FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

time to make a hack and use it to prove sme wrong


Should we try to add extra variants to the repo, not just male and female versions, but like female hooded mages or hoodless druids for example? Or maybe make a female variant of Flasuban’s improved brigand sprite?

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I’ve been pretty busy the last couple days, had to pause my work on the repo sprite lists.

To answer your question is a bit complicated. After talking to other people on the repo discord server, I’ve come up with what should be a solid plan.

First, we need to establish high-tier, high-quality “baseline animations”. We do this by looking at animations in groups based on their original… their original… archetype? As an example:

These are all of the Fighter-type animations. What you will notice is that they are actually all basically complete. None of them are missing unarmed animations, nor are any of them really super standout, except for that one near the bottom, the “fighter plus swords” animation.

This animation is literally just the vanilla FEGBA fighter, but Vilkalizer made an additional set of swords for them.

So, what we want to do is treat this animation as the “baseline standard.” We want to ‘uplift’ all of the other fighters to its level (or at least the high-quality ones) by giving them matching sword animations. At the very least, the absolute minimum, we want to do this for the basic female fighter so that if someone does want to use a Fighter with swords, they can do so for the male and female alike.

In this way, all of the Fighters in the repo, or at least the top-tier ones like the FE9 Fighter, will have excellent, complete animations for developers to pick from.

Let’s try another example, because this one is more complex and interesting.

Here, we have all of the Berserkers. These work as a better example because they are more scattered and with varying quality.

We want to start by choosing a high quality animation with lots of weapon types as the baseline. I will choose the Hawkzerker for a few reasons. The first is because it’s relatively generic. If we were to choose something like the Dozla-zerker, it wouldn’t see much use in fangames because the animation is so very character-specific. Hawkzerker is not only more generic, and thus more broadly applicable, but it’s also a higher-quality animation than the basic Berserker.


Normal Berserker:

Please also note the Yetizerker, which is an updated Normalzerker:

And also note the Derzerker, which is based off the Dozlazerker. I quite like it too!

Anyway, if we look at the Hawkzerker, it has a bunch of animations available, making it a good starting point.

However, the Hawkzerker does not have a Bow animation, while the ‘Barbarian’ animation does: (Made by Orihara_Saki, it’s literally Hawkeye but without his ponytail)

So we want to give the Hawkzerker this bow animation to even out the weapons.

Then, from there, because we now have a fully realized Berserker with all of the available weapon types formatted, we want to first ensure gender equality. We have a range of female Berserkers we can choose to ‘uplift’ to the newly-improved Hawkzerker’s level, giving them their missing weapon types.

Armored Berserker F, by Skitty and eCut:

Female Hawkzerker, by Pikmin and Maiser6:

The FEGirls Berserker, AKA the ‘Tittyzerker’ with bouncing boobs:

The Skinnyzerker, which is labeled as Female but looks fairly ambiguous, by Maiser6 and Zomaxiee:

Of these, the Skinnyzerker is a bit awkward, decently low quality. The FEGirls berserker is… is fine, I guess. I would recommend either the Armored Berserker F, or the Hawkzerker F.

So, let’s just say the Hawkzerker F. Once we make that choice, we then proceed by giving that animation the same treatment as the normal Hawkzerker. We not only make her a Bow animation, but also a Lance animation, which she lacks but the normal Hawkzerker does not.

And finally, once we have a fully uplifted male and female Hawkzerker, we can then move on to uplifting other high quality berserkers, such as normal Hawkeye, the normal Berserkers, Fargux, Dozla, and so on, and so on…



This is the process I am advocating. We create strong baseline animations within a class archetype, then we ‘uplift’ other high quality animations to that level.

As of now, Mysterious Dancer is uplifting the Salvaged Mercenary by giving it a Very Big Sword.

And here you can see he took the idea from an existing Mercenary animation that had the same big sword.

JJ09 also uplifted the Harbinger by giving it the same lance attack as the female Harbinger.

However, I would advise everyone to hold off on making animations just yet. If you rush in now, you’ll likely end up duplicating other people’s work and end up with 2+ of the same animation.

I haven’t yet finished this project, let alone gotten half of it done. Rushing in now will make things confusing. If anyone wants to help, I can DM you a link to the repository discord and add you. But for now, it will be a week or two, probably, before I finish the Big Fucking Sprite Sheets which will serve as bases for the Uplifting Project.

Anyway, there you have it. That’s the general idea. I’ll post more on this in the future… you just have to be a little patient with slow, cranky, Grandfather Klok.


I understand you might wanna make a base animation for all the others to follow, I was just trying to give you some ideas once that is done, as I do eventually wanna see every sprite have all the same variations to one another, as both male and female, and all extra weapon animations, etc. This does sound like a big project, and it’s gonna take a while to get these things done, but hopefully we can all have a better repo in the future with many more animations for existing sprites.

