Crowdsourcing new skill ideas (Non-Pokemon)

Just gonna throw some stuff in here:

-Parry: Once per turn, negates foe’s first physical attack. For attacks that hit multiple times (Brave and similar effects), (skl+spd)/2 % chance of activating again.

-Deflect: Once per turn, negates foe’s first magical attack. For attacks that hit multiple times (Brave and similar effects), (skl+mag)/2 % chance of activating again.

-Multi-target: After initiating combat, if there are any other foes in range, unit can attack up to 2 of those foes. (Not sure if I worded this right, but basically it works like Emblem Celica’s skill.)

-Equalize: if foe can follow up or attack twice, unit can do the same; otherwise, unit cannot double. (“Attack twice” = brave effect)


The first two should have an excption where they don’t work against bosses. Otherwise, most bosses would be trivial

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This seems fun:

-Finisher: If foe’s Hp is 35% or lower, Unit’s damage is increased by +8

-Relentless: If Unit has not defeated foe by the end of combat, Unit can act once again but cannot move (activates once per turn).

-Invigorated: If Unit uses a vulnerary, Unit gains +2 in Spd, Skl and can act once more.

-Skittish: If Unit’s Hp is 25% or lower, Unit gains 50% Avoid, 50% Crit avoid, and +2 Mov, but Str or Mag is lowered by -10.

-High Rush: If Unit’s Hp is above 85%, Unit gains +4 in Str, Skl, and Spd. If Hp goes below 85%, Unit’s Str, Skl, and Spd is reduced by -8

-Low Rush: If Unit’s Hp drops below 45%, Unit gains +20 Crit, +20 Avoid, and +10 Luck.

-Wyvern’s Rage: If Unit’s hit rate is below 40%, Unit gains 45% Crit.

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Always love these kinds of things, so here goes

Commit: Command skill (like gamble). Str/Spd x1.5 for the initiated combat, but suffers -2 to all stats until start of next turn, and -2 movement until unit finishes next action.

Layered Shield: If unit used an item or waited to end their turn, grants Def/Res +6 until start of next turn, but -2 Def/Res per enemy that attacked the unit. (e.g. if attacked once would then go to +4 after combat, twice would be only +2, and after the third attack the buff would wear out).

Hellfire: When attacking with fire or dark tomes, if the attack crits, deal flat 20 damage to all units within 3 tiles of target, (leaves at least 1 HP) (excludes the caster, but still damages other allied units in range).

Frostlock: When attacking with fimbulvetr (or manually created “ice” tomes), if the attack crits, all enemies within 3 tiles of target suffer -2 Spd and halved movement until start of next turn (excludes all allies).

Shockwave: When attacking with thunder tomes, if the attack crits, all enemies within 3 tiles of target suffer -2 Str/Mag/Skl until start of next turn (excludes all allies).

Windburn: When attacking with Excalibur (or manually created “wind” tomes), if the attack crits, all enemies within 3 tiles of target suffer -2 Def/Res until start of next turn (excludes all allies).

Sanctuary: When attacking with light tomes, if the attack crits, all enemies within 3 tiles of target suffer -1 to all stats, and allies within 3 tiles of caster recieve +1 to all stats, until start of next turn.

March In Step: At the start of turn, grants +1 movement per unit of the same unit type in adjacent spaces (Max +2) (excludes cavalry and fliers).

Role-Model: Leader/MC/Boss only, if unit is the first to attack at start of turn, grants +10 Hit/Avoid and +5 Crit to all allies within 5 spaces until end of turn.

Paired skills: (One each for in-story paired units like Pent and Louise, or duo bosses)
Doesn’t Kill Us - Reduces damage taken by number of battles supported unit has been involved in this map (Max -7)
Makes Us Stronger - Increases damage dealt by number of battles supported unit has been involved in this map (Max +7)


also fixed damage weapons by Sme exists where they either always deal x amount based on mt or they ignore your str/mag and always have x att

It’s a cool hack to have and kinda makes a 10 damage skill pointless unless it’s conditional like “you will always deal at least 10 damage”

It’s meant to be a solid 10 all the time, whether it’s useful or not is up to the users. Nothing wrong with having more than one way of doing a thing.

Finally pulled off that ‘Concealed Weapon’ skill. That was fun.

Now you can take whatever you want into the arena : D


Does the weapon lose durability accordingly? And if so, what happens if your weapon breaks mid-battle in the arena and your opponent is still alive?



Burnout: Big stat boosts, but permanently lose 1 maximum HP after each combat.

Map Design.: +2 Hit for every 5 tiles of width of current map; +2 Avoid for every 5 tiles of height of current map. (Round down.)

On the Edge: User has no crit avoid. Ignore enemy’s crit avoid.

