FE8 PME, including maps (In Development)

{Parrhesia} F2E OC 6
Portrait by Parrhesia
Unit: Dozla
Name: Dana
Description: She’s strong, and shes tough. Too bad she didn’t level anything else.
Class: Great Knight (F)
Items: Heavy Shield, Brave Axe, Steel Lance.

Heavy Shield (Febuilder screenshot provided)

Uses this icon.
{EldritchA, Indogutsu Tenbuki} (Tactics Ogre) Shield 5

(Provoke skill is optional.)

Skill: Grisly Wound (Deal 20% of enemies max hp in damage after combat)
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)
HP: 32 /130%
Str: 18 /40%
Mag: 1 / 0%
Skill: 15 / 50%
Speed: 5 / 0%
Def: 22 / 35%
Res: 1 / 0%
Luck: 4 / 45%
Con: +0 (can be increased or decreased from class by a max of 3)
Weapon Ranks: B Axes, C Lances, D Swords.

Death quote: Armour… Too heavy… Can’t get up…

Palette: 5553DE7BFF5B1F4BB229196B52568C41E7301C01B9001400696DE84C0931A514


Triado has the same portrait might wana change this one

Maybe they are twin sisters.

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Unit: Duessel.
Name: Decimus.
Description: A general from Grado who lost faith in his Empire.
Class: Wyvern Knight.
Items: Silver Lance, Spear, Hoplon Guard, Fili Shield.
Affinity: Fire.
Skill: Sol.
Boon: Skill.
Bane: Luck.


HP: 65%
Str: 50%
Mag: 0%
Skill: 55%
Speed: 40%
Def: 35%
Res: 25%
Luck: 30%
Con: +1.
Weapon Rank: A Lances.

Death quote: I am… Undone…

{Levin64} - F2E 10
Credits: Levin64.

I noticed a few days ago that one of my characters is above the max 300% growth rate. Should I change it to fit in the right amount?


Works out

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Color palettes for both Galaaz and Decimus.


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Looking good, banana wyvern.

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Lol! I think my banana wyvern looks pretty neat.

To be honest, doing the color palette for the Wyverns is pretty fun. Pegasus are always pretty much the same color, horses can have some small variety depending on the class, but you can go crazy with wyverns.

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I’m gonna be a lil basic and choose Myrrh only to replace her with another Manakete lols.

Unit: Myrrh
Name: Irina
The daughter of a Divine Dragon, she’s traveling the continent looking for her friends
Class: Manakete (use Myrrh’s battle animations just change her hair to the blue used for the portrait, if possible and make the dress gold & white.) → Divine Dragon (same recoloring as her base class)
Divinestone: effective against dragons and monsters. Grants gives its user bonuses of
+13 STR, +13 SKL, +15 DEF, and +20 RES
(Uses Fae’s item sprite)
Uses: Unbreakable MT: 16 HIT: 100% CRT: 16% RNG: 1-3 Weight: 0
Dragonstone: your standard Dragonstone grants same bonuses as Myrrh’s.

Weapon Ranks:
Stones: Prf

Skill: Wrath

LVL: 1

HP: 25/43%
STR: 5/47%
MGC: 5/ 47%
SKL: 4/ 36%
SPD: 5/ 40%
LCK: 3/ 29%
DEF: 1/29%
RES: 2/ 29%

CON: +1

Death Quote: Mother… Father… I failed you.

Battle Animations:

Map Sprite:

Also regarding her class and promotion which I’m pretty unsure as to how she’ll get to being a level 1 unit, but I was unsure if we could change the levels of the character despite the chapter they join in.

Waleed (Irina’s portrait), Jotari (Irina’s battle animations)

If possible could you please do her recoloring as I’m not familiar with the whole Rom Hack process. If not I’m fine w having the original ones. Do let me know if there’s anything about her you want changed.


So how many playable units can we submit a day?

I think you can post as many as you want per day, just that the max per person is 4.

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AnneEgge has it exactly right.

Unit: L’archel
Name: Dexua
Description: She likes Tortas… don’t exactly know how’d she found that…

Class: Mage
(Rank C Anima tome, 5 Mt, 70 Hit, 5 Crit,
Rng 1-3 Rng, Wt 8, 50 Uses, Brave effect. Damages user by 10 Hp)

(Description: An uncontrollable flame…)


Skill: Canto+
Stats / growths

HP: 31 / 35%
Str: 5 / 0%
Mag: 14 / 45%
Skill: 14 / 40%
Speed: 15 / 55%
Def: 8 / 45%
Res: 7 / 45%
Luck: 14/ 25%
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks: C Rank in Anima

Death quote: Unbelievable…

Portrait by raymond

Sage animations and map sprites:


Sage animations and Map sprites made by L95
Animation scripted by GratedShtick

I have changed her to replace to L’archel since lute was taken. I have adjusted her bases.


Chapter name: Raging Storm
Chapter number: 15
Chapter Objective: Survive 12 turns. Map can be ended early by killing both bosses.

