[FE8] Terror Of The Forest (FINAL CHAPTER OUT)

Just finished the hack, im not going to say a lot because i think everything as been said already.

But i will tell you i truly enjoyed the hack, it have tons of mistakes, but i just liked it.
Good work!

While I had previously tested this hack on DS Phat and DS Lite, via gba flashcart, in both reporting the crash at the beginning of the train chapter; after buying a DSi XL I tried it again (via GBARunner2 emulator), trusting in the more ram memory and more powerful processor, but unfortunately, to my great disappointment, the result is the same: it crashes in the exact same point, for the same, incomprehensible reason! :weary:

I just can say, that I’m very glad that you finally finished this hack. Not only is the first one I ever played, but one of the few that I really enjoyed. The story may be a little chaotic at times, but man, the characters…they are totally the best thing in the game. Specially, my favorites are Sylvester, Hans, Achille, Martín, Lancelot, Lily & Arya. It would be great to ser a sequel.

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My game freezes and makes a screeching sound right after the scene where you get Lancelot on the train. Is there a way to fix that?

try a different emulator maybe?

Unfortunately, I still don’t have any fix for this. I do intend to share a save file from this chapter’s first turn, so that people who encounter this bug can be able to play the hack normally. However, this might come after the next update.

Speaking of which, I believe now is a good time to give detailed informations about the future of the hack. It’s gonna be BIG. There are gonna be changes everywhere, from gameplay to lore! The main changes the game will go through are the following :

Gameplay :
-The train chapter will be changed to be a little less boring and offer more than “just go straight down lmao”
-The inn chapter will be changed from having the regular amount of generic enemies and a tough boss to having five tough bosses and virtually no enemies.
-Chapter 5x will see its map entirely reworked, and the player characters’ starting equipment will be more adapted to the few challenges offered by this map.
-Chapter 10 (The one with Vertov) will also be entirely changed, with the main focus being requiring actual thinking to get Vertov, Barnaby and Sofia out of their room.
-From Chapter 16 onward (The one where you get Suzanne and Willy), each chapter will be reworked one way or another, with the exception of Chapter 19 (Where you get Golem).
-Addition of the Anima triangle, as well as several custom tomes not only of the Fire, Thunder and Wind type, but also the Ice type, which will act as a neutral anima tome!
-Several other custom weapons
-And, most importantly, a better balancing of players’ base stats and enemies growth, which will make sure the earlygame stays mostly the same while making sure Sylvester doesn’t end up steamrolling over everything 6 chapters later!

Story changes :
-Several dialogues which have made players uncomfortable and didn’t really bring much were changed. This mostly concerns Jess’ Dialogue with Sylvester after her recruitment and Arnold and Marguerite’s cutscene at the beginning of Ch10. Arya’s infamous flashback will, however, remain mostly unchanged.
-Marguerite’s character arc will be greatly improved, by giving her more focus early on and changing the context of what happens to her midway through.
-Three characters will be cut from the game, as I felt they didn’t bring anything to any other characters, and even took away from some. Said characters are The Stranger, Blink (which was a non-canon character anyways) and Anastasia.
-To compensate for that, three new characters will be added. Salvatore and Palmer, which have already been introduced as NPCs, and Alex, a cute mage which I’m sure will gain a popularity to rival Velvet’s!
-Additionally, some of the least popular characters will see their stories and personalities rewritten. I’m still thinking about some more, but so far Woody and Barbara will be affected.
-Finally, the biggest change in this update will be the addition of four “interlude” chapters, where each of your characters will be able to talk to each others. They will happen after the desert Town’s chapter, after The Disaster, before the hot springs chapter, and after the amazon chapter.

With that being said, I apologize for the bugs and occasional mishaps, assure you I’m working my hardest to make this hack the best I could ever make, and hope everyone is as hyped as me to see this new version be shared with the whole world!


Great hack.
Can I ask if there is a particular reason for Laetitia to have such High strength growth?
She has 50 which seems weird for a cleric.


Well, the answer for that is really simple : I thought it was funny for the angry cleric to have high strength growths she can’t use lol.

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what about an event for her that gives a 1 range tome that draws from strength.
the equivalent her just smacking them with the book.

A hack of all infantry?
No boring cavs?
Disappointing Falcos?
And bullshit wyverns?
It’s enough to make a grown man cry, such beauty…

Bro i’ve only looked at the sound room and the first cutscene and i already love it, this is some good shit

Hi. Since it’s been a while, could you please upload this .sav file to get around the crash at the beginning of the train chapter?
I don’t think I’m asking too much.
I don’t want to wait until I am retired, or worse sadly buried…
Thank you.

Does this save work?

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Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s not the right format and size (64kb) anyway I’ll try to convert it.
Thank you.

I converted the file and now it works perfectly. Hopefully there won’t be any more problems. Congratulations again on what promises to be an excellent FE Hack.

Note: If anyone else needs the converter, it can be found here:

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Ha ha ha ha ha! This games awesome

Ok so i think the game starts off really strong
But towards the latter half i feel it’s too stingybwith deploy slots and i think the comedy towards the women in is definitely starting to get too mean and objectifying
Like there can be funny horny, but this is both too much and in a hurtful way

Hey! I’ve been looking for a new hack to play and wanted to give this one a go since I’ve had a few people tell me it’s pretty good. I was just wondering if you plan to update this at all or is this the final build? Thanks in advance!

Yes, I have been made aware of that, and there are actually several “horny” dialogues I have changed throughout the game for the next version. Though, weirdly enough, most of them came from the early/mid game… Would you mind DMing me some instances in the lategame which you’ve found hurtful and objectifying? If it makes it easier, my discord tag is Zeldacrafter63#5412

(Btw @TheSuzakuSeven I hope this answers your question! Yes, there will be more to come! In fact, I have a lot of planned content I would like to add!)

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That’s great to hear! I wish you luck on the update and can’t wait to play it!