Ditto's code: Code Ditto

Hello, have some coding I’ve done.

For every hack I have just include “Installer.event” as per usual somewhere in your buildfile. If you use FEBuilder just select “Installer.event” from the Insert EA menu. Customise whatever you want to, I’m not your mother.

Sacred Weapon BGM Editor

Download: Sacred Weapon BGM Editor - GitHub

This replaces the hardcoding present on Siegmund and Sieglinde in vanilla for their sacred music and allows customisable setting of music per item, in the same vein as the sacred weapon BGM. If an entry is not present for an item, use default battle music.

This also replaces the hardcoding present on both Lyon IDs and Fomortiis’ unit ID to always negate the legendary weapon music, instead allowing the setting of your own unit IDs. Again, if a unit ID isn’t found then nothing is cancelled.

Do note that reverse mode hacks will always play the defending BGM when in combat on player phase under normal circumstances. If anyone finds other conflicts, please bring them to my attention and I will add them here.

Here’s a video setting the short sword to play FE5 - Defeat is Near (which is not in music slot 0x1F): Sacred Weapon BGM Demo

more fresh hacks coming soon to a this thread store near you image


This looks awesome! Hopefully it can be added as an FEBuilder patch with a menu for editing weapons and units. That would be the cherry on top.

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I’ve actually been adding some more features due to this overwriting the main battle BGM function (also you can’t use songs > 0xFF due to it being a byte not a short but that’s a whole other can of worms), once that’s all sorted if I can find documentation on how to make the actual .txt for builder to recognise and also setup some gui, I will be making a builder patch most likely.


genuine question: what are the actual modules here that make this modular? this just looks like a single hardcoding customization

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I wrote the title at 3am and was really tired, my mistake, will change.
I do know this isn’t modular, it’s just an EA installer with tables which isn’t exactly very modular at all. My bad.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention though, I definitely would not have remembered to change it otherwise.

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