[FE8][Complete] Bells of Byelen (24 Chapters)

It seems like this might not be fixed? I tried recruiting him but just started ch 13 and hes missing

Is this using the most recent patch in the Dropbox? I would try again to be sure, haven’t seen any reports of this for a while, and I know I fixed it the last time it cropped up.

I believe so but ill redownload and check. I dont have a save from ch 12x only 13. Would restarting the chapter fix it?

Probably not, since if he was removed, it would’ve been in 12x’s end event.

Ah darn. Ok guess hes lost. He seemed pretty unique. Wondering what the purpose of the other lance armor unit is lol

Overall I enjoyed the hack although found the first few chapters a somewhat frustrating. General and chapter-specific feedback:

For context, playing blind, and never tried Thracia before so some feedback may be relevant for that too. Was surprised to not see a difficultly select although it does mean everyone gets the same challenge.

General feedback
  1. I enjoyed the sparse use of skill system, alongside original (at least to me) skills.
  2. Combine in convoy is awesome QoL, just wish it was pointed out.
  3. Wasn’t a fan of no supply-in-battle although can understand why as would make capture even stronger.
  4. Enjoyed the free action changes along with Canto+ on mounted.
  5. Glad this was ironman-able
  6. Fatigue system grew on me, was a fresh experience to have rotating units instead of a single team. Also made losing “special” units less painful as I couldn’t deploy them more than 50% of the time anyway.
  7. PCC felt needlessly complicated.
  8. Enjoyed changes to steal mechanic, and mounted vs unmounted rescue (and capture).
  9. Wasn’t keen on forced-dismount as opposed to being an option. Would’ve preferred it even if they would’ve gotten a -50% mov on top of other stat penalty when indoors. Canto+ and rescuing/capture infantry, being able to move in/outdoors fluidly were all at times far more appealing if I could’ve picked them. Still some use to dismount to be rescued, shove, or avoid effective weaponry.
  10. Like fatigue, 20 stat caps grew on me. Refreshing.
  11. Really enjoyed the various custom items. Scrolls especially were great to “customize” growths. do wish it was mentioned they blocked crit too though.
  12. Kind of wish units could equip more than 1 item at a time but understand why not. Maybe someone could’ve gotten a personal to hold 2? I suppose Apsis does in a way.
  13. Everyone getting +1 mov throws off experience for checking effective enemy range, although helps slower units not be as relatively far behind. Mixed feelings.
  14. Items to convoy on death and unlimited non-A supports is nice. Didn’t get many supports though, wasn’t clear from guide how they build.
  15. Vigor is always a pleasant surprise when procced, but rare enough to never count on. Fun.
  16. Wish I could sell off Prf’s that belong to dead units. They ended up taking a chunk of convoy space by the end.
  17. WEXP felt on the low side. Often I couldn’t use my latest shiny gear.

Error noticed: Guide says L.Diff = (Player Lv - Enemy Lv) but is calculated as Enemy Lv - Player Lv.

Played far from perfectly, many units lost, some side obejctives missed.

Chapter-specific feedback

Ch3: Doesn’t seem like getting all chests is possible, unsure if intended.
Ch5: Fog or war isn’t fun. Thieves don’t have extra sight. Reinforcement warning is always appreciated.
Interlude 1: Impressed by the “scrolling” of map to simulate movement. Wish it was pointed out I could’ve seen green unit growths here.
Ch6: Cromar seems a terrible unit. Was surprised I could come and go from arena as pleased. +mov ring is awesome. Not sure why is can be sold. Does Veid have any interaction here? After clearing foes worried I softlocked map, realized it’s seize obejctive.
Ch7: typo in the final dilouge before prep screen: “With each visite.” Sleep staff for sale is cool. Only now realized fatigued units are force-benched instead of just not getting xp when edeployed. Wish it had been made clearer. When all units are able to talk to person it’s not listed as such in their info although map display works fine. Only here realized weight was holding me back from stealing weapons, thought it was items-only! Neat to have a split of indoors/outdoors on a map due to how mounted interact.
Ch9: Plot explaining why escape is actually viable was nice. Wish it was made clear I couldn’t recruit Jenny given earlier stuff.
Ch12: was cool to see wall broken before fight began.
Interlude 2: Scripted damage is amusing. Can’t say the “Twist” was a surprise. Again wish it had been pointed out I could’ve checked growths of green units.
Ch14: Is there meant to be Elfire on Shaman that can’t use it? Nice for Capture but unsure if intended. Game bugged out for me on first attempt, map wouldn’t end despite everyone escaping. Second was fine. Playable Ballista hype!
Ch17: Boro says he’ll join but isn’t in roster :frowning: Wish it was pointed out Slim Arch was added to shop by this point.
Ch18: Blade Dance OP. Curious if force-deploy would override fatigued if I had used Kwame more in previous map.
Ch19: Big map. Also enemy Myrm with Horseslayer they can’t use. Intended?
Ch21: Wondering if there was something special for keeping 3 warlords alive. Leina promoting was a surprise! Did result in bugged sprite for one turn and dismounting her though. Noticed Jerry had a talk option too. In both cases wish they were telegraphed instead of playing needing to notice.
Ch23: Side objective seemed tough. Despite that managed 3/4. Curious if the mage would’ve given a different item had I captured one instead of the other or both are same.
Ch24: Didn’t, but could’ve cheesed boss with status staves. Was surprised game didn’t finish. For that matter a pleasant surprise in plot direction. Not without hinting but not nearly as obvious as some previous points.
Ch25: Again could’ve cheesed. Concerned about fatigue, relieved to see it restored. Was worried map didn’t end on boss kill. Objective should be changed to route. I really liked the “global enemy buff” although wish it was still telegraphed past turn 4 instead of player needing to check.

