Zoramine's Bucket Of Many Random Things

Dave will you shut the hell up.

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you have given me an idea

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Remake Village 1
Map Two.

Hey, it’s that old Village I made over a year ago what the fuck how has it been a year

I wanted to experiment further with adding in all the details that my Fields Village lets me experiment with, so I felt remaking a Village map of olden Zora days would be interesting. I think it turned out aight.

Also, here’s a comparison shot and gif.

image (69)


Nice looking revision. Seeing how thing changed in a years time is neat.

experiental 3

wip, might not release this update for new tiles though, its all experimental


Testing Port

Finished it, along with making sure everything looked fine for the tiles I added. Don’t expect a release of this updated vers of the tileset anytime soon, though.


Cliff Experiment

Experimenting with varying cliff heights, getting the gradual slope change through showing the changing size of a cliff face, and further experimenting with sand cliffs on a much grander scale than other maps I’ve made since, incuding the two Thacia maps with giant sand cliffs. Giving them a dynamic feel to it is hard to replicate else where, and the only other tileset that aren’t mine that can do this is the Updated Frontier - which is too eye-wrenching for my tastes.

also, i’ve started watching Jitomi Monoe along with Pikamee and Mori Calliope, I sink further into vtuber hell and I couldn’t be happier for it.



Further experimenting with the tileset, this tile with waterfalls - By using a waterfall tile at the bottom, a flowing river above it and water everywhere else, it creates a nice allusion that the water is suddenly flowing downward faster. Considering that’s all I needed here, it works out well. It also was a bigger experiment on a standard Fields map with tall cliffs in a village, much like my first map made in this set, with that one using Peaks.


Reflexive post here, both out of self awareness (for once) and having read Redbean’s recent post, I realized that I had a friend’s portrait I made at request up on FEU. After consulting with them, I’ve since taken her down and done my best to wipe her out of my posts (I have a less detailed model from a while ago without her colors), along with updated my banner to reflect this. Instead, I’ve put up my green-haired Soldier semi splice from a whole ago up! She belongs there, too.

This post might wind up deleted later, though, if I feel a bit less certain to protect another character on here that (for now) I still am allowed to keep up.

My potraits remain not F2U or F2E, but you may ask permission. I will likely turn you down outside of several of my less detailed splices.

Sorry bout that, folks.

As a form of positivity, I did finally get around to updating the portrait section of the top of this page! If there’s a portrait there you want to use, feel free to ask me and i might just deny you.
Lots of the older ones I’ve made are shitty but there might be one or two you can find a use for.




He’s my second oldest splice, and he’s been through hell in back. Thanks to my growing effort to renew old splices into something less bad, here I am.

Rather than using his old head - literally just Garcia but black - I went with a darker skinned Old Dorcas, as he’s not a sprite I’m significantly attached to. I also gave the armor a silver tint - something Douglas doesn’t have - and included Duessel’s breastplate.

As a result, here he is!

He’s not F2U or F2E, as I’ve done more changes since making Old Dorc to make him better, but the original Old Dorc himself is F2U F2E. The old Dave sprite will be removed from my first post, but this is the legacy of an amazing man.

Shout-out to Data Dave for hosting the best Smash 4 lobbies.






On a whim, remade a guy’s map in FEU’s Cartography room to illustrate a point I was having issues putting into words. I think it’s a rather pretty map, although I went really lax on the water detailing compared to what I normally do. I think I made it different enough to warrant posting here.


Sand texturing is endlessly amusing. Similarly to in my Cave guide, treat it as a bunch of cliff pieces surrounded by water (the darker sects being land, and the lighter ones water.) It becomes a lot easier to understand how/why they’re shaped this way by doing so.

Regardless of understanding how to craft them, I got inspired through a certain Fate: Grand Order character that broke my six month drought of getting anything I’d actually wanted. wasn’t Lanling but we take those. I probably could have spent the time it took to make this map doing something actually productive with my life, like doing classwork, figuring out why the hell my foot is in pain, or actually eating at a normal hour, but here we are.

whomstve could this servant be


The old one was the legendary Abyssal Hair of the Void.


