Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Custom armored fighter animations with FE9-styled getups instead of war pajamas. Map sprites and class card included as well.

Fighter (M) Armored Axe {YellowToadstool}-stand
Fighter (M) Armored Axe {YellowToadstool}


It’s me and this new, unfinished product… hope you all like it!

I haven’t created a script for it yet so I only have this image…

I think I’ll call it ShadowKnight :smiley:
Based on art by Darkmatter122


The last gen 2 character done.


FE Awakening - Owain
FE Owain

+No hand alt
FE Owain Alt

+More Red Tone version
FE Owain More Red

+More Red Tone No Hand Alt version
FE Owain Alt More Red

EDIT: Updated shoulder pads and collars and added two more variants where I traded one hair tone for an extra red one.


Introducing the mystical Mahout!!


And Bows:


Download link:
New link new me

This animations like Saki’s original uses a custom sound, I’ve ofc included the sound effect used and the instruction to insert the sound effect in the credit file.

I’d like to thank my bro Sable mage as always for scripting my stuff as well as Saki and everyone who made the original mahout. This was a huggeeee project literally and figuratively and it’s definitely not perfect lol the elephant got in the way a lot, but hey I tried my best.


Maylene from Fire Emblem 0: Legacy of the Holy War. Credit to serif, BuskHusker, Jeorge Reds, and Imperial.

Portrait Editor Nations_of_Conquest.PATCH.20211018165846.gba_3@03 _8ACC18
Prez_Selk’s OC. Credit to Glaceo - I commissioned this a few years ago but I didn’t directly work on it like the first.

Two portraits I had previously submitted but removed from the repository. I had done it out of bad faith and ill intentions, and for that I’m sincerely sorry for any fellow modders I may have unintentionally or maliciously intended to screw over. I’ve been away from the scene and had a change of heart about these.



i made an old man, do whatever you want with him


whatever you want with him





Hello everybody.
How are you? I hope well

Vanilla Wyvern rider Repal kit .
Edit: Fixed credits for Axe and Hand Axe animation, please download the updated file.

The original kit had two sword options, but I preferred working with the SamirPlayz version.

Original Axe and Handaxe by eCut, now with a magic axe part. (hmmm magic axe)


I also changed some details in the Bow to be more consistent, in my opinion, but credit goes to PrincessKilvas, Spud, Blue Druid for the original animation.

And in general, added an extra frame to the wyvern’s wings using the armless version of Leo_link as base.

Link: WR Repal.rar - Google Drive

So that’s it, love you all and until next time. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Kaladin (The Stormlight Archive) {PhoenixRadiant}
(Kaladin Stormblessed, from The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson)

“Honor is dead, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Was absentmindedly scrolling through the Repo’s portraits and realized there weren’t any Stormlight Archive characters in the “other properties” area, so… Here’s a novice artist’s interpretation of Kaladin Stormblessed. Thinking about doing some more, both Stormlight and original stuff, but I didn’t even get the blinking frames in this time so we’ll see. I think the file and all that is formatted right, but if it’s not just lmk and I’ll fix it.



For you classic JRPG lovers, I proudly present the custom magic slime!
(Proper Enemy, Ally, Neutral palette pngs included)



Slime Stand
Slime Walk



Time to drop a new portrait,

Here’s Neves/Snow:

Thanks to @UltraFenix For some shoulder pad help

Cav armor
Snow (cavsis) {DatonDemand, Ultra Fenix}

Peg armor
Snow (Pegasis) {DatonDemand, Ultra Fenix}

F2U/F2E ofc


A mysterious woman of unknown past. Proficient in mounting both horses and pegasus. She tells a different story each time somevody asks about her scar.


With Winter underway, it has certainly been snowing like one of these: The Banshee.




Animation commissioned by @Zarg.


Map animation fix.
Moving Map Anims FE8 HD Version.gba_167@A8 Slime_0107ABEC


Savage lyn {DatonDemand, Eldritch Abomination}
Edit: forgot the blood on the frames lol

Formated in a gif to make multiple versions download easier
thanks to Eldritch Abomination for the fe8 palette.
And I made an amateurish attempt at her personal:

{2WB, DatonDemand} {Vanilla + Blitz} Gullin Katti-export

The Gullin Katti, Boar cutter.
based on 2wb’s mani katti

Lore aka edgy fanfiction

“Boar slayer”. What was lyn without her tribe? the lone survivor living off the lands. She buried them all, her tribes men, women, children. And now there was nothing but the wind and the grass and the trees. The stars decorating the sky, and the pristine waters around her.

It was beautiful and peaceful, and she was content… for a time but try as she might she couldn’t find peace inside herself, she couldn’t let go. A fire was lit inside her and she was hopeless to quell it. The screams and pleads of her tribesmen haunting her dreams and on repeat on her ears. revenge was on her mind constantly.

The liquid felt warm on her skin. Blood from a thief she found scrounging around camp. He’d pleaded to her for his life, she had to hold herself off from laughing at that. They were all the same to her, Boars, savages with no remorse or honor. And as her father had hunted the bears around their camp to keep her safe, she’ll hunt these “boars” to keep everyone else safe.