Annoying Demeanor: Green units treat this unit as an enemy and attack them.

Dual Wield: If carrying two weapons of the same name, +20 hit/+2 Might when attacking with one. Consumes durability of both.

March to Death: Even if reduced to 0 HP, unit does not die until the end of the combat round.

March to Death+: Even if reduced to 0 HP, does not die until the end of the phase. (Can still be healed.)

Unrepairable: +3 Def/Res. After battle, max HP becomes equal to current HP.

Strength Burn: Activated. Lose 2 Strength permanently. Gain +6 Strength buff (wears off 1/turn).

Skill Train: Activated. Gain 1 Skill permanently. Debuff own Skill by 10 (wears off 1/turn).

Atheism: +50 Avoid vs. magic and staves (including ally staves). Healing staves can miss against this unit.

Kleptomania: After attacking a unit, if an inventory space is available, automatically steal a random stealable item from their inventory. (Happens even if the target dies.)

Mageguard: Cannot be killed by magic attacks (only reduced to 1 HP).

Mageguard+: Cannot be damaged by magic attacks.

Rage Scream: Activated. Enemies within 2 tiles are debuffed -3 Def/Res (recover 1/turn). Inflict Berserk on self until end of next player phase after this one.

Sleeping Balm: Can use healing staves on both allies and (damaged) enemies. Healing staves inflict Sleep if used on an enemy.

Rescue Swap: Activated. If rescuing a unit, swap places with them so they’re rescuing you. Aid is ignored.

Close Combat: Activated. Always double, double before counter. After battle, lose 1 Def/Res permanently.

Ascension: If unit gets 20 kills in a single chapter, win the chapter instantly.

Uncension: If unit gets 20 kills in a single chapter, game over and delete your save files.

Odd Technique: Tomes this unit uses have 1,3 range. No, not 1-3.

Sleepwalker: While under the effect of Sleep, Silence, Stone, or Berserk, unit moves like a green unit and takes actions. If Berserked, will not attack your units.

Divide: Activated. Halve all of unit’s stats except for Move and Con; spawn a green unit with identical stats. If green unit survives, return stats to normal at end of chapter.

Icefall: Activated. Summon snow weather for the rest of the chapter. Unit can move normally in snow weather. (Other units can’t.)

Gaiden Chant: Unit can cast Fire (1 HP), Thunder (3 HP), and Bolting (10 HP) using a Gaiden-style magic menu.

Technique Eater: Instead of spending weapon durability, unit loses that much weapon rank experience. Unit cannot gain weapon rank experience, except from kills and promotion gains.

Rook Strike: When initiating, if unit moved at least two tiles and moved in a straight line, +10 hit/avoid per tile moved.

Bishop Strike: When initiating, if unit has moved at least two tiles, moved only diagonally, and is attacking diagonally, +20 AS.

Pawn Guard: +2 Def/-2 Res against orthogonal attacks; +2 Res/-2 Def against diagonal attacks.

Attack and Dethrone: Activated. Like Lunge, but it only works on units on a throne/gate, works even if they have — Move, and instantly kills gods.

Kaga Blocker: +1 Def for each allied unit of the same class within 3 tiles.

Kills Humanity: All weapons have x2 effectiveness against all human enemies.

Unsolicited Advertisement: After killing an enemy with a portrait, permanently takes that character’s portrait.

Triangle Madness: For this unit, Swords are locked to 2 range, Lances are effective against flyers, Axes have 0 weight and 100 hit, and Bows are brave, 1 range, and have no effectiveness.

Triangle Madness 2: For this unit, Light tomes inflict poison, Anima tomes have +10 weight and +2 Might, Dark tomes drain health from the user to heal the enemy, and Staves are effective against dragons.

Cloak of Lies: In battle forecast, if this unit is involved, all numbers display as 0.

Measured Guard: All attacks that hit this unit deal exactly 10 damage, regardless of stats, modifiers, or other skills.

Measured Strike: All attacks this unit makes deal exactly 10 damage, regardless of stats, modifiers, or other skills.

Inner Light: Activated. On fog maps, choose a number (max 5), and unit gains torch radius of that amount. Unit loses (5 x the number chosen) HP; cannot bring below 1.

Awful Proc Skill: When countering at 2 range, there’s a 35% chance that there’s a Skill*2% chance of the unit adding 15% of RES to damage.

Attack of Opportunity: When an enemy moves out of a square adjacent to this unit, automatically deal 10 nonlethal damage to them.

Long Arms: Can trade with any allied unit within 3 tiles.

Long Arms+: Can trade with any allied unit on the map.

Sidestep: Movement skill. Pull an adjacent unit to the side 1 tile.

Chow Down: Activated. Adjacent allied unit goes down to 1 HP. User gains HP equal to health lost.

