Yep hate you some one submit a dazzle skill unit for the love of god and make it a mage if possible
@FluxScorpion update the unit picked list. Many have submitted lute, natasha, knoll, la’ achel, myrrh, dozla, duessel, saleh, joshua, syrene, tethys, marisa, colm artur are taken
I have updated, it just kinda got away from me lol.
Do you want to have a different portrait or just the same one? Also bruh
The stats may need to be adjusted due to the strong personal skill but we will see. (also there already is another unit with galeforce and I would prefer non duplicate personals when possible.)
Only 11 playable slots left i would like to said if no one picks riev then my character which replace reiv gets to be playable plz
Well I kind of want Irina’s description to make sense so here’s one of her friends, she’s looking for.
Unit: Ewan
Name: Aryana
Class: Mage (F) → Oracle (gains Staves, Light and Dark Magic)
Description: A friend of Irina, who has visions a lot. Half Sister of Hiyori.
Personal Skill: Avoid +20
Stats & Growths:
HP: 23/49%
Str: 3/12%
MGC: 18/75%
Spd: 14/55%
Skl: 11/ 30%
Def: 10/ 15%
Res: 16/ 35%
Lck: 12/ 29%
Con: +2
Weapon Rank: C Anima
Death Quote: I’ll miss you so, Irina…
Animations:[Mage-Base]%20[F]%20Vanilla%20FE6%20Lilina%20Repal%20by%20Zelix (Mage F)
Waleed (Aryana portrait & frames)
Zelix and Repal (Battle Animations)
I have changed the skill to Canto+
Portrait by Stitch
Unit: Murray
Name: Brontes
Description: A confident solider in the Grado army, also known as “The Thunder Axe”
Class: Warrior
Fulmination (Droppable)
(S Rank Axe, Rng 1-2, Wt 18, Mt 17, Hit 75, 35 Uses. Grants +10 Speed. Grants User the Thunderstorm skill)
Skill: Heavy Strikes
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)
HP: 50 / Boon
Str: 8 /
Mag: 2 /
Skill: 7 /
Speed: 1 /
Def: 8 / Bane
Res: 2/
Luck: 16 /
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: S Rank Axes
Death quote: Hahaha! Most impressive!
Battle Dialog (Boss only): You dare challnege me? Fantastic, give me your all!
Fulmination animation effect
Animation by SHYUTERz
Axe Icon by SacredStones
That axe is gona be a nightmare to fight against someone really needs to submit a unit with dazzle
Btw why is a chapter 7 or 8 boss getting a S rank army slayer axe
I wanted to make a Thunderstorm themed boss and when I went to check which bosses were available, I saw that most late gane bosses were filled already.
I decided to make a boss that’d be a challenge, but not a overpowered mess.
Brontes has terrible stats with his weapon saving him from being mediocre. His speed is purposely low to make sure he doesn’t double and the +10 the weapon gives him makes sure he doesn’t get doubled by everything.
The biggest threat Brontes can pose is one shotting your units. However, at most Brontes only deals up to 28 to maybe 29 damage overall and with his god awful stats should make him beatable.
The Axe is purposely made to be really good for late game axe units who have S rank.
He’s pretty frail and a well trained sword unit could most likely defeat him in 2 to 4 turns
I must’ve forgotten the portrait. I added it and the palette to the post.
I was just going through some old ones and i say this one nice buff but there are very low peg knights in ephraim route and there has not been many peg knight in maps as well so i suggest giving them some love and request some addition as enemy on map as they have 8 move now
Eh, may as well if I have a bit of free time.
Unit: Gerik
Name: Mi-Nyeo
Description: A Bounty Hunter of the desert, very aware of her particular physiology and uses it to her advantage.
Class: Ranger
Items: Steel Blade, Steel Sword, Steel Bow
Skill: Dazzle
Stats / growths
HP: 33 / 60
Str: 15 / 50
Mag: 2 / 5
Skill: 14 / 45
Speed: 14 / 45
Def: 9 / 30
Res: 12 / 35
Luck: 10 / 30
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: A Sword, C Bow
Death quote: Tch, to think that this would be the mission that finally did me in, damn.
