Feier's Weapon Icon House

Thank you!

I have but two request.

Would you mind remodeling this FE4 Thief sword’s design to make it look more appealing?

Also, the miracle sword in its actual design of how it really looks.

I’d like the 3 versions of the Monado.
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Can you please make the Echoes Mercurius icon for GBA? https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Mercurius There’s already an icon for it on the 3DS so maybe you could base it off that?

We got Mercurius sonewhere in the forum.

If you’re talking about this one, sadly it won’t work, because that’s based off FE11.

I mean, they’re the same sword, but okay…

FEier is welcome to make their own version of it, but, begrudgingly, I’ve posted an edit to my sheet in my thread that makes mine more like SoV’s official art for it instead of the old TCG art.


Hey FEier! Could I request a prf axe that sort of looks like this, but a bit more regal if possible? Thanks for all your awesome work.

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Not exactly sure if it’s “regal” enough, with the golden bits added onto it as well as the blue “scarf” part, but 'ere you go!


I’ve previously made a mercurius icon for Sacred Echoes, which was already based off of the 3DS Mercurius already, so have at it


Considering how long the monado is, the general limits of red in GBA FE’s item palette, and how much bigger the other variants are, I’ll only be doing the original monado.


Took some liberties and went to go look at the original Thief Sword art, based it off of that. The Miracle Sword was fun to do if I need to be honest! So here’s both of them.


This works perfectly. Thanks.

Could you do Cordelia’s Lance from FE Warriors?

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Hi Lex, would you be able to do icons for the DS game ballista weapons?
(Arrowspate, Stonehoist, Hoistflamme, Pachyderm and Thunderbolt.)
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Feel free to take any liberties with them. I believe they all have TCG artwork as well, in case you want to look at those as references.

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Awesome! Thank you so much Emblemier, I’m actually glad it was fun remaking it into your liking.


Hey back here again! This time I have a lance request.

Berkuts Lance from Heroes.

I don’t mean anything bad, but SacredStones made one.

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hello again,i have a request for whenever you’re interested and free for a mayan sword sprite or by its official name Macuahuitl.

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Earlier, I requested this weapon icon from you:

Could you make a sword version of this icon? Stuff got changed around in my hack, and I’d like it if this weapon was a sword instead of an axe. Thank you!

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