Earthshaper: Tiles adjacent to this unit cost twice the normal amount of movement to pass through.

Tie Down: Activated. Reduce an adjacent unit’s Move to 0 for their next turn.

Autocannibalize: Activated. Reduce unit’s maximum HP by 3, then heal unit to full HP.

Blade of Chaos: Attacks made by this unit hit a random stat instead of Defense/Resistance.

Shieldfist: Unit uses Defense as Magic and Resistance as Strength.

Pain Split: Activated. Combine current HP totals with an adjacent unit, then give half of the total to each unit.

1-Galeforce: After attacking and killing an enemy, unit is refreshed and loses this skill permanently.

1-Miracle: When unit would die, instead survives with 1 HP and loses this skill permanently.

Apathy: Whenever unit would be inflicted with a buff or debuff by another unit’s action, instead the unit who performed the action suffers the buff or debuff.

Hoarder: Unit deals +2 damage and takes -2 damage per weapon in their inventory that they are unable to equip or use.

Fresh Start: Any attack this unit makes with a weapon with full durability automatically critically hits.

Giant Killer: Increase damage dealt by the amount of stat buffs on foe.

Blindfire: When unit initiates combat, they instead target two random units within their attack range for that weapon, regardless of allegiance.

Corpsemaker: When unit initiates and kills an enemy, the tile the enemy was on permanently becomes Grave terrain.

Chaotic Neutral: Unit takes an additional AI-controlled turn during Ally Phase. On this turn, they will rush heedlessly into combat to deal as much damage as possible.

Forest Fury: Terrain bonuses this unit gets to Avoid are instead given to Hit, and Def/Res bonuses become Str/Mag ones.

Museum Piece: When using an A-rank or higher weapon, unit deals +4 damage and gains +20 hit, but exhausts twice durability.

Wyrd Reconstruction: All of unit’s staves heal for +10 HP if applicable, have +20% chance to hit if applicable, and inflict Poison on hit.

Gold Eater: When initiating combat, choose one of the following.

  • Pay 100 gold, deal +1 damage
  • Pay 1000 gold, deal +5 damage
  • Pay 10000 gold, deal +20 damage
    Cannot initiate combat if unit cannot or does not choose one.

Hearty Healing: Staves this unit uses are based on STR instead of MAG.

Unerring End: Attacks this unit makes that will be killing blows if they hit get +50% hit.

Quickdraw: When unit attacks with a weapon, that weapon does not actually become equipped; they can choose/change their equipped weapon separately.

Accuracy Hunger: Whenever unit misses an attack, gain +20 Hit, stacking (lost when they next successfully hit).

Critical Hunger: Whenever unit makes an attack that hits but does not crit, gain +15 Crit, stacking (lost when they next successfully crit).

Avoidance Hunger: Whenever unit is hit by an attack, gain +10 Avoid, stacking (lost when they next successfully dodge).

Solar Stunt: Unit’s crits deal only 2x damage, but restore HP to the unit equal to damage dealt.

Impaling Stunt: Unit’s crits deal 4x damage instead of 3x.

Galeforce Stunt: Unit’s crits deal no additional damage, but if unit crits while initiating combat, they may take a second turn afterwards. (Once per phase.)

Endure: Activated, once per chapter. This Enemy Phase, the unit cannot counterattack, but also cannot fall below 1 HP.

Off-Hand: Unit gains any on-equip buffs (skills, stat boosts, etc.) of the weapon in their first unequipped weapon slot, if they would be able to use that weapon.

Weapon Mixup: Whenever unit initiates combat, if they initiated combat with a weapon of a different weapon type last turn, +20 Hit and +2 Atk.

Bullying Victim: All adjacent allies may use Shove and Smite on this unit, even if they are not normally capable of Shoving or Smiting this unit, or of Shoving or Smiting at all.

Roll o’ the Dice: This unit’s weapons have their Might randomized on each attack, for a value between 0.5x and 1.5x the normal Might.

Bullfighter: Whenever unit would take damage from an attack, if a destructible object is within 2 tiles of unit, instead that object takes the damage. If there are multiple destructible objects within range, one is chosen randomly.

Two Units in a Trenchcoat: Unit takes two turns each phase, but each turn has halved movement and deals halved damage/healing.

“Drive” Strength: Enemies within 3 tiles get STR +4.

Refusal: Whenever unit would critically hit, unit’s attack misses instead.

Can’tage: Even when initiating combat, the enemy’s attack occurs first.

From the Low Ground: In combat, the terrain bonuses of the enemy are turned into penalties.

Failforce: Whenever unit kills an enemy, unit’s next turn is skipped.

Reorder: Unit cannot move. However, after unit takes an action, unit may Canto a number of tiles equal to their Movement stat.