So I was going to wait until I could test these things and then do them all in bulk, but I keep getting distracted so I’m just going to toss 'em up as I do them instead. A bunch of portraits, about half are just variants-- a ‘PME’ version of a few with normal portrait stuff, and the others are just portraits as I use them.

My preference would be to do some kind of recolouring or edit because I’m still using these characters and all that, but… eh, I guess. Have fun? Hopefully I’ll be able to toss up more later. Varying quality because years apart and all that.

Oh right, there’s also a little map animation thing, I just made it 16x16 from what it was, I hardly deserve credit for that one.

A glimpse at a few things~
Aiyana (VelvetKitsune)AjaxPMEChris (VelvetKitsune)Hypasia (VelvetKitsune)Ianto (VelvetKitsune)
JaredPME (VelvetKitsune)Jingyi (VelvetKitsune)Lenna (VelvetKitsune)Lindsey (VelvetKitsune)MaisonPME (VelvetKitsune)

Wolf (U) Mauthe Doog T3 16x16 {EldritchAbomination}-stand


Did somebody say HOG RIDER?!


A little map sprite comm I got from Glaceo, for the funnies. No animation or anything, since it’s for a shitpost…but man, it’d be funny to get an animation in the future.


Fallen Lord #3
Tyrant lord Ephraim

Tyrrant Ephraim{MegaCowsamMan, DatonDemand}

Back at it again for the third fallen lord entry. This one was based on MegaCowsamMan’s older Ephraim. I just spiced it up a bit by adding some stuff.

And his weapon:
Corrupted sieglind {DatonDemand}

Corrupted Sieglind. Wait sieglind?, isn’t that Eirika’s sword? EXACTLY. muahahaha I’ll leave the head cannon for yall to figure out right now but I might add some lore later so stay tuned for that


I made some edits to Dolkar’s Rifleman animations.
The only thing left do when you have an animation of a rifle is to animate a 12 gauge.

Edit: Added a rifle

Also a dancer variant. Its Vera from the Shantae games.


Back with more F2U/F2E item icons yet again! They’re easy and fun to make, so I find myself making quite a lot of them.

First up, I have some edits of Jugdral item icons, generally to match the icon sizes used in the GBA games. Fire Emblems 3 through 8 do all use 16x16 item icons, but the GBA titles tend to have one-pixel “buffers” around the edges of the actual images, which generally fit into a 14x14-pixel space. These edits are largely for the purposes of fitting into that style, but there are a couple other edits in here, too.

Jugdral item icon edits

Safeguard Safeguard, FE4 design.
Barrier Blade Barrier Blade, FE4 design.
Wing Clipper Wing Clipper, FE4 design.
Flame Sword Flame Sword, FE4 design.
Lands Sword (Short) Lands Sword, FE5 design; standard sword-style proportions.
Lands Sword (Blade-style) Lands Sword, FE5 design; “Blade”-style proportions.
Dragonpike (FE5) Dragonpike, Deen’s FE5 version.
Tianlong “Tianlong”; Deen’s Dragonpike with a green tassel.
Magic Up Staff Magic Up staff (FE5).
Heal Ring “Heal Ring”; an alternative reflavoring of the 60-use Vulnerary, based on items like the Renewal Band. The idea is that it’s a ring with the same gem as is used in Heal staves set in it, and it can be used to restore the holder’s HP by 10, though obviously you can use it however you like.

Next up, custom icons! Most of these aren’t original item designs; rather, adaptations of items and weapons from other Fire Emblem games, drawn in the GBA Fire Emblem item icon style.

Custom icons

Superior Edge Superior Edge, from Fire Emblem Awakening.
Swordslayer (Sword) Swordslayer, Archanean sword version.
Meisterschwert Meisterschwert, Archanean version.
Ladyblade Ladyblade, Archanean version.
Practice Katana Practice Katana from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Devil Sword Devil Sword, based on its TCG artwork.
Glass Sword Glass Sword, GBAFE-style redesign.
Adamant Club Adamant Club from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Adamant Club (OLD) Old version of the Adamant Club icon, with a more divergent design. I don’t really like how this one came out, but, hey, maybe someone else will, in which case more power to you.
Splitting Axe Splitting Axe from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, based on its concept art.
Imposing Axe Imposing Axe from Fire Emblem Awakening.
Bone Axe Bone Axe from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Volant Axe Volant Axe from Fire Emblem Awakening.
Mace (Improved) Mace from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, with an original, bulkier design.
Glass Axe Glass Axe, GBAFE-style redesign.
Hexlock Spear Hexlock Spear from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Flycatcher Flycatcher, based on its Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem item icon.
Swordcatcher Swordcatcher from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Glass Lance Glass Lance, GBAFE-style redesign.
Cleave Bow Cleave Bow, based on its Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem item icon.
Hunter's Bow Hunter’s Bow from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Illusory Yumi Illusory Yumi from Fire Emblem Fates, based on its battle model.
Glass Bow Glass Bow, GBAFE-style redesign.
Shock “Shock” tome. Made for a Light spell that would use the Eckesachs wave animation (hence the sword design on the book cover) and target Defense rather than Resistance.
Holy Crown Holy Crown from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.