[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

Oh this is just showing funny miss animation because striker has funny miss animations


You’re right, no problems at all lol.

Hope that you’re enjoying the hack so far btw. :star:

I have some very funny miss animations of someone “dodging” striker


Proposition to buff gnurr as a boss:
25 spd 25 luck, gullin katti now 1-2 range


@DATonDemand Sure thing! I was actually thinking that Gnurr really should look faster.

25 Luck is excellent for avoid. As for 25 Spd, would it be okay if it was 20 Spd instead?
It’s still far higher than the current 14 Spd, and together with the 25 Luck as well as the throne boost, will end up giving her a crazy avoid.

Same with the Gullin Katti, I’ll give it the Eckesachs animations when attacking at range!


(Post must be at least 5 characters)


Out of curiosity which supports were already made?

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@Shamiyama I’d say about half of them were already completely rewritten.

The other half have mostly vanilla text, at least fixed so their names are properly pronounced.

I’m still working on what to best write on them, and together with the new boss quotes that’s left to implement, they’ll be up in the full ‘v1.0’ release.

I was thinking of making one last update in v0.9, but since all game freezing/crashing bugs seems to be already found and fixed, I’ll just jump straight to v1.0. Soon. :star:


thank you and hyyyyyyyyyyyyyype!!!

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Nice. Seems like I will finally do a “Grinding supports in GBA FE” thing.
Something I only really did for Joshua/Natasha and Erika/Seth in my first FE8 run.
Especially looking forward to seeing what the supports of my characters have in store.

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I always support grind Roy/Wolt because it gives wolt power and gives roy defenses to actually fight


my raiden becoming a boss killer even killing swordmaster bosses pffffffffffffffffff. I love it.

Castene, Nix, Tharja, Raiden, Denalia and Vaneese are my mvps so far.


Nice to hear that nix is performing well.

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By the way, what recruitments are different and are there any garden requirements that are different. I think a “Recruitment guide” and “Garden guide” but with accurate names could be useful.

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There is an excel sheet with the download link where it says on which chapter xou get units and with who you need to talk with.

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Neat. I would still like a “Gaiden Requirement” list so I know who needs to stay alive and such. Without translating who is who. Especially the Sacae and not Sacae trio.

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Ah, in the same excel sheet that Shamiyama mentioned (UNIT-RECRUIT), besides the recruitment guide (separated by tabs for each chapter), there is also already at the end, one tab for the Gaiden chapter requirements, as well as a final tab to even show the Support pairings. :star:

Only thing that’s left really is some place to put the units that influence the route split following the end of Ch. 16/x. I think I’ll put their explanation in the end of the UNIT-RECRUIT as well.

Quick Route Split Guide
  • Ilia Route: Hekabe & Paldea must have gained more exp than Hector & Edana.

  • Sacae Route: Hector & Edana must have gained more exp than Hekabe & Paldea.


Just some units i use very often and love :3

also raiden is legit my boss killer if i can’t do anything with anyone else XD

Also this is beginning of chapter 14x


Man. My units really didn’t have the best run huh. So far only Orva seems to have some love. My epic run will prove justice to my silly guys! (A lot of them will probably die☹️, as I will only like reset for units it I need them for the good ending or they are the refresher.)

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to be honest i had many units who i wanted to use who became eeeeeh. Amelia II, Florina, Spinner to name a few because they got rng screwed a lot.