Blade of the Endless:

  • Unit starts maps in Sheathed mode, and may toggle to/from Drawn mode as an action.
  • While in Sheathed mode, unit gains 1 stack of Edge upon initiating and killing.
  • While in Drawn mode, upon killing an enemy, if unit has 1+ Edge, unit spends 1 stack of Edge and may act again.

Balance Breaker: If unit’s current HP is exactly the same as foe’s, +100% Crit. Updates mid-battle.

Shiv: Make a single Iron Knife attack without ending turn, once per turn.

Chameleon: Whenever unit lands the killing blow on an enemy, copy that foe’s class, stats, and weapon ranks.

Pursuer: Both unit and their enemy’s weapons are always treated as brave.

Against the Odds: Cannot crit at weapon triangle advantage. +15 crit at neutral weapon triangle, +30 at disadvantage.

Swoop: Activated. Canto 4 tiles.

Anticlone: Target adjacent ally copies this unit’s stats, skills, and weapon ranks (replacing their own) until the end of their next turn.

Straightshot: If unit initiates combat in a cardinal direction, Hit/Crit +30.

Arrow Catch: Any attacks targeting this unit at 2+ range have a 25% chance to devil backfire.

Lifeline: When at exactly 1 HP, always double and crit, but cannot dodge.

Close In: Upon initiating and killing, teleport into foe’s former space and Canto 2.

Self-Torture: +5 AS if text speed is set to Slow. -5 AS if text speed is Fast or Max.

Storied Blade: Add the length of unit’s weapon name to both user and enemy Atk.

Subversion: If foe’s weapon would be effective against user, instead user’s weapon is effective against them.

Shell Smash: Whenever unit takes damage, gain +1 Movement until the end of unit’s next turn.

Grand Healing: Unit’s staves can heal allies up to 5 beyond their maximum HP.

Minefield: Spend 1 movement (healed at end of chapter) to create a Mine on a targeted adjcaent tile.


Ok few new ones
-kamikaze attack comannd skill -ignore enemy def/res but take all damage dealt as well
-avenger if unit who with this unit has support with dies gain +4 to all stats and 2 mov and con until end of map (probadly not possible bus screw it intresting)

  • desperate avoid when attack by evective wepon gain 30 avoid

The arena uses its own seperate struct, so I just need to copy your existing weapon over to it. It doesn’t change anything about the original. Good point about breaking mid battle actually. I never considered it. I suppose an easy solution would be to edit the weapon durability before saving the weapon to the arena struct so that never happes.

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Do you mean it copies over with it’s CURRENT durability? And does the durability lost in the arena carry over after? Or does it make a separate instance of the same weapon ID with full durability?

Either way… Perhaps you could have 2 versions: Make one that changes weapon durability and have the first iteration as a separate skill. Because some folks might want to add low durability weapons in their hacks (Like Awakening Glass weapons), and that low durability being negated in the Arena might be overpowered. Vanilla Arena goes up to silver weapons, which have 20 uses, and it’s highly unlikely for those uses to wear out before any of the combatants loses.

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It copies over the current durability of your equipped weapon to the arena.

Any durability lost in the arena doesn’t affect your weapon outside of the arena, that includes if it breaks.

I’d argue it’d be worth to have lost durability carry over outside of the arena just to give the skill a cost.

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Yes. Agree

Noblesse: +10 Avoid/Dodge to all allies within 3 tiles.

Adaptable: If foe initiates combat, unit automatically equips the weapon that fits most of the following criteria: allows the user to counterattack; has weapon triangle advantage or is at least neutral; deals effective damage; has the highest combined Might, Hit, and Crit; has the highest position in the unit’s inventory.

Upstart: Gain +1 damage and +5% hit for each level lower the unit is than the enemy.

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I belive Gamma made some ASM that works similar to this that he used in Sacred Echoes. It’s in their ASM thread. It may be easier to copy the code and make it into the adabtable skill that way.

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Healtouch: When healing an ally with a staff, heals 5 extra HP.

World Tree: Luck% chance healing an ally does not reduce staff usage.

Deliverer: Mov+2 when rescuing an ally.

Technically not a skill but…

A special scroll that lets a unit copy another unit’s skill. (Only used once, cant copy a Personal Skill).

Make it super rare and expensive (like, 1 per game)

There is a skill that’s supposed to do just this but it seems to be broken (Trace).

I could take a stab at making it work I suppose when I get time. Then from there it’d relatively simple to apply it to an item.

You wouldn’t be able to make the effect permenant very easily though as skill data is stored in the ROM, so you’d need some sort of flag to keep track of the fact you’ve used the scroll and the skill ID associated with it before loading that skill into the character’s RAM data.

Someone already made code for Deliverer. Its actually quite simple to make.