Your Least Favorite Levels in FE

Indeed. It’s where you make the first impressions, after all…

Chapter 20x of FE12. It’s just bad.

Whoever designed a map around forged longbows, siege tomes and FoW was not making a map, was asking for help, their existence was hurting and they had no other way to express it. The berserkers have crit on like everybody at the start, the generals are annoying and anything in meteor range will basically be mauled by a stream of longbow arrows, meteors from the sky and spears from the generals. When Again is the only bearable way of completing a map, you know you did something wrong.

Also 10-M and 13-M of Berwick deserve mentions too. One is basically ambush spawn hell (the enemies are hidden in the city and can attack you, including some very nasty stuff like pulverizer enemies and overwatch chukonus, crossbows that fire four arrows at anything in range). The other one revolves around sucker punching the player harder than Holyfield would, with nasty wyverns and black knights armed with lances (uncounterable weapons that get insanely stronger the more the user moves in a turn), and all of that on turn 13. The game doesn’t tell you that they won’t capture forts (the map revolves around holding 5 forts for 15 turns), so it’s pretty much just a dick move to scare the player and kill as much units as they can.


Dolth’s map in Echoes I remember being a pretty miserable experience. It’s just a big block of swamp tiles you have to wade your way through as Dolth throws an unending stream of Necrodragons at you, which is really just… not fun.

I also really hate Before the Goddess (Book 1 Chapter 12-4) in Fire Emblem Heroes, since the enemies really just have such a ridiculous advantage in terms of positioning and the choke point near the start makes it hard for any non-flying unit to really get anywhere without getting jumped by Saber and the 2-Range Gang hiding out in the temple.

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I’ve never played Berwick or seen enough of it to judge properly, but it does sound hellish.

20x of FE12 though… yeeeeah, see, what was the point of that chapter, other than to tie up the Assassin arc’s last loose end?

I don’t think you get anything good from the chapter either…

Oh god, I remember that map now. Seriously, I swear Kaga just wanted to make people suffer with the maps sometimes…

Also, first time I’ve heard FEH being mentioned here. For me, the chapters I have a grudge against are the final levels of the last two parts of Book 4 on Lunatic difficulty. Seriously, those’re just sadistic, especially if you want the quest for keeping all four units alive and with a specific weapon type…

The most recent one is a chapter where you have to fight the Brave versions of Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, Lysithea, and that one dude, and it. Was. hell.


Because you have exactly three turns to do it.

For me, that’s a hell I don’t wanna think about; but

The other example is that stupid survive one with Freyja. Green Cavalry beasts have never been so terrifying…

I hate time limits in FEH.

They don’t exist to make gameplay interesting. They exist to screw you up.

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Mmmm. I agree. Like I don’t mind stuff like ‘clear this under a certain amount of turns for bonus rewards’, but active time limits are just… ugh.

The Tactics Drills get a pass though since they’re completely optional.

You can get the only longbow of the game in that chapter, as well as two new Aura/Excalibur tomes. So basically a big waste of time that isn’t very rewarding (longbow is neat though). Not to mention you have to give up on like 3 members of the wolfguard + midia and wait more than 40 turns in chapter 20 in order to skip it. And yeah it only resolves the stupid assassin sideplot that nobody really cares about, making it a pain un more than one way.

Absolutely has to be thracia 24x, not only did my Sarah get fatigued the chapter before (no S drinks) so I had to redo chapter 23 again. Then this hellish chapter I had to have a guide up at all times to not fall into the pits of death, and then I would miscalculate where the tiles were and die 3 times cause of that. This is the only level in FE that made me think FE hates the player.

I don’t think it’s so much as FE hates the player so much as Kaga hating the player…

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There is actually a worse one later in Requiem. Where you have to save some green units but they just die before you can reach them. That is some frustrating bs.

The infinitely quotable Bismix’s Green Unit video comes to mind…

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The Two Mages (Merric map in FE12). There are so many enemies with crit on this map. Especially on Lunatic Reverse, this is guaranteed to cause a lot of resets. After resetting a bunch of times, you did it, only to realize you forgot to move Merric and he dies.

