[FE8] [COMPLETE] Iron Emblem (v1.3.1, Full-Length) RR Out!

Thanks for the kind words and glad you enjoyed the hack!

I wanted to take this opportunity to also mention that I will be releasing a new 1.2 update soonish, alongside a hard mode for all those who complained that the game was a bit too easy, so look out for that in the near future.


Version 1.2 has been uploaded to the download link folder, as well as a hard mode PATCH. A word of warning, hard mode has not been tested, so it may be too difficult or too easy, and Iā€™d appreciate feedback on that. 1.2 includes a lot of changes including fixing some of the music volume and various little things I had overlooked prior. Enjoy!


What were the changes between hard mode and normal mode?

Is there a Hardmode version with the alternate menus?

The enemies are more difficult and Iā€™ve made some of the anti-turtle timings tighter.

I actually messed up, so the only version is the one with the alternate menus.


Works for me, thanks!

I was loving this game! Got to chapter 14 and was doing my preps. Accidentally hit start and the chapter began. So I reset and hit restart chapter(because I hadnā€™t done anything yet). And Iā€™ve lost lol. That was a bummer, still going to restart though and finish. I only bring this up because I swear I had done the same thing in an earlier chapter without issue. Could be misremembering though.

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To my knowledge this is what happens on every chapter in the game, and sorry to hear that happened to you. I really wish there was some way to let the player redo preps immediately while keeping the rest of the idea of the hack okay but there isnā€™t a satisfactory implementation.

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No doubt it sucks lol. But thanks for responding! And again, itā€™s definitely fun enough to not mind playing again. Maybe Iā€™ll save state before preps or something. Or maybe I should have just tried to beat the chapter the way I was set up lol in true ironman fashion.

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New minor update that should fix assassins stealing your stuff in ch20, since that was a common problem that wasnā€™t intended. Hopefully itā€™s less frustrating now. Have fun!


Hereā€™s the FEE3 showcase for Iron Emblem! Thanks to bpat and Spensir for recording the hack, and WarPath for for hosting the event.


this is a smash, iā€™m disappointed i wasnā€™t aware of it earlier

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Is there a way to implement the iron man aspect of this game into other Fire emblems? Does it have an FEbuilder patch or does it involve ASM hackery?

Is the convoy supposed to be unusable? Itā€™s accessible but itā€™s at full capacity with no items in it.
I have no clue how this happened, never encountered something like this before. I noticed it very early in the game and just dealt with it.

This bug should have been fixed as of the 1.1 update, so Iā€™ve got no clue whatā€™s going on. Did you download an older version, by any chance?

Hello there, been playing the hack up to Chapter 12 (before horribly dying losing 8-10 units rapidly and faling to protect the throne), and honestly, Iā€™ve loved the concept so far.

Although, since Iā€™m completely uncapable of expressing praise or saying in public that I liked stuff, Iā€™ll fill this with nitpicks that are completely unnecessary.

  • Female Cavalier promoting into Paladin turns her hair from green to blue.

  • There is one random cavalier in Ch12 that has the allied pallete (afraid I canā€™t say which one right now).

  • Silver Lance cavaliers on chapter 4 (at level 9) give xp when attacked and defeated (there is a way to survive them (rigfree) reliant on burning your staves and vulneraries and chokepointing one of the 2 tiles wide corridors (or the chest room). Since I noticed other late reinforcements (as the knights for chapter 8, iirc) do not give xp, Iā€™ll assume that might be part of it.

  • 24th Squad 2 my beloved.


Someone else did point this out, but I donā€™t know if Iā€™m going to fix it because Iā€™m kind of lazy, honestly.

Let me know if you find out which one it is and Iā€™ll look into it.

This one I donā€™t care as much about because you have to burn so many resources to survive them and youā€™re not incentivized to fight them, whereas the ch6 armors arenā€™t as powerful.

This seems to be a common sentiment.

Glad youā€™re enjoying the game! Ch12 is definitely rough and Iā€™ve thought about nerfing it in the past, but I kind of like the role it plays in the game. Hopefully youā€™re able to beat it next time!


Iā€™ve done a small update to the hard mode link. Recently I had a friend try out that mode of the game and it seems that chapter 3 was unbeatable, or close to it. So Iā€™ve done a small change to make that hopefully not the case. Goes to show how unwise releasing a difficulty untested like that is. If you decide to play and get past chapter 3 please let me know if thereā€™s anything else I should adjust!

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unrelated to hard mode, i wrote up my own thoughts
disclaimer, might have done this game 3 times


Pirate/Brigand: feel very much like worse fighters. They have no reason to be used outside of if all 3 potential fighters are gone, and even then, theyā€™re still really mediocre. It would help if they had some sort of reason outside of just another axe guy to be used, like if the boat map had sections the pirates could take advantage of, or if there was a river map after obtaining them, or if there was a mountainous terrain map on the map you got the brigand. Also, Berserker con is pretty low.

Pegasus Knights: I was going to have a similar complaint, until I realized they have triangle attack (although that requires using all 3, soā€¦). Theyā€™re better off than the outlaws though because of flying utility. Iā€™m not really sure how to make them feel better to use. Maybe if they had swords instead of lances? Not sure there.

Myrmidons: Initially, I figured they would be at least better than thieves, but they are just poor. They have worse strength and defense than mercs, and about the same skill and speed as mercs. Theyā€™re just bad mercs. Not really sure how you would address this, as I donā€™t think theyā€™re necessarily the problem. Itā€™s the mercs who are too good. (But I love them so Iā€™m conflicted).

Monks: I just didnā€™t see any used anywhere, my first one wasnā€™t until ch12, and they were great. But the enemy never uses them, only mages, which I found a bit strange. Would help the early mages feel better, but I donā€™t know if this is really an issue.

