Introducing Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon Reborn! A remake of the original NES game with much gameplay inspiration from the DS remake. Also features music and art from Mystery of the Emblem as well as the dialogue from the original NES Fan Translation.
This hack features a complete reclassing system, although only promoted units can reclass. This feature is unlocked during Chapter 4 and places a “Reclasser” into your inventory (It disappears after you start the map, so don’t think about reclassing outside of preparations).
Reclassing Options
Men: Paladin, Dracoknight, Warrior, Horseman, General, Hero
Women: Paladin, Dracoknight, Swordmaster, Sniper, General, Hero
Mages: Sage, Bishop, Sorcerer
Critical Force (+20 Crit): Sniper, Berserker, Swordmaster, Wyvern Knight
Gaiden Chapters
FE11 units and Gaiden chapters, now with 90% less unit death! To unlock them, you only need ONE person to die in the lists below to unlock the chapter.
Athena+6x: Ogma, Barst, Bord, Cord, Darros, Castor, Navarre
Horace+12x: Roshea, Hardin, Vyland, Wolf, Sedgar, Matthis, Draug
Norne (End of Chapter 14): Caeda, Cain, Abel, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge
Frey (During Chapter 17): Caesar, Radd, Minerva, Dolph, Macellan, Tomas
Etzel+17x: Wrys, Lena, Merric, Wendell, Maria, Linde, Boah
Ymir+20x: Midia, Astram, Catria, Palla, Arran/Samson, Est, Lorenz
Nagi+24x: Tiki must be dead. Falchion can be obtained, it doesn’t matter.
I’m not skilled enough to actually have a full forging system, but more weapons have been added to mimic the forging system.
From Chapter 4 and beyond, you may forge a Steel Weapon/Thunder Tome/Arrowspate Ballistae. They cost 6.5 times the normal weapon, but have 3 extra might, 10 extra hit, and 2 less weight (They’re effectively D Rank Silver Weapons). From Chapter 8 and beyond, there are also ‘unique’ forges, similar to Aimee’s special deals in FE10. They include effective weaponry, ranged weapons, and even unique weapons like the Wing Spear!
New weapons have been added from the DS remake, as well as the Shaver Tome (Which replaces Blizzard). Also, all of the Regalia are now A rank weapons that give +3 to a specific stat. There are also a lot of minor differences, like the Manual/Arms Scroll being replaced by a Metis’ Tome. Finally, two new PRF staves have been added to make every staff user have some unique utility. Silence for Wrys (Obtained in Chapter 15) and Rescue for Maria (Obtained in Chapter 18).
Two characters, Matthis and Samson, have become different classes just for diversity. This doesn’t really matter for Samson since he can still class change to Hero, but Matthis lets you have another flying unit in the early game. Finally, Hard Mode Bonuses are given to characters that start as enemies.
Guide events have been added to each chapter to give some information on reinforcements or basic strategy that may help. Also, some other changes include Thracia-style trading and a new weapon weight system. Every unit only has 1 CON, so your SKL/4 acts as a point of CON. Just remember increments of 4, 8, 12, etc. Finally, you can press Select on the map to display enemy ranges, or to display growths on the status screen.
There’s also a “Minimug” Patch that lets you see a unit’s equipment and basic battle info from the map.
This hack is 100% playable, all the way to the end! There’s a even a small post-game challenge accessible from the final chapter (Just make sure you don’t overwrite your Chapter 25 Save).
There are also two Quality of Life patches for the current version as well as a Reverse Recruitment patch which does exactly what it sounds like it does. The Minimug patch lets you see more unit info on the map (Shown in Miscellaneous). The Fixed Growths patch is the same, but averages out character’s stats to get rid of the random factor in levels.