…you can probably guess why dazzle works.
Stats are kinda just what Gerik’s vanilla stats are with Ranger promotion gains on top of it, then a few of those stats mixed a bit.
If you want the portrait to properly work you need to use the mug exceed patch thing (Exceed The Portrait Hackbox By 4 Tiles), and here are the coordinates of the extra bits~
Tile 1: X: 2, Y: 254
Tile 2: X: 6, Y: 254
…if you want to know more about the mug exceed patch lemme know i s’pose, welp.
Now that most of the units remaining are the bonus units from the CC, I will begin to include their locations in future chapters.
Chapter name: Feathered Waters
Chapter number: 10a
Picture of the map:
Link to the map file: (Dropbox - - Simplify your life)
Below this is completely optional-
Reinforcements and the turns:
Turn 4, 10, and 13: Spawn a pegasus knight with a short spear and an axereaver from each fort in the top right.
Turn 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13: Spawn a Pirate with a handaxe from the fort in the middle of the river.
Turn 2, 4, 6, 8, 10: Spawn a Berserker with a Killer Axe from the fort in the mountains.
Turn 5: Spawn a Hero with a Brave Sword from the fort in the bottom right.
Tile changes (no need to list chest, doors, and villages):
Picture of enemy/player placement:
Note: The green units become blue units turn 1 player phase.
enemy equipment notes:
All Pegasus Knights have Javelins and Horseslayers.
The Falcoknights both have Zanbatos.
All armor knights have spears.
the mage next to the myrmidons has 2 bolting tomes, one being droppable.
All priests have Physic and Sleep.
Enemy skill notes: ALL enemies, including reinforcements have Skybreaker (Deal effective damage to fliers).
Droppables/stealable items:
both Falcoknights have stealable Fili shields.
The Ranger has a droppable Killing Edge.
Vendors/Armory: none
Top village: has an Elixir.
Bottom Left: has a Silver Bow.
Bottom Left (2nd one): has a Lancereaver (or a bonus unit if someone decides to put one in this chapter.)
Fog of War?: no
Portrait by Flashuban
Unit: Bazaba
Name: Barin
Description: A brigand leader who somehow found himself some armor…
Class: General
Iron Axe
Hand Axe
Cursed Panoply (Droppable)
(Increases Def and Res by +5, but decreaes luck by -8)
Skill: Arcane Blade
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)
HP: 42 /
Str: 4 /
Mag: 22 / Boon
Skill: 16 /
Speed: 4 /
Def: 10 /
Res: 5 /
Luck: 1 / Bane
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: B Rank Axes
Death quote: B… but… how…
Battle Dialog (Boss only): Aren’t ya a foolish one, looking for a quick death?
Armor icon made by Beansy
Could you give him the Move Ai
Ohhh a passive item, very cool stuff. Yep can definitely set him to move though it does depend a little bit on the map.
Portrait by Yasako
Unit: Bone
Name: Aaron
Description: An unusually focused brigand who seems to have other plans…
Class: Brigand
Poison Axe
Hand Axe
Supreme Safeguard (Droppable)
(Allows any unit above level 10 to promote into Marshall)
(Description: A particularly strong set of plating…)
Marshall Animations:
(Marshall Promotion gains: +6 Hp, +2 Atk, +3 Skl, +3 Speed, +3 Def, +4 Res, +5 Con, +2 Move)
Marshall Uses Axes, Swords, Lances, and Bows
Skill: Aether
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)
HP: 22 /
Str: 2 /
Mag: 14 /
Skill: 19 /
Speed: 5 /
Def: 5 / Bane
Res: 5 / Boon
Luck: 6 /
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: A rank Axes
Death quote: How did you…!? I’m not dying here!
Battle Dialog (Boss only): Agh, I don’t have time for you!
Armor Icon by Beansy
Marshall animations by Nuramon
Last time I used the patch to make promotion specific promotion items it bugged out big time, I will try to make it work, but no promises.