Hello there!
Welcome to my new project: Crowns and Thrones.
Crowns and Thrones: what is it?
The gameplay is experimental to say the least, so don’t go into this expecting standard FE gameplay. I’m going to say this: the gameplay is probably not for everyone…
Things like growths and leveling up for example, is not a thing in this hack. More about gameplay later.
The game is only 10 chapters long. However, there are also 4 gaiden chapters and 2 prologues. So, 16 chapters in total.
To be clear, this is NOT The Phantom King’s sequel.
Ok so technically…it kinda is The Phantom King’s sequel.
The game takes place after The Phantom King. There is supposed to be a game in-between the two (I’m still working on that). While that one is a direct sequel to The Phantom King, this one has very little to do with the story of the other two. This one can be enjoyed without having played the other two.
So, what’s the story about?
The first half of the story is about Prince Leon, who tries to protect his kingdom from foreign invaders, as well from his tyrannical father King Richard.
The second half will take place 27 years later and has a different protagonist.
Just as with The Phantom King, there are a lot of characters, places, noble houses and territories. That’s why I once again made a bunch of tables and maps for reference. These can, along with the game’s patch, be found in the zip file.
Like I stated before: there is no leveling up and there is no unit growth. All units have fixed stats.
- Units
There are 2 types of units: Commanders and generics.
Commanders are characters in the story. They have names and are lost when you let them die. Most of them have 1 personal skill and 1 leadership star. You should be careful with your commanders because everytime you lose one, you lose a leadership star as well, which puts you at a disadvantage against your enemy. Most commanders can also choose their promotion at the start of a chapter. Commanders will lose their promotion on the next chapter, which allows you to choose their playstyle for that specific chapter. The amount of commanders you get is very limited!
Generic units make up the bulk of your army. Every chapter you’ll get a set amount of generics. They should be seen as more of a resource instead of characters that need to stay alive. Generics have skills as well, but these are tied to their class. As a result, every class has its own role (Check the classes and weapons table below for more info).
- Weapons
All weapons need either an E rank or A rank to use. Wether a unit can use a specific weapon depends on how proficient their class is with the weapon type.
At the start of most chapters you get 50 gold (which is worth about 2-3 weapons depending on how you spend it) to spend on weapons and items. All weapons and items will be lost when finishing a chapter.
- Villages
Instead of items or weapons, villages provide you with reinforcements. Most villages (castles as well) have shops and armories too.
- Staff users and dancers can still gain EXP points by using staves/dancing.
- Not really a bug, but in chapter 2x you can move Taufik (Who you need to defend) around by shoving, swapping, pivoting or repositioning him with skills. This is not really how I intended it, but I don’t really have a solution for this as of now.
Please let me know if you find anything else. It would help me immensely.
- Animations:
[FE5 Lord Custom] [M] Leif Lord by Obsidian Daddy.
[FE8 Eirika-Base] [F] T1 Beta Eirika Fixed by Jono the Red.
[Cavalier-Variant] [M] Generic by SALVAGED.
[Grand Paladin] [M] Seth v2 by Aruka.
[Great Lord-Custom] [M] Master Knight by St Jack.
[Paladin-Variant] [M] Kent by Greentea.
[Paladin-Variant] [M] SALVAGED +Weapons.
[Berserker-Variant] [M] Skinnyzerker Ross by Zomaxiee.
[Archer-Variant] [M] Der’s Improved Repal.
[Crossbowman] [M] Bowgunner by Epicer.
[Sniper-Reskin] [F] Quiver by Nuramon.
[Sniper-Reskin] [M] Quiver by Nuramon.
[Soldier-Custom] [M] FE15-Style by Nuramon.
[Hero-Reskin] [F] Generic +Brown Shield by IS, Pikmin1211, Pushwall, St jack.
[Hero-Reskin] [M] FE7 Coat +Brown Shield by Swain, Pikmin1211, ltranc.
[Mercenary-Reskin] [M] Armored +Axe by Alusq.
[General-Reskin] [M] Baron Cape +Weapons by Leo_link, Nuramon, Iscaneus, The_Big_Dededester.
[Knight-Variant] [M] Generic by SALVAGED.
[Marshall] [M] Zelgius v3 by Nuramon.
[FE7 Eliwood-Base] [M] T1 Vanilla +Weapons by Jj09, PrincessKilvas, Spud.
