[FE8] The Last Royal [19chapter Complete Hack] [Also has another version T2S with split promos and more!]

I understand the sentiment but I’d say you’ve already done a great job at making a hack that doesn’t induce ragequits at any point. So if its only a few miniscule pain points like 3% crit on the first chapter boss, that should be a pretty doable change to make for the people that do want to play as ‘intended’ by the system.

Honorable mention

F for Arkas. Although at this point the boss is cheesable with Elwind.

As for the support bonusses, I just found out that the range of the bonus is 5 tiles instead of 3, but I was comparing the battle stats between 3 and 4 tiles away.

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Riiiiiip, tbh I want something like FEH has with Distant Counter, but sadly afaik there is no such skill, so some bosses are just Longbow / Elwind abusable.


First of all I am currently having an absolute blast playing this hack.
I love all of the music choices and the skills are really fun and enjoyable.

There is a slight bug with an interaction with a bow knight and seal speed tho.
When a bow knight gets sealed, its speed goes to -1, which gives it infinite dodge for a turn which is hilarious.

Take a peek:

I look forward to finishing it!


Alright so I’ve made it to Chapter 7 at the moment.

Ch3 - Idk if anything was actually different, but I felt like the east side was less harsh now so thats good. I think there was 1 less enemy? Also perhaps this chapter is one opportunity to spice up the lategame of some maps. The six reinforcements upon entering the chest room are slightly lame. And also it kind of relies on people actually going to the chest room to keep the engagement alive. I think it wouldn’t be harsh if the reinforcements here are a lot spicier.

Ch5 - The Zodiacs being more spread out is good. The chapter feels decently doable if you only go for the Angelic Robe with Olivia on turn 1-2 and then immediately back out. Although I still feel like theres a lot of generic reinforcements. I should be wanting to get away from the Zodiac reinforcements, but I can’t fully because theres still 8 units with 7 move coming from there that I need to block. I feel like this was also the problem in the first place, not that the Zodiacs reinforced too close. Maybe stop the generics 1 turn after the western reinforcements appear? Its hard to avoid making it too easy as well though…

I’d say the Ch5 Body Ring is currently the most not-worth-it item ever for how infinitely more difficult the chapter becomes for taking the time to get it. It might as well not be there.

Ch7 - I thought you’d like to know Artorias only targets Braun with his Sleep staff, who immediately wakes up because of the throne, lol.

Also the aforementioned speed overflow can happen to Ballistas if they go for Elliot… Which means ballistas that double due to infinite speed.

Ch9 - Is the thief supposed to have a Silver Sword that he can’t use? Also noticed the other reinforcements. This chapter is quite great now imo.

Ch11 - Hero Lance doesnt seem to be effective against Mage Knights but I can’t check rn if its just that weapon or Mage horses not having weaknesses.

uhmm @ArcaneEli sorry for the bother but the skipping with the b button by the time olivia received the Leviathan still doesnt work for me

i want to continue playing ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Ch.3 I might spice up the ending at a later date.
Ch.5 I feel like you are right with most of that, so in the updated patch, the generics end one turn before the Zodiac reinforcments spawn. And now the boss drops Boots instead of a Body Ring, because there was comments boots didn’t come early enough in the game to matter.
Ch.7 yeah the Sleep staff is a little, iffy at times.
Ch.9 It was fixed, just not updated. Darn thieves.
Ch.11 Hero lance and Longinus and all officer weapons now are super effective vs horse mages. Hooray.

tbh I can’t reproduce it, It seems to be fixed afaik. But I’ve changed around how some of the event works.
This is how it worked before: Boss spawns and moves to a location to talk with Atlas. After the talk the background erases and the boss gets erased too, he then is created again at his starting area. IMO I think the boss I created and then erased might have been different ID’s, but now it erases all enemies, so it shouldn’t be a problem? Maybe?
Can you get around the event at all btw? Using Start, or just pressing A through it all?

BTW v1.2.3 is now out and in the main description. Here is a quick changlist of it all.

v1.2.3 changelist, real small

Version 1.2.3 Changelog

=-=-= =-=-= =-=-= Characters =-=-= =-=-= =-=-=

Cronus as an Assassin now properly gains EXP like everyone else.

=-=-= =-=-= =-=-= Classes =-=-= =-=-= =-=-=

Base Speed of all Classes is a minimum of 4. Mainly all unpromoted armors and Ballista get +1spd. this way to prevent speed underflow with Elliot’s Seal Speed skill.

=-=-= =-=-= =-=-= Chapters =-=-= =-=-= =-=-=

Ch.3 Re-added the door key that went missing.
Ch.5 Reinforcments end one turn earlier before Zodiac guys show up.
Ch.7 Boss magic was nerfed cause it was borked to begin with.
Ch.9 Thief that spawns in the sands now can wield his weapon.

