FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Disc? Discord??

Goggle Disc.

Emperor, I’ve forgot it’s called Drive in English. It’s “Dysk Google” in Polish for some reason.


Does that mean we can use the new Repo already?

No. Google Drive sucks so I have to reupload everything.

I’m actually working on a Github repo for experimental purposes rn.

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Agreed, Google Drive sucks even for downloading stuff.

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Alright, everyone. Please read this topic and give me some feedback/thoughts!

A new repo, but this time in Github. What think?



This isn’t specific enough. I can’t find the animation.

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I fixed it in the New Repo, too, haha.

Tomorrow, after I get my writing done tonight, I’m going to write up a big post and/or series of posts explaining how to use Github for the new Repo. I’m pretty convinced at this point that it’s exactly what we need.

Edit: Worth mentioning…

The Gdrive is STILL not caught up. Earlier, like at 5AM, 12+ hours ago, It had only 6k files complete of 125k. Now it still only has 24k done. It hasn’t even registered half of the files that need to get sync’d!

At this rate, it’ll take a minimum of two more days just to sync up. Google Drive is just not acceptable for the repo’s purposes anymore.

It’s looks good

Alright, Everyone.

I have completed the switch to Github.

Please visit this topic to learn how to use and access the new, up-to-date repo for the future.

This is a ‘unified’ repo as of now. In the future, I may split the repo apart for bandwidth purposes, but hopefully we won’t get to that point.

I’m also going to coordinate with my team behind the scenes to get everyone linked up on Github properly. Once we finish, I will add the final section to the tutorial regarding how to contribute to the repo. I want the process to be simple and effortless for everyone involved!

Here’s to hoping nothing goes wrong!


I got them, man. Lol

Also for the record, I just wanted to make this clear: People can now submit things directly through Github if they wish, but I’ll also be more than happy to accept the traditional method of downloading sprites/zip files right off the repo thread.

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Alright, @Klokinator, you’ve outdid yourself this time. The new repo is great.
However I have a complain I had for a long time. Why aren’t battle animations sorted in the same way as on EmblemAnims? It’s always a chore to tear through the “infantry” folder because it’s so large.


That’s cursed.

…But they are.

I didn’t mean the [T2][SWD][Merc] preambule, just the fact they are all in one folder.

As I said it’s a minor annoyance, but still.

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So what you’re saying is… I should merge all of the animations into one big super folder.

Got it.

No, quite the opposite of it. Split them: Mercs into Merc folder and Cavs into Cav folder. Then it’s easier to find what you’re looking for.

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What does normal, middle, and most mean?

seems to be the level of details


Awesome, I’ll add in in the next commit. Can you also include a preview ingame for the images? I’m going to start adding those for battle screen and stat screen images where possible.