[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Fire Emblem Vision Quest_01

There’s a strange graphical problem with the hit percentage, it’s supposed to show 138 hit but it shows “-” near the 100 instead.

I believe this is a problem from the skill system but I still wanted to show it.

I’m using VBA Ver. 1.7.2.

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Took a few weeks but that was a pretty great hack. I’d put it at #1 or #2 of all hacks I’ve played.

Story - Solid, with my main criticism being that it doesn’t feel like there’s much tension or threat against the party after the first third or so. I think this is because the two main antagonists are either neutered or have a neutral/DGAF attitude. I love the post-ending scene with


Titus, though I’m not sure if it was sequel baiting or going for a “vicious cycle” angle.

Characters - The highlight of the game, while not groundbreaking there’s interesting and somewhat realistic character interactions and behaviours. Has both quality and quantity.

Gameplay - Above average, anti-turtling and occasional interesting objectives. Not too many maps I had gripes with, besides the penultimate one. A few bugs e.g. check map would sometimes send me back to starting screen but nothing gamebreaking.

If you are considering a sequel my main suggestion would be to give more power and agency to the antagonists.


Fates-blade - not sure what causes this one, has been an issue for a while with some of the higher hit rates. Thanks for reporting.

Thanks for playing, pleb. I agree with you that the villain writing in VQ is not strong. I focused a lot on the protags and their relationships, but the villainy was not as well thought out, and I also agree the game suffers for it.

Glad you had a good time! Appreciate the time and feedback.


Yeah I think hit rates displaying above 100 goes glitchy, don’t think theres a fix for it.

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This is the number displaying signed, it’s an old skill system bug that’s been fixed for a while


Makes sense. Updating would mess up too much of my text unfortunately. Would have to identify and move around a bunch of IDs and I really don’t feel like it, sadly.

Good to know it is fixed though.

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I think this is a bug but when I beat chapter 2-7: War comes home, I got a reward for saving all the logs even though I didn’t save any of them(wasn’t expecting those mage reinforcements).

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That is a glitch from an old version. If you patch a fresh ROM with the latest, you’ll be able to get the reward for saving all logs.

Also - @ all, I am recording my Q&A this weekend so I will be closing it off this Friday. Please get your questions in if you want to ask anything for this year’s FEE3: FEE3 Q&A Form - submit here!

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In chapter 4-4 there is a tome in a forest near the temple but I can’t find it where is it exactly?

Never mind I found it

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I just finished and I wanted to provide feedback. Overall, I love it. I do like a bit more of the old school mentality, and when I watched FEE3 and listened to your thoughts on skills specifically, I was really looking forward to this.

Things I really liked included the map variety, overall balance, the turn limits/ pseudo turn limits, Act 3, the writing. I like having different objectives and things like fog of war maps because it really makes each map feel unique. Overall, I like the balance because it mostly felt like characters were strong, but had their weaknesses. Storch and Titus are a bit strong, but I would rather have strong lords than weak ones. I like having the pressure of turn limits, thieves stealing things, or strong reinforcements, which gave a sense of urgency. I also really thought the Act 3 was great since it was probably the most challenging part for me.

My critiques come from wanting to improve further the parts I like, but I am not sure how feasable any of these are. They are just thoughts I had while playing. While there are escape maps, they are really kinda just seize maps with a coat of paint. IIRC in FE9 you could escape with other characters first to get bonus exp, I think something like that would make the maps really feel different than seize maps. I think some of the prepromotes could get a bit more love, because they were usually immediately benched. Zakawat just confuses me. Some characters with poor availability need a bit of love because unless someone got really screwed, the earlier characters usually got the spot on my team. Act 4 and the 4-E especially felt like it was a long like a victory lap after Act 3. Its hard to make something challenging when my units are so strong, but maybe a shorter victory lap or a challenge at the end of 4-E would be interesting. I’m also not a huge fan of forced units, but I can usually deal with it. Forcing Wally on the last chapter after not forcing him for the rest of the act felt a bit off to me.

