The majority of people in this community… well, the majority of people don’t actually make hacks. They are the Masses.
The majority of those who do create hacks generally resign themselves to what they can do with existing patches and simple eventing. This is usually sufficient, and can still create incredibly impressive projects with time, effort, and creativity. These are the Hackers.
But of course, there are those who desire power beyond that, and delve into coding in assembly or C. Those who master this art are capable of creating hacks with mechanics far beyond those of vanilla GBAFE. They are the Wizards, oft considered the most powerful among us.
But there is another path. That of one who challenges wizardry with eventing so complex as to blur the line, spaghetti hundreds of lines long creating effects seemingly-impossible. This is the path… of the Spaghettimancer.
Follow this path, and, well…
You may have heard of SigmaRaven’s Super Hit Post Contest. If not, go check it out. This was my submission.
Everything you see here was implemented with only eventing and existing patches, with the exceptions of Boost, the effect that refreshes whoever rescues a certain unit, and some basic inline/numbers tweaks to existing skills. All the most f*cked-up sh*t you’ll see is eventing. Stonewall? Eventing. Set Traps? Eventing. Music change on specific unit select? Eventing. Awaken? Eventing. Temptress? Eventing. Renki? Eventing. Granting skills while rescuing a particular unit? Eventing. Dialogue changing on chapter reset? Eventing. Chapter 1’s whole main gimmick? Eventing. Final boss mechanics? Eventing. Every hidden secret? Eventing. You are welcome to poke around and try to figure out how I did it. I make no promises on legibility if you try to do so.
Slight disclaimers for Builder-divers
Fair warning: I have fixed a small bug in the Set Unit Status patch on my end (one of the “use unit ID from memslot 2” commands didn’t work), and doing so makes my versions of the Get/Set Unit Status patch commands show up as unlabeled ASMCs in other people’s Builder when opening the events. You can download the compatible fixed version of Set Unit Status here, though be careful about replacing the normal version with it since then it probably won’t be recognized in your other hacks.
Similarly, you won’t be able to find my Special Event Per Item patch editor because I applied a fix for a bug in that patch that was initially identified in An Unexpected Caller. That fix doesn’t affect anything here, but it does again make Builder fail to find it if it’s looking for the unfixed version. Fixed version is here. (The old version of that patch causes using an event item to also trigger visit/chest/seize events on your tile.)
There are two actual gameplay chapters, with an introductory interlude before them. Chapter 1 is harder than chapter 2.
I’m pretty sure I’ve addressed all unintentional glitches and crashes. I will never be 100% sure with this rom, so please report anything you see and I will tell you if it was intended.
There are secrets. Many of them. I will not tell you where they are.
Remember: whatever sadism, degeneracy, or all-around bullsh*t you encounter, Sigma asked for this.
What to expect
Fun Factor: 5/5 - Amazing unit design, amazing gameplay gimmicks, fun for the whole family (do not play this anywhere near your family). Rescue your entire army into your main guy. Do it again, maybe even a third time. Drink from the sink with no filter.
Sadism Factor: 4.5/5 - A point deducted for having an answer key at all in Sigma difficulty, half a point returned because the ending actually checks to see if you used it.
Duration: 5/5 - Three videos, two chapters means this one gets the “absolutely pummeled me” award.
Stability: 4/5 - One point deducted for hanging in the intro lmao.Premise: 5/5 - Yeah I like “stuck in a game” genre can you tell.
Character Writing: 5/5 - While the side characters were more or less one-off jokes, Ultrax’s voice comes through very clearly (and he captures me reasonably accurately), and disturbingly the characters act in accordance with what would be their motivations.
Sheer Coverage: 5/5 - Yes.
Cohesion: 5/5 - Making use of the mechanics of FEBuilder for a trapped in a romhack hack is sublime.Cohesion: 5/5 - The buggy affect is quite nice, especially when it escalates in endgame.
Map Beauty: 5/5 - Map 1 was quite nice to look at and move around in, and Map 2 was suitably freaky-looking.
Music: 4.5/5 - There was just enough variation in the music to actually make it not painful enough. However, a bonus half point is awarded for the goddamn Wind Across The Plains randomly coming on at the dumbest times.
Controversial: 6/5 - For sheer commitment to debauched dialogue and character designs, I am awarding a bonus point here. (There is precedent for going off the scale as the Speed category goes down to -1, which is the entire reason why I did that.)Touhou: 5/5
Speed: 2/5
TRPG: 5/5
Rivian: BribedTotal: 76/80
Who to blame
Special thanks to SigmaRaven (aka @BigMood), @ArcherBias, @SubwayBossEmmett, @Rivian, @BobbyAsaka, @Alexmanpersonguy, and everyone else in the Hackrom Overspill community, FEU’s almighty shadow government, who was around for, encouraged, and enabled the process of this nightmare’s creation.
Full credits can be found here: SHitPost Credits - Google Docs
Tier List Maker
Warning: playable unit spoilers ahead!
Download the Spaghettinomicon