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Hey everyone, welcome to my latest project! This is a complete, 21-chapter long Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones romhack.
If you’ve played Iron Emblem (you should, it’s fun), then basically this is more of that. If not, here’s a quick summary: it’s a game designed around being played Ironman style (no resetting after starting a chapter), where your units are generic soldiers, who are on par with the enemy.
You might have noticed that I’m not MournfulRelic. Indeed, I’m stealing the concept. I thought the Iron Emblem concept was a fun idea, and frankly, something I could put together without getting bogged down with silly things like “characters” or “writing”.
Of course, that’s not to say this is a rushed out, low effort work. I’ve been trying to put my own spin on things, to justify my utter lack of originality to myself, and to justify the “gaiden” in the title. So where the first Iron Emblem was based on FE11, and Iron Emblem: Age of Steel is based on Fates, this one is based on Thracia 776, in terms of stats and classes. So expect stuff like 20 caps for promoted characters, axefighters that promote to heroes, and everyone’s favorite objective, escape!
I hope you enjoy another game of fighting as nobodies trying to get their way through a war!
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- 21 chapters of classic Fire Emblem gameplay
- Classes and stats mostly based on Thracia 776, with some fun additions
- 48 playable generic units- they don’t even have portraits this time around!
- Some new weapons to mix things up
- New graphics such as player/enemy palettes, menus, and map tilesets
- Plenty of QOL features, including being able to speed up battle anims, inventories being sent to convoy on death, icons marking droppable/stealable items, as well as enemies with thief/raiding AI, individual enemy danger radius, and more
- While the game is designed around an ironman playthrough style, you have the option at the start of the playthrough to turn off the enforced ironman style! No judgement!
Okay maybe a little judgement - A new menu option: the Overview. Have you ever been anxious about getting a chest, only to find out it wasn’t nearly worth the effort? Worry no longer! The overview can be accessed both in preparations and during a map, and will give you information about village rewards, chests, and reinforcement timings and positions. You’ll be able to strategize without fear!
- Commander Swap: The battle isn’t over when the commander falls- so long as someone’s alive, there’ll always be a new leader! Play through even the leader’s death, and a new unit will be designated to carry the convoy and be able to seize.
- A story told in fragment of in-universe documents and other scraps. Piece together a certain Imperial platoon’s actions during the Five Eyes’ War.
Known Issues
While using the Escape command in succession, you have to select and deselect a unit before it becomes available again, otherwise the tile will be blocked off.
A bug has been seen where erroneous units appear after suspending and resuming. I haven’t been able to replicate this, so I’m not sure what exactly causes it.
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Trailer at FEE3 2024:
FEE3 2022 Playthrough: