FE7Lex v1.5 Released! (31 chapters so far)

You don’t have to promote Wallace now if you don’t want to. However, the Knight Crest will go away after Lyn’s story if you don’t use it. You’ll get another one in part 2 of the story. (There are more later in the vanilla game, but those chapters have not been made yet.)

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Just want to say you have done an amazing job so far. No really seeing any huge bugs or noticeable issues yet. Been playing on Modern and loving the options to customize it how you want if needed.

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I have just finished lyn mode as of writing this. Over all this is honestly is great take on fe7. The only issue i encountered is slow frame rates, but i think thats on my part due too my laptop being a hunk of junk when it comes to doing anything. Keep up the great work!

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Great game you have here thanks. I love the crits animations and the voice lines added to the characters. Also just wanted to report some bugs, at this time I’m at chapter 21 and found 3 things that are: Sword Cavalier Kent lvl (10) can’t be promoted with the knight crest. On the chapter you recruit Raven the top left breakable wall stays a wall after you destroy it even thou it looks like a floor tile. Lastly on the chapter you fight Erik after the second spawn of pirates the game froze and had to restart but this only happened once in the 2 attempts I did on the map. I think it had something to do with the rain starting at the same time. Overall I love this version of FE7 and I look forward to more updates.


Glad you’re enjoying it. Thanks for the bug reports. I’ll fix these in the next update!

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Just downloaded and started playing. Fantastic work so far! Way cool to have so many options, and the game feels like replaying my childhood but better :+1: Will give more opinions when I finish. One thing I thought of, but any plans to make the nameable Tactician into a playable character? Would be a cool MyUnit like character, that you could toggle off if wanted for a more puritan feeling gameplay.


Thanks! Yes, I do plan on letting you customize the tactician as a unit in a future update. However, that’s going to require a lot of coding and rebalancing of the early chapters. Thus, I’m probably going to implement that only after I’ve finished the remaining story chapters.


You’re welcome :+1: Oh cool! That’s great to hear :blush: I completely understand though that it will take a while to implement. :sweat_smile: Coding and figuring out balancing takes time. I will look forward to this project with much interest in the mean time :sunglasses:

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Been spending the last couple days playing through it and I really enjoyed this a lot! I don’t agree with all of the decisions but for the most part, it’s been a lot of fun. There are a couple of bugs I encountered however.

  • I can’t discard consumables or send them to storage so I ran into instances where Matthew’s inventory was full and I couldn’t steal anymore
  • Angelic robe increasing HP before the map starts so I’d start the map with not full HP
  • Bartre’s skill activates after every ACTION instead of every combat so I’d try to heal him and take 3 dmg which means he can never be full hp
  • Giving Ninian items on chapter 19xx (for example, Boots) will take them away from you when she leaves (might be intentional)
  • Killer Lance has durability on the Dragon’s Gate map
  • Enemy troubadour in Dragon’s Gate has a Silence staff but only D rank staves
  • Serra’s Elimine staff is LOUD asf even with all sound effects turned down
  • I finished Dragon’s Gate and the game reset on itself going back to the start screen
    And that’s when I stopped. Just some things off the top of my head, but I still had a ton of fun. Looking forward to updates!
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Thanks for the reports, will fix these. Currently the Dragon’s Gate is the final chapter but more will be forthcoming.

Thanks for the quick reply! Glad to know that Dragon’s Gate was the final chapter and not something I did wrong. Really looking forward to playing the next update.

Updated the main file download. Compatible with existing saves. Change log:

-You can now back out of promotion menus.
-Some items in Lyn’s story will carry over to part two:

  • Knight Crest: Wallace’s inventory.
  • Energy Ring: Lyn’s inventory.
  • Body Ring: Dorcas’s inventory.
  • Angelic Robe: Florina’s inventory.

-Altered a couple loot drops to account for the above change.

Balance Changes
-Lowered Lyn’s Magic growth from 40% to 30%.
-Reduced Dorcas’s Skill buff from Improved Units:

  • Starting Skill buff 2 → 1.
  • Skill growth buff 15% → 10%.

Bug Fixes
-Added missing revised version of the Killer Lance.
-Fixed sound effect and cast animation for Fortify and Elimine.
-Fixed Kent not being able to promote as a sword cavalier.
-Fixed starting at less than full HP if traded an Angelic Robe.
-Fixed Bartre’s personal skill triggering HP loss outside of combat.
-Fixed the troubadour’s weapon rank on The Dragon’s Gate.
-Fixed broken wall on Whereabouts Unknown.
-Fixed units losing personal skills if they died in Lyn’s story.


Darn, I just got past Lyn’s story and tried to pass those items to Eliwood lol :joy: Oh well, I’ll keep that in mind for next time.