Like I said before, I overall really enjoyed myself. I liked the level of challenge it provided. I never felt cheated nor did something feel too overpowered, so things were satisfying. Thanks for making Vision Quest.

not sure if I had the latest version or not but I had this bug

Fire Emblem - Vision Quest.00a

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Think this one was fixed. Thanks for flagging.

I do also want to thank everyone who submitted questions for FEE3 - I recorded the Q&A this morning and we had over 50 submissions. Had lots to discuss and share, and hope it is informative for everyone.


Had a bit of time and wanted to share the results of the survey for v1. I’m slowly starting to work on version 2 updates by playing through the game on HM to see what adjustments need to be made to improve balance. It’s been a while since I played the game front to back, and thankfully I’ve been having fun doing iron man on the hardest difficulty.

First, I want to say that all of the feedback is immensely appreciated and helpful. I reviewed the data carefully and already started addressing some of the main concerns that I saw. It’s interesting to see what people like and don’t like, and what they choose to highlight as major wins or opportunities. It’s a great well of data and I enjoy reading all of your thoughts.

Here are a few items of note to share.

Total responses: 87

“I enjoyed Vision Quest”: 4.62/5

“I would recommend Vision Quest to a friend”: 4.63/5

“I found Vision Quest’s difficulty to be fair (fair being that it was not random or based around hiding info from the player)”: 4.31/5

Most interestingly, people were in general pretty split about their favorite and least favorite parts. Everyone had something different to say, but general consensus based on the anecdotes was that Part 1 was overall the most well-liked. Part 2 was the most divisive of the four parts.



When it came to favorite and least favorite chapters, 2-1x: To Fly the Coop, aka the Honeydew Chicken gaiden, had the most comments both for and against it. Some people enjoyed it for its whimsy and experimental objective, and others who disliked it found it unforgiving and out of place narratively. It had more mentions in both columns than any other, with ~6 mentions on each side.

1-7xx and 3-1 were also called out as favorites, while 2-3 had the most mentions outside of 2-1x as the least favorite map. People love Kitozawa, but they hate to face him in battle. :kitozawa: I’ll also add that a few of the other maps that rank low for me seemed to also be among the least favorites of everyone here, including 4-2 (which will likely be redone).

In general, the anecdotes and compliments were all inspiring and helpful. I’m glad to hear so many of you enjoyed the hack and were willing to share your feedback. Means a lot and will be huge for me as I work on making updates to improve the gameplay experience.

Stay tuned, and thanks again.


I’m still miffed that the token edgelord isn’t the protag.


Hi, just started Vision Quest (I’m about 3-4 chapters in) and I LOVE the features you added (map displays inventory and stats, viewable growths, skills, classes, visuals, etc.). I was wondering if there’s a link somewhere to your discord server? I’ve only been able to find dead invite links online.


Hey Kingboo,

Thanks for giving the hack a try! I closed the discord server recently. Right now it is only for the dev team. I may reopen later, but for now I am keeping it closed to help me focus on updates.

Feel free to ask any questions or report any bugs here. Thanks.

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You might be interested in the feuniverse discord server as an alternative. It’s not specifically VisionQuest related, but many users are actively working on their own hacks and there are often interesting discussions regarding design. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case that sounds appealing.


Thanks everyone! I actually did just start my first hack (but I’m in grad school so maybe I’ll finish it within the decade?) so that’s really helpful!


Good luck! Definitely follow Vesly’s advice and check out the discord. Lots of us are willing to help. Good luck with the hack and grad school!


Finish the game like 2 times already and it was really great, i really love storch the “heck” man (because he always saying it) and a commoner main is reminding me of ike, nonetheless the first units are group of thieves not noble and bunch of its knights or mercenaries. I didn’t encounter any bugs so i played it with ease. Act 1 and 3 is probably the best ,act 4 and 2 is good but it can’t contain what fun i gain in 1 and 3, all unit is not a waste of slot they are all good. The only thing i don’t like is titus, he’s not a bad unit actually he’s just like the guy that the first time you see him you want to punch him in the face.