FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Ya’ll move fast even when things seem to be moving slow. We’re up to date again with:

Horserker by Jo @JonoTheRed

Ruin by @Orihara_Saki

And all those FF spells by St jack from this post in the Spell thread: Spell Animation Archive/Let's Have More of Them Project.

Also includes @Raspberry’s Lance fix for Arbalest and the fix to the Lance Valkyrie by Memai (who is now properly credited! Wooh! Thanks @7743)

Also, I’ve begun dual-tagging Anima magic with Anima and the element (Fire/Thunder/Water/etc). This conversion won’t all happen overnight, but eventually they’ll all have both Anima and Element markers to make searching and sorting easier.

That is all.


Hey, I’m the original creator of the anim - thanks for making the disarmed part of the animation for me that I was uuuuh…too lazy to do earlier.

In regards to this fix and the other frame you want to fix - I’m actually super confused because neither of those issues are in my copy of the animation. It could be that the one in the repository is broken, or maybe your insertion method - particularly, the piercing frame definitely didn’t look like that in my version.

If you’d like copies of the non-broken frames I’ll be happy to help, although I don’t plan on updating the anim to make it better in the future since SoA is moving to a new engine.


except for the xna version right

@shin19 Sorry if i may asked it similar before, but since that has been a while still, so i’m not sure if it was the clear right answer. What caused it to have that ‘screen stretch’ command doing there of my magic spell animations and flatting frames? It’s not just the resolution that’s lowered, when in-game they look worse when import them in the rom.


Thank you so much for posting here and making the animation! I really like your work!

Since the version in the repository seems to be broken those copies of non-broken frames sound really useful. I am honestly just a beginner but I will do what I can to fix the version in the repository.

Aaah, I’m glad to hear you like my stuff! I still consider myself an amateur but any praise means a lot, so thanks.

This link is to a zip with all the individual frames of the original animation as well as the scripts - if it still has any problems or issues, please let me know and I’ll probably try and fix it when zim lets me out of the prison cell


I’m confused: doesn’t XNA just use a converter from GBA formatted anims?

That it does! But thanks to XNA working how it does, there’s no OAM limit, meaning that we can do a lot more with animations - which means large Anims like Arbalist can become smoother and I can get more creative with larger anims, which otherwise would break in GBA. Arbalist is a bit choppy, but I’ve remade it for XNA to be smoother.

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hm, no idea. I don’t modify the spells (or anything) at all other than running them through FEB, so my first guess for any decrease in quality would be from FEB. It looks like you normally export with FEB, though, so I assume that isn’t an issue.

@7743 any ideas that could be FEBuilder related?

Other than that, I’ll redownload your original and do some digging.

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Plus he got a magic stick


There are two SpellAnime Engines in GBAFE.
FEditorAdv engine and CSACreator.
FEditorAdv has only half the vertical size of the image available for BG.
Height: 160/2 = 80dot

FEditorAdv stores 80 dots vertically.
In actual battle, this is stretched vertically and displayed.

CSACreator operates in the mode of Height: 160.
If you use the compatibility mode of CSACreator, it will be the same method as this operation.

FEBuilderGBA allows you to import into FEditorAdv Engine even animations made for CSAcreator.
If the image is 160 dots vertically, it is realized by storing it down to 80 dots.

If you are using the FEditorAdv Engine and import an image of 160 dots vertically and then export, you will get an image that has been reduced to 80 dots vertically.

//The performance seems to be better with CSACreator, but I think the FEditorAdv Engine is more stable.
//For example, if you set multiple images after the miss-Terminate, there is a reduction that freezes when attacking with Hero or Sniper. :frowning:
//(This is a problem that occurred in the version ported to FE8J, and it is not known yet whether it will occur in FE8U.)
//If you are interested, have a look at NGMation’s Discord.


The forward dodge freezing was an issue that was fixed for the FE8U version of CSACreator.


I’m only 2 frames in and I’m already dead. I have no idea how y’all do it.

I see.
We have to port FE8J again.

What it is is a simple hook in an AP loading routine, and that’s where it gets stuck in an infinite loop. My logic basically was
if stuck
make not stuck
There’s probably a more elegant solution but eh it works. I don’t think it would be at all difficult to adapt.

This problem also seems to occur with CSA Creator v1.1.
I have only tried it on the FE8J, so I still don’t know if there is a problem with the FE8U.

So, I accidentally had the FEditor CSA engine on in FEB. Wooops.

Since this was affecting the quality of all of the new CSA-engine-created spells, I downloaded all of them again and sent them through properly. No more distorted images. My styling isn’t updated yet, so many won’t display properly on the site tonight, but the data is good (which is the most important thing).

For anyone who has downloaded these from the repo, I’d recommend redownloading them in whatever way you prefer and reinserting them (with the proper CSA engine installed). Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.

Did you try to edit the patch for FE8J? The patch is only for FE8U.