[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

@Shamiyama Correct! Not all of them, but a good number.

One that’s guaranteed: the northwest village in Chapter 02 that gives an Armorslayer in vanilla, but since Hekabe will already have one in her inventory, I’ll change it to give the new Zanbato instead.

The rest I’ll still need to overview, but that’s already one example to keep in mind at least.


Nice nice! Also uuuh will you make light magic more avaiable aka be avaiable in shops since in fe6 it takes a long time you can buy new light magic tomes


Oh yeah what game modes will the final version have? Like is there only normal and hard mode or more?

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The vanilla Normal and Hard modes at start, then the Trial Maps once you complete the game.

Basically same as vanilla. I’ll see if everything will work correctly at release.

Oh and I’ll also update all the armories/shops 100%, like you asked about earlier. :star:


Bless your soul

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Hello again everyone.

So I’ve come to announce that, within the next day or so I believe, I’ll upload a full gameplay video showcasing the first chapter! I’ve already made good progress on palettes and items etc for it to happen!

It will feature new dialogue in the chapter too, but lemme explain something about it quickly;

A01a - Lyn Default

This is Lyn’s final portrait, and as you can see it’s edited to conform to FE6’s Dialogue.
The first thing is that it has no blinking frames, which I already knew of it was like that in FE6 so no biggie, but the second thing is the mouth frames; both the normal and smile talking frames are in vertical order, instead of the horizontal order that you see in basically all other portraits, even the custom ones from here, meant to conform to FE7/FE8’s Dialogue. And another thing is that there’s only one extra closed mouth frame available, this is because the main full portrait is also the one from the status screen, while the separate closed mouth is for dialogue only (you know Lilina/Shanna/Larum’s open mouth on status screen? That’s why).

Just wanted to talk about how FE6 portraits work, and I already made the edits to all other ones!
And I also fully understood how FE6’s dialogue works internally, so I’m ready to write story bits too.

That’s all. I’ve recently had to update my Youtube account, I’ll upload the gameplay video when it’s ready.

Cheers. :star:


Sorry if this is out of the blue, but can you change Miyashi’s portrait to this one by A_Working_Man?
(It 3, almost 4 AM where I’m living, the fuck am I doing)
{A_Working_Man} OC 1.png

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@ColeTheOne No problem!

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Does this mean that the fe6 portraits I submitted in the fe7 PME might have issues there?

AFAIR I double-checked all portraits before the first release and edited almost all of them to fix issues or even update the colors etc. But, if you mean importing FE6 portraits directly, then that would have issues, for example the talking frames as they have different alignment.

But again, nothing serious from the top of my head.


—DEV LOG #03
:tada: !This Time, With A Gameplay Video! :tada:

So here it is, the very first gameplay recording! It showcases Ch 01 on Hard, with good progress so far.

One thing as you can see; Zuiho II (hope you like the II in Zuiho’s name Tritra!) does have her Markov tome, and based on the submissions of other characters, I’ve decided to create what’s basically A Rank replicas of the Legendary Weapons. Lemme explain:

They’ll basically be premium Silver Weapons/A Tomes, with slightly better stats. And everyone who choose a legendary on it’s character will have their ‘replica’ instead. I did this because of the big importance the Legendary Weapons has in the story, so hope this is a really creative way of implementing them!

And that’s all for now. Hope y’all enjoy the video. Cheers. :star:


Cool! So now you do the same things i do. Releasing progress videos of the game as you go.


It is beautiful


What’s the name of the music used at 20:24?
I remember the music itself but not the title :sweat_smile:

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That’s the 2nd Battle Theme from Lufia II!

The conversion is by SaXor_the_Nobody.


I also find it cool how “Markov” became an A rank tome. Like… Zuiho II didn’t just take the Markov tome she made it into a better tome. One less focused on crit but instead being a tome that is focused on being good. She is someone who lives up to Zuiho not by copying her Refresher utility but providing her own utility.
I hope she will be a neat jagen having a “Chip damage”, “Heavy damage” and “Heal” weapon to provide three types of contributions, be it training via chip, defeating key threats of healing allies.
I sure do hope she doesn’t fall off her horse. (That must hurt.)


Not too sure I expected Kiko to be the tank for the chapter. Hah.


I’m honestly very curious about the classes base stats cause a lot of classes are very similar. How they are different from their counterparts.

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Truth be told, since I need to respect the 40-46 bases of classes, a few are quite similar to others.
This is something that I’ll need to look little by little as I keep working on.

Here’s at the very least, the class bases of the male infantry swords:
(Remember that female classes have the same adjustments as my FE7 PME)

Mercenary: HP: 19 Pow: 04 Skl: 05 Spd: 07: Def: 03 Res: 00 Con: 08
Myrmidon: HP: 18 Pow: 03 Skl: 07 Spd: 08: Def: 03 Res: 00 Con: 07
Vandal: HP: 17 Pow: 03 Skl: 07 Spd: 09: Def: 01 Res: 03 Con: 06

Things like personal bases and HMBs will have an obvious impact too.

Hope this is a good way to have an idea of the other classes. Their stats are ones that will make sense; armors will have high defense, light magic users will have high resistance, what is expected.


I find it kinda odd that Myrms have the same defense as mercenaries, especially when looking at the hp stats being 19, 18, and 17 (Merc,Merm,Vand), the speed stats being 7,8, and 9, and the con stats being 8,7, and 6.