FE8 PME, including maps (In Development)

Hey @FluxScorpion is Vigarde able to be replaced

I think both the boss and the bonus unit are free.
Nvm, I mistook Vigarde for Fado.



Unit: Rennac
Name: Janozs
Description: A wyvern rider from a far away country. He doesn’t know how he got here. Shouts a lot.
Items: Axereaver, Axereaver, Javelin, Axereaver
Skill: Luna
Stats / Growths:
HP: 35 / 50%
Str: 10 / 45%
Mag: 0 / 0%
Skill: 9 / 30%
Speed: 10 / 30%
Def: 10 / 25%
Res: 3/ 1%
Luck: 1 / 5%
Con: +2
Weapon Ranks: Lance - C

Death Quote: I can’t go… yet… I’ve… so many axes… to reave…


If I decide to do Ephraim mode maybe but that is currently not in the plans. I may do that after finishing the main PME. (It also depends on map submissions.

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Heather (Obsidian_Daddy)

Portrait by Obsidian_Daddy

Unit: Valter
Name: Tenisha
Description: A woman with a heart of frost who detests resistance…

Class: Sage



(A rank Anima, Mt 15, Hit 75, Crit 10, Rng 1-2, Wt 11)

Frostbite animation
Melee Breath


Skill: Spectrum Stance

Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)

HP: 32 /
Str: 20/
Mag: 15 / Boon
Skill: 16 /
Speed: 16 /
Def: 15 /
Res: 16/ Bane
Luck: 17 /
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: S rank Anima

Death quote: Y-you… son of… a…

Battle Dialog (Boss only): Close your eyes and lay down for me…

Tome icon by Pikmin1211

Frostbite animation by SHYUTERz

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Unit: Carlyle.
Name: Alex.
Description: A mercenary working for Grado. Seens to have no confidence in his employer though.
Items: Brave Sword, Silver Bow, Hoplon Guard (Drops when defeated).
Affinity: Ice.
Skill: Outdoor Fighter.
Boon: Skill.
Bane: Luck.

Con: +1.
Weapon Rank: A Bows, B Swords.

Battle Quote: I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Working for Grado was a bad idea! But I ain’t going down without a fight!
Death Quote: Why this had to happen to me…?

{Garytop} F2E Keith
Credits: Garytop.

Again I would like to ask if I should change the growth rates of my characters that are above the 300% max.


Sorry if you already asked about the growths and I missed it, yes please adjust the growth to be 300% or below if they are higher than that at the moment.

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No problem. I will do it, sorry for the inconvenience, I thought the max was 350 or something close to it.

Edit: I fixed it, it was both Henry and Galaaz who had the wrong growths.

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Chapter name: Enfeebling Halls
Chapter number: 16
Objective: Seize Throne
Picture of the map:
Screenshot 2023-08-24 071537

Link to the map file: Dropbox - Ch16.map - Simplify your life

Reinforcements and the turns:

Bonus Unit: If any character ends their turn in the middle hallway, the Bonus Unit spawns from the stairs in the throne room. If there is no bonus unit this chapter, then this can be ignored.

Opening either of the throne room doors: Spawn 6 Tomahawk Heroes from the top left, 6 Brave Bow Warriors from the top right, 2 Longbow rangers from the stairs at the bottom of the map.

Tile changes (no need to list chest, doors, and villages):
Picture of enemy/player placement:
Screenshot 2023-08-24 072317

Screenshot 2023-08-24 072513
Dang, I really like reduced deployment slots.

Special enemy equipment notes: Archers and Snipers have Longbows, Warriors have Steel Bows, Mages have Elfire, Sages have Physic and Shine, priests have Silence. All other unpromoted enemies have iron weapons.

Enemy skill notes: all physical enemies have seal speed. All magic and staff enemies have Seal Defense.

Droppables/stealable items: The top left Hero has a door key.

Chests: Left Chest has a Brave Sword. Right Chest has a Brave Bow.
Vendors/Armory items: None
Fog of War?: no


Unit: Cormag

Name: Nayuta


Description: Another of Irina’s friends. In his world he’s a healer but he’s chosen to follow his dreams and ride a wyvern in this one in this world.

Class: Wyvern Rider ~> Wyvern Lord (gains swords upon promotion)

Bolt Axe
Steel Axe
Killer Lance

Skill: Iote’s Shield

HP: 30/ 50%
STR: 16/ 35%
MGC: 15/ 35%
SKL: 12/ 36%
SPD: 13/ 36%
DEF: 15/ 40%
RES: 15/ 40%
LCK: 13/ 28%

W Rank: C Axes C Lances

Death quote: At least I got to fly… Thank you, Sasha

  • Sasha is his wyvern and a Tear Ring reference.

Levin64 (Nayuta’s mug)
eCut & Flasuban (Nayuta’s battle animations)


I wyvern who has all 3 weapon access kinda nice ngl. Since he has a bolt axe and he has not specified it as prf then i think making a buyable bolt axe is a good idea.


Gerik already taken by velvetkitsune might wana change to some other unit

Rannac Caellach Valter Hayden Ismaire Fado Selena and reiv( :face_holding_back_tears: as much as i dont want to everyone should have a chance to sùmit a unit so reiv as well)

Changed to Rennac

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Edit your post


7 units to go

I know that Amelia 2 is meant to be atrocious to train, but I think this guy just might be harder to train without using the tower/ruins.


Soldier (Version 1) {helix0981}
portrait by helix0981
Unit: Reiv CC
Name: Fredrick
Description: A young recruit from Renais. Joined the army in hopes of becoming stronger.
Class: Recruit, promotes to either knight or solider, soldier promotes to either paladin or halberdier.
Soldier promo bonuses (5 HP, 1 str, 3 skl, 2 spd, 1 def, 1 res, 1 con)
Items: Iron Lance, Slim Javelin (Lance, E rank, 100 hit, 4 mt, 7 wt, 1-2 range.)
Skill: Aptitude
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)

HP: 21 /50%
Str: 6 /50%
Mag: 2 / 20%
Skill: 4 / 35%
Speed: 7 / 35%
Def: 6 / 40%
Res: 6 / 40%
Luck: 9 /30%
Con: +3 (Pretty sure recruit bases has 6 con? 9 seems low, but promo bonuses can fix that. (can be increased or decreased from class by a max of 3)
Weapon Ranks: E Lance

Death quote: But… was I strong enough?


@FluxScorpion is it okay to submit more then 4 play able units now?

I will give until the end of the month to give new people a chance to submit, but at that point people are allowed an extra slot.