FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Good job on the animation, but if the third hit of the crit is supposed to be a two-handed overhead chop, you might want to make a few unique frames for it rather than reuse the normal stab. As it is right now, it looks and feels a little awkward.

Yeah that is the weakest part. I reused the final hit frame for the sake of completing it and releasing it faster. Anyone is free to edit/improve any of my stuff. I may come back and touch it up at some point, but I don’t have much free time at the moment so that probably won’t happen any time soon


Looks great! Is a female version planned?


Something about how it retains the look for a GBA brigand, yet one a bit more promoted and stocked up with armor just makes this one of my favorite all time battle animations.

The animation looks amazing, good job!

I do not see it as ridiculous at all - thanks again for the help! They look great.


When you study it as much as you and Venno have, the blade certainly isn’t ridiculous.

please tell me kitozawa has the blade affinity, if he doesn’t i will literaly crying and shakig


Those map sprites are bloody orgasmic.


We are definitely living in the greatest timeline!

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A female pirate?! Yes! Oh man, that is fantastic!


There is a issue with most of those old spells. Were they always screen-stretched? I think the original quality files were used before. If they still remain somewhere?

I’m not sure? That’s what I had in my hack when I extracted and updated the spells.

We did it feu!

Holy shit that looks great! Would you consider doing something from Mother 3 next?

There are loads of things I’d love to port over to FEGBA.
I haven’t really considered the Earthbound series, as the style is so vastly different and could be difficult to translate.
Never say never though.

I personally am not the biggest Mother fan, but I know a lot of people go ape shit for that series. That’s why I was suggesting it.

Hey men you worker with @Pikmin1211 you have one idea his is work in someone of is animations? Pikmin's Stills


No I am not working on any of Piks still at the moment. Just fixing up older animations I made in the past

ok thanks for the answer

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Thank you!
I didn’t notice that the palette didn’t match the original Dark Druid.