FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Hello, I found an error with some spell animations of Forblaze FE6 for FE8 did by @SHYUTERz. I can’t import them with FEB, says left a frame “frame_000.png”, I tried with Forblaze FE7 for FE8 and works normal.

“Myth: the fallen lords”

Takes me back, thanks.

I have a suggestion. The spell animations should be separated into light/dark/anima folders etc. like the tome icons are since there are so many of them. That would have the additional benefit of freeing up the prefix descriptor to be [Fire],[Thunder],[Wind] etc. within the subfolders.

I am defenitely biased in this request though, as I’ve been excited to port FEH animations since I figured out how to cleanly rip them, and plan on contributing a bunch.


Whilst I can’t predict if it’ll be merged, you could fork the repo, re-organize it to your wishes and make a pull request.



I like this idea. 'Cuz right now the spell category is clustered at best and messy at worst. And being able to separate the anima spell types into their own categories would make those animations easier to find.

Im not sure if we will ever get those spell gifs to display like the battle animations or the portraits. But we should definitely clean it up a bit before that ever happen.

I’ll probably be moving some stuff around through the week.


Until we get some sort of system or method of making actual good-looking spell anim previews, it’s always going to be a struggle to standardize and cleanly organize spell anims. They just look bad.

As for organizing them into subfolders, sure. I just never cared that much about organizing anims that are a pain to figure out how they actually look and sound ingame. It’s a good idea though, so I’ll leave it in JJ’s capable hands if he wants to fix that folder up a bit.


I’m surprised by how fast the spells were reorganized, but one oddity that caught my attention is that Parthia and the Binding Blade Fire are both fiery projecticles associated with a bow and a sword, but Parthia is in the Fire category while the Binding Blade Fire is in the Other category.

I thought I moved the Binding Blade fire into the fire category, because I thought it was weird being in the other folder too. I guess I overlooked it.

It should be fixed sometime soon.

Yo so about my dagger valk and now priest, mind if the (Daggerang) anims be under 4.Handaxe ? it’s just that i sync the frames up with handaxe frames so it’d be easier for peeps to understand what spell anim they’re meant to use them with i think


FE is a character game and I think it should show they faces.

@ArcherBias can you make sure to format your map sprites according to the filenames in the Repo?

More like this



What section should i put these under? Separating these between folders could be weird. Maybe just a subfolder in the cav one called like “dismounted sprites” or smth? i dont think the repo rly has any dismount sprites rn, so i just dont know if there is a precedent

If all of your map sprites are just various dismounted cavs sprites, then I will place them all in the mounted folder. I will maybe make a dismounted subfolder if that doesn’t break anything.

I know it isn’t a traditional cav sprite but it’s probably the best spot as of now.

Gotcha. Ive done the renames

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Thanks for the renames. As far as what folder to put them in, it depends on how many of them there are in total. Putting them in the mounted folder is perfectly fine for now. If a bunch more get eventually added, making a folder right below Mounted for them will work for me.

Edit: Looking at them more closely, I don’t really even get ‘dismounted cavalier/paladin’ energy from them. They could just as easily go in the normal infantry folders as:

Keyword (Gender) Dismounted X {Credits}

I’ll put some additional thought into where to place them…

Why would that matter when they were created for use as dismount and are now labeled as such?


This is completely subjective. How is anyone supposed to give a map sprite a dismounted “energy”? What makes an infantry unit look more like a classic infantry unit than a dismounted one?

They were done with the intention of being used as dismounted units, therefore they should be put in the same folder as them for easy accessibility. Putting them in the “normal infantry” one because YOU personally don’t “get it” would just make it harder to find them when needed. People may not even realize those are an option if you do that.


yknow instead of havin a debate about this, might i suggest just askin the original dude that made em where he wants them organized in?


To answer your questions…

Squire (M) Sword {Maiser6}-walkSquire (M) Sword {Maiser6}-stand

When I think of a Dismounted Paladin, I think of the Squire. It pretty much matches the Paladin’s design bit for bit, minus the horse. The map sprite would more closely match if it had the Latin Cross shield, but I digress.

Therefore, to have ‘dismounted x energy’ it should generally look like the dismounted version of the map sprites in question. This is not exactly easy to do. Mounted units typically have a big horse and a very tiny rider.

Thracia did manage to pull it off, in a manner of speaking.

The character riding on the horse looks quite similar to the character off it.

Dismounted (M) Sword {ArcherBias}-walkCavalier (M) Sword {SALVAGED}-walkCavalier (M) Sword {Agro}-walk

The design here doesn’t particularly match the Cavalier map sprites in the Repo. I’m guessing it’s a mercenary edit. Which, fair enough.

That’s not the way organization works. Organization only works if things are standardized. By your own logic, feelings shouldn’t matter, so they should go where they ‘make sense.’

Putting them in the mounted folders when they are, quite literally, not mounted, also doesn’t make 100% sense.

I’ve made plenty of concessions over the years to put things in sensible places based off community feedback. I have no idea where this hostility is coming from when I made only the most half-hearted of ‘actually it could even go in Y instead of X’ statements. I’m fine with putting these sprites wherever they make the most sense.

ESPECIALLY because I imagine more dismounted sprites will get made over time. I’m not sold on putting them in the infantry folder or the mounted folder. Making a Dismounted folder is probably the smartest choice for the sake of future-proofing, but I’m also hesitant to make a primary-folder that has less than a dozen map sprites in it.

If a submitter has a preference, I’ll always consider it.

Remember Spiders with Cavalier Rider? Where do you think those should go? The monster folder? The mounted cavalier folder? They’re currently in Mounted with the Spider prefix.

What about the Gladiators? They’re generic axe-users, but they’re pretty much direct edits of Hector. Should they go with the other Hectors, or go in the axe folders? And if they go in the infantry axe folders, should they be with Brigands and Pirates or with Fighters? Should Brigands and Pirates and Fighters all be one super-folder, or split up as they are now?

Ultimately, after considering feedback from the community, I moved them out of the Lord folder into the Brigands folder and gave them the Hector prefix. But there’s no easy or instantly correct answer to questions like these. I take organization very seriously and don’t just shove things into folders arbitrarily, despite what some may think.

It would be nice if people could reasonably discuss Repo categorization without flipping out. Make thoughtful points, and I’ll make concessions. It’s not a difficult concept to understand, yet always people act as if I’m cackling megalomaniacally about the prospect of jamming things wherever I want, indiscriminately.

I only want the Repo to be as organized as possible. If you have suggestions, fire away.