[FE8][Complete] Bells of Byelen (24 Chapters)


This is a message from one of my friend.

Hello author. Last year, I planned to translate this hack into Chinese, and asked another person to come to you for permission. But later on, due to various reasons, I didn’t finish it. Now I can continue to do the translation work, and I want to use the instrument patche to remix some of the BGM in this game. Is this okay?

I think using the “instrument patch” will make it sound worse given some of the music has been specifically edited for NIMAP2 use, and I also just don’t care for it when I’ve heard it in other hacks.


Hack good.


I think I found a bug that isn’t anywhere on this thread. I had to rescue the woman in chapter 1 to get her out of Boro’s range and then I escaped with the unit that was rescuing her. However, it seems the game didn’t register I rescued her and now I can’t recruit Jenny. Given the already known bug with rescue and escape I guess it makes sense?

Yeah, the game checks for them escaping on their own, not for someone rescuing them and escaping. Thanks for the report, will be fixed in the next patch.

For some reason I can’t use the thief staff on Endgame, I thought it might be intentional but like, I literally got a thief staff at the end of the previous chapter

Also, I also got the Berserk bug.

Who were you trying to steal from? You need more Mag than they have Res for it to work, and they also can’t have the skill Watchful.

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oh it seems I assumed it worked like Thracia and I could have a full inventory, my bad

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So… I used Cromar with the Dullahan, died and revived, and noticed 3 chapters later that his B support with Loewe and Leina dissapeared. Is that just a visual bug or the game treats it like he really died and I locked myself out of the support bonuses and possible paired ending?

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The latter. It is treated as if he actually died, so now you’d have to start building supports from the beggining. Friendly advice: don’t rely on the Dullahan sword at all. In the long run, maintaing your supports is better than reviving.

currently at chapter 18.

Tldr: the game, at least up till chapter 18, is good in all senses, but the plot and the dialog is a 12 out of 10. Best narrative I have seen in quite a while. There are some bugs, but nothing too serious.

Peak. This game is peak fire emblem. Period.
I consider myself an ultra lurker, but this? this is too damn good and it is a sin to be quiet about it. After the epic epic EPIC cutscene after finishing chapter 17 (man, the lines are just so, so well written. That one soliloquy of the archbishop… and the dialogues… I’m speechless. The only other video game narrative of this caliber that I have experienced is Disco Elysium.) I have to come here and shout my thanks. Thanks loog and the team for making this amazing game. I wonder who wrote the dialogue and designed the plot? It is just so, so good…

Now, since I have been lurking here for quite a while, I know the usual comments on fan made games evolve around player experience. Bug reports, chapter feedback, unit tier lists… but I would like to go in a different angle: this is the first “buildfile” hack I have seen. In the past I never bothered with the FEbuilder or the assembly code as they are just too painful in the eye. But since BOB (Bells of Byelen) has its source code open on github (with all due respect, sir, the naming conventions is wayy off. “Teleshack-II”??? Seriously???)

I dug around in the source code (transpiling using CSV made my life a lot easier.) and can’t help but chuckle from time to time as I see many cute comments (like “//Idk what this means” right after a vitally important initialization function) and I am struck in awe by the arduous efforts you hackers go through for some of the new features. (the engine hack folder made me wish I had you guys as my CS professor)

That being said, for anyone who is driving themselves nuts looking for secrets such as secret shops, they are all in the source code. I think it is an insult to the creators if I just spill the beans here.

I’m looking forward to your next hack.


Your username rules

thanks for the love, chief


Love love love this hack! However I may have run into a bug. I’m on chapter 11 and my Pegasus lord is dead I guess? I didn’t think that could happen I guess I may have left her in the escape chapter but IDK, anyone know a fix for this?

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Honestly, I’ve never seen this bug and don’t know how it’d be possible, but yea, it’s likely that it is an Escape related issue. If you have the old save, I’d go back to that; otherwise, you can try using FEBuilder to load Cleo back in, in the start event of whatever chapter you want. Using LOAD1 should do the job even if she didn’t escape.


I’m having a lot of fun. I’m interested in seeing what I can do differently next run regarding the interlude units I can recruit and support pairings to explore. The Thracia-style mechanics for capturing and stealing really make me need to plan out each turn and figure out the best ways to get the items I want from enemies while also staying alive. I also really love how every unit is unique and has a great concept of what role they are meant to fill. I wanna draw a few more but I thought I’d draw some characters I like.


Awesome work! Yeah, the unit design of Thracia is one of my favorites in the series (probably obvious from this hack existing). There are some characters who don’t have a strong niche, but most at least have something going for them which makes replays pretty varied. Have fun, and the team would definitely love to see any other art you cook up.


This rules! Love seeing this, thank you for taking the time to make these! I feel romhack character fan art is SUCH an awesome thing to see. I really love how dynamic your poses for the two of them are! I’m really glad to hear you’re enjoying the hack and if you do end up drawing any more characters I can’t wait to see!!! :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

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Wish I can :heart: a post twice cause wow

Never noticed a thing :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

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