Crit damage formula change wasn’t mentioned in guide.
Final team. (re used them all in ch25) Several other units could’ve been better but died off.
Surviving cast:

Some graphical bugs

Units I found of note since getting them throughout the rest of game. (Manakete for example would’ve been here if she hadn’t died)

Noteworthy final units

Stats are after 25 though so going into 25, let alone 24 they were weaker.

Long range spam is just great. Hornet probably would’ve been better in that role but was long dead.

Evade tank taken to the extreme. 5 PCC and followup attacks being consecutive help secure kills. Even got a mov levelup!

Zykhra scroll was held by him during every deploy. Was a few cases of lacking speed but the bld was worth it. Terrible in combat but amazing utility

The “aoe” heal was useful throughout. She wasn’t too good in combat though until second promotion. Since then, my strongest unit. Only gave her the skill from item on final chapter actually.

Cool personal. Initially struggled to double or kills foe with high hp% but was always a reliable finisher. After promoting at 20 become very solid for last few chapters. 4 vgr is relatively high too, and they also got nice def/res.


Hi, absolutely love the game so far, characters are fun and unique, love how bows r super useful, but i have a weird glitch thats preventing me from continuing. In Ch9, i’ve escaped with everyone, but never got the textbox asking if i wanted to escape and leave everyone leftove r behind. Loewe just said his escape line and left, leaving a map just filled with enemies, and no allies, as they’d all escaped. There doesnt seem to be any way to continue. Loewe was holding a rescued character at the time, but other than that I can’t think what would cause it.

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That likely was the cause, I expect. Sorry for that bug; I think I’ve fixed it on the current patch I’m working on, but it has a ton of other changes, so I don’t really want to push it yet. You should be fine so long as you don’t escape while rescuing a unit with a lord. Sorry for the inconvenience, I’ll add it to the list of Known Issues for now.


ahh nws! will just redo the chapter, in the future i’ll make save states. the hacks been incredible otherwise. :))

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Wait how’d you get Cromar in the arena? It should be locked right?

If you kill the pirate and speak to Cromar using his girlfriend, you get him too. After that, simply enter the arena with Cromar.

Ah ok. I did the arena, got the ring and recruited him that way so the arena was blicked off by the time he was playable

Bug report: I’m in chapter 16. Looks like Kofi isnt getting any experience. Also seems like experience in general is weird. My promoted unit kills someone and gets 1 exp. Gets attacked and dodges it and gets like 10 exp

Most of this sounds intended, except the dodging part (look in the Guide for the exp formula). Never seen this happen, I can look into it but the current patch I’m working on doesn’t have the issue.

Are you sure it isn’t because he’s fatigated? Characters stop getting experience after they surpass their stamina limits, maybe Kofi was at the limit and doing anything reached her limit?

Just unlocked him this chapter so unless he joins fatigued, he should be fine. I have dealt with the fatigued units before but he’s fresh out of the gate

Edit: seems like he only gets exp on kills. I have a screen recording but its not letting me load it

If that is the case, then it is the correct behavior. He is promoted aka high enough level to not get much from generic enemies, and the minimum exp for a kill is existent while the minimum exp for a hit is not.


Ok that makes sense then. Thanks for explaining!

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Clearly, the most important feedback to respond to

The myrmidon in C19 is supposed to have a Horseslayer. It’s an intentional reference to an enemy myrmidon in FE7 erroneously given a Horseslayer instead of a Longsword. (A horseslaying sword wouldn’t do anything in C19 either, as you’re dismounted anyway.)


Filone was able to kill Colosus in ch16. I think im in love

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