FE8 PME, including maps (In Development)

Sorry I forgot to put female

I’ll change it right now, thank you for telling me. Please do use the Female Tarvos animation

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That chapter boss has already been replaced, I have also already added Al’s sword somewhere else so It will be in.

Chenshuang - Lyarcian
Credits to Chenshuang
Unit: CC Lyon (If that’s taken, then CC Selena.)
Name: Gimlal
Description: A powerful Necromancer that sided with evil in the past. Got bored, so he’s good now.
Class: Necromancer
Items: Nagalfar, Nosferatu, Eclipse.
Skill: Imbue
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)

HP: 65 / 40%
Str: 12 / 20%
Mag: 25 / 60%
Skill: 17 / 80%
Speed: 20 / 75%
Def: 10 / 0%
Res: 23 / 0%
Luck: 10 /25%
Con: +3 (can be increased or decreased from class by a max of 3)
Weapon Ranks: S dark, A Staves

Death quote: For a master of death to… Heh, interesting…

Random Ask, can his phantoms have these growths?:
Hp: 0
Str: 100
Mag: 0
Skl: 60
Spd: 90
Def: 0
Res: 0
Luck: 50


300 for phantom too maybe ?

If the character has a summoning skill/class, yep I’d say max 300 for the summon growths.

Lets gooo add more i count 240

Just asking what is the cap of phantom can it be 30 since its just 1hp unit ad is it possible for dark druid to summon a gorgon with 1hp and demon surge, stone and dark bullet (shadow shot) (only stone if its too much) even better if he has random summon

Growths added. Horray for super buff phantoms

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It make sence for nergal to summon since he can create dead morph

Ah. He can replace Binks then, I guess

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Limestella’s summon stats
Name: Aswink’s
Description: Aswink’s failed experiments
Class generic F sage
Hp: +1 for every level since she is already a sage 20 max
Mag: 100%
Skill: 60%
Spd: 90%
Def: 0%
Res: capped
Can be killed by physical attack only
Lyon and Riven can have legendary tome so they can dmg them demon king what ever he becomes also has to have something legendary to deal dmg with magic in order to balance this

Just noticed why does she have energy ring if we have magic split i am guessing star dust is what u were thinking of

Roy (Prototype) {Jey the Count}
Credit to JeyTheCount

Unit: Breguet
Name: Roy?
Description: The next heir to Grado.
The antagonist of this story.
Class: Pirate
Items: Axier (Just a Silver Axe with 80 uses and less Axe rank and the item will be dropped if you beat him.
Credit to SacredStones)
Skill: Tower Shield+ (Take no damage from ranged attacks)
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)

HP: 20
Str: 4/bane
Mag: 0
Skill: 5
Speed: 6
Def: 6
Res: 4
Luck: 18 / boon
Con: +3
Weapon Ranks:C Axe

Death quote: But!.. I’m the protagonist of this story… you’re not supposed to kill me just like that…
Battle Dialog (Boss only): You can’t kill me! I have the power of friendship and love in my body!.

Alright, thanks for telling me about that. :+1:

This really late game boss so let me make myself busted lol

Credit to Plant_Academy
Unit:Reiv (2nd boss of darkling woods)
Name: Aswink
Gender: genderless (dont make assumption i am not 3rd gender)
Class: F dark druid (orange when enemy, green color one when recruited)
Description: silvanna’s teacher and a Druid searching for wisdom in dark arts
Inventory: Hell thunder (useable by me silvanna and limestella)
Skill: summon, acrobat, fortune, others your choice
Stats (all stats cap at 30)
Level 20
Mag: 30/0%
Spd: 25/100%
Luck: 15/50%
Con:15 ← (cap 25) i would like to be busted in Creature maps after buying body rings lol

Weapon rank S in all magic and staff

Mov: can i be classified as flyer?

Credit for both spell and animation : SHYUTERz

Spell tome ( Dark:S Mt:17 Hit:85 Range:1-3 wt:25 Crt:10 unbreaking)

Death quote: …
Battle quote: (against silvanna)
Aswink:Well this is kinda bad i guess i crossed a line.Huh?
Silvanna: Yes. You have master. Prepare to die.
Aswink: …
(Against Nergal)
Aswink: Why is a 1000 years old timer here dont You have anything else to do
Nergal: You are walking the path i took many years ago kid there is still time stop your madness like i did
Aswink: Like You did? Hmm interesting …

(Against others)
Nothing shall come between my research “NOTHING”

After seize Silvanna and limestella get a tome each

  • Silvanna - (light) Aureola fe7 animation
    Icon- reuse fe7
    mt:18 hit:80 range:1-2 Crt:15 wt:12, 30 used Silvanna only

  • Limestella - (Anima) Forblaze fe7 animations
    Icon- reuse fe7
    mt18 hit80 range1-2 crt 15 wt:12, 30 uses Limestella only

Making these 2 tome effective against monster or not your call bro

I have used all my play able unit slot
If there is still not enough submission i would like to be playable in next chapter against who ever lyon is

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Nino Armor Knight alt palette
Portrait spliced by me… pretty common and easy to splice tbh
Unit (to fill in for): Saleh
Name: Nino
Formerly part of an assassin group. Now she is more
experienced, and with heavy armor to protect herself.