It’s a rare drop, but only from the Cursed Artistan enemy hidden deep in the depths of Hel. I’ve only heard rumors about it, though.


I’ve heard that it gives +10 to pain and suffering and an unlimited amount of exposure points.


Finally, a source of endless exposurecoins! With these, I can commission as many artists as I want! Mwa ha ha haaaaa!


I swear I’m here. Totally. Not at all related to FGO’s next Lotto event going on along with finals.

Thanks to being too busy to fuckin do much of anything outside of handheld games in my sparse spare time, I haven’t gotten any proper maps done. I’ve got a few concepts, but atm I’m too busy to do anythin.

Expect something… soonish.


turns out i have nothin.

But, on the other hand, 2020 am i rite haha funny

image-1.png - 2020-12-17T222419.981

Merry Thismas mfs

I saw a trending twitter tag that afaik is for seeing progress across the year and favorite works?

And uh, man scrolling back to 2019 is painful.




Like, MAN have I gotten better since then. And have actually made my own good tilesets with the help of everyone else, actually done a bunch of portraiting that I’m proud of, and uh. Am not bad anymore.

So, like every unoriginal person who sees a passing trend, I shall repost my favorite works of this past year. N stuf.

See y’all probably next year.




Old scenario, pay it no mind now.


More specificaly my portraits!

Don’t go using them without my permission!


Its up there in the first post! READ THE FIRST POST!

DM me on FEU or on Discord (Be in the FEU discord and look for @Zoramine Fae #2325. I’ll tell you whether or not you can use my stuff. If it’s an old splice, I might be willing to, but if it’s anything from the banner for this thread then good luck ever convincing me to use any part of them that isn’t in the short sentence below.

Post #165 in this thread has a collection of basic clothing that are F2U F2E, and that’s it.

Don’t go around crediting me without me knowing, as I’m lucky to have noticed someone attempting to credit me for a portrait… despite not actually using one. I’m thankful he didn’t, as he’d have hell for if he touched my personal ones.

stg of course its on new years eve that something like this occurs


image-1.png - 2020-11-30T182926.778-1.png-2.png-1.png (2)

eh ain’t a map but this, too, is fine.

Went ahead and fixed too many colors in an older version of Beruka, as I’d left too many grays on it, then went about fixing a bunch of other issues. First problem was found when someone asked to use my Beruka (bless you for doing so), and I just decided that, since I’m at least decent at the whole portrait thing now that I could do the rest.

I cleaned up the hair by following as close as I could the stuff Levin did for Charlotte, the green haired Soldier splice from a while ago (thanks again for that), putting it roughly in line with the rest of my stuff. I also took a few notes from Busk’s hair teaching stuff, even if I can’t follow it perfectly.

then oh fuck the cloth

Like, I know I’m bad at clothing design, as evident by the lack of variety in the sprites I make but what type of smoking dung pile did i snort when i saw this

But hey, it’s a bit cleaner now, definitely not perfect but I only was working in spare time today before Hokusai’s rate up on FGO. The cloth still is definitely rugged on the right side of the sprite, but I’m hoping that the top parts actually look reasonable now. Unlike before.

Hell, I think I’ve become a bit more dedicated to slower, longer projects now, which is why I’ve found it more fun to return to old sprites. Might even return to Zoramine at some point as I’ve found a few errors there, too.

Is she done?


Am I still gonna keep working on this?

Absofuckinlutely, as my first halfbody, and first splice that it’s really hard to tell the sources of, I’m suuuuuuuuper proud of her. I want to make sure she’s as good as possible before I’m done.

I’ll also be editing the halfbody at some point, but that’ll be after the standard portrait is done. It’ll be a lot of work to correct everything, but it’s worth it in the end!