FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

yeah there is don’t worry

I will probably limit the site to Animations, Map Sprites, and maybe class cards as well. These are all tied very closely together and it makes sense to bundle them together. Skill animations probably make sense to add, too, if I can display them as gifs in a similar fashion. Haven’t researched those yet.

As for the rest, I would likely exceed my free data cap for hosting through Heroku if I added every type of asset.


Portrait can also create gif.
It would be useful if you could also search this data.

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Wait there is?

yeah, it’s called custom character animations or something like that

Oh cool

Great! Now if only someone did Staves and maybe Axes…

I know how to split the gif into PNG format frames but I don’t know how to make a text script for swords and unarmed. Can someone help me?

This is the website that I used to split the gif into individual frames. https://ezgif.com/split/ezgif-5-90f7549ae227.gif

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There is already an animation for staves with falcoknights but if you mean with the BB animation that shouldn’t be too bad.

I love the nomads/troopers but theres no non sacaen male nomad trooper

Should be simple enough to do.


Will we have Minoterker in the future?

Prob not. While the whole Mezuki and Gozuki thing could be good is a bit overdone.

Finally, the AOT crossover we’ve all been waiting for!

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I believe he’s specifically asking for a non-Sacaean variant of nomad trooper; considering this does exist for nomad, and the ranger animation sucks.

Yeah, I like the new repallettes/updates especially the new non sacaean fem trooper and thought that the male variant coulda used one(also I love the nomad trooper sword animation compared to the rangers and think the custom lance anim for the ranger fits well).

Look at the anim, and it’s no just this frame but a lot of them have cropped parts for some reason. Check the repository one and the animation there ALSO have cropped frames. My only guess is that when the animation was created there was some misaligment or mistake on the gba screen size. So you’d have to manually edit them keeping in mind the screen size (240X160)

PS: Look at the wyvern and wyvern lord animations for reference.

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That looks like it would be a nice cadet promotion. Thanks for sharing memai’s work, 7743.

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