Elibean Nights - Final Draft [PLAYTEST PATCH, 6-5-21]


Yeah, changed it to Wil. Also, been going through Pent’s tale, it seems the second tale is bugged. It just gave a blank black screen in my emulator.

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More hack problem reports;

  1. A minor issue, the ‘closed’ animation for the villages are not working well.
  2. After the second snowstorm in Jerrot’s tale, it always got bugged (the game crashed)
  3. Many crashing problems in Legault’s tale.

Can you please provide more specifics? For #1, which maps are you referring to? For #3, “many” is not a helpful descriptor. If you could document the crashes and the triggers, that would be great. Also it would be good to know which emulation software you are using.

Thank you!

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Hi, I’d like to report a bug that makes Rath Tale basically unplayable.
Once I got to turn 5, no matter where I’am on the map, I hear someone unlock a chest in the distance and then nothing. My units just dissapear and Visual Boy Advance makes hellish noises.
So yeah, I’m not sure the hack is really “playable from start to finish” after all. Good luck in your endeavours nonetheless.

Since I can’t hope to finish the chapter on the Rath file and due to the fact I must finish the chapter to return to the hub, I restarted the tale on a brand new one with Lyn paired to Eliwood to see if something changed. And this happens.

Now I can get past turn 5 since there is no chest opening and no fog of war, which allows me to see all the traps carefully laid for the player (that’s a lot of staffs and Wyvern Lords).
So yeah, here’s the fix to the freeze: another glitch.

Which emulator are you using? Because I swear this has been fixed at least when I’ve tested it, but I can look into it further.

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I’m using Visual Boy Advance but if this has been fixed, I’m starting to think the problem comes from the new patch itself. I’ll try with another one

Nope, still doesn’t work. I tried with BatGBA this time starting from turn 4 and I still encounter the same freeze. A chest opens in the distance and then a crash. I downloaded from here by the way.

So yeah, I dunno what causes this. If I pair Lyn with Eliwood, the fog of war just dissapears and If she’s paired with Rath, the Nomad dissapears along with his friends after turn 5.


Thank You for this hack, tried it but it felt like doing side quests (gaiden) all the time wich isnt for me.
The stories didnt really got me invested in the characters at all, but i understand the structure of the hack though.

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image image
Is this Igor on the left supposed to be the same as the one on the right? If so he does not look like Igor to me.

I found an error. When I play Rath’s tale a second time, with Lyn is with Kent instead of Rath, and Toni’s equipment and level stays the same, meaning that the durability is still depleted. And Florina’s portrait is glitched.

Probably because a lot of mugs have been updated/altered in the hack. Check yourself

Screenshots, eh? Fine. I’ll have to play it again. Kinda busy in real life after the virus, so i’d get to it when i have free time.

Now that I might actually have time again soon…

If every tale is playable (and provided all the major tale-breaking bugs have been fixed) I might actually take a crack at this.


I used to play an older version before of the hack, but didn’t play through fully back then. I know the project was halted before, and I know the why, roughly, and I don’t get it. While I haven’t really played other hacks much, I want to highlight how you did create an exceptional work! You did add a lot of custom features, have thought them through pretty well, and honestly, I feel your dialogues are really hitting the characters and the spirit!

Anyway, I registered here because right now I am playing the hack on the new version again (luckily I did check whether a new release happened…), and give back feedback.

Keep in mind my feedback are just notes and thoughts, and no demands are formed by them. I give the feedback and information, and what you decide to do with it is entirely your decision.

I want to note I am playing the hack on gpSP Kai on the Playstation Portable (the old one)

Here is the current feedback I have gathered so far - beware of WoT, I can be very acribic.

How does one earn the archievement with three ancient weapons/items? I assumed it was Pent’s first tale, but I think I gave him three weapons to study and got no archievement.

General bugs:

  • Not sure if fixable, aircalibur seems to have a kinda laggy animation.

General suggestions:

  • There is no progress in-between tales, I can understand why, because it is about very different characters. I wonder, if wanted, a simple progress system could be added, however. For instance, specific weapons characters carry could get like +1 (with a max?) could get bonuses depending of the number of different tales and/or plus archievements unlocked. You could consider to make unlockables in terms of “loadouts”, allowing to play/re-play tales with different starting equipment.
  • You could consider to keep character progression in-between the different tales.
    For either of them, you might want to consider the option to reset the progresses or bonuses then.