Picture of the map:
Screenshot 2023-08-20 080908

Link to the map file: Dropbox - Ch15.map - Simplify your life

Reinforcements and the turns:
Turn 4: Roy’s squad spawns from the left near the left Vendor.
Turn 5: 3 green Bishops with Physic come out of the houses.
Turn 6: A green Warrior with a Silver Axe and Silver Bow comes out of the Armory.
Turn 8: A green Sage with Elfire comes out of the left Vendor.

This is a fog of war map!

Turn 1 and 7: Spawn 2 mercenaries with Killing Edges from the top.
Turn 2 and 8: Spawn a cavalier with a steel lance from the top right.
Turn 3 and 9: Spawn a Myrmidon with a Silver Sword from the right.
Turn 4 and 10: Spawn a Brigand with a Devil Axe from the bottom right.
Turn 5 and 11: Spawn a Fighter with a Brave Axe from the bottom.
Turn 6 and 12: Spawn a Wyvern Rider with a Silver Lance from the bottom left.
Turn 7: Spawn a Summoner with Nosferatu and 4 melee Wights with Toxin Lances on the cliffs near the top left.
Turn 8: Caellachs Squad begins to move unprovoked if Caellach is not dead yet.
Turn 9: Valter’s Squad begins to move unprovoked if Valter is not dead yet.

Picture of enemy/player placement:
Screenshot 2023-08-20 081119

This is a fog of war map!

Screenshot 2023-08-20 082041

Screenshot 2023-08-20 084212
Note: give these green snipers the “Thief Skill” ability (Grants extended vision in fog) and the “Shade” skill (Enemies are less likely to target unit). They have Longbows.

Special enemy equipment notes:
all promoted enemies have brave weapons.
all unpromoted sword enemies have silver weapons.
all unpromoted axe enemies have steel weapons.
the mages have Thunder.
the druid has Luna.
the shaman has Eclipse.

Enemy skill notes: All enemies have Prescience (+15 hit/avoid when initiating combat)

Droppables/stealable items:
The druid has a stealable talisman.
The swordmaster has a droppable Speedwing.
Each berserker has a stealable Energy Ring.
The Wyvern Lord has a droppable Dragonshield.
The paladin has a droppable Secret Book.
Each Ranger has a droppable goddess Icon.

Vendors/Armory items:
Armory has Light Brands, Windswords, and Runeswords.
Vendor has Elixir, Pure Water, Heal, Mend, Physic, and Torch staves.
Left Vendor sells Master Seals.

Desert Objects:

Bottom left bones: has boots.
Top left bones: has Silver Card.
Bottom right bones: has Member Card.
Right bones: has Fortify stave.
the 4 tiles in the top right corner: has Gold Gem.

Fog of War?: yes (sandstorm weather)


bro out here trying to make the hardest fe8 pme


Indeed this chapter is officially my most hated chapter already when i have not even played it

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Unit: Knoll

Malice {Zelkami}

Portrait by Zelkami

Name: Deirdre
Description: A fierce woman with a tendency to slice anything in her way…

Class: Swordmaster

(A Rank sword, Rng 1, 13 Wt, 14 Mt, 85 Hit, 10 Crit, 35 uses. Grants user the Petrify skill)

(Sword can be used by everyone who has a A rank)

Killing Edge

Skill: Aether

Stats / growths

HP: 50/ 15%
Str: 18 / 45%
Mag: 15 / 0
Skill: 26 / 25%
Speed: 24/ 35%
Def: 14 / 40%
Res: 20/ 40%
Luck: 16 /100%
Con: +3

Weapon Ranks: A Rank in swords

Death quote: How utterly… pathetic…

Sword master animation

Original Credits belong to Intestine, IS, Maiser6, TBA, The_Big_Dededester.

Zoramine did the updated edits.

Sword Icon made by FireEmblemier


I already see my 3rd fav unit lol 1st being silvanna and 2nd limistela


I don’t think letting someone make Caellach a Double Lion siege tome boss or something like that would be a good idea, so I’ll just make the next most egregious thing. A boss that just instantly kills you if he hits you.
Portrait Editor Fire_Emblem_8.GBA_67@43 Caellach_8AD318

Unit: Caellach (Boss)
Name: Bernard
Description: A general of Grado. He hasn’t lost a single fight in decades.
Class: Assassin
Items: Sabre, Hoplon Guard (Droppable)
{Artist Unknown} Sword 3
30 uses. 8 mt. 120 hit. 3 wt. 15 crit. 1 range.

Personal Skill: Rightful Arch (100% proc chance on skills)
Boon: HP
Bane: Luck

HP: 41
Str: 16
Mag: 0
Skill: 6 (jeez, assassin bases are awful.)
Speed: 12
Def: 9
Res: 11
Luck: 14
Con: +2 (can be increased or decreased from class by a max of 3)
Weapon Ranks: S Swords.

Death quote: I lost?! I don’t believe it!

Battle Dialog (Boss only): I haven’t lost in decades, I won’t lose now!

Palette: 5553FF7FFF6B1F4BE52CD56A386B9B779877F36E4E5A6A3A3809CC108A08A514