Welcome to the next round in my continuation of the previous CCC’s! As one of FEU’s most popular contests, I’ve decided to spruce things up a bit!
The goal of this contest is to take an existing character (posted at the bottom!) and reimagine, reinvent, or rework them into a new form! What sort of new form? Taking inspiration from FE Heroes and other similar media, you simply redesign the character in one of (but not limited to) the following ways:
- De-age or age up the character. Make them younger, or make them older.
- Turn them into another character! These ‘cosplay’ edits are not limited to mainline FE games or fangames, you can even do characters from other series, TV, etc.
- Give the character a new design! Make them jacked, give them cool armor, redesign them from scratch, or whatever your heart desires.
- Genderbend them! Make Lucius into a boy, or Jaffar into a girl! The possibilities here are endless!
- RADICALLY redesign them: Make them into crazy demons, the Joker, Kirby(???), but try to keep the ‘essence’ of the original character in some way.
- Heck, why not just take a regular character’s design and make them into a halfbody? That could be fun too!
This contest is very free-form. You come up with the character’s redesign and try your best to get people to vote for you!
Here are the rules:
- All submissions to this contest will be F2U, or even F2E if the submitter is okay with that! This contest involves expanding the resources available for the Portrait Repository, so this is mandatory.
- Each round of the contest will feature two mugs; a male and a female character. (Unisex characters can count too; they take up the male or female slot at the host’s discretion)
- Artists may create an alternate outfit/design/etc for one or both characters, if they wish.
- You may submit multiple designs, if you wish. They will all count toward your one submission vote. (Voters will vote on all of the works you created for the two mugs at once)
- No pre-existing artwork! The point of this contest is to expand the repo, so we want new art. Also, it’s unfair to compete against artwork that may have had weeks or months of editing work put into it.
- Eye/mouth frames are preferable, but optional. They aren’t necessary, but it would be awesome if you included them!
- Characters must either be from Fire Emblem 1-16 (Or whatever the current new game ends up being) or one of the Fire Emblem spinoffs, such as Heroes.
All characters must be sprited in GBA format!
(Hackbox size is not necessary)
(Halfbodies/fullbodies are A-OK!)
(Do try to keep the color count at or below 16 though, that would be great) - Submissions must at least somewhat resemble the original character! Even with the Demon Anna example earlier, it’s still possible to see that she looks like Anna; use that as the extreme guideline.
The winner of each round picks two mugs for the next round! If you want the community to work hard toward making designs for your favorite waifu/husbando, you’ll have to get that top vote!
This competition is very casual. It’s not intended to be a hardcore demonstration of spriting prowess or anything, though that can be fun, too. The primary purpose is to create lots of cool mugs for the community to use.
Here are the winners of the previous rounds:
Round One.
Round Two.
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
The previous round’s winner got to choose two of the three mugs for this round! As such, they chose Elphin and Larum. Additionally, the community voted and chose two more characters: Homer and Phina. This is a bards and dancers round!
Here are some designs currently listed in the repo for each character.
Second Larum by TrezVG. Third Larum by Redbean.
Second Elphin by Kanna. Third Elphin by Obsidian Daddy.
Homer has no assets in the repo. Why not fix that?
Phina only has one mug in the repo. Why not add more?
For those of you who aren’t sure what sorts of designs you could make, here are the characters’ wiki-pages, complete with alternate designs and artwork.
Larum’s Gallery: Larum/Gallery | Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
Elffin’s Gallery: Elffin | Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
Homer’s Gallery: Homer | Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
Phina’s Gallery: Phina/Gallery | Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
Remember… really exotic designs work great too! Let’s get some wild, interesting, and diverse character designs going! Reach into your imagination, and first place could be yours!