Pent’s Tale #1:

  • Crash on chapter end if Louise is dead (ending scene, on Efta porting in), situation else: Efta unspoken to, only one weapon analyzed, Ephidel alive [Also, Erk is dead as well, but it only crashed if Louise was dead]
  • I know the magic bow is supposed to be strong, but it is utterly overpowered. it would prob be broken still with 2-3 power less.
  • I didn’t get the archievement for defeating Efta (Gorgon-something) on the run I did defeat him.
  • Which weapons are required to be analyzed by Pent for the archievement? Or is it in another tale?
  • Spare-Ephidel bonus content worked, however.

Dialogue with Efta (starting) is painfully slow and can’t be skipped.
Priest only has 4 movement vs at least 5 on all other units
Ephidel’s Gespenst description goes out of the text box.
Logical error: If Efta is alive (talked to before?) at end of the chapter, he will say he does not know his father’s name. Not only that Pent surprisingly does, albeit it can be concluded to be Nergal, it is even more surprising when talking to Efta, he actually says the name of his father was Nergal.

Pent’s Tale#2:

  • Consider giving the general chest & door keys
  • IMHO given the relationship there should be a special dialouge if Jaffer kills the assassin boss, or starts the fight with him.

Rath’s Tale (Cave):
-Toni seems to keep her (?) previous inventory.
-Bal: Lyn did get 1HKO in that level by a nomad/nomad trooper with full HP by a crit. So…basically totally out of nowhere. Do they carry crit weapons? Felt kinda unfair to get instantly killed, and even from running out of FoW.

–Is the chest-opening crash bug (own characters or thief) from a previous version fixed?

Legault Tale 1: Minor:

  • Legault has B to Jan, but Jan doesn’t have B to Legault
  • House (middle of the map) has a weirdly-phrased if not incorrect sentence (Early, mentioning the serpent wyverns first I believe)
  • Might want to add a few hints that new chars are joining (albeit foreseeable), and weapons will carry over to next chapter.
  • Cleave Bow’s description suggests it is ignoring the armor/defense stat: That’s not the case. Instead, it is effective against knights (etc.?). You might want to be more precise in the descr.
  • Double Bow: Add description that it increases strength
    Also: It feels that double bow and Gandiva are basically the same weapon, they don’t differ enough from each other.

Legault Tale 2:
Everett’s approaching speech for the boss is the dialogue of after the target is eliminated by the group instead of the default dialogue of the other fang’s members.

Zelot’s Tale:
Dying screen shows a support dialoge from original game, Rebecca x Louise [Pegasus, Sniper, maybe all without a unique dialouge?]
Villager talks about an item that cures wounds to give, but instead, 10 000 G are given.
Juno has a greyed out sprite, whether intended or not.

Raven’s Tale:
In Part 1, from a previous playthrough I remember an isolated fight of Raven vs someone else. This didn’t happen this time. Might be connected of having an altered pairing with Erk, or maybe I pressed start at the dialoge after defeating the first boss in part 1. I am not sure if this is also related to this, but I found out that on an old, other savestate with an old version of the hack I also had Heathen in the party in part 2. This wasn’t the case this time.

In Part 2, it is possible to release at least slaves on one fort. Is it possible on others? Also: Is it realitiscally possible, aka really doable?

In at least Part 2, at least Shen/Erk(?) doen’t have a die msg at all. Raven, Lucias and Gatz definitively do.

Suggestions: Insert Warp, maybe instead of rescue, for some fun in the second part, encourages players to try stuff out, especially given that some parts of the map are de facto unaccessible, in practice.
You could consider to make a little minigame post turn 14, where each surviving round a number of credits or items are given, or that enemies drop stuff.

I also felt kinda punished by being restricted to weapon usage. Consider to remove the durability stat/making it infinite after t14, or for simplicity sake, the whole chapter. Remember the unaccessible areas of the map I spoke about? Give people the chance to grind their chars to level 20 in 5 hours and then trying to reach them!

