Duty Calls – [COMPLETE] 25 Chapter Hack

I wanted to kill off Aston. :pensive:

I have a few glitches to report, tied to chapter 21 !

First up, the Spc. Class section of the Guide has vanished from my save file. It was there before, and I only noticed while trying to look for an entry on the sirens that it was gone… Who knows how many patches ago it disappeared ? Though my guess is that it might be tied to having started my save file before you added NG+ and then how you handled that maybe conflicting with preexisting saves ? Just guessing there…

Second, Judith was put to sleep and then died. That prompted no reply from Milton, which I found weird, but then waaayyy later Milton died and Judith played her dialogue for him despite being already dead. Tied to the status effect perhaps ?

(Also don’t worry, I wasn’t playing terribly, just messing around ; I’m looking everywhere for that staff and I’ll check every little tile individually if I have to ! Do assassins get the 100% discovery rate like thieves and rogues do ? Right now I plan to scout the map with three people: Aston because “King’s luck”, Fabian with the S tome for 24 luck, and Jarad for the rogue discovery of items…)


The Sp. Classes section was removed to make room for the New Game+ section, which is unlocked on your second playthrough, as the UI only allows for 6 sections.

I will look into that bug with Judith.

As for the staff…

It’s not on a specific tile, it actually has an 8% chance of spawning as a droppable item on a special monster that’s supposed to represent the corpse of one of the five sages. The chance is reset upon restarting the map, but with the fog, there’s no way of knowing if it has spawned until you’ve played the map (the location is random).

I intended it as more of an easter egg; I didn’t realise people would seek it out. If it feels unfair, I might consider changing it. Either increasing the chance, making it higher chance/guaranteed on NG+, or just making it non-chance-based, and having a different method of finding it. What do you think?


Oooh, no, that’s a really cool idea actually, I like that ! And it makes use of the fog mechanic in a smart way, I think it’s a great touch ! Plus
I had an inkling it would be some sort of special event like that… I just didn’t wanted to leave any stone unturned.
… ANY stone. “Oooh, you can’t access the tile behind the dragon since the map ends on boss kill, clearly this means I need to warp staff a thief over to there !!”

I’m guessing it’s the Lich holding it ? I don’t know how feasible that is, given that I’ve never made a hack, but I’m guessing you could have an event conversation when you kill the monster “wait, that robe… wasn’t it one of the sage of legends ? But it doesn’t carry the staff… I guess it must truly be lost to time.” Or something like that.

Also making it guaranteed on NG+ as one of the reward could be nice ! Kinda like how Silent Hill 2 made the endings you didn’t get more likely to show up.


Okay, I have now fixed the bug you mentioned with Judith and Milton. And as for your other question regarding the staff:

Nope, it’s not the lich, it’s actually a completely custom class! If you get lucky and the event triggers, it will randomly replace one of the generic zombies (so it’s location is random).

And I agree that making it more accessible on New Game+ is a good idea, so I have increased the chance from the 7.69% it has on a first playthrough, to 14.79% on New Game+ (around double). Don’t ask why the numbers are so precise, that’s just how the code works out. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just a note about the Devil’s Sword for chapter 11 Sewer map. I already beaten that chapter, but there is no Devil Sword in that chapter whatsoever. I had my pegasus knight go and wait at that spot before beating the map, but nothing happened at all.

You have to have got both of the previous weapons to get it (the devil axe and bow).

I already have both the Devil’s Bow and Devil’s Axe when I got to Chapter 11. They are both in the Convoy, and still sitting there. It doesn’t work. And I am already at Chapter 17 with just those two Devil’s Weapons.

And speaking of Chapter 17, I already got Avery to promote from Trainee, but I am pretty much forced to promote to a Cav. Promoting to soldier only gives a +1 in con for promotion bonus, despite the description for promotion stating that she was also supposed to get more stats for promotion bonus.

I already reported this bug and it has been fixed a few days ago ; how old is your rom ? Make sure you’re playing an up-to-date patch.

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Version 0.71. I downloaded it on November 22, about 3-4 days ago.

@Gryffe is correct, the Avery bug was fixed in v0.74 if I remember correctly. As for the devil weapons, you are correct, a bug was preventing you from getting either the sword or the lance - I apologise. I just put out v0.76 fixing this bug. However, the issue was actually at the end of chapter 8 rather than with the sword or lance events themselves, so it won’t work for you now that you are past chapter 8, I’m afraid.

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Okay, thanks for the update. I’ll try to get the sword when I go for NG+. I am already way too deep into the game at this point.


I got a problem on chapter 11. Whenever I try starting it I am met with a black screen, is there a way for me to get past this?

This is a known bug from older versions that has since been fixed. Are you definitely playing on the latest version (v0.76)?

Is that so? I must’ve downloaded the wrong one. I’ll be sure to get the updated versions

Oh by the way is there a chance I can move my save data to the latest patch or will I have to start again?

You don’t have to start over, just ensure the name of the new patch matches that of the save file.

In my hubris, I neglected to check the enemy’s inventory. Bad move.

Curse you, Entrap staff !! I later paid that back by using my Warp staff…

On that note, I have a slew of bug reports to make regarding the final chapter.

  • (Not chapter specific) Fabian and his little girl have infinite A supports, the command is available every chapter.
  • Harold can’t trade, which might seem intentional given… ‘what’s going on’, but he can still access the convoy with Dudley, sooo…
  • Not having a preparation screen is CATASTROPHICALLY bad. I had four staff users deployed and somehow all of them ended up on the opposite side, leaving Harold with no healing. That included Lydia so he was also cut off from his support bonuses for no reason. And Dudley was with Harold and had the Warp staff in the convoy, so no emergency warping one of my four healers over to him. The chapter instantly became three times as hard and I can see instances of people getting softlocked if they overwrote their save files from chapter 24 like I did.

  • The screen would flash to black after the end of every red unit’s action. Quite the dramatic atmosphere, but I’m not sure it’s intended…
  • Speaking of possible leftovers, spike traps in some walls, really lol ? It didn’t kill anyone but, like… what a super specific thing.
  • The dialogue in the ending is set back to default (slow) text speed automatically.
  • Also the mistake has been repeated consistently: it’s principles, not principal :smiley:

Thank you for this, I have released v0.8 fixing the bugs.

This seemed to be an issue with all A supports - it’s fixed now, but the fix does not work retroactively, only when starting a new game. Note that mid-playthrough it will mess up the intended speed of obtaining the supports, my apologies.

This was indeed a bug, and has now been fixed.

I also fixed the spelling errors. The rest of the things you mentioned are intentional.

I get that no prep screen on the final chapter can seem harsh, but I felt it was fitting (as did Intelligent Systems seemingly, as it is also true for FE6, 7, and 8). The locations are based on the deployment order of the previous chapter, but obviously with no prior knowledge, it’s essentially random, so you getting all 4 healers in the bottom half was certainly unlucky… I had considered this at one point, however, you do have means to deal with it, such as the Holy Maiden from the previous chapter, and Harold’s group isn’t in any immediate danger unless you rush ahead, so I thought it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.


does dudley have to be on the field to send things to convoy?

No. He must be on the field to retrieve items, but not to send them—you can send items to the convoy at any time. Exceptions to this are chapters 1, 2, and 3 (before Dudley joins), and chapter 16, in which excess items must be discarded.