Major: Thereā€™s a graphical glitch on the map sprite. Idk how I feel about 20 caps but at the same time itā€™s not like heā€™s going to cap ram in the first place, so itā€™s probably fine.

Ballistician: Theyā€™re kind of weak, which is fine, but I didnā€™t notice any way to obtain a Thunderbolt, which would have been particularly nice for ch18 and ch19.


3: Thereā€™s a Pegasus knight in the top right cornerā€¦ She canā€™t do anything where she is. Feels like her placement was a mistake.

11: A few things here; mainly the Tomahawk fighter. Itā€™s I believe the first instance where we have to deal with a 1-2 range physical enemy, and they have the strongest hand axe? Always felt pretty rough to deal with. The villages also have a little bug where if they get destroyed you can still visit them. Not sure if this is intentional (I doubt it because then thereā€™s no point in having them be destroyed).

11x: Can I have experience points please? Bad enough all the enemies are stronger on average than mine and in kaga blocks, but the no exp gain really felt like the chapter was a waste of time. If anything, a notification prior to starting it telling you thereā€™s no exp to be gained would be nice. A metis tome, while good, is not really worth losing all of that experience imo. The SM is whatever lol, he usually just gets crit and dies, I have no real opinion on him.

12: What can I say good about chapter 12ā€¦ Everything. Please do not change it, itā€™s one of my favorite chapters easily. I love manipulating the AI back and forth around the fort while trying to stave off the advancing forces. Really feels like youā€™re fighting for your life in a defend mission instead of it turning into a glorified rout.

13: Bane of my existence!!! Just kidding, I had a good time on my first run despite losing to this chapter. I would honestly suggest making the turn requirement 14-15 instead of 12. No, itā€™s not because I missed the 12 turns because I missed an 86 on the last supply (although that would have let me win despite bad luck D:).

16: Feels very empty, like it could use some reinforcement pressure. The fact that the boss is a sniper as well doesnā€™t lead them to feel very threatening as I can just bully them. Maybe switching this boss with 13ā€™s (so this boss would be a horseman) would be a bit better? The AI can still be aggro, but at least now the unit chasing you has a melee and ranged option instead of range locked.

18: I thought there would be more pressure, like there was in 17 with the level 20 reinforcements, but I never saw any. Maybe I just finished the chapter too quickly.

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Thanks for the kind words. Wanted to address some of the feedback.


This is pretty fair but theyā€™re just serviceable mediocre axe users you can devil axe with, not really something Iā€™m super concerned with balancing at this point. Will probably buff their speed growth a little bit, but people have gotten use out of them so I donā€™t think they are in huge need of a buff.

Theyā€™re fragile but I think they have a decent amount of bulk for being pegasus knights. I donā€™t really have much of an excuse here but changing pegs to swords at this point is just something Iā€™m too lazy to do. Might be something to consider for a possible sequel if I ever did that.

Yeah the myrms really suck lol. These are probably the biggest victim of me just copypasting fe11 stats while being not willing to change them too much. I similarly am a bit too lazy to change them at this point, but it definitely highlights one of my main regrets, which is that I didnā€™t alter the stats as much as I shouldā€™ve for better balance. Again though, people have found some use out of them, so Iā€™m not sweating it too much.

I just kind of put in the monk in ch12 as an afterthought. I honestly was going to get rid of magic triangle completely, but thought the shaman could use it since they kind of sucked (in retrospect, I shouldā€™ve just eliminated magic triangle and buffed the shaman). This is definitely a fair point, though.

Iā€™ll see if I can figure out the glitch, probably an AP thing. Youā€™re pretty much right on the 20 caps thing, since stats in this game arenā€™t all that high. Would honestly be surprised if players had >2 units by endgame with 20 in one stat.


This was an in-post addition that I didnā€™t really know what to do with. Itā€™s, uh, free exp if you bait her, I guess? Definitely not a great bit of the chapter, but she does move on HM, so thereā€™s that.

Iā€™ve been hearing bugs about villages not being destroyed in a few chapters, and I will have to look into that. No idea whatā€™s going on. The tomahawk fighter is an antiturtle incentive, sort of. Definitely difficult to deal with but I donā€™t think it necessitates a change, honestly (also being a bit lazy here).

Probably not gonna give experience since the game is already fully balanced and that much experience throws off the curve significantly, but could just lower the levels of the enemies so this one is not as rough. I was planning on adding a disclaimer since itā€™s definitely unfair that I donā€™t tell you before the chapter starts, so thatā€™ll be added for sure. This chapter is meant to be mostly just a bonus thing where you get wind sword/metis tome/talisman, but I can definitely see how that loot isnā€™t enough and you can feel screwed over.

This one seems to be a real hit or miss chapter, glad you enjoyed it.

Was never really happy with how this one turned out. There are reinforcements that spawn when you open the door, but they are delayed by 1 turn (as to not be ambushes). I did have some of the enemy AI be a bit more aggressive in the last update I did, but seems that wasnā€™t enough. I hate to keep saying this but at this point in development Iā€™m not sure if I want to go back and rework this chapter, but I agree itā€™s definitely very weak. I feel a bit bad since I feel I didnā€™t do the map (not made by me) justice.

Thereā€™s no level 20 reinforcements here, I wanted to vary the chapter pacing and in general it was a goal of mine to try to stay away from those. I think theyā€™re used in less than half of all the chapters, so I think I achieved my goal there. This one could also work as more of a breather lategame before the finale.

Once again thanks for the feedback, Iā€™ll see what I can act on and probably push an update before the new yearā€™s. Wanted to let other people know why some things are why they are with this post, and hopefully it explains some of the more odd decisions of the game.

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