[FE7 Lyn-Reskin] [F] T2 FE7if Karla by FE7if.
[FE8 Ephraim-Custom] [M] T2 Heavy Infantry by Nuramon.
[FE8 Ephraim-Variant] [M] T1 Vanilla Repack +Weapons by DerTheVaporeon, Pikmin1211.
[T3.1 Bishop] [M] Patriarch by MrNight48.
[Mage-Custom1] [F] Light Mage by L95.
[Mage-Custom1] [M] Light Mage by L95.
[Sage-Custom] [F] Gaiden Priestess by Gamma.
[Sage-Variant] [F] Battle Sage +Sword by St jack.
[Sage-Variant] [M] Battle Sage +Weapons by St jack, The_Big_Dededester, Dolkar.
[Devisian-Custom] [M] Magician v2 by Devisian_Nights.
[WL Reskin] [U] Armored by Nuramon.
[WR Base] [U] Vanilla +Weapons by Mikey Seregon, Alfred Kamon.
[Dark Knight] [U] Great Knight-Style by Primefusion.
[MK-Base] [F] Vanilla +Weapons by Aruka, Kenpuhu.
[MK-Base] [M] Vanilla +Weapons by Aruka, Kenpuhu.
[Troubadour-Reskin] [F] Ponytail Repal +Weapons by Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Lisandra_Brave, TBA.
[Paladin-Custom] [M] Leo’s Duke Knight by Leo_Link.
[Marshall] [U] FE10-Style by Nuramon.
[Eliwood-Variant] [M] Mage Lord by TytheBub.
[Tent Standing] by Gabrielknight.
FE5’s fields by flasuban
FE5 Castle V2 by flasuban -
Advance Wars - Andy_s Theme (MrGreen3339).
FE4 - Another Assault (Tristan_Hollow).
FE4 - Army of Agustria (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Army of Grannvale 1 (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Castle Captured (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Conversation 1 (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Defense (MrGreen3339).
FE4 - Disturbance in Agustria (Sme).
FE4 - Eldigan the Lionheart (Scraiza).
FE4 - Emperor Arvis (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Enemy Message 3 (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Fateful Showdown (SaXor_the_Nobody).
FE4 - From Enemy to Friend (pandan).
FE4 - Glory to Grannvale (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Victory 1 (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - Victory is Near! (SurfingKyogre).
FE4 - When The Rush Comes (MrGreen3339).
FE5 - Advance (Dolkar).
FE5 - Adversity (Dolkar).
FE5 - Barbarians (Dolkar).
FE5 - Boss Battle (Dolkar).
FE5 - Conquest (SurfingKyogre).
FE5 - Crisis (SurfingKyogre).
FE5 - Defend (pandan).
FE5 - In Search of Victory - Leif (SurfingKyogre).
FE5 - Map A (Dolkar).
FE5 - Prep Screen (hypergammaspaces).
FE5 - Pressing Threat (MrGreen3339).
FE5 - Pressing Threat Base A (Dolkar).
FE5 - Recruitment (SurfingKyogre).
FE5 - Searching the Enemy (SurfingKyogre).
FE5 - Squadron B (Dolkar).
FE5 - Victory (Dolkar).
FE5 - Victory Minor (Dolkar).
FE9 - Clash (SaXor_the_Nobody).
FE9 - With Us (Sme).
FE16 - Fodlan Winds (A_Reliable_Chair).
FE16 - Somewhere to Belong (Sme).
- CG artwork:
‘Hundred years war’ by Patrick Nicolle.
‘100 years war’ by Patrick Nicolle.
‘100 years war-french warriors’ from Italeri.
‘Battle of Poitiers 1356’ by Andrew Spratt.
‘The march from Leicester’ by Graham Turner.
‘Lancaster’s chevauchée of 1346’ by Graham Turner.
‘Magna Carta Painting’ by Michael Godfrey.
‘A Medieval Court’ from “Medieval Law and Order”. HistoryLearning.com.
- If anything is missing, let me know!
The patch can be found here: Crowns and Thrones (Link to Dropbox)
Bonus prequel chapter (Use patch on clean fe8 rom): Crowns, Thrones and Rebellion
Since this project is very experimental, I would like to hear your thoughts on how to improve it. I hope you’ll have fun checking it out!
Thanks for reading.