So far been liking the difficulty, and the new changes with the weapons. Had my Eliwood die to one of the pegasus knights of Ch.13 since i didn’t think it could outspeed and two shot him in one round of combat :sweat_smile:

Question with the reduction on Lyn’s magic growth. That will also affect the fixed growth rate I assume? I like playing in that mode, cause I’m weird like that haha :joy:

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If you have the skill system on, pegasus knights get darting blow at level 5. This makes them much more dangerous on the enemy phase.

I don’t think the change to Lyn’s growth rate will affect you unless you start a new game. But it will be relevant to all of the growth types you can select when you do so.

*Also, I just uploaded a hotfixed main file for a truly stupid bug that makes units who die in Lyn’s story super powerful when they rejoin. Sorry about this.

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Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention and got totally blasted lol :joy: I liked it though, makes the enemy pegasus knights a much scarier threat.

Ok, sounds good :+1: I’ll keep that in mind for future play throughs.

Keep up the good work! Been having a blast playing so far :grin:

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Thought I would be able to get through this faster, but have been more busy than I thought I would be lately. :sweat_smile: I’ll just put a few of my thoughts until I’m fully done.

Playing on Hard mode and has felt fair so far except for one thing. In Chapter 16(? I believe, it’s when you are in Laus castle with Raven) the thief reinforcements come in maybe just one turn too fast. I had to book it so fast and eventually save scum to stop them since they have such high avoid and can’t block them since they have Pass. I think just having one more turn would make it more bearable. That’s my only real complaint so far.

I really love the FE9 style main base! Intelligent systems nailed it down with this and I’m disappointed they didn’t stick with this afterwards. I get tired with 3H, Fates, and Engages Bases :sweat_smile:

I also really love that you have 3 choices for unit’s promotion! It’s fun for having extra choices like that for replayability :grin: I do have one question for the class skill you get for the second Soldier class (I forgot it’s name at the moment :sweat_smile: The one that has the tower shield, lances, and swords.) If it makes it so your opponent can’t retaliate, why give plus 3 DEF? Maybe I’m missing something? Just seems like a wonkier Wary fighter?

I’ll finish up with some other questions for more of the final build. Are you planning on multiple choices for the Lord’s promotions or going to keep them Vanilla? Would be cool to have choices on those. Are you going to reduce the rank level for the silver weapons since they are A Rank in this build? Are you thinking of doing the other GBA games after you finish this one? I would love to play the other games in this style if that’s something you would want to do.

Overall still having a great time and give more thoughts as I finish it up. Keep up the great work! :+1:

Hmm I keep getting a game crash for when Florina gets into combat. It happens randomly.

Finally finished! I was left wanting more, so hopefully I would say that’s a good sign lol. I would say 23x (The chapter before Dragon’s Gate) was harder than Dragon’s Gate. :sweat_smile: Though the Bastilla enemy was glitched and even after 5 shots, it would still keep attacking from afar. I’m guessing that shouldn’t be the case, right? Also, the boss moved and surprised attacked me as well. Was that also intentional? Also Malefic Aura was healing Nosferatu as well. It was hard having the 7 move Druid attacking me each turn with guaranteed damage, and healing :sweat_smile:

The only other glitches I had, was similar to the poster above is one time Florina caused my game to crash, or Lowen crashing multiple times. I wish I could get the logs of what it said the error was, but it closed by itself before I could get it for you :cry: It did always crash for Lowen when he was using his sword as a Centurion, and it would show no damage on the enemy before it crashed (even though should’ve taken some damage).

Overall still really enjoyed this project, and I can’t wait to play the rest! Gonna make a double post just to condense the pros and cons to make it easier to read and digest.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you’re enjoying it. I’ll fix the bugs you mentioned soon. I’m taking a dev break but plan to continue work on it shortly.

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-Many options at beginning you can chose to adjust how you want to play.
-Map sprites are cool and colorful.
-Voice lines add more oomph to story and combat.
-Weapons feel more unique and fun to play with.
-3 choices on promotion and unique quotes when promoting are fun and add more replayability.
-Base camp is great.
-Fresh feel on a classic game.
-Support system feels nice and dual guard/strike feels good.
-Bows actually feel good to use now

-Random crashes can feel frustrating unless you are saving each turn.
-Trainees feel a little too squishy and underwhelming on investment (Couldn’t even use Ana, since came in too late and would die from getting doubled from every enemy.)
-Some promoted classes might need some buffs over some that seem to outclass the rest with better promotion gains and skills (Ex. Centurion was disappointing compared to Sentinel. Valkyrie’s skill seemed a lot better than Bishops on top of having more move.)