Zeta's ASM/C Spellbook

Ever wanted to change a chapter’s objective through some event, and been told you had to make a copy of the map and use LOMA? Well, that’s too clunky for me and I have the power to fix it, so…

Requires lyn.

This hack allows you to change chapter objective text through events. Installation is simple - just #include the Installer.event, then use the provided SetChapterObjectiveText(textid, textid2) macro in your events as necessary. The first text ID is the short objective (the one shown on the map itself), the second one is the longer objective text (shown in the prep screen and status screen).

This stores the new textIDs to be read in trap data. It shouldn’t conflict with any other hacks, unless they also use trap type ID 0xEF. And if that does happen, I can just change the id to something else. If you don’t use SetChapterObjectiveText, it just reads the values from chapter data like in vanilla.

This was written in C with Stan’s FE-CLib. Special thanks to Leonarth for providing multiple suggestions (storing the new textIDs in trap data), and Stan for catching a bug before I posted this.