Always hated this level.
As Marth have to go around the whole Mountain just to enter the village and get Julian and Julian is the only one who can recruit the Cavalier (whatever his name is) near the castle. Long short story this chapter is 95% walking around and 5% fighting only. (At least Palla is strong depend on difficulty)

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Hahahaha let’s not forget the part where the wyvern randomly spawns behind you and immediately wrecks your shit

Oh god, I remember him; SCREW him so much…

Also, those two women who seem like they’d be recruitable but aren’t. (At least not at that point in time.)

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I remember that one too. Good lord that was a nightmare…

I’ll just go through every FE I’ve played + some hacks and say my least favorite from each

FE3 Book 2 Chapter 11: Anri's Way.

I don’t think I need to explain this one: Massive desert with basically nothing in it except for 12 move wyverns. Shoutouts to that one Berserker in the entire game tho

FE4 Chapter 2: Disturbance in Agustria

This chapter is what separates the boys from the men with how tedious and long it is, not to mention those 3 moronic knights you need to protect to get the Knight Ring.

FE5 Chapter 14x: Freedom

While most people would put Chapter 24x as their least favorite FE5 chapter, I’ve never played that chapter so I can’t comment on it. But I’ve got plenty of things to say about Chapter 14x. It is easily the most boring, repetitive chapters in FE5, every single turn plays out the exact same: Ambush spawn fliers capture your capture bait and fly into the fog and druids rewarp in some random location on enemy phase and then you slowly move forward with your ball of infantry units while your fliers go and save your capture bait on player phase. Rinse and repeat until you take care of the bosses and the civilians are saved. What makes me hate this chapter even more is how good it is for stocking up on Rewarp and Stamina Drinks so I always have to play it.

FE6 Chapter 4: Collapse of the Alliance

I don’t really know why I hate this chapter so much but I remember hating it when I played Hard Mode

FE7 Chapter 26E/28H: Battle Before Dawn

If I were to explain why I have a love-hate relationship with RNG with one chapter, it would be Battle Before Dawn. There is a random chance Jaffar just dies before you can get to him and at that point you’re screwed because they’re coming for Zephiel next. Not to mention FoW is just an inherently annoying mechanic.

FE8 Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart

This chapter is an absolute slog to play, it’s not interesting in the slightest - it’s just an Orson solo featuring Ephraim, and there’s not even any way to speed up the process, there’s no breakable walls or anything.

FE9 Chapter 26: Clash!


FE10 Part 4: Gods and Men

Part 4 (Before Endgame) sucks and I dread playing it every time I play Radiant Dawn, a good chunk of the maps are rout maps with tons of reinforcements and that is not OK.

FE11 Chapter 13: The Wooden Cavalry

Now I personally believe FE11 has very few actually bad maps, but Chapter 13 is definitely one of those bad maps: Ballista spam is incredibly annoying and it basically forces you to just send General Wolf and Sedgar to slowly solo the map and then send Marth to the throne.

FE12 Chapter 20x: Bottom of the Abyss

Fog. Longbows. Siege tomes. Pain.

FE13. The entire game.

I cannot recall a single good chapter from this game

FE14 Chapter 19 (Conquest): Kitsune Lair

I’ve yet to finish my Lunatic run of Conquest because this chapter is so incredibly BS: Dodgy kitsune that do effective damage against basically my entire army that I can’t even hit every few turns that on top of that have Pass because skills are fun right?

FE15 Celica Route

See: Awakening

FE16 Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds

On Hard Mode, this map is tedious. On Maddening mode, this map is BS. Poison Strike archers chipping away at you if you get close to the walls of Miklan’s room, those zone based ambush spawn thieves with Pass because skills are fun right? And finally Miklan himself he can just randomly crit you and OHKO you. I refuse to play Maddening mode again because of Chapter 5 alone.

TLP Chapter None of them because TLP is perfect

Real answer is Battle of Kin because FE4 sized map in a GBA game

Vision Quest 2-1x: To Fly the Coop


Justice and Pride Chapters 20 and 21

Rout maps with reinforcements.


I actually had a lot of fun (and frustration) ironmanning the game… even if I ended up failing because I got complacent.

hot take: I actually liked TLP’s big map, it really felt like a big, grand showdown, also the day/night cycle is pretty cool
(then again I also enjoyed most of fe4 gameplay wise so like…)
now on the other hand the wyvern chapter is just a slog