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I did make a sword derzerker that someone can modify and make better if they want. I would but I’m way too busy now.

I’d be more than happy to make the Barbarian with a bow into the Hawkzerker model, as the guy who gave it Lances. Since it’s just a basic model change, and not an entirely new animation, I’m confident it shouldn’t be an issue. it’d also solve an issue with my character chart

Slight aside, I still love my Lancezerk, it’s probably the dumbest concept I’ve ever created but it’s just so sweet.


Ive actually started the bow hawkzerker. May take me a couple more days, but it will be done soon.

But as Klok said, I won’t be doing anymore after this one. We should wait until he make sometime of doc showing what needs to be done.


In my opinion, if people are going to be taking the time to add new Berserker animations, the baseline should be from the Yetizerker. The normal berserker animation is so terrible due to its lack of transition frames. I’m pretty sure the attack is actually just two frames long? Why should we ever treat that as a proper baseline to build everything else off of when we have a much better and smoother animation available? I know it would be a lot of work to update existing animations based off the normal berserker to have that level of smoothness, but what you’re already asking people to do is a lot of work to begin with, so we may as well go the extra mile and update them to look better too. Not everyone is going to want to use Hawkzerker.

Your Lancezerker is badass.

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Yeah? That’s… pretty much what I said. Even then, Hawkzerker > Yetizerker. They’re fundamentally different animations, IMO, but Hawkzerker is just so much smoother and much more interesting to look at.

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Let people make what they want to make.


(as long as it follows the site’s rules)

Yes. Nothing inappropriate, obviously. But placing limits or discouraging people from making or submitting animations because they don’t use the preferred “baseline” is silly and needlessly limiting.

We should be fostering a community where people can be creative and submit what they’d like without having to worry if they’re using what a few people label as “preferred”. I like the OG berserker because it is very vanilla GBA and has that choppiness I find charming. It may not be “Better” but stylistically there are multiple approaches that you can take.

We should be grateful anyone wants to take time to make any F2U animations for the community. I am grateful to all creators regardless of what they use or the quality. It’s amazing we have this and we shouldn’t over engineer the process.

If people want to focus on specific projects, then sure, that sounds like a nice initiative, but limits are not a good idea, and stack ranking peoples’ animations to determine what is “preferred” will not create good feelings or foster the environment we should be.


alternatively, if you do want to make some sort of animation project, anyone is welcome to make a thread for that separate from this one

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And in my case, I disagree because I like the huge overhead slam that the vanilla berserker has and then is cleaned up with the Yetizerker, as compared to the Hawkzerker. Hawk is not bad or anything, but it feels a bit too reserved and controlled for a “berserker” compared to just slamming an axe.

I think Pandan has a point though. It’s very hard to say who should be deciding what sprites are the baseline, or if we should be declaring a baseline at all. I totally understand the point of this initiative, because it does suck to find a great animation but see that it’s missing some weapon type or gender that you were really hoping for. Instead of baselines, though, maybe we just use the images as templates for what animations have holes and leave it at that for people to address as they desire, without any sort of “start here” baseline.

Also, this whole project might be a better fit for a new thread, since trying to run it inside this already huge Repo thread might not be great amidst all the other posts.


I agree - we shouldn’t say “you can’t submit to the repo unless it’s X”, but if a group of animators are interested in this initiative, they should take it on.

My issue isn’t the idea itself, but rather the potential of restricting what goes into the repo for it. It should be an add on, and an additional initiaitve surrounding filling out gaps is great if people want to take it on. But if people want to make a bunch of similar anims that don’t fill in these gaps, then they should be allowed to submit and share if that’s what they want to work on.

All in all, it should be fun.


Sounds good, although there’s no way I could just drop what I’m doing and wait a week to make more stuff. Making things is pretty much my only pastime nowadays.


So, nothing you’ve said was what I said. You’re putting words into my mouth I never once uttered. Fairly disingenuous. This is about bridging gaps, not limiting what people submit. Not once did I ever say that, and I don’t appreciate the twisting of my intentions.

Yeah, and this is perfectly fine. I never once said ‘don’t submit things that don’t conform to this project.’ I only said, “don’t jump the gun and start submitting for this project just yet, otherwise people are probably going to end up duplicating their efforts.”


That’s my fault - I misunderstood your intent based on how I read it.



Two things, first if anyone does feel like adding to the project then it might be interesting to just bring it up here that we’re working on a prototype, so if someone else has something we can either piggyback off their current work or give concepts to theirs. Yknow, cooperation and all that. says the guy that hates social interaction I mostly say that because I’m certain people that are similar to me can’t help themselves when they get a cool idea, and immediately go to do whatever it is that they’re interested in.

speaking of doing stuff on impulse, lance boye in progress, might take till sunday thou