Zoramine's Bucket Of Many Random Things

You’ll probably appreciate this one Nick.




Two maps originally created by (and forgive me if I’m wrong) Snek’s group for his project Legends of Avenir. I requested to be able to do visual updates for the maps, and they let me do so. Gifs of these are below for comparison shots - tileset is still not final (source Is here (and above)

map 2

map 3...

lava cave sux
Lava cave map made for Snek, similar to above maps but because the lava cave sucks and because the original map needed tons of improvements I’m counting it as my own map at this point.
Gif is below as usual.

lava cave sux


Ah yes that original lava map was… whew. For aesthetics and gameplay…




Two maps made for Fergalicious (Sacred Echoes). Fuck boats. They’re so annoying and unfun. Especially when there’s that one Cantor that seems to think that he’s so incredible with his infinitely spawning revenants that keep chipping away at your hp tank boey until he eventually gives in except the cantor hasn’t yet realized that my boey has been training in the ruins for godknowshowlong and he’s currently a level 14 Dread Fighter with an Ilwoon named ‘death’ in all lower case and the weaklings he continually throws out every turn for the remainder of his short lifespan are merely cannon fodder until my boey wielding death walks up, crits him for well over 50 damage and ends his miserable existence fuck boat mapsandshavgsfiyvbfsyavbfsy

Where was I, again? Oh right, boats.


Boat map in the same vein as the ones above except not made for Fergalicious and using an altered FE8 palette to make the ship more natural while also making the sand not an eyesore. Meant to be a port of some type utilizing heightened terrain (an elevated platform) and using several pieces in Vennobennu’s alteration to my Village tileset to create a vendor and armory on the ship.


Another port map. Barrel spam makes sense if it’s a port. Makes it a bit chokey but, its a PORT. of course theres gonna tons of stuff.


Water temple made in less than half an hour.

Similarly to post #3 in this thread, the map is intended to flood, with the first layer to flood being the blue cobbled floors, then the checkered red and blue tiles. It would not flood any further. It’d probably be a once every 3 turns it floods the lowest layer, drains immediately, then waits 3, and after 3 cycles of that the 4th will flood the 2nd layer.

A standard temple molded after Chapter 22x (seen below).Originally started with a very similiar layout but in the fashion that cults tend to have, I closed off random hallways, added doors, stairs for ambushes, where their chests would be likely to be hidden, and a primary, uh, cult rool. Or something like that. Was fun to do.

Chapter 22x for reference:



I’ve updated my Updated Fields Tileset and will post the same reference map here as I did there.

Example Map

A small snippit of Doors To Destiny (top right corner) made because I was too lazy to teach someone how to map.


I’ve done a (mostly final) update to my Stronghold tileset, and although I don’t have anything to show of it because I’m far too tired due to this stupid cough of mine, it’s worth it to shill out here so people can find it easier. It’ll remain linked up top.



practice 2

A map made for practice for a request, which I’ll probably post with permission from the original mak’s creator (I was requested for background aesthetics), with an alternate palette I tried working with after hearing they wanted a more black texture.

Tileset Palette 1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan).gba_Mountainous(6C 6D 6E 05 00)_swap_3-1.png-1.png

Custom set of tiles originally from the Temple tileset, recolored for a custom request involving a temple with changing ground due to a wizard. A bit of a bigger project, so I don’t expect I’ll be able to post anything besides this for a while.


And as a bit of a more humble post…

Here’s two old maps of mine before I figured out how to actually make all this crap work. In case someone’s out there looking at this stuff like I did with NickT’s stuff and questioning how someone do this so well, or if someone feels discouraged.

Feel free to post it wherever you see someone getting discouraged.

bad map 2
I mean, honestly… what the hell was I doing with these?!


That first map looks passable to me, outside of the huge chunk of space that the mountains cut off on the west.

The second map…looks something that was randomly generated.


Tileset Palette 1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan).gba_Mountainous(6C 6D 6E 05 00)_swap_3-1.png-1.png
Custom set of tiles originally from the Temple tileset, recolored for a custom request involving a temple with changing ground due to a wizard. A bit of a bigger project, so I don’t expect I’ll be able to post anything besides this for a while.

That’s an awesome idea.

So will the floor tiles change colour using the “second-style” of tile animation?

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The second map reminds me of a map that was in Advance Wars.

The goal was a Temple tileset base map which changes as a boss changes the terrain; Each of the tiles comes from a specific tileset (in order: Normal, Desert, Fields, Snow, Snow Peaks), and the map itself would change repeatedly between terrain. The request came with the caveat that I had to ensure that specific tiles would stay consistent (the ones around the boss), so I decided to take a roundabout solution instead of having to go through an insane process of stuff I’m not interested in sharing due to privacy and the fact I ain’t doin it lmao


Map I did aesthetics for at the request for someone (the other Black Temple map above was practice for this. I think it turned out well with a nicer palette.

I’m also using this opportunity to say that I’m open to requests for maps, either aesthetically or just to be given a basic concept and told to make a passable map. I’ve got a request currently, the tiled thing above, but I like doing scattered lesser projects.


Wyvern Stables map made at request.

A rough copy of a Final Fantasy map, pictured below and made a tiny bit better for gameplay purposes (widening certain hallways, making more areas have more hallways). Not great gameplay wise but its nice to look at.


Update on this page as a whole along with wips/things I’ve done recently at request/etcetcetc

I’ve added a FAQ for things that I either get asked alot or got asked once and had a good answer to. Along with memes. Gotta throw in a meme or two. Should answer most questions. If you have one, check there, see if its there. My answer probably won’t change for another 2-3 months.

I’ve added dates to everything along with as many contributors to each of my tilesets and mapping dumps as possible. If you contributed and don’t see your name listed, please let me know because my memory is that of a guppie. Be sure to read the top question of the FAQ to answer whether you should use anything, although if you’ve read this far, to spare you time, anything pre October 2019 is probably bad.

And now, actual stuff I’ve made recently without comments bc I’m tired and want to play Pokemon Platinum.

better map


Further progress. Next vers I post here will be another palette since I’m having fun with those too.


the more i post the lazier i get with comments, top is big city map made to emulate an actual big coastal/port city (GBAFE does a poor job of showing this) and the bottom is the finalized map from above.