[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

Amelia II turning out Eh? That is Amelia stepping in the footsteps of her mother :saluting_face:

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the sad part i really wanted to use her and as a holy lance but. i got so rng screwed i couldn’t. like 7 str and 10 spd. and then 9 str and 14 after early promotion

and even early promoting to maybe help her a bit didn’t turned out well

So how’s gnurr 2? i hope she’s actually a fight this time

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@DATonDemand I’m actually going to leave everything for the full ‘v1.0’ release.

Including the buffs to Gnurr! Soon enough. I don’t have a clear date, but it should not take too much days until everything’s ready and double checked for the full release of the final patch.


wanted to show my lyn how she is so far. in terms of stat boosters i used 1 statue frag, 2 Dracoplates and i think 1 or 2 seraph robes


Hello again! So I’m still working on the final v1.0 release, and this time I can say with confidence that it will be up for download this weekend. Like I said before it’s not really too much that’s left to do, mostly story/dialogue bits like the new boss quotes that’s left to implement.
Let’s say the available v0.9a right now is 90% complete, including new endings for every single playable character already up! With again the remaining 10% being story related dialogue bits.

I’ll see when I release v1.0, if I’ll also be able to have it be available in Romhacking.net too!
I’ve already made a post in their forums showcasing the hack, and it seems to be everything all right as soon as I make the full release available (for policy reasons, they don’t allow hacks that are technically betas, which the current v0.9a is).

Hope this is a cool idea, for both newcomers & veterans to FE6 to have fun with the hack. :star:

@AnneEgge I’m positively impressed that A ranks is still possible at the end, I had thought that changing FE6 so much like this would screw up the ranking system lmao.

Just to be curious, about the non A ranks you did not get Anne; does ‘Tactics’ mean turns passed, like if maybe there is some chapters that are very strict? ‘Exp’ was it because you juggernauted and the game expects Exp to be distributed more evenly across different units?
And finally what does the ‘Power’ ranking entail? I don’t even remember what this one means.
Mostly out of curiosity!

That’s that for today, again I hope everyone who’s playing the hack is having fun. :star:


hype hyep hype i am excited wooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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If I remember correctly it’s the total level of all your units

  • I assume tactics was a C because I spent some time grinding various characters at the end of some chapters.

  • I guess exp was an E because some of my units (Anastasia especially comes to mind) capped out at 20 during the final few maps, which meant overall less exp was being gained.

  • Apparently the power ranking is about how many levels the recruited and alive members of your army has gained overall. Kinda odd I got a C here and only an E in exp.


EXP checks whole army, unless you regularly rotate army members it’s almost impossible to get above D without trying.


:tada: !COMPLETE V1.0 OUT! :tada:



This encompasses all updates from v0.9a to v1.0:

  • Every story bit, including supports, is now at last fully complete!

  • All of the new boss dialogue quotes have also been fully implemented.

  • Gnurr is more challenging: both her Speed and her Luck received a significant buff, and her personal weapon is now 1-2 range.

  • Performed a final double check on units in all chapters to improve starting positions etc.

  • Fixed all anti-cavalier weapons so they work properly against Scouters.

  • Fixed some of the new class cards so they have the correct borders.

  • Cleaned up the internal code in some battle animations.

  • Implemented the alternate colors of villagers’ portraits.

  • Fixed the music tracks in some chapters’ events.

  • Updated all readmes with more information.

  • A new title screen has been implemented!

  • Fixed typos.

At last, the final, full version of Lyn’s Bizarre Adventure, is out!

Cheers everyone, and I really hope y’all enjoy. :star:


I think the Excel is a nightmare to use. I cannot just do something like search document for “X” to see if “X” is needed in any chapter further on. I think sorting it by chapter is rather clunky.

Like Florina died but I cannot easily tell if Florina is used. I need to go through each chapter to see if she is needed for any recruit. (I know some programs can search the entire set of sheets, but not all can, which I think is important to make sure it is accessible.)
I think the simplest thing to do would be a “Needed for 100% stat” like where you point the last chapter for which she is needed for 100%. be it an exclusive recruit or Gaiden. Thus I can know if I miss out on anything if she dies.


