FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Speaking of gaps, would probably be a good idea to keep track of how many axe anims have magic axes enabled. It’s a weird issue in that only some of the newer axe anims do, aiming for at least all the vanilla axe anims would be good.


Funny you mention that. From what I can recall, only Hawkeye has Magic Axe listed as an attack type. Him, and possibly one random Brigand. I’m also fairly certain there are about a dozen unmarked animations that also have Magic Axes enabled, but for the life of me I can’t remember what they are.

Definitely something to add to ‘the list’.


post 2000 is all mine hahAAAAAA

Wanted to give a PSA, the Snow Village tileset is currently broken. I’m working on a fix because that’s more up my alley than a lance animation that I know will turn out shit, but it will take me quite a while to diagnose this one - there’s a lot to unpack.
First was this posted in Cartography, which pointed out that the houses and bridges broke because they were using the 0th palette. Was a bit of a long fix thats an hour of my life i’ll never get back, but I then ran into another issue.
I’d put the bongosmash emote but this ain’t discord

I’m gonna try salvaging it further because the tileset’s actually really pretty, although I’m concerned that I’ll be tired of existence by the end of it. If classwork, work and the previous animation didn’t already make me.


I am sorry to read this. It must have been really hard to work these problems up… I haven’t noticed those problems because I haven’t began to work with my map with this tileset until now. I never knew that the 0th palette cannot be used for tilesets. But after seeing some other tileset having a black 0th palette, it makes sense. If there is anything left I can help you with just let my know. I feel a little bad to read that you worked so hard to get this working. So if there is something, just say so.

It’s fine, I’ve dealt with worse. Like history exams. Or my brothers.

It might take me a while, though, to handle this…

Well I know what you saying. Math exams for example are my weakpoint. I am just saying. If I can help, just let me know :wink:

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Uhh Zora, my updated village has already got the bridge palette fixed (with moving water underneath), and corrected cliffs. All while using Nathan’s lovely winter palette adapted for all the new stuff I added.


Oh, where did you post that? I can’t remember seeing that from you. It looks very good.

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Thanks! It’s up at post 1889 in this thread, also includes several more palette variants, and updated animation files!

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Ah, now I remember. Thank you. This will also help me :smile:

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thank u n426


history exams r fun doe



I feel that for the baron there could be a bit less downtime between preparing to do the spin and actually doing it, to make an almost smooth feel ala vanilla GBAFE Generals, similar to the second spin on the sword critical here, except it’s just the lean back into the spin. You could probably mirror the frame data on it too.
Sword gif


Oh, the delay is intentional! It’s meant to correspond with the same delay for the spin that the Baron does during the crit animation for the Lance, in which there is a noticeable delay between winding up and spinning. You can see it here: armm_sp1
Although, there is significantly less delay between the windup and the spin for the javelin crit animation, if that makes you happy!

And unfortunately, no, I can’t mirror the frame data, since the Baron doesn’t have a front spin, only a back spin. But I’ll find out if I could perhaps edit it to match it, it may take a while though.

But thank you for the feedback! I actually had multiple versions of the sword and axe spin, which had different spin trails. They looked… really rough, but thankfully I was able to improve and finish off with what you see now.


Interesting you say that. I only saw the animations that you had in the original post on Emblem Anims (or rather, only looked at those.) I decided to quickly toss something together just for example’s sake
Top being my quicker critical vers. It looks really… stiff… for the sword to be hend at such an angle for such a long time. Although it is pretty shifty bc i had to throw it together in like 10 mins due to classwork (Changed initial ‘hold’ frame to 8 frames, and after spin holding frame to 12, instead of 32 and 24, respectively)

and now i disappear into the mist



Ye olde Klok remix.

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Is there any way we can stay up to date on your progress improving the repo or is that too much work?

That actually looks pretty sick.