Long-range magic is extremely annoying on enemies. It is absolutely frustrating on respawning enemies because they might randomly go double or triple ranged magic vs a single character. good luck on that. I suggest to give them another magic instead.

Also consider given Raven a ranged sword.

Tale Select:
“Talk to me” specifies tale 1, part 2. However, the tales aren’t numbered, so nobody knows which it is. So either give each tale a visible number, or note the character’s name for the tale instead.


Very Easy maps:
Legault 1
Pent #2

Pent #1

Very Hard:
Legault 2 (suggested countermeasures to consider: Replacing Mend with Physics in the previous level, so maybe it becomes easier for Vaida to survive, place some reinforcements in prev level so the units are getting more exp (it seems the wyvern riders reinforcements don’t always appear?, swapping Vaida’s Potion with Elixir) [Nando could also need a few more defense points, IMHO]
[Could also help if Ortega starts to move later or giving him a weaker/non-ranged weapon]
[Replacing Tower Bow with another weapon or Long Bow for top archer, so he doesn’t instant kill Neido]
It feels you are getting punished if you don’t advance quickly but you aren’t really able to.
It feels the level is more won by RNG/luck than skill…

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Welcome to the community, Bas :rocket:

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Hi, thanks!

Question: I have read there is a secret shop in tale select, even in a specific section. How do I access it?
I know that in Hector’s tale is a Play Card, but I am not sure what I should do with it, in Tale Select I didn’t have items in inventory.

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Tale select:

  • Suggestion: On each tale, add how many parts it has. This allows easier planning.
  • Talking to the guy for archievements for returning to Tale Selection, but declining to do so removes the talk option from him.

Eliwood’s Tale:
Starting dialogue Natalie (or pegasus?) x Marcus: “youu decision” → “your decision”

Merlinus’ Tale:

  • CRITICAL: Visiting the second village with any other character causes it to close, resulting in being unable to finish the chapter.
    EDIT: Wrong. It happens instead if you visit a village with non-Merlinus characters twice.
  • Pegasus Knight x Dan talk event instead causes a talk event with hector to take place.

Kent’s Tale:
Reissman has no death dialogue.

Hector’s tale:
Second northest house doesn’t have anything.
Ending has Hector saying Hector became a great leader instead of Oswin.
Ending has a close to un-readable font at a scene.
No notification for unlocking bonus content with Matthew. Content is unlocked, however.
Mage from the village seems to carry over exp points from previous runs.

Legault Tale 1:

  • I haven’t figured out why sometimes some wyvern riders appear as reinforcements, I think kind of early, and sometimes not.
  • You might want to add a healing item to the shop, which makes the next chapter at least playable if someone misses the mend in this one.

Legault Tale 2:

  • It turns out that the reason why Vaida was dying so quickly on the previous run of the tale was because she appeared alone. This time, Heath did accompany her. HOWEVER, Heath is painfully weak on defense, having 13, while Nando, the guy I was writing about before who got instant killed by the sniper with the Tower Bow, has 12. Vaida has 22 defense, and Heath seems to be way more likely to die than not to die, before the player has even reached him.
    He also lacks potions or alike, and goes on a suicide run even if he runs low on HP.
  • I suggest to slightly decrease the HP of the generals appearing on the west side; Nando can kill them with his S weapon in one fight, but if they had 1 HP more (afaik randomness happens in FE…) he can’t.
  • Dieter appears in this chapter even if killed in the prior chapter.

Drunken Thief bonus tale:

  • Can’t open door with the lockpicks. They don’t get opened.

Tale Select:


  • The Last Reed doesn’t unlock when rescuing the captives with Jan.

Bonus Scenes:

  • Canas is always grayed out, even if unlocked. Bonus Scene works, however.
  • Nils is having a weird second dialogue box appearing when spoken to.
  • Dieter’s Tale doesn’t get unlocked. I even killed him during both parts.
  • Bonus Tales 1 & 2 get locked if setting pairings to default.
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This achievement refers to not having Legault enter combat for the entire map (that’s why he has a generic battle quote, to keep track if he ever fought).