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By the way. Why is the Support Convos page empty? That is probably a bug but I just wanted to read some supports but I cannot find any!
(So far didn’t encounter any in game, although that could be coincidence. But there is a possibility I guess for the support system being broken.)


About the Excel file, it’s already very cleaned up! The best that it can be to help out separating the tabs by each chapter to avoid spoilers. Otherwise it will end up being even more difficult to navigate. If it helps, the first mirror link that goes to Dropbox can actually read the Excel file itself!

And about the Support Convos page in FEBuilder, that’s actually how it is even in vanilla FE6! No matter if you use the vanilla translation, or even the original JP FE6, that’s actually a known false positive that only happens when using FEBuilder to work in FE6. But again, all supports conversations work ingame, including the support bonuses and finally Lyn’s paired endings.

(A little update! That tab does work in FEBuilder when using the original JP FE6 lol. What it is then is a false positive from the translation patch that was used as a base to make this hack. I believe this is because in the translation patch [as well as this one!], there is a Support Convo viewer available when you finish the game for the first time ingame. So that made this false positive in FEBuilder, but again, it’s only a problem when you try to edit the hack, because the supports convos, bonuses and paired endings for Lyn still work in game)

No problems!


And yeah. I guess it works on a certain program.
By the way, I just started the hack, although honestly I may bounce off it. I guess it is me not being the biggest FE6 fan. Like I did indeed play through FE6 but I dunno, I guess it didn’t fully “click” yet. But that may still very well change. I mean, many FE games recently didn’t click for me.

But I did read the Kaari X Amelia II support in the data of the game. Especially that epic lowen reference due to her being based on a sprite edit of female Lowen. And Rolf bonking Amelia II is funny.
Honestly. I sorta want to do a recording of the Kaari and Amelia II support. Like it is a personal highlight for me and I guess it count as “Advertisement.” Like I promote a support chain I liked from this game. Considering I work on the realization of the prequel as a full FE Game, I think doing some advertisemnt is probably fine.

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I would love it! And yeah we’re kinda doing the same thing as the official FE6/FE7, where I finished the FE6 hack first before your full version of FE7’s is still complete, so there might be some continuity errors even in here lmao.

But again, all good, and I’m still glad you liked it Tritra. :star:


for some reason windows defender is saying the 1.0 file is a trojan and refuses to download it i was able to download the previous version just fine so not sure the issue is

Yeah. There are going to be continuity errors. But since lords can die in the final chapter of my hack. I guess the canon ending will be “All the lords die but Amlia, Rolf, Tyche, Mina, Abiba finish off the final villains.” But I would not say they are connected per say. Since in my FE7 world the scouring probably did not happen. Like dragons just casually exist, they are just rare. And legendary weapons work differently, being part weapons while S rank weapons are just rare. But I guess the scouring could have happened, they just didn’t care in FE7. Like there could be a difference between Manaketes and dragons.

But yeah, I feel like I happily contradict this game. Like they probably take place in different worlds and the counterparts or sequels just… Exist lol. Just how Tharja exists despite being an awakening character.

Or since the ending will be super strange maybe it will work out.

So I guess sorta like FE6/7 in canon, lol. Let’s give the armads a cool curse for Hector to take! Even tho it didn’t exist in FE6!

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@Space_pyro That’s strange, it’s 100% a false positive, as otherwise if the files were infected, they would not be allowed in the two download sites I’ve put up as mirror links.

I’ve even just tested downloading from the two links, then ran a quick scan with windows security.
‘0 threats found’, all good based on the reports.


it’s being labeled as Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml which seems to be a common false positive based some google searchs. i went and downloaded some other romhacks from here to see if was seeing all ups files as trojans but no only yours is being labeled as one. just to be clear i’m not accusing of uploading a virus just trying to find why windows hates you particularly