[FE8] Terror Of The Forest (FINAL CHAPTER OUT)

So, yeah. The hack is amazing - for the few chapters i ve been playing. In the “Clash of the Bandits” chapter there is this nice blue haired woman in one of the houses. Is she recruitable?

Glad you like it so far! Clash of the Bandits is one of my personal favorite chapters as well!

As for your question, SPOILER ALERT, yes she will be recruitable later on. You’re gonna see her a few times before, but eventually she will be recruitable. At the start of the chapter, Armaduro will warn you about someone coming from the right. Deploy him, wait for her to appear, and talk to her with him.

I can’t seize the gate at chapter 7 (Almost There, maybe The chapter’s number that i wrote is wrong) with anyone. I alredy tried change The main lord (between Sylvester and the Sniper Jagen) and seize at The ruins between the montains, but nothing work.
Someone know How can i seize in that chapter???

Hi! Sorry for the late reply!

This bug has already been reported to me, and I’m not 100% sure about what’s causing it, but I think it has to do with saving over the 1st chapter. There is a warning in the FEU thread to not do that. I’m really sorry for the waste of your time, but I think you have to delete all your save files, start over from the start, not save over the 1st chapter, and keep playing like that.

Are all the supports implemented into the game?

Unfortunately, not yet. If I remember correctly, only one support is added right now.

only one? which one?

are you planning to do them all by yourself?

If I remember correctly, it should be Sylvester x Vertov.

Although, as we speak, Sylvester x Cazadora and Theodore x Alyssa are both inserted into the rom and will thus become available starting with the next update!

And yes, I do intend to make them all by myself. A little help wouldn’t be refused, but I enjoy writing these characters a little too much, hehe…

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Alright, new version out! On top of all the new content that’s been added, I’ve made sure to change most of the controversial scenes, and some unnecessary booba jokes as well. The only controversial scene I haven’t touched is Arya’s flashback, because I believe it to be an admittedly shocking but serious and important scene.

I hope you guys will enjoy it! Also, be sure to check out the recruitment guide in the OP, as I’ve changed the recruitment of quite a few characters and added/deleted a bunch of them as well


there seems to be a bug if Zweit supports with Magam Pulling up Batto’s face icon and displaying dialouge between Franz and Seth (Base FE8)

I suspect this occurs because Zweit and Megam share the spots of those characters.

Actually that’s simply because I haven’t written their supports yet, so they simply display whatever support is assigned to this pair.

So far the only supports written are Sylvester x Vertov, Sylvester x Cazadora and Alyssa x Theodore

I ran into this exact issue in another hack believe it or not. the bug is actually caused by the seize flag not being enabled.

to clarify, you currently have it used and scripted to work. it’s just not enabled.
looking at the flag events the flag itself isn’t set to true meaning it doesn’t have a seize flag in place.

in FEbuilder I force set the flag as true and moved Sylvester onto the seize point and it worked. somehow the seize command just isn’t enabled even though the seize event works.

if I had to guess i think you forgot to script an enable flag for the seize point so it never activates.

The recruitment of Disiree if you tell Vicieux he can stay doesn’t work, i think you need to set that conversation to set his state to “dead” for it to work right.

Edit: and Luna can’t promote.

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Thanks for your advice! Although, I think I may have misunderstood it. I added a “set flag ON” command at the beginning of the chapter to turn the seize flag on, and now as soon as any character completed any action (wait, support, talk, attack, trade…) the chapter ended. What did I understand incorrectly?

I think it’s due to how the tiles are set up, the actual tile for the flag isn’t set which causes the flag point itself to not work, the same thing happens on chapter 10.

The work around i have to use in the builder was in the testing menu, i force enable the seize flag and once i move Sylvester onto the appropriate tile it seizes without using the seize command. Which to me shows the seize point itself works, but the scripts to set the flag to be an actual command prompt for seizing to be a bit iffy.

The seize command tile itself just isn’t set up properly. I’m not exactly sure how to fix it unfortunately.

edit: small recommendation would be to set the seize chapters to either Defeat Boss or Rout respectively until you could figure out what’s wrong with the seize points.

Just reached the Disiree recruitment and yeah she refuses to join me no big loss as my main priest is Laetitia

Good hack so far One major bug so far which I came to report. Chapter 9 event seems to cause the game to lock up when the after chapter battle starts skipping the event seems to fix it as a work around.

Typo’s are becoming more and more frequent including Vertov repeating a whole sentience in chapter 10 other then that nothing too major.

About Ch9’s bug, let me guess : Arnold didn’t have any weapon on himself by the time you ended the chapter?

Also yeah, sorry for the typos. As said in the OP, I’m not a native english speaker, so it’s bound to happen… Can you please tell me when exactly this sentence was repeated, so I can fix it?

After playing chapters 7, 10, and 12 i have to ask. Why aren’t they kill boss chapters?

I mean, in 7 you’re saving a village from a guy why would you seize the village, in 10 you have to defeat defeat caius which should be enough to just work as a kill boss, and 12 you literally have to defeat mon.slayer because he’s being understandably yet belligerently cautious. At minimum 7 and 12 should be kill boss chapters.

Another suggestion, just tie desiree’s recruitment to recruiting dick since he’s a trainee house recruit that is face first with a group of enemies that can easily kill him if you haven’t cleaned some of them up.

I can’t believe this but you can rescue skip chapter 11 missing out on alot of exp.

Johnny’s intro text isn’t formatted correctly so it just looks like this
Unbreakable Terror of the Forest.emulator
and since you can’t skip it I thought it was another bug that softlocked me.

edit: after looking deeper into some of the stuff in the builder I found out why luna can’t promote. you forgot to actually tie the female lumberjack into any promotion items. basically she has promotions but can’t actually promote. I forced it to work off a guiding ring by replacing the ‘troubador’ on its class sheet (funnily it would work with her attachment thinking its a wedding ring) and tested it see if it worked and it did.

Chapter 10 Vertrov either before the stage starts or after deployment (before you actually get a turn)

Chapter 13 I walk across the main path and Johnny spawns and starts throwing blank textboxes at me they do not stop this is a soft lock and there doesn’t seem to be a way around his recruitment spot.

It’s not actually a softlock he just has a really long text crall you can’t skip.

He’s ment to be a “rambling old man” moment which is why you can’t skip it, just hold B and mash your arrows buttons/keys ans he’ll eventually stop talking.

Well, in my personal opinion “kill boss” and “siege” are largely interchangeable, be it in vanilla FE or in this hack. In the first chapter of Eliwood’s mode, he also defends a village against bandits and the chapter is a siege chapter, so I thought siege would fit (Besides, Sylvester basically has the same interest as Ch7’s boss. He’s not defending the village, he’s making sure he gets to the mystical place where the artifact is rumored to be). 10 I guess could very well be a kill boss chapter, and I admit I only made it a siege chapter because I thought it’d add a bit of diversity to the chapters. As for 12, I think them entering the ruined building for the next chapter justifies the “seize” command.

The truth about Desiree is, I needed an additional character so that every character could have an equal number of supports, but I was already above the maximum number I could reach, even with ASM. So, I needed her to be mutually exclusive with at least one character for this reason.

Yeah Ch11 skip is something I had thought of. But I don’t mind it. It’s possible to do the same thing during Ch1 just by opening the doors for Luna and Palmer’s rooms, with the drawback that you don’t get Magam as well as the rewards for talking to some characters like Salvatore.

Johnny’s recruitment convo and Luna’s promotion are both things that I have actually fixed, but I’m still waiting a bit before releasing the next patch so I can fix most bugs at once, sorry.

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