[FE8] Sacred Echoes [v1.1] [COMPLETE]

Hi everyone! I finally had a chance to try the demo so here are my findings:

    1. Celica’s promotion is counted as a calvary unit. She can canto and have enormous rescue.

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Echoes 1

    1. Priestesses can loop still? I ask again, is this intentional?

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Echoes 2

    1. An idea I got. Can the stores and armories be randomized? I think that would be an interesting addition. They shuffle wares in between each battle you take. Gives you a reason to come back to it every once in a while looking for a good sale.
    1. Adding to this idea, making duplicates of each weapon available so they represent their forged version (Ex: Iron Sword<Iron Sword+<Iron Sword++) can enhance the temptation of coming back to an armory. For stores, more healing items and stat potions like in FE12 would be a good incentive (I don’t know which is better, a food system or a more streamlined Vulnerary[10]<Energy Drink[20]<Potion[30]<Elixir[MAX] system).
    1. Have you thought about including Forks? 3 per army would be great for replayability.

I hate being the “idea guy” but I have 0 ability in FE mod hacking. Hope you’re doing well Gamma!

Yes. Did you read the Read Me? This is in the Read Me.

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Oh, figures. I couldn’t read the readme, is a file format that my pc does not read. Thanks for the info. I guess this is another incentive to try mage Faye ^-^

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Echoes

Oh, another question I have is: is this hack using the Gaiden/Echoes formulas? I know it currently does not but I wonder if this is something you plan to add on the long run as an alternative version.

Maybe excluding the +20 avoid floor tiles altogether to avoid frustration :rofl:

Hi, I’ve included the readme also in a .txt format so it’s easier to get to.
As for mechanics, the formulas are essentially the same, aside from the doubling threshold being 2 AS instead of Gaiden/SoV’s 1 AS. The exp formulas are based on Gaiden/SoV’s as well and vary based on difficulty: Hard mode has the Gaiden/SoV exp calculation exactly, Normal mode has 1.5x, and Easy mode has 2x. The staff exp formula is still FE8’s, because in Gaiden white magic did not give exp and Serenes Forest doesn’t have data on what formula SoV used.

The latest update adds a slight buff to bow hitrates overall. (The +20 avo floor tiles are one of the first things I cut, lol.)

Speaking of latest update, a new version has been released! This update’s mostly a polish phase and adds a ton of new music and animations and map sprites as well as aesthetics tweaks. It also adds some balancing and adjustment to the Act 3 maps which I’d had to rush for the previous release.

Act 3’s chapters are now named based on the route split, as you can switch between Alm and Celica at will. The fifth Alm map (where Lawson is the boss) has received a redesign, and Desaix’s Fortress and Grieth’s Citadel have had some small adjustments for better flow.

Atlas and Palla got some changes to their bases to better keep up/distinguish themselves, and Est’s growth rates were adjusted to make her more deserving of the name.

It also bugfixes the issues with the Sacred Springs/Lion Heads, and introduces the Spring of Revival in the Dragon Shrine, giving 3 uses per save file to restore a dead unit (which will help ease some of the pressure on Classic mode.) It includes Huichelaar’s map flags rework to make the dungeons and shrines stand out more on the world map. It adds some new spell animations which address the lag that was present on GBA hardware/VC. And finally, it adds Witches in their complete form, with new animations and their classic warping ability from the original games.

This means that essentially all the major mechanics changes are complete, and from here on out we’ll be giving more focus to story, maps, gameplay, and QoL tweaks.


Uh, hi, uh, I’m recent here, but I came to ask something about your hackrom, it’s beautiful by the way.
You see, I am not a native English speaker (I am Latin American)
I wanted to ask you if you would give me permission to translate your hackrom into Spanish so that the FE Hispanic community can enjoy the hackrom in their language, I ask it mainly to avoid any copyright conflict and all that.

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Obviously I’ll give you credits, and yes, I know it’s not complete yet, but while I’m translating with the first 3 acts it’s very likely that you guys have already finished the hackrom by then, lol

Hey - this is a really common request I get, and I’d absolutely love for there to be a Spanish translation (as well as any other languages commonly requested - I’ve had a few asks/offers for German as well).

There’s a lot of text and I’d hate to see someone have to do it all by themselves, and I know there are a lot of people who’ve offered to help with a Spanish translation. So ideally it’d be something of a team effort we could set up. I would like to be able to give some assistance/context on the writing I had to add that wasn’t in the original script, so I’m happy to open some translation channels in the project discord for it since it’s easiest to reach me there.

Additionally, small patch update: fixed some autolevel bugs on Easy mode, things should be back to their intended levels now.


Easy mode is not easy


Well, I was not thinking of doing this alone, I have several friends who offered to help me with this project, but yes, the ideal is for it to be a group work, count on me on that, how can we contact each other to talk more about it?
I worked on a Spanish translation of FE12 so I have a bit of experience on this

Redownload the patch, the latest update has fixed this.

There’s a link to the Discord server in the first post (at the bottom right next to the patch download), it’s usually easiest to coordinate stuff with me there.

I’ve heard the DSFE Spanish fan translations were really good, so looking forward to setting this up!

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Yup, I saw it, I’m already joining. I will tell a friend who is helping me to join as well.
I’m really excited to do this type of project for the love of romhacking, a pleasure to be able to get to work on this.

Actually, redownload again if you need to - I just updated the patch to 2021-06-01 and it fixes some remaining issues with autoleveling and droppable items.

EDIT: also uploaded a fix for a crash at the save screen after Act 1.

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Can not Seize :rofl: :rofl:

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I haven’t seen this happen to anyone else, but using the only emulator my computer is compatible with, (parental controls)
gba.js will hang the game whenever anyone uses a vulnerary,
heals at a fort/throne. but this could just be the emulator, as I have not been able to test any others.

I have found a bug, when you are choosing your class in the Mila statue (It happened with Fae) and you cancel it the music of the statue continues playing it stopped and went back to the normal one when I chose to battle. I am playing on mgba on a Linux machine.

Hi, thanks for reporting - this is one I’ve been trying to figure out a workaround for for a while now, and I’ve got at least something that will fix it for the next release even if it’s not a perfect solution.

Speaking of, we’ve got some big news coming fairly soon - I don’t want to spoil the surprise too early, but within the next few weeks expect to see a new patch…


Can’t wait for the big surprise you have in store.

I know I’m late. I’ve been busy with life

This is awesome. My confusion with formulas was that the ingame stats showed numbers that didn’t add up for the formulas I was looking up. Like, crit formula which I understood it was: ((Skill+Lck)/2) + weapon crit + Support bonus + skills. A very similar formula applies for magic evasion I think.

But still, I’m so hyped that the game finally has all its mechanics. Can’t wait to cry and reset because a with teleported behind my ass.

P.S. If you need more hands in the Spanish translation, hit me up. I’m also Latino and willing to lend a hand.