat:
There’s 2 instances where this mechanic falls apart:

  1. Boots can probably disable the “can’t move after switching” because these are boosts that go on top of the move stat. Change class only effectively change base move and con so bonuses will stay
  2. If one or both promote, then there needs to be adjustments to what copy class they turn into, a potential solution to this is making 4 more copy events and making all the event available only based on 1 global flag. These flags can be turned on and off based on the class the twins have. so say sole is a sage and lune’s a mage, check both classes and then disable the original event’s flag and turn on the right version’s flag.

Note: check the Low command thing on when you’re inserting the event, this allows for set status to sval2 the one in the pink box


I love this thread. While working on my project, I have jerryrigged so many things to create crazy events or functions. It would be fun to have a dedicated thread for people to post things like this for others to search and use similar to the asset repository thread.

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Anybody’s free to comment with their own entries btw, I think we should cook up a think tank about crazy stuff you can do in builder.

Entry 3: Adding the Knight Ward item from FE9 (Kind of)

This is a very basic setup, so it won’t take much really.

Patches needed:
Skill System by Circleseverywhere

That’s it really. Head on over to the Item Editor, and let’s begin:

Step 1: Select an item slot to use. Then, set the slot to Item, set the attack range to 00=0, set the Wexp box to zero, and tick the Passive Boosts box.

Step 2: Allocate an entry in the Stat Boosts menu, and from there, you can see the Growth Rate Correction box. Add 30 to the Spd box, then at the stat boost section at the top, add 2 to the Def and Res boxes.

Step 3: There is no step 3, we’re done! Well, except one little caveat, if you want to call it that: you cannot equip it like you can in FE9. I am working on a way to fix that, but for the time being, it is what it is.


Creating an Obstruct Staff (or a Rune Staff)

You need to install the IER_IERevamp Table patch.

Step 1: Find an unused slot to use. We’re going to use 3A for this example.

Step 2: Find “Light rune” and Copy it. Paste it in the slot you selected (in this case, 3A).

Step 3: There are two Torch options to select from. Pick the Torch from 0C and Copy the TargetingRoutine. Paste it in the TargetingRoutine in the slot you selected (in this case, 3A).

Step 4: Check if you followed the steps correctly. It should look like this.

Final Step: In ItemEditor, change the “When Used” to the slot you selected (in this case, 3A).

This is optional but recommend to change. Since this method uses Light Runes, it will last as long as a regular Light Rune would, which is 3 turns. You can use the Light Rune patch to change the duration. 1 turn is how long Obstruct staff walls usually last, but you can customize it to your liking.

Here is an example of how the staff works.
I changed the range to Fortify Staff so the staff can be used at a distance. It spawns a Light Rune.
Make sure you change the stats and descriptions around to your liking.
You do not gain regular experience for using the Staff.
Rune Staff


OMG I wanted to do this so much lol, I’m happy I made this thread now lol.

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im gonna use these jank things someday
code hard :face_holding_back_tears:

i cant get this to work for some reason, idk why

The passive boost isn’t locked to class, it just boosts any character holding it

Seems like because it’s an unequippable item you need this:

i dont think so, i already have that patch installed

This entry’s got me into a staff tinkering, so here goes:

Entry 4: Poison & Stone staff

Item Effect Rework
Free item slot

Step 1: Make the staff

Make sure that staff is checklisted.

Step 2: Setting staff effect

Set when used to sleep and type your desired status and how many turns it’s active on the ier byte
The first number indicates how long the status will last and the second the type of status.
Status ticks down by one every start of turn which means your effective status turn is the listed turn -1

What’s happening here is that we’re using the sleep staff’s usability and targetting while applying the status we want and how long it’ll last.

Step 3: Setting up the animations for the staff

Since poison and stone are not effects we see with status staves we’ll be using the sleep cast effect to represent them.

go to edit magic animations menu. and put in the staff’s item id in a unused spot

Set it up like this .
for map animation effect copy the address from the sleep staff, like so:

As you can see both the address are the same.

Tada!! a poison/stone staff

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Entry Number 5 Dancer Ring effects as Staves

This one’s another addition in the staff toolbox, step number 1 is the same as the previous entry so copy that

Step 2: Setting staff effect

Set up this one the same way as the previous staff.

Step 3: Setting up animations for the staff

Here’s the set up for the animations, Filla’s might is available as an in battle effect so you can use both map and battle animations. For the map animation effects I believe I copied restore’s but I think it’s going to use the dancing effect anyhows so…

Step 4: IMPORTANT DO NOT SKIP, preventing screen death

This step is crucial to avoid a crash if you play without battle animations:
Dancer ring on map effects can only be done by dancer map animations, this is why they look so weird in vanilla. The key here is their AP, which idunno what is stands for but you can find in the “moving map animations” part of a class.

Change EVERY CLASS that can use this staff to AP 7-1 this will prevent crashing if you use this staff without battle animations.

This Method can also be used if you want to make specific “buffing” classes that can’t dance but can apply the fe7 dancer ring buffs to allies

Step 5: Customizing each ring effect numbers

You can use this patch to customize the numbers and which stat statuses will buff. Unfortunately as far as I know the numbers can’t be negative so status like poison can’t apply a stat debuff. That being said Attack, Defence, Critical and Avoid, ninian’s ring effects can be adjusted, you can even buff more than just 1 stat. By default these rings buff 1 stat by 10 points.
(P.S: if anybody knows what those 00 buff please tell me lol)


Does Builder allow you to make Warp Tiles that will teleport any unit who stands on them to a designated destination or, if that location is full, any nearby tile the unit can stand on?

i dont think this is the right thread for that question

As cool as this thread is, it’s starting to become a lengthy read. Maybe you could include an index of all these different things in your initial post?

post must be 5 characters

Warp Tiles

Have you ever wanted to emulate Chp 24x of Thracia? Then this is for you! Warp tiles are more or less very easy to make and require very little eventing.

Step One: Set Up a Range Condition

Range event always condition. Make sure you have both first point and second on the same tile.
The event will be a [if player unit is in range] type.

Step Two: Event

You want to set the active unit to 0x0 so the camera doesnt freak out. What you’re doing in this event is essentially saving the data of who steps on the tile, and using LOW commands to warp them to the desired area you want.

And you’re done!


Drat. I’ll have to take it down until I can resolve this issue. Sorry for the inconvinence.