Class: Baron (mixed armored unit that can use lances and anima magic) - Battle Animation : [General-Reskin] [U] Shield v2 +Cape (in Repo-main)
Items: Killer Lance, Thunder, Gale Lance, Vulnerary
Skill: Arcane Blade
Stats and Growths:
HP: 32 / 50%
Str: 10 / 20%
Mag: 15 / 50%
Skl: 12 / 40%
Spd: 12 / 35%
Def: 13 / 25%
Res: 12 / 40%
Luck: 14 / 40%
CON: Same as base CON for Female General (11).
Change Affinity to Fire
Weapon Ranks: C Lances and B Anima.

Death Quote: Am I… Am I going to die?
(just basically her FE7 death quote, but no further quotes after that)

Note for Gale Lance:
Lance rank C, Mt: 8, Hit: 80, Wt: 8, Crt: 0. 1-2 Range, Magic Damage weapon. Effective vs Fliers.
Description: Suffused with wind magic.
Icon: {Zelix} icon 051
(credits to Zelix)

Additional note: I cannot recreate the palette right now, but preferably go for purple primary and blue secondary much like FE7 Nino’s palettes.


Name: Lana
Replace: Ch18 Gorgon
Class: Druid (F)
Description: A powerful magic-user who’s a bit out of her mind.
Boon: MAG
Bane: SPD

Calculated stats:
HP: 42
STR: 20
SKL: 14
SPD: 8
LCK: 3
DEF: 8
RES: 19
CON: 4

Inventory: Bolting, Gleipnir, Fortify, Berserk
Personal skill: Powerstaff

Battle Quote: Spells, strike from above! Take this!
Defeat Quote: I’m spent…

Set her to immediately begin moving unprovoked. On Normal her Berserk and Bolting ranges overlap, but on Hard she has more Berserk range than Bolting, which should make her much harder.

Kanna F2E OC 68
Portrait by Kanna


Unfortunately, I’ve already taken the chapter 18 Gorgon.

Chapter name: Creeping Darkness
Chapter number: 11a
Chapter Objective: Survive (12 turns)

Picture of the map:
Screenshot 2023-08-12 184932

Link to the map file: Dropbox - Ch11Eirika.map - Simplify your life
Below this is completely optional-
Reinforcements and the turns:

This is a Fog of War map!

Turn 1 → Turn 10: 1 melee skeleton and 1 bow skeleton spawn from the bottom left.

Turn 1 → Turn 5: 2 gargoyles appear from the bottom right.

When the bridge is activated, 5 promoted melee skeletons and 2 promoted bow skeletons appear from the top right in a similar formation to the player placement.

Turn 8: [Chapter boss] appears from bottom left along with 3 promoted melee skeletons.

Turn 11: 5 deathgoyles with silver lances appear from the bottom.

Breakable wall HP is 20.
Tile changes (no need to list chest, doors, and villages):

The tile change

When you visit the west house, the bridge appears here.
Screenshot 2023-08-13 070313

Picture of enemy/player placement:

Players (Yes, only 7 deployment spots.)

Screenshot 2023-08-12 185319

Green units

Screenshot 2023-08-12 185210

Initial enemies

This is a Fog of War map!

Screenshot 2023-08-12 191102

Special enemy equipment notes: anything with a bow has a longbow.

Enemy skill notes:
Skeletons have Devil’s Whim (adds devil backfire to both unit and foes weapon)

Droppable/stealable items: put droppable torches on 4 skeletons scattered across the map.


North House

Use any male villager portrait.

Thank you for saving us from the monsters. [A]
I saw some travelers go south, but
it gets dangerous at night! [A]
They may not last longer without help. [A]
You need to reach the bridgekeepers house
so he can raise the bridge. [A]
It is west of here. [A]

West House

Use any adult portrait for the bridgekeeper.

[OpenMidLeft]Hello? [A]
[OpenMidRight]Yes? What is it?
[A][OpenMidLeft]We need the bridge to be raised. [A]
Some travelers are being attacked on the other side of the water. [A]
[OpenMidRight]Alright, I’ll raise the bridge for your group.
Good luck saving those people. [A]
(Visiting this house causes the bridge to appear on the right.)

Vendors/Armory items:
Armory has Iron and steel weapons, and also Javelins, Hand axes, and the monster effective weapons.
Vendor has E and D rank tomes, Heal,Mend,Torch, and Restore staves.

Fog of War?: yes
Fog level: 2 (units can see 2 tiles around them.)

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