FE7Lex v1.5 Released! (31 chapters so far)

You’re welcome :+1:
Cool cool :sunglasses: Take the time you need, I know how important it is to make sure to not overwhelm oneself. I always remember what Miyamoto said “A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.”

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How dynamic mode work exactly?

Hey just downloaded and started to play. Congrats on this build, it’s really fun, I hope you get to finish it.

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“Like Random, but it applies a rubberbanding effect to the growth rate. If a unit fails to increase a stat on level-up, next level-up that stat will have a higher effective growth rate.”

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Loving the game so far, playing on hard, But I have some questions. Are the gaiden requirements the same as the og game? Also, I’m just a little bit disappointed in terms of the deployment spots, if there’s one big criticism I have of fe7 is the low deployment spaces it gives to you, I much rather have the difficult enhanced by enemy density and stats than be limited in deployment. I hope you consider that as a possible change.

Also, and forgive me if that was answered before, I tried to search but searching “will” … will do no good. Is it normal for Will to lose his +1 to bow range skill after some time? I dont know if it was after hi leveled up to lv 7 or if it’s some bug.

The Wil thing must be a bug, I’ll look into it. When I release the next version, many bugs will be squashed. He is only supposed to lose Bow Range+ if he learns Bow Range++.

Gaiden requirements vary and are usually explicitly listed. Several gaiden chapters have been made into main story chapters, such as Badon. The one that pops into my head that’s definitely different is that there’s no need to level Nils to a certain level in Lyn’s story to unlock later gaidens.

FE7’s removal of deployment slots in harder difficulties is not to my tastes either. I’ll have to decide later whether it’s worth it to rebalance the chapters for an option to have full deployment on harder modes.

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Could the missing bow range be connected at all to the missing personal skills when being revived after Lyn’s story?
I know we’ve seen Dorcas missing his prf because of that on the discord.

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I selected the custom option of having stat boosters be held instead of used, but I didn`t took into account that it would one or the other, I thought you could still use them once if you decided to do so, I feel like, if possible, that would be the best of both worlds. Also, I think that, because of that choice, torches now also cant be used? that makes the fog of war maps harder, cause the luminosity they provide only by holding doesn’t have a great radius.

How would stat boosters being held AND used even work?

you can held it and it will grant you the boost, but you then you can also decide to use it to permanently grant you the boost and then the item vanishes. It has been done before. Not sure in lex taliones engine, but in other hacks.

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It could easily be done, it just seems a little odd to me. But Bec might see reason to add it.

i’m at chapter 19 I think (originally 17, the one where we have to retake caelin castle). Really loving the game but I have a few more questions.

There’s a convo at the base when Dorcas inquire if he should become a knight as for Oswin advice, can we turn Dorcas into a knight?

I’m playing on hard mode and the deployment slots are really killing me, 9 slots for chapter 19? From what I recall wasn’t there 10 originally (counting the obligatory lord)? Also the enemy density doesn’t seem right, only one knight at the gate and one archer at the right side.

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Wow, what an interesting idea to have toggleable options between the vanilla game, and modern systems/custom changes. Aside from the obvious like finishing the rest of the chapters, are there plans to add anything else? Maybe a playable Mark?

Edit: Ah, I see now that Mark has already been brought up in a previous comment. My bad!


Yep, you can make Dorcas into a knight based on what you say in that conversation.

I did forget one deployment slot on that map, thanks for pointing this out. I will check all of the slots and make sure that hard is the same as vanilla Hector hard mode on the other maps just to be safe.

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Like you said, playable Mark is planned but will require a major rewrite and rebalance. It’s likely to be a feature that is added later on once more chapters are done.

Let me know if you get any ideas for more game rule options. If I like the suggestion I’ll try to implement it. There’s going to be another update within a week (compatible with existing saves) with a bunch of bug fixes and an additional chapter.


heh, that`s very cool and actually makes a lot of sense that he would consider it. I’m really enjoying the extra bits of interaction and lore on the convos you made, really neat.

I dont think this is a bug per se, more like something that hasn’t been implemented yet, but Dorcas map sprite for his berserker promo is not like the custom colored ones, just the regular blue vanilla one.

One question about the promo option, I like the custom black knight like general battle sprite, but I think it might be a bit too much for regular units like wallace and Oswin, it fits better the bosses, and the other general sprites are already among the best designes, so I don’t know, it’s a personal thing.

This might be on the spoiler territory so I’ll hide it


Do you early recruit Wallace in the arena of the badom port map? I thought it was because of the screenshot available in the previews. If so, do I have to bring Lyn to recruit him? Cause I was thinking on benching her for that map, cause she’s already at lv10 and I’d like to train some other units

Hmm. Some manner of training at the base would be nice, assuming it doesn’t have any atm (only tried a few chapters). Whether it’s Bexp or something like in Engage where units can fight for small bits of exp and support gains. It’s nice to be able to focus purely on the chapter’s objective without having to focus on training too much.

Implementing skill scrolls or other skill flexibility could be nice as well the next time you look over game balance, maybe when you tune Lunatic. Lets you have a bit more unit customization and favoritism without going as far as something like 100% reclass freedom. Keeps unit identity intact.

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The Dorcas sprite color is a bug for sure. Thanks for the report. Will be fixed in the next update.

I agree with your thoughts on the General’s battle animation. I’m planning to leave it as-is for Darin and Lundgren but change the other generals to a smaller, more generic one. I just have to get up the required energy to do it because there’s a whole lot of characters that will need specific palettes made for the new animation.

If you’re using the game rule “Early Recruitment”, arenas are changed to recruitment events instead of gambling sites. You can recruit Wallace in Badon with anyone, but Lyn’s retinue all have unique dialogue and Talk events with him on that chapter. Right now, Early Recruitment is on if you choose the Modern preset. I might change that later, not sure.

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Good thoughts. A bonus EXP system would be a good game rule option for those who don’t want to hunt down every enemy unit on every map. Non-trivial to add, but will put it on the to-do list.

Skill scrolls are already in. If you’re using Revised Loot (toggled on automatically in the Modern preset), a few chests and villages give skill scrolls. Right now only like 4 or 5 skills have scrolls, but I plan to add more in the later chapters. I would like these skills to not overlap with ones that are learned by specific classes, so likely no Sol, Luna, etc. from scrolls.

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