=-=-= =-=-= =-=-= Items ==-=-= =-=-= =-=-=

Longinus, Hero Lance and all Officer Weapons are now properly super effective vs Horse Mages. Hooray?

=-=-= Enemies =-=-=

Karver the boss of Ch.5 now drops Boots instead of a Body Ring.

=-=-= Known Bugs =-=-=


Annnnd v1.2.4 is out, it’s only small fixes:
I broke Chapter 14, but now it’s unbroke. also the Boss got harder… yay.

Assassin Cronus had a bug where his bow crit animation didn’t wait for enemies HP to deplete, so if you double crit someone chances are the game would bug out and crash.

Got a chunk farther, I feel like all the changes in the later part of the game were great. Most of the siege tomes definitely add a little engagement.

I asked for this, didn't I?

I sacrificed Yen’fey so that everyone else could flee the scene while he held 5 of them up lol.
But this is good. Sometimes a game needs to punish you for a naive approach : p

Also I somehow assumed in my first playthrough that Thorn wasn’t able to promote. I have absolutely no idea why I made that assumption… So this time I corrected my previous mistake.

Bad Unit (TM)

The new staff might be uhhh… Slightly broken with his skill and infinite uses. Also this is made as soon as chapter 15. Thorn caps level much easier if I actually promote him.

omg I forgot to nerf the staff again lol. It’s supposed to be at 20uses, but in my data I messed it up so it was at zero, so I kept it unbreakable until I finished. and TIL I forgot to change it again. TBH Thorn is probably the best unit to promote first in the game.

That chapter with Yen’fay I uh… messed up in my first playthough, so the siege tome mages were RUNNING AWAY as they casted their magic. That made it like 20x more annoying lol.

Edit: Also forgot the S rank staff has a hidden skill like the rest of the weapons, and it’s paragon lol. So he was getting that good good exp.

I’m only on chapter two but I can appreciate a man who is a Dragon Quest fan.

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Sorry for double posting but i kinda felt this was needed. Two supports are currently bugged, I’ve had Jaxon and Cross standing next to each other for over 60 turns across 4 maps and their C support hasn’t procced. And Cronus and Fey’s C and B support are just the A support on repeat.
Also on chapter 9 you could just save and restart that chapter and serene just keeps getting all the stat bonuses from promotion.

The Jaxon and Cross support was myb. They started with 0 and gain 1point per turn lol. In checking them I also upped all support gains to a minimum of 15, most have been raised to 20-30. AKA almost every support will happen alot faster then before.

I just fixed the Serene promotion as well, thank you for the feedback!

Glad i could be of some help. I’ve been enjoying myself on this hack quite so pointing out some errors is the least i could do.


In the chapter where Axiom dies, he is easily able to be saved on turn 1 by using the rescue staff gotten in the previous chapter along with a dancer and a high mov staff user. The rescue staff being acquired in the previous chapter makes it look like this is intentional and Axiom is able to be saved, but despite him still being alive on turn 2, Onyx and Olivia still say he died. You should either remove the rescue staff from chapter 15 if Axiom isn’t meant to be savable, or add in a branching event for if Axiom survived.

Son of a gun I didn’t think of that. Yeah I’ll probably remove it tbh. Or add a secret event where you can save him.

History Lesson: Having him die there took so much effort to get working. In the earlier stages, the generics would half his HP and then Axcellia sometimes couldn’t kill him and would instead get killed by his Resolve Counter. Even with the sword at super effectiveness the enemies had to get alot weaker nearby so he doesn’t get into Resolve Range.

just a warning on chapter 12 DON’T let a promoted winter sit next to the pegasus boss while she still has a silence staff charge since she’ll try to silence winter at 1 range and the game softlocks. I had to cheat to get around this.

Random question, but was it the last use of all her staves? And did it softlock immediately or at the end of the turn?

I think it was the last use on enemy phase, basically she used it at point blank and the game acted like it was a weapon so winter was trying to counter attack on it. It was most likely due to the animations since i play with them on. And immediate.
Also one of the axe wyverns attacked cronus as a bow assassin and missed and caused the rom to freeze completely, i reset and he got hit so it worked fine but that is also a concern that you might want to look at.

Hi! Currently playing this hack and loving it, it rocks!

I found an exploit tho, in Chapter 10 (Currenly on that chapter, no spoilers pls [?]) you can visit the villages multiple times if you have a unit wait on the entrance. Infinite Brave Axes and White Gems it seem.


Seems exploitable. Like TF2 exploitable.