Hello, in addition to making sure you have complete and comprehensive credits for everything you use, I would also just like to give you a friendly reminder, in case you were not aware, that portraits and other assets in other people’s hacks are not inherently free to use. If it has not been posted in the Repository or elsewhere explicitly labeled as Free to Use (F2U) and/or Free to Edit (F2E), you are not allowed to use the asset without direct permission from its owner/creator.
For more details, please refer to the FEU plagiarism policy found here:
Or my summary in the FEBuilder FAQ here:
Oh, and why do I bring this up? Well, while the link is down now, I saw someone who downloaded it before that playing through it, and…
Sorry, but these portrait from my hacks Three Legacies and Fall of Shambhala are not presently available for open public use, and neither are any of the other custom assets I have personally created for those hacks, and at no point was I contacted for permission for them to be used in this project. I am open to granting permission to people who ask me, but not so much when I’m finding out after the fact. While I’m glad you liked them enough to want to use them, this is a formal request for these to be removed if/when your project is reuploaded.
My hope is that this is simply misunderstanding or ignorance of the community rules, and that your hack can be re-uploaded once you compile proper credits and remove that portrait and any other assets you did not have permission to use. I am sure the people in the FEU Discord would be happy to help you identify the creators of things you have lost track of yourself. In the future, just make sure you keep track of credits as you go, alright? It’s a lot easier to keep a running list as you add stuff than it is to go back and trace it all down later.