[COMPLETE][Lex Talionis] Myriad Fortunes - Blackjack

You’ve been invited to the Aleatorium Fortunae to test your luck against players from every corner of existence. Choose from Eleven Playable Main Characters and battle it out at the Blackjack tables to prove your Luck stat is higher than all the others!



Multiple Endings
A Boss Fight
Roulette Gacha Mechanics
Music Collection
11 playable main characters, including a princess that doesn’t have red hair.
Submitted units from the players and fans.
A casino.
Mysterious intentions.
A story. That’s right you can read a story with your black jack now.
New Game+
A game that is only as long as you can enjoy blackjack
0RN, unless you’re counting cards.
Bigger screen size
Several characters from what is quickly becoming the Rammerrush Cinematic Universe.

Known Issues

Shuffling a smaller hand with a larger hand, will sometimes cause afterimages of the cards that used to be in the larger hand in the last most slots. These are aesthetic only, they don’t count toward the hand’s total and can’t be targeted. They’re removed as soon as another card fills the slot.

I made this in a week to submit to CELICA, even though I swore I wouldn’t enter after my experience with last year’s MARTH. But while making a new game element for Fate of the Fallen, with a little effort, I could turn this into a full length one map game. And here we are!

While I made this for CELICA, I definitely hope to keep working on it after the deadline, it’s jut too fun to… make Blackjack!

I will be taking a short break after this initial release to breath after this long week and bug fix, but character SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN. Also if you have music suggestions, skill ideas, or anything else you’d like to contribute to this growing insanity, I’d love to hear them. So if you’d like to see your own character join the fun, pop into the Discord and submit!

And like always, if you appreciate my work and are able to support with, what do they always say? Something about “the price of a cup of coffee,” right? Well, if you have the means I’d appreciate it if you check out my Patreon or my Ko-Fi.

Download Link

Enjoy Blackjack.

Support me on Patreon

Support me on Ko-Fi

Join the Discord


Screw 2RNG this is what Fire Emblem is about, reckless gambling


Yes Finally you release the game. Thank you

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Please, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I realize I left the opening post fairly vague. I suddenly fell ill just as I released haha.

are you going to submit it to the contest?

Yup, just opening it up to some last minute bug testing lol.

A new version has been posted fixing an issue when trying to disband a Hard Mode match, and an issue relating to farewell lines when disbanding a normal match.
One more bugfix to do with some skill issues.
Both mine, and the game’s.
New bugfix where the computer didn’t like it when you tried to play to draw.
Win or bust is now no longer the only acceptable method of play
Oh, and the roulette pool should no longer pull doubles. :crossed_fingers:


pain and suffering
it really makes me FEEL like I’m losing everything
edit: graaagaghhhhh

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If I can capture the essence of a casino, then I know I’ve done my job well lol

But if you do run out of all your tokens, it’s not the end.
If Eirika fails, you basically have 10 extra lives.

Thanks to the eagle eyes of my players/bug finders, another update has been pushed!
Eirika will now have the same wallet size as all the other characters, we’re talking endgame Link with all those tokens!
The roulette wheel has become a little more catty in terms of trying to convince you to submit characters. You’ll only notice it if you’ve invited every unit already, but trust me, it’s a sassy little thing now.
Player Self Stunning had the unintended affect of cause all future stuns, your own and otherwise, to just not work. This was a bug that has, if I’m lucky, fixed all skill issues in the game :confetti_ball:

Do you have a list of all the songs?

Yup, they’re in the Attribution.txt file. You can find it with the download link
It also includes links to all the videos/sites I got the music from.
Of course, if there’s ever any issue with my use of one of the songs, I might have to remove them, but for now, they’re there.

Fixed a variety of issues consisting of small graphical issues, and certain other funkiness, but the main thing for this newest update is… Achievements.
There are now 35 achievements to unlock. In Blackjack. I’m insane…
These achievements vary from classic “Beat the game with This Character,” to some more complex ones like, “Win a match by discarding a card.” It should be a challenge to unlock them all, I hope you have fun.
I’ve also added Eirika’s formerly prf skill to the store. It’s a little powerful, so it costs 10x The price of the other skills. I think you’ll find it’s worth it though.
One more bug fix from a missing end during Victory Lines >.> My worst enemy.

this is alotta fun, especially when i get to watch someone else lose all their tokens LMAO.
just coming to note a few errors i found
There’s a crash when trying to talk to Reese after her intro dialogue, and a crash for trying to (what i assume is) trying to spin the roulette after getting everyone

Here is the link to both debugs

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I will check them both out immediately. Thank you so much for letting me know <3

Fixed the bugs, I’m not WHAT was causing the weird Reese crash, but removing the line and replacing it was a working character’s line outline fixed it. Apparently it was something LT related, so thanks for helping to improve the engine lol.
As for the roulette, I just forgot that you could spam summons haha. Easy fix.
New version will be zipping up and posted shortly

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comin in with one other thing! sorry for this right after one gets fixed LMAO
dunno if its just for him or others but the match stats after beating the game are all simply displaying MontgomeryPlayCount | MontgomeryWinCount | MontgomeryLossCount for each of their respective things!

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Odd, I’ll check that out before putting in the patch lol
Fixed and congrats on winning with a MontgomeryWinCount number of wins, very impressive lol

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Hey I have a thing to report is it possible to show the number of draw?

see this image I play 56 game I won 15 and lost 40 so what happen to that 1 match I draw?

I could, but then the box would get a little too tall.
See how the bubble is already starting to overlap the skills box?
I figure draws are so uncommon that you should be able to do the math, but if it’s a common want, I could figure something out.

Alright, I’m pushing a version with the above fixes as well as some aesthetic changes that you will need to start a new game to see, it’s nothing important, just some touch ups to functions like being able to view the achievements in game.
I’m also going to attempt to make the achievement window look a little better with the new screen size, so that’s my next mission.
Thank you everyone for supporting the game by playing and reporting bugs. With your help this crazy blackjack game will become a gambling jewel lol
Okay this one isn’t a bugfix, but I HAVE given the achievement menu a much needed makeover.

Hilarious new bug discovered, fixed, and uploaded. Only a truly unhinged person would ever think to trigger this, so I added an achievement for it, because it was just that insane lol
A last minute typo fix.
Hooke went a little bit overboard with her "B"s lol


is puzon in this hack

if not can puzon be in this hack


for the remaining characters ur putting in you should put CELICA protags in for the epic extended CELICA universe


Submissions are open to any and all characters, so of course Puzon can be in, you just gotta submit him.

And adding a bunch of CELICA contest characters would be awesome! Of course, I’d want the creators to submit them themselves. It’d just be rude to add them without permission XD Unless it’s an IS character apparently lol

There’s a channel with a form outline for Submissions in The Discord. So please pop in and submit ASAP so you can see your character in the next update!

Wow, it’s been less than a week, but it feels like a lifetime.
Just posting here to let everyone know I’ve been fixing bugs as they get reported. Nothing major, a typo here and there, but just recently a pretty funny crash got reported and fixed, so heads-up for anyone playing Sebastian that you should update before beating the game to avoid a crash lol

Thank you dearly to all the players and bug reporters who’ve helped